JJ Maybank

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Storyline~ Y/n is Kook Royalty but her and the hottest Pouge JJ Maybank have been secretly seeing each other since their best friends hate each other and don't want their friends to know that they are seeing each other. But what happens when they almost get caught.

Warning : Cussing, Slight Agust, Fluff


Y/n's Pov

All day I've been at the beach with my boyfriend since we both lied to our friends that we were sick. It sucks having to lie to our friends but they wouldn't accept our relationship.

Because I'm a Kook and He's a Pouge. His best friends are John B, Pope, and Kiara which I hate her the least since we kinda get along.

My friends are Sarah Cameron, Topper, Rafe since I'm friends with his sister and I Kinda consider Kiara as a friend since she kinda understands what it's like to be a Kook which I wish I could just be a Pouge like she can.

Anyway, I was watching JJ surf while I was enjoying the sun. I love these kind of days where I can just enjoy the sun with the boyfriend that I love.

I was to caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice JJ come back from the water. " Hey babe." He smiled as he kisses my forehead. I smiled as I took my sunglasses off. " Hey, how's the water?" I asked him

He sat next to me as he wrapped his arm around me. " The waves are perfect. How are you enjoying the sun?" He asked me. " It's beautiful, plus I enjoyed watching you surf." I smirked at him.

He chuckled as he kissed my head. " You don't look bad on the eyes either." He told me. I couldn't help but blush and look around.

I was enjoying the view until I felt JJ stand up as I looked at him confusingly. " God your such a bitch!" He says pretty loudly. " What do you mean I'm a bitch?" I ask him as I stood up. " If you weren't so self centered and selfish you would know." He tells me.

I was on the verge of tears, I also didn't know that his friends were walking this way. " I should have known you'd do something like this. I shouldn't have believed that you were a nice guy. But a nice guy and a good boyfriend wouldn't have said anything like what you just said." I tell him with tears falling down my face.

When he saw the tears his face dropped. " I didn't mean to make you cr-." " Save it Maybank." I interrupted him as I walked away from him.

JJ's Pov

Watching her cry was heartbreaking . I didn't mean to make her cry. But if it wasn't for the Pouges coming over to me I would have ran after her. I was mad at myself for allowing myself to be so rude, I should have just let them see us together or I should have given her a heads up.

I kicked some sand and sat where I was previously sitting. " Hey dude whats up?" I heard John B say as the pouges came up to me. " I thought I saw Y/n. I wanted to say hi." Kiara said. " Really? She's a bitch." John B said as Pope agreed with him.

Kiara rolled her eyes at the two. " She's not that bad. Trust me if she didn't have her parents and if you two didn't keep calling her the Kook Royalty she would probably be like me and have Kook parents but pretty much be a Pouge. Besides you haven't met her parents, they are really stricked and hard on her, when she's needed time away from them and her friends her and I have had a sleepover. " Kiara told them

Pope scuffed. " Yeah right. She's friends with the Cameron's and Topper. Last time I checked you weren't." He said as he sat next to me. " I also used to be friends with Sarah. Remember?" She asked. " That doesn't change the fact that she's a bitch and probably has dated almost every Kook." John B says.

My head shot up. " You're wrong." I tell them. All three look at me with confused looks on their faces. " What are you talking about? It's not like you're dating her." Pope said to me.

I didn't say anything, I just looked at the water with a sad look. " You're not dating her right?" John B asked. I stayed quiet and looked down. " Dude really? A Kook, a spoiled Rich kid who get whatever she wants and now she thinks she can run the Pouges because she's dating you?" John B said again.

I shook my head at him." You dont know her like I do." I told him. " We know she's a stuck up Kook who gets everything she wants. JJ what do you even like about her that makes her so special?" Pope asked.

I thought for a moment then smiled a little." Everything, she's kind, she listens to me when I need someone, she lets me stay with her on nights my dad is drunk. Her parents know about me and are actually exepting. They treat me like their own. The only people who think it's a problem is you guys besides Kiara and her friends. You guys are the reason why we didn't say anything at all." I tell them

I looked back over to the water before I spoke again. " And because of that I may have just made the biggest mistake ever because I was scared what you guys were gonna think. She's one of the best people I know." I tell them

Kiara stood up as we all looked up to her. She looked back at us. " Well are you gonna get up or what... You won't be winning her back by sitting on your ass. That also means you to Pope and John B cause you both will be helping him win her back. No matter what it takes." She tells us. We all stood up and started planning on how I was gonna win her back.

Word count: 1037

A/n: Part 2? Don't worry I have a Kiara Imagine in the writings but I just don't have a Storyline yet but I'm working on it and I have others in the writing.

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