Fairy Tail: Lost Souls: A Nal...

By Taylovesfairytail

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Team Natsu took an S-Class mission with Erza that paid 900,000 J to take down a dangerous magical kraken that... More

Author's Note :3
Chapter 1: It's Always Me!
Chapter 2: Nothing Lost, A Moment Gained!
Chapter 3: "The Snow Set Here Before Us!: Part 1"
Chapter 4: "The Snow Set Here Before Us!: Part 2!"
Chapter 5: The Tug-of-War Begins!
Chapter 7: To the Library!
Chapter 8: The Magic Council!
Chapter 9: My Mistake!
Chapter 10: Lost Souls!
Chapter 11: You Heard What I Said!
Chapter 12: The Heart of the Stars!
Chapter 13: Consequences.
Chapter 14: Determination Means to Never Give Up!
Chapter 15: Loke the Lion
Chapter 16: Isamu's Resolve!
Chapter 17: Breaking Space Itself!

Chapter 6: Team Natsu's Plan of Destiny!

974 24 6
By Taylovesfairytail

Hey minna! Finally I am able to write this chapter after finals are over. It's been a week so hopefully I'm not too rusty. Enjoy the chapter and remember to favorite if you like it!



Happy held onto Lucy's hand with his little paws. Even though I had heard earlier about the Magic Council needing Lucy, it still made my heart ache. What are we supposed to do? I thought. Then I realized something. The answer is simple. Even though I respect the Council's wishes, they will not take Lucy away, there has to be another way. I learned there was more than one way to go about things at the Tower of Heaven.

Natsu finally said something. "Are we seriously going to just follow the Council's wishes?!"

Master sighed. "Natsu, nobody is going to be taken away if I can stop it. No one takes away my children. But if the Council resorts to dangerous actions, things may become iffy on the matter."

I decided to cut in. "We should start looking for other ways to defeat Rin. Do we know when the Council is coming for Lucy?"

"I'm not sure. They sent me a letter about it, but did not say when. And I think that is the best course of action, Erza. Oh!" Master jumped a little. "Lucy. What do you want to happen?" he said carefully.

Lucy looked up, torn from her thoughts. "I....I don't really know. It scares me to think I could be taken away forever pretty much, but not as much as it scares me to think that you guys would be in trouble if you tried to protect me. This IS the Magic Council we are talking about."

"Lucy, that doesn't matter. The Magic Council can go find another solution, because there is no way they are taking you." Natsu said.

"Aye" Happy agreed. Lucy does pose a question though. This isn't like dealing with Phantom Lord, it is the Council. They could send any strong wizard saints to come fetch her. There's really nothing we can do but hope. I just feel terrible for Natsu. I grimaced. If they take her away, I don't think Natsu could forgive himself.



Even though we all agreed to find another way to kill Rin before the Council showed up, none of us had any ideas. I felt fear and anxiety for the first time since I saw Future Lucy die. There was always a chance that they take Lucy from us anyway, something I couldn't bear to see happen. I wanted nothing more than to protect her, and I was going to do my best.

We all went back to Lucy's house to try and sleep the few hours we had until morning. We were going to the library in the morning to try to do some research on this Ice Demon.

"Natsu. Are you okay taking the first two hour watch? I'll take the last three so you can get some rest." Erza said.

I nodded. "Yeah, whatever." I said, trying to sound calm.

Erza started to walk past me but stopped and put an armoured hand on my shoulder. She looked at me solemnly. "Gomen'nasai, Natsu."

I sighed and walked outside. Sitting on the ground, I noticed Happy next to me.

"Natzu...." Happy trailed off.

"Happy, don't worry. We are Fairy Tail, the strongest guild. They won't even get close hopefully." I said, reassuring myself and the blue exceed.

"Aye, your right." He said, wearing a grin. I heard the door squeak open.

I turned around to see Lucy come outside and sit next to me.

"You should be sleeping, we have alot of reading to do tomorrow." I said.

Lucy sighed and said, "Well I can't sleep, so I thought I would sit out here and get so tired I pass out."

I laughed. Then I frowned. "You aren't going to give yourself up to them are you?"

Lucy blinked at me. "Nani? No, of course not. I'm just worried about the well-being of the guild. I don't want you or anyone else to get hurt over something like this."

"Okay then." I said, leaning my head on the wall.

For about five minutes, it was silent, and Lucy looked conflicted.

She broke the silence. "What were you going to say earlier? Before Erza came in."

I shifted. "I...wanted to know how you felt about our kiss."

She paused. "It was nice."

WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN! I shouted in my head. "Yeah." I couldn't think of anything else to say that wouldn't be completely awkward.

She nodded. Even though the snow was light, it was still freezing and covered the ground. I noticed she was only in her regular clothing.

Happy had fallen asleep next to me so left him there and scooted closer to Lucy to where our shoulders touched. I lit a small fire in my hand and held it between us, and put my arm around her shoulder.

"Why don't you get a coat?" I asked.

"Everyone is sleeping now. No need to disturb their peace." She replied, resting her head on my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes, but was glad that she was here with me. I almost dozed off myself a few times through the hours. Not long before Erza's shift, I felt the temperature drop considerably. It began to snow heavily.

Lucy had been asleep but, noticing the sharp difference in weather, awoke slowly. "W-why is it so cold?" she asked. We both stood up, and I sniffed the air. It was the same scent as last night. "It's Rin. Go inside and get Gray and Erza." I said, patting Happy.

Lucy ran inside and lights turned on above me. "Happy, wake up. You gotta fly me around."

The cat stirred and yawned. "Wow it sure got colder, Natzu. Where are we going?"

Erza and Gray came out the door and looked around. Lucy followed suit.

A figure appeared on the road. We looked closer and saw a woman with long white hair and a silver cloak. Her skin was pale and her eyes were blue as ice. They sent a chill straight through my spine. This was Rin.



I shivered, only partly from the cold. This must be Rin. I looked at Natsu and his eyes were hard on the Demon.

"Are you mages going to give your friend to the Council?" The voice came from the demon, but swirled around us like the snow was talking.

"No, and we sure as hell aren't giving Lucy to you!" Natsu yelled.

The Demon chuckled.

"What are you doing here Rin?" Erza asked.

"As long as she is not in danger of being captured, it seems I need not be here. But eventually she will be in danger, and I will come and release her of it. My snow gets colder for each soul it eats, I'm sure they would love for this Lucy to be added." Rin said.

Added? Does she mean killed? Or worse?

Before I could ask, she disappeared into the wind and the snow died down.

We were silent until Erza spoke up. "I'll take the next three or so hours until the library opens. Go inside and sleep. I doubt she will be back tonight."

Gray and Happy went inside, and I saw Natsu had not moved. I walked over and put a hand on his shoulder. "Natsu, you okay?" I asked.

He turned around with a tired look. "I guess so. When she teleported away I felt like half my magic energy dissipate. Does she take power from whoever she is closest to when she does that? If she does, why?"

I rubbed my chin. "I guess we can research that tomorrow." I said.

"Yeah." He had a worried look on his face.


Natsu and Lucy

Be safe. I can't stand watching you get hurt.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter! My writing isn't quite up to snuff yet, so tomorrow I will try to write a little better. Find out more about Rin in the next chapter, "To the Library!"

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