Down in the Valley Baby

Von Kbreezyyz

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A story about the continuation of our favorite show Pvalley pynk posse! This is just fiction and I do not own... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 10

195 7 11
Von Kbreezyyz

I'm so glad y'all are enjoying the story🤗Thanks so much for the positive feedback it means more than you know🥺I hope you guys continue reading and please leave your comments🫶🏽

Back in Chucalisa.....

Roulette's POV

It was Sunday morning and me and the girls had brought in that boucoup bank last night. Whisper wit her regular and Toy wit hers. We was unstoppable but I hadn't heard from Ninevah. I had to get on her ass cause I know she out there fucking but where the fuck is my money?! It was time to pay this bitch a visit.

I called Whisper because she was my Ace Boon Coon and knew how I handled shit and just in case I needed to handle Ninevah I wanted Toy there so she can see what would happen if she ever tried to crossed me.... Something just wasn't feeling right but I was gon find out why.

Me, Whisper, and Toy pulled up to Ninevah's house and knocked on the door. As soon as she opened it I busted in and pushed her on her kitchen table and held my gun to her head.

"Bitch I ain't seent you in weeks? Where the fuck you been? And where the fuck is my money? Don't make me ask you twice". See Whisper was used to this shit but Toy, she looked beyond scared and just stayed quiet.

"I'm not hearing no explanation!" I told her.

"Okay boss, I have your money just let me go get it please..." she said crying. "Please"....

I let her go back to her room and get it and when she did I put my gun away and smiled. "See that wasn't so hard. Now why you been holding out on me? You know what I don't want to even know the answer just know if you pull that shit again I won't be letting you off this table you hear me?" I said with a serious face.

"Alright I understand I'm sorry. From now on after I turn these tricks you gon be my first phone call I promise" she said.

"And don't worry lil mama as long as you pay me imma take care of you" I told her and we all walked out of her house.

"What the fuck was that shit Roulette?" Toy asked.

"Don't ever cross me and you won't have to find out. Now you got my cut girl?" I asked her and sure enough she had it and gave it all to me. "Good. As long as I can trust you, you good" I told her and we all got in the car and left.

Mercedes POV

It was Sunday morning and I had to get home to Terricka so I decided to head out of Houston early. I texted our group chat and told everyone I was headed home. I still didn't know what to say to Keyshawn. It really wasn't her fault but I had a feeling my mama, Patrice... had something up her sleeve. I just didn't know what. I ain want no parts of Patrice no more. From childhood she degraded me and even in adult hood she would always dismiss me and I ain't like that shit. I just knew I wasn't gon let her play with my head anymore. I had to stay on the right track for Terricka. I packed my bags and lit a blunt before I left, I needed to relieve some stress. My phone was ringing and it was Dianna. I was so happy to see her name in my phone. I picked up.

"Hey D, what's up?"

"What's up Cedes, you on your way back. We been missing you".

"We?" What was she talking bout. She put the call on face time and she ain't have no clothes on.

"Damn girl you's stay ready... "I said smiling.

"You Cummin or not" she said licking and biting her bottom lip.

"Yeah I'm Cummin" I told her and hung up and headed out. What was I gon do with her? This was still all new to me but I was loving every bit of it.

Cliffs POV

It was morning time and me and Marques was still in bed. After our fuck session last night we both knocked out. Our phones started chiming and it was the group chat wit Me, Marques, Woddy, Keyshawn and Cedes.

Mercedes Girl🥰👏🏽🤩: Hey y'all I'm heading out early,gotta get back to Terricka. But Uncle Clifford I'm so happy for you girl and Lil Murda you did ya thing last night. Laters 👋🏾

Well she was heading back home and it was time for us to too. I tapped Marques and let him know it was time to get up if we was gon make it back to Chucalisa by the afternoon. We both got up and took a shower. After we got out I had to get ready and as you know beauty takes time. Lamarques was already ready and he decided to slide to Woddy's room to get a smoke session in real quick so I texted Keyshawn to come to our room.

Big Murda's POV

Cliff was taking long to get ready as usual so I decided to slide through to Woddy's room to get a quick smoke in. As soon as I made it to the door it opened and it was.......

"Keyshawn Whatchu doing in here gurl?" I asked

"Ohh Lil Murda I spent the night here last night I'll tell you all about it later, right now I'm going to see Uncle Clifford... okay love you bye..." she said giving me a quick kiss on the cheek running down the hall. What the heyell don got into her!?

"Aye Murda what's good?" Woddy said Dabbing me up.

"What's up Woddy? What's up wit Keyshawn... she ran outta here acting all weird and shit?" I asked him.

"Ahh man..." He said nervously putting his hand on his head. This nigga stayed doing this when he was nervous.

"Woddy?! Woddy?.... What y'all do in here last night?" I asked him shocked.

"Mane, Murda ion know what you talking bout".

"Nigga ya poker face is horrible" I told him. "Y'all fucked didn't you?"

"Lamarques, it's not my place to say...."

"Nigga quick being wack. I know you. Shit I'm not mad at you, but... just don't break her heart mane.... She been through so much. If you want it to be real make it real Nigga" I told him as he was rolling the blunt. And we sparked up.

Cliff's POV

*Knock Knock Knock*

That must be Keyshawn. Lemme go get the door.

"Wassup girl.... Oooo Chile you got that morning glo" I said.

"Hey Uncle Clifford Good morning" she said cheesing. She looked like she had been cheesing all night the way her cheeks was stuck.

"What got you cheesing all hard this morning?" I asked her while applying my makeup.

"Awee nothing just in a good mood that's all...." She said nervously.

"Keyshawn you acting like somebody got up in them guts last night". I said jokingly looking at her through the vanity. "Shit!!" "Somebody did get up in them guts didn't they?"

She just looked at me smiling and said "Uncle Clifford you can't say shit, atleast not yet but I went over to Woddy's room last night cause Mercedes needed space and one thing led to another and shit it happend".

"Keyshawn you telling me that fine dark chocolate sculpture of a man fucked the shit outta you! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" I screamed. "Bitchhhhhhh! Tell me everythang!" I told her and she did.

"So what you gon do na? What's next? Oooo chileeeee, you don got a taste of a real man" I told her giving her a high five and we both started laughing.

"Uncle Clifford I don't even know what to do. I just wanted to have fun but last night felt like our souls connected. I don't know if that's just because he fucked me so good or because there's really something there....." she said.

"We'll there's only one way to find out. You gotta give him a chance Keyshawn let him Take you out sometime" I told her. "Shit life too short to be out here guessing".

"Uncle Clifford I would love to, but before anything I gotta get my kids up from under Derricks no good ass".

"We'll I think I know how we can do that" I told her and I finished getting ready. I packed me and Marques' overnight bags and went to get Granmuva from the adjoining room. We all then went down to the main lobby of the Hotel.

Big Murda's POV

"C'mon Woddy, let's pack these suitcases and get on down to this main lobby" I said.

"Fa sure" he said packing him and Keyshawns bags and we headed to the elevator.

When we got down to the main lobby we met with Granmuva and then met Keyshawn and Cliff and they was both smiling all hard and shit. I gave Keyshawn this look like we need to talk and before we could Tina walked up to us.

"Murdaaaaa where you at?" She said running up to me giving me a hug. "A bitch gotta talk to you about some business c'mon y'all let's go over here".

We all followed her to the main couch area where her manager was and started talking.

"Now Murda we know why you had to stay back for the first part of The Hoe's up G's down tour but we thinking about doing a second leg. Now if you interested we can set up everythang for You, Cliff, Granmuva, Woddy and Keyshawn to come" the manager said.

I looked over at Cliff and she gave me the okay and so did Woddy and Keyshawn and Miss Ernestine couldn't stop smiling. I can't believe this shit was happening I was getting a second chance to make my dreams come true... but I just ain know how it all was gon shake out. Right na I really want to focus on Cliff and what we got going on, but I know shawty would want me to follow my dream.


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