By booksbybrookk

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𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘶𝘴 𝘤𝘳𝘢𝘻𝘺.... 𝘸𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘺 𝗰𝗿𝗮𝘇𝘆 𝗶𝗻 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲. 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘴𝘢𝘺 𝘸𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘢�... More


𝗼𝗻𝗲 .

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By booksbybrookk



- - - -

Sehkani now 18 years old, sat in her room fiddling with her mother picture in her hands. Her death anniversary was approaching soon, one of the most hardest days for her. Sehkani won't eat, talk and sometimes breathe when that day come. Several nurses have to check on her every 20 minutes.

"Ima make you proud once I get outta here." She sniffed, watching a tear slide down her cheek and land on the photo. She sighed before placing the picture away in her small bag.

Sehkani jumped as she stared at Mekai standing in her door frame, "I told you about scaring me like that, Knock or something." She chuckled, wiping her tears.

Mekai shrugged before allowing himself inside her room, He plopped on her bed before looking over at Sehkani.

Mekai knew her mothers death day was arriving. His little brothers death day was arriving as well, exactly one day apart from Sehkani's mothers.

"Kai, How come you won't tell me when you get released?" Sehkani frowned, flickering her eyes up to his brown almond eyes.

He shrugged nonchalantly, "It ain't that important to me."

Sehkani sighed dramatically before laying her head on his shoulder, "I just wanna see how long apart our releases is."

"Two days." He mumbled, Sehkani jumped up before frowning, "My mothers death day? No, why would they do that! I can't handle that alone. Please." She began panicking.

Mekai usually would help Sehkani her through that day, made sure she ate, showered and breathing fine. He knew she didn't like how the nurses treated her. They treated her harsh, because they think she's only doing that to her attention or special treatment, but who would wanna be watched every 20 mins? no privacy? not Sehkani.

"Calm down Kani." He sighed grabbing her hand before placing it on his arm, "Trace butterflies."

Sehkani began tracing butterflies on his arm, She felt her nerves calm down slowly. This is something Mekai helped her calm down with.

They both discovered that tracing butterflies helped Sehkani calm down, when they were 10. One day she was panicking and out of nowhere she began drawing butterflies on his skin with a pen, but she calmed down after a while.

Butterflies were her mothers favorite animal, She said they made her feel at peace. Calm. A break from reality. She said when she die, she'll come back as one. A blue monarch to be exact - Sehkani hasn't seen one since she died, but she didn't give up.

"I j-just don't think i'll be able to do it without you, Ion wanna sound selfish. I'm excited your going home, you know I am." She expressed, still tracing butterflies.

Mekai nodded, "I'a ask if they can make yo release earlier, ight mama?" He mumbled, watching her trace the butterflies.

Sehkani shook her head before looking up at him, "They won't, everyone in this building is against me besides you and T."

"I'a kidnap yo ahh' then." He chuckled, "But nah, it's still a good chance they do. You haven't been fighting demons, you've been eating normally even though you always have, you been containing yo disorders." He shrugged.

Sehkani nodded, "Yeah, I been getting good huh?" She smiled.

"Hell yeah fat fat, I'm proud of you." He smirked, "When yo release date?" He questioned, twisting his dread.

"Your brothers death date, Ain't that fucked up?" She mumbled.

He popped her thigh before agreeing, "Told you bout' cussing round' me, and yeah that shit fucked up."

"I'm just glad we became friends." She shrugged, "Got one thing outta this hellhole." She chuckled .

Mekai hummed softly.

"I heard some stuff today, I know
ion like being in people business but this is interesting." She crossed her legs before looking over at Mekai.

"Carlos and Ximora had sex in the red hallway, On camera like ew. Ximora slept with like seven boys in here, but I can't blame her. 10 years sexually frustrated? That's crazy, anyways yeah they did that and guess who caught em' Kai."

Mekai raised his eyebrow, signaling for her to continue on.

"Amira, Carlos girlfriend. I was like oh gosh that's embarrassing, She started beating Ximora behind. Once again, I was like oh gosh, and yeah Ximora got released early and Amira for two more months on hers." She finished.

Mekak chuckled, "Niggas needa learn how to masturbate. None of that would've happened." He shook his head.

Sehkani shrugged, fidgeting with her braces, "Are you going to sleep wimme tonight?" She mumbled.

Mekai rushed his hands over his face before looking over at a sadden Sehkani, "That's a big risk, especially when my release date is right there." He explained.

Sehkani pouted before nodding, "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow Mekai." She replied, turning on her side with her back facing him. She knew bedtime was arriving soon. Although, after hitting 16 you don't get a bedtime, she still felt like she was obligated to following those rules.

Mekai sighed before wrapping his arms around Sehkani, regardless of her attitude, "I'll stay witchu fa' a luh' longer fat fat, then I gotta go." He whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

Ignoring the butterflies her stomach grew, She smiled before turning towards him, placing her forehead on his, "Thank you tootsie."

He rolled his eyes, "Dumbahh nickname dawg." He mumbled.

She giggled, "That's your fault, that's all you eat is them nasty ahh' chocolate." She shrugged before quickly moving away from
him, "It slipped out I swear."

"Go to fockin' sleep Sehkani." He mumbled, snatching her body onto his. He began rubbing her back in circles as she laid on his chest listening to his heartbeat.

"Do you ever think we will be together?" Sehkani mumbled.

Mekai went silent before looking down at Sehkani, "Ion see why not, we both two fucked up people who can only help each other, but when the time comes." He expressed.

Sehkani nodded before dozing off, Mekai noticed before he seen someone shadow in front of the door. He hoped  it wasn't a nurse but it probably was, He knew this was a big risk because they usually start watching her 2 days before her mothers death date.

He watched the door open before T stood there, crossing her arms looking at the two friends, "Y'all better not had sex." She pointed, flashing the flashlight on them. She quickly put it away once she seen Sehkani sleeping.

Mekai sucked his teeth, "Nah, She just wanted me to stay with her until she fell asleep. I know that shit was risky but ian want her to have no nightmares and then sneak in my room round' 3am." He explained.

T furrowed her eyebrows, "She been doing that and haven't been caught? She's so sneaky." She chuckled before tossing some tootsies at Mekai, "Thank you for making her feel safe, i'll tell the other nurses that she needs privacy for the night." She smiled before leaving out the room, closing the door.

Mekai popped one in his mouth before slowly falling asleep, cuddling with Sehkani warmth.

- - - -

Sehkani pulled at Mekai's chin hairs as she sat on his stomach, watching him sleep. She been up for 47 minutes now and was bored, so she decided to watch him sleep and try to figure out what he was dreaming about.

"Stop," He rasped out before swatting her hands away, Sehkani smiled before rolling off his stomach.

"How did you manage to stay wimme? I thought it was too risky." She questioned.

"T." He kept his response short, before standing up and stretching, "I'm finna brush my teeth and get ready in my room, that's coo withchu fat fat?" He rubbed his
stomach, looking over at her.

Sehkani quickly dodged his stare and simply nodded, "Yeah, I'll see you down at breakfast." She smiled before walking out her room.

Sehkani huffed as she abruptly stopped by Kiana, someone she just couldn't stand.

"Have you seen Mekai?" Kiana smirked, tryna get under Sehkani skin but it wasn't gonna work. She knew Mekai didn't mess with anyone in here, being that he barely talked. Sehkani knew Mekai had high self respect and wouldn't settle down for Kiana.

"No, I don't know where he is. Last time I checked he was in my room, but he could be gone now." She shrugged.

Kiana mugged, "He can't be in your room, I'll snitch."

Sehkani rolled her eyes before blinking at Kiana, "It's past 8am, meaning he can be in there. Plus, they know we don't do nasty stuff, unlike yo friend." She smirked.

"Ximora had her reasons, not her fault Carlos wanted her first."

"I don't really care, Like I said I don't know where yo fascinated boyfriend is, maybe you should start taking your pills. Your delusions are kicking in." She smiled, patting her shoulder before walking inside the cafeteria.

"What's for breakfast?" Sehkani questioned, walking over towards Carlos. They didn't talk as much as her and Mekai did but they would spark a conversation here and there.

"Heard its eggs and waffles, with orange juice." He shrugged, "Wassuh though, you turned yo back on me and shii." He chuckled.

She frowned, "How did I turn my back on you?"

He chuckled, "We became distant, that's all. Just remember I was the first person you met." He shrugged before resuming his conversation with Amira, whom looked fumed.

Sehkani just rolled her eyes and made her way towards her and Mekai table, sitting down she placed her head on the table.

"Hate it here." She groaned.

"I know baby cakes," T sat beside her, rubbing her back, "Atleast
you can leave in two days." She smiled.

Sehkani head popped up before quickly looking over at T, "About that...Can you maybe ask to her it switched to tomorrow? I can't do it without Mekai."

T scratched her neck nervously, "I dunno baby cakes, She made it clear that you should be released a day after her death date because she don't want you doing anything stupid,"

Sehkani rolled her eyes, "That's bullshit, Ion wanna be back here. It'll be stupid if I come back here. She just tryna be petty."


Sehkani frowned, "I'm not a kid."

T shrugged, "Your still my baby cakes, so no cussing." She smiled, rubbing her cheek, "Can't believe your gonna be a big girl once you get outta here."

Sehkani blushed, "I'm so excited but scared at the same time. Oh, i'm nervous and angry to."

"Why?" T questioned, seeing Mekai walking up to the table. He sat on the other side of Sehkani before laying his head on her shoulder.

"I dunno.. I'm nervous because what if I don't get a house right away? or better yet a job? i'll be on the streets. I'm excited because i'm getting out, duh. I'm angry because I know once I get out ima wanna target my father and kill him. I'm scared because what if Mekai forget about me?"

Mekai scrunched up his face, "How the hell ima forget about you? We ain't even 24 hours apart of our releases."

She shrugged, "What if you find a prettier friend within those 21 hours? She make you laugh harder than me, She make you smile more than me, She make you less angry." She rambled on, tracing butterflies on her legs.

Mekai grabbed her chin, turning her head towards his face, "That's impossible, I won't allow it." He mumbled, glancing at her soft plumped lips. Definitely her most noticeable feature.

Sehkani blushed, looking away as she grew nervous, "Okay Mekai, Stop looking at me like that." She giggled, They didn't even realize that T left a while ago, she knew Mekai would cheer her up. He always did.

Mekai chuckled before releasing her chin, "Can't help it." He bluntly stated, "I'm finna leave, Ian eating today."

Sehkani frowned, "When's the last time you ate? Like four days ago? your staying and your eating. You went over your due time." She mugged.

Mekai couldn't help but smile, he loved how caring she was when it came to him eating. He never had someone like that in his life. If he hadn't met her, he probably would've been dead a long time ago.

"So, what's the first thing your going to do when you leave me tomorrow?" She questioned.

Mekai chuckled, "Ima wait for you."

Sehkani frowned, "No you will not, stop playing with my emotions." She mumbled, watching the guy drop their food on the table and walk away.

Mekai began taking his food out the bag, along with Sehkani. Unlike Mekai, Sehkani began diggin' in her food. That's why Mekai called her fat fats, she loved eating.

"I promise I'a wait fa' you." He mumbled, looking over at Sehkani. She wiped her face off with her wet napkin before drinking some of her juice and side eyeing him.

"Don't forget me like my father did, that's all I ask."

- - - -

hello hello hellooo!'
please ignore any errors, a bitch be tired after writing this. ion feel like re-reading.

i don't bite, say something.

anywho, vote & comment.

brook222hoeish outttttt.

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