family // bnha

By elisimone_

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bnha x big sister!oc class 1a needs more adult support, let's be honest... AU where eli midoriya, pro-hero, a... More

an exciting (for me) update


2.1K 78 37
By elisimone_

 ·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙ ˙·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙

Domestic Story: Adults are just teenagers with more money (I would know, I am one)

"Alright, that's it! You want to go, cause we got all night baby!" 

Mirko was drunk as hell, starting at an equally drunk Eli, who wore that same shit-eating grin. 2 bottles of wine laid empty on the carpet of the living room floor. They had to wait a bit for this event, especially with everything going on AND they had to find babysitters. 

Touya suggested Ren do it. 

"That son of a bitch! My mom?! Really, of all people, it had to be Mom?" Touya complained to Fuyumi. 

Ren did in fact take up the charge. He'd already pissed off Touya by having the audacity to ask Rei out on a date. He remembered the bastard's sly words while his mom giggled and blushed the entire time. 

In his face, in his house. 

Touya almost threw the fuck up. 

"Oh calm down, shouldn't you be worried about your own love life," Natsuo rolled his eyes, his eyes hazy and his cheeks red as he hummed in drunken contentment. 

Unfortunately, neither sibling had the heart to tell them that two turned babysitting INTO their date. Whether or not they were running around trying to keep up with the children, something about Rei's steady texts to her daughter, Fuyumi, gawking and fawning over Ren's big muscles and tattoos like a teenager girl with her first crush made her happier. 

She was happy for her mom, mostly because, unlike Endeavour, they knew that Ren was legitimately a good guy, even if it continued to fuck up the family tree. 

Eli slammed her elbow on the coffee table, her sleeve rolled to her forearm, Mirko doing the same as she sported a sly grin before slapping their hands together. 

"Alright, party people! We got arm wrestling at table 6!" Hizashi said loudly, proudly holding up two bottles of Bacardi as his husband could only stare up at him with a sigh. The man was already very drunk, but luckily they'd arranged for the kids to spend the night, and they'd come to retrieve them sometime in the morning. 

"Sit yo ass-" Shoto spit as he grabbed Hizashi by the back of his shirt and pulled him back to the ground, only for the man to harshly fall on his lap. 

"Oh~ Glad to know I still excite you," Hizashi said with a drunken smirk. 

"PLEASE take that upstairs, I'm begging you," Nemuri said with a roll of her eyes, tears running down her cheeks as she chugged yet another beer. 

"Oh shut up Nemuri, Joke is on her way, Christ," Shouta huffed as he took the bottle from his husband and began to prepare himself a drink. 

"You know what it is E, come on," Mirko said as the two joined hands. Eli just chuckled in competitive amusement. 

"Alright, now," Keigo said with a drunken smirk, sitting oddly close to Eli as he caught to call the round. Eli could feel his unnaturally hot body close to her, they were even touching at the thigh. The heat was no doubt from the alcohol in both their systems, but somehow it also felt more than that. 

"3, 2, 1, GO!" he said. 

Quirks weren't allowed of course.  This was nothing more than a 'manly' (love kiri<3) match between old friends that shouldn't be allowed to get drunk within a 5-mile radius of one another. 

The pressure in Eli's arm and hand was intense, but she wouldn't dare give Mirko any satisfaction or indication that she had even a chance at winning. 

"Oh, I see you've gotten weaker in the last couple of years. Did motherhood make you soft~" Mirko mocked with a hearty laugh. 

"I'd say the opposite," Eli retorted as she kept them in place. 

The tension quieted the room, even Touya's incessant whining over Ren's date with Rei seemed to halt. Well, that was until the unlocked front door opened and there the Pro-Hero Mrs.Joke, or Fukukado Emi, stood with a large smile on her face. No one seemed to notice her presence until she threw on a cocky smile and put her hands on her hips. 

"Well I got 5 on Mirko!" she shouted out, confidently. 

"Oh?!" Nemuri said, scrambling up to greet her. She peppered kisses on her cheeks and forehead before they came over to the rest of the group and sat down. 

"Well, I've got 5 on Eli," Keigo said, leaning even closer to her, leisurely planting his chin on her unused shoulder. 

Eli felt a shiver go through her body and she couldn't help but spare a look at Keigo. His cheeks were extra red, usually, only this bright of a shade when the man was baking something new. She'd always noticed the little baby fat in his cheeks, his perfect eyeliner, how he nowadays always smelt like fresh bread, and to make it all the worse, Keigo had been staring at her for far too long tonight. 


Eli's hand slammed against the table with a loud bang. Her hair danced around her all around her in its dense green mist and her eyes seemed an even brighter shade than its typical red, but maybe that was just from Touya's 'lovestruck' gaze from just a bit away. 

"What the hell E, I thought we said no Quirks?!" Mirko complained as Fuyumi seemed to scoot closer to her. 

"Don't be a sore loser," Eli teased as Mirko fumed at her. 

"Sore loser, you're too busy trying to get into pretty boys' pants that you won't even give me a fair one!" Mirko said, cheeks red with alcohol as she pointed an accusing finger at Eli. 

Eli gasped as if Keigo weren't hanging from her arm, not paying attention to the fact he was continuously guzzling down a bottle of wine. 

Touya bursts into a fit of laughter as he nodded. 

"That makes two of us," he said, slithering closer to Eli. Keigo finally released his mouth from the bottle only for it to be snatched away from him by Eli. 

"Jesus, you know you're a lightweight," she hissed, only for the bottle to be taken by Touya. 

He had a beer hanging from his other finger as he set the wine to his side. 

"Oh please, if you'd have seen her first drink, you'd say differently," Touya teased. 

"And I still drank you under the table," Eli said with a roll of her eyes. 

"Have a drink, you'll need to catch up with us if you want a nice night," Nemuri said as she poured Emi a drink. She giggled incessantly as she sat down, taking the drink without too much thought to it. 

"You know what would be so fun~" Hizashi began, he who'd already positioned himself behind Shouta, hugging him so tightly that Shouta was scared that if he moved he'd become targeted with joke after joke. 

Well, that was until he realized how close Keigo, Eli, and Touya were, along with Mirko and Fuyumi who was a blushy mess as Mirko smirked and swirled a drink around in her hand. 

Natsuo even seemed content as he teased Fuyumi and Touya. 

"We should go outside, there's a full moon tonight," Hizashi said, smirking as he saw his husband perk up. 

The glow of the moon in the midnight sky was also something Shouta looked forward to when he went out on patrol. Hizashi only realized this after making the connection between Shouta staying out later on full moon nights and of course catching him staring at the sky whenever they had date night. 

Natsuo clapped his hands as he stood up with wobbly legs. 

"I will lead the way, what's that thing that Sho used to say when we all had to go somewhere?" Natsuo asked Fuyumi, who laughed at the thought, Mirko helping her stand up as the drink in both their hands sloshed just a bit. 

"He would say 'Congo congo!" Fuyumi said instantly going to stand behind Natsuo, a hand on of his shoulders. 

Mirko could only laugh as she followed suit. Hizashi and Shouta shrugged, getting up, followed by Emi and Nemuri who giggled amongst each other. 

(a/n-- as I'm writing this, I'm thinking to myself 'wow, everyone is gay')

Keigo got up with the help of two obvious people. Eli stood behind him, one hand on his waist, Touya standing behind her with a hand on hers as well. 

Music played on the speaker, some new song on the radio that the kids had most definitely heard months prior and Eli and the other were the only ones who knew this. Still, they shimmied outside, laughing and drinking, Nemuri tripping which resulted in the loudest laughter ever from her partner. 

As they went outside, the music followed them through the back door, sounding a bit louder than what it would if they were sober. 

They flopped on the deck, enjoying the little breeze that leaked through the barriers of the dome situated around the house. Keigo couldn't stop giggling at something and Touya made it worse by making stupid jokes. 

Eli was rather silent, enjoying being amongst her friends, listening to all the different conversations going on, the reality making her laugh. It kind of reminded her of when she, Keigo, and Touya sat amongst the students during their pizza party. The fact that they were so similar filled Eli with warmth to know that, they, like them, were just people, their only difference being that they were smaller people who do dumb things because they are not supposed to. 

But they were bigger people who did dumb things because they could. 

Living in the dorms would be hell, all those kids running around, but if Eli could see this side of all the people she cared about, the carefree side with no worries, no villains, and no grievances toward the world, then Eli figured that no matter the chaos, she'd cherish the fact that her kids and students would at least be cared for by people, who like them, could just be that instead of adults and heroes. 

"You're so pretty~" Keigo gleamed. 

Eli turned her head in surprise, the words seeming random, but they were nothing amongst all the other things Keigo had said to her while she wasn't paying attention. 

"I'm sorry?" 

"You heard him!" Touya said, sitting beside Kiego with his arms crossed. He tried to hide it, but he was drunk, and his ears gave it away. 

Maybe it was the alcohol, but Eli responded. 

"No, you're so pretty, just look at this face," Eli said, her hand already holding Keigo's beat red face as she 'showed' Touya how pretty the man was. 

"Yeah, he's a pretty boy, we know this," Touya teased, throwing his arm over Keigo with a wink toward Eli, who chuckled. 

"I'm a pretty boy? You're the pretty boy!" Keigo said looking at Touya, copying Eli's action, but having to drag Touya down to be at their level, given that the man was a good deal taller than both of them. 

"E, come on, look at this face, the piercings make him cuter," Keigo semi-mocked to a now clearly blushing Touya. 

"Hm, seems I have a type..." Eli said absentmindedly. 

Both men kind of froze at her words, but in her state, she sniffed as she took a swig of the drink in her hand, noticing all of their empty cups. 

"Well do you pretty boys need any refills, I'm going inside real quick," she asked them, standing up and squatting on her toes as she lifted her hair out of her face for the first time tonight. 

Her face was a bit red, one eye flicking red but you'd have to be as close as Keigo and Touya are now to ever notice such a thing. Eli wore nothing but a tank top and a pair of thick sweats on her lower body with an obvious pair of shorts she planned to sleep in tonight underneath said sweats. Her Quirk generated too much energy to even think about wearing too much on this cool summer night.  

The heart and chains of the tattoos gleamed on her peaking stomach and exposed shoulders, and god was she muscular. 

"Hello, you want a drink or not, my knees are about to give out," Eli said in a joking tone. Yet she was serious, her knees were starting to hurt. 

"U-uh, yeah!" Touya said for the both of them, Keigo nodding slowly as they handed her their cups. 

Eli stood up and walked back to the house, leaving the men to sit and stare before she was out of their sight. 

"This is all your fault," Keigo muttered. 

"You really want to play that game right now?" Touya asked, his cheeks red but he still had his arm around the smaller man. He pulled the man closer to him with a huff. 

"I'm not stupid birdy, I know you like her, everybody knows," Touya said before Keigo huffed and rolled his eyes. Of course, he knew too. 

"Doesn't it bother you?" Keigo asked, as if blind to the arm around him. 

"Well no, considering I like you too," 

Keigo glitched, no actually, he went to turn to Touya but then froze, and dropped his hands, only being able to look at Touya with the utmost confused look on his face. His expression morphed to further confusion, his eyes dancing around as he then turned to understanding, then pure shock, and back to confusion.

"Wait, you can do that?" he asked. Touya bubbled with laughter as he held his stomach. 

"Well there's no law against it, our laws have better things to worry about like the next terrorist after Shigaraki," Touya jested, a smaller blush appearing on both their faces as they stared at one another. 

"I like you too Touya," Keigo spoke with a sudden calmness in his tone. Touya's eyes widened at how easily he said it, smirking at the confession. Keigo looked away briefly a sudden confidence surging through him. 

"That wasn't that hard," Keigo said as he wrestled with his tired, drunken body to get up.

"Woah, woah, do I even get to respond?" Touya said. 

"No, now come on," Keigo said, still struggling, his words slurring a bit.

A whistle sounded from Natsuo, who watched the two. 

"Yeah TOUYA!" he cheered obnoxiously, Fuyumi and Hizashi joining in. 

"Ah shut the fuck up," Touya said. 

"Do you know how long my husband has waited for this moment, just let it happen," Shouta said, sipping next to his cheering husband with a sly smirk on his face at the two men. 

The door slid open to see Eli holding the rim of a plastic cup between her teeth, two other drinks in hands. She quirked an eyebrow at the commotion before she handed the drink to Touya, taking her own from her mouth to his lips. 

"What's going on?" she asked. 

Somehow it was the hottest thing she could've done. 

Keigo snatched the drink from her hand and downed it at a speed that made Eli's eyes widen. 

"I miss something?" she asked. 

Keigo didn't give her a chance before he took her by the hand as well, leading them all back into the house. The sounds of their friends were drowned out by music as he drunkenly stumbled into the downstairs bathroom. 

"You guys do know this is our house right, we don't have to hide in the bathroom," Eli chuckled, still mindlessly sipping her drink. 

Keigo watched with a red face, trying to find a way to say exactly what he'd said to Touya, to the woman before him. But the word 'our' was making it all the harder for him. 

"No, no, give him a second it's coming," Touya replied, trying to play cool as if he didn't feel like he was burning from the inside out. 

Touya had, had hope that Eli would reciprocate his feelings, but Keigo... that was more of a slippery slope. Touya had only liked one other guy before Keigo and honestly, he didn't even expect to like him so much when he got here. Touya didn't think that they saw it, but he did remind him of Eli, but he was just...

Touya didn't have a way with words like everybody else seemed to, but he knew something that they didn't. They'd saved his life, literally, and had accepted him into their lives without a word. At first, Touya thought Keigo was only cordial with him since he too was being helped by Eli, but after a while...

Those drunken nights like this that they could do nothing but smile and blush in each other's faces. When Keigo would hang off their arms and giggle like he hadn't a care in the world. Those days when Touya woke up and there were feathers everywhere, hair in his face, and you could already smell someone cooking or the TV downstairs on. When Kota would try to ninja his way into the room, only to wake all three of them (of course because all of them are paranoid and/or actual ninjas themselves)

Touya suffered a lot from his past, the most noticeable thing being his inability to sleep soundly, but that had all changed when he got here, so he slept any chance he got. So those little things, when Eli would pat her thigh when she knew he was tired even though she was probably working, when Keigo would lay him out properly when he fell asleep in a weird position, or when either of them would carry him to lay down whenever he was on the verge of sleeping right then and there. 

It meant a lot to the man.

So all this to say, Touya wanted to kiss Keigo so badly right now. 

"I uh... I wanted to tell you something..." Keigo started off, blushing as he tried his hardest to keep their eyes locked as they spoke. 

"What's so private that we can't even be in the living room?" Eli asked, a kind smile playing on her face as she placed her drink down on the sink and began to fan herself. 

She pulled her hair back. She was trying to play it off, but this was making her nervous so she was getting hotter. She did like Keigo, but like Touya, she had yet to get used to moments like this when it was just them in such close proximity. Plus the alcohol was making her blood run hot, in more ways than one. 

"Well... god this is harder," Keigo muttered(badly), to himself. 

"Exactly how is this harder?" Touya asked in a teasing tone. 

"I don't know, she's more intimidating than you are-" 

"So I'm intimidating?" Eli spoke up, joining Touya. 

"NO, well, not in the way you're thinking, you just--"

"I just what?" she said. 

"I just like you! Alright, god, I was trying to find a way to make it sound all romantic, but no, you guys would rather fuck around and tease me all damn night," Keigo slurred a bit, his wings curiously bigger as his feathers had ruffled under his emotional stress. 

Stray feathers left his back, wisping through the air as if moving through water, to meet a frozen Eli. With her drink back in her hand, she tried her hardest to keep from squeezing the red solo cup too tightly. 

She took a peak at Touya who stared with a smug smirk on his face, his face now just red from the alcohol. He was actually enjoying the show. Eli only ever got worked up like this when Touya pushed her, but now that he had Keigo on his side... 

"Wait a minute, he already told you?" she asked Touya. 

"Well yeah, 8 seconds before we got in here," he responded. 

"And I know I'm drunk but I mean this," Keigo continued, his words still slurring, but he had his eyes trained on both of them. 

"I don't want you guys to think that because I had what was it, it was just a bottle of wine right?" 

"And you had four beers," Touya spoke up. 

"I remember you taking a couple of shots too," Eli said next. 

"And I'm pretty sure you stole my drink like twice," Touya said. 

"Twice, he stole mine like four times?!" Eli retorted. 

"Alright, alright, okay, God. Anyway, still, I mean what I say and I've known this for a while," Keigo said, finally turning away to lean against the counter, harsh thoughts entering his mind. 

"When I found you in that rubble it was like--" Keigo cut himself off sharply, with a sniff, sneering at the memory. "That was some scary shit okay, and you!" he said, sharply pointing at Touya. 

"You, you have to take a feather with you next time you decide to disappear for two days. And when you come in for the night come through the front door, one of these days I'm gonna shit myself," Keigo said in a frustrated tone, but Touya could only laugh as he remembered climbing through the balcony one time just because he knew there were a lot of people downstairs. 

He caught Keigo on the floor of the bedroom cleaning his feathers. 

"You guys don't understand-" Eli cut him off. 

She put a soft hand on his cheek and brushed his hair with her thumb, slowing his mouth. 

"Trust me, we understand," Eli said, distinctly remembering she and Touya working on something school related while listening to a police scanner around Keigo's typical route. 

Keigo breathed in sharply, almost wanting to pant from the sudden breathlessness. His arm shot out to grab hold of her waist, and suddenly he was kissing her. Her other hand caressed the other side of his cheek softly before it wrapped around the back of his neck to bring them closer. 

The heat on their bodies exploded into one another, and Keigo found his hands roaming. He'd never really had the chance to actually like anybody before, to love anybody, so if this is what it was like, Keigo was willing to burn the Hero Commission to the ground the ensure that he could keep such happiness. 

Eli's hands threaded through his hair, as want oozed through her bones. This sensation was different, it was simple and lovely. It was passionate, Keigo's curious hands making her grip tighten on his hair. He made a sound, a sound as lovely as morning doves, and that's all it took for her to take it a step further, pulling away only briefly to give him a heated stare before she attacked him. 

Keigo fought for his control, his grip on her waist lowering and lowering as the hand on his cheek moved to his neck, almost forcing him closer to her as their tongues fought each other over their own greed. Keigo's insides were going haywire, the lack of control terrifying yet it pumped his blood so full of excitement that he could only melt into her hold, his arms although firm, as if she were the last thing he'd want to let go of. 

Another moan sounded, and that's all it took for another hand to tangle itself through his hair. 

His neck lurched back, and Keigo released a sound of surprise as another set of lips were on his, while Eli placed a soft kiss on his neck. This one was much more heated, as Eli was much gentler. This one was less sensual, more firey in approach, but Keigo loved it all the same. 

His body twitched as he felt another kiss on the other side of his neck, a gentle hand rubbing his chest as Touya mercilessly invaded his mouth, more sounds escaping from the man. Burning in their stomachs urged for more, but considering their state, Touya had enough sense to release him before he had the itchy urge to start unbuckling his pants. 

Keigo panted as Touya released, staring at the two in almost disbelief as he tried to calm down from the sense of euphoria. 

"I like you too," Eli told him, a sincere voice echoing through her hazy gaze, her eyes now fully red as whisps of green mist circling around all of them. 

"Maybe even a lot more than like," Eli told him honestly, just as she did Touya. 

"We both do, as you can see birdy," Touya teased, rubbing his scalp softly as Eli wrapped her arms around his torso, her hands softly rubbing his back sparking a brighter blush on his face.

Keigo smiled, his embarrassment decreasing as excitement grew in him. Warmth invaded his senses at the thought that he'd finally told them. 

"Well what do we do now then," Keigo asked, the situation still new to him. 

"Now, we finally get to go on a date, we'd been holding out until this moment actually," Touya said, wrapping his arms around both of them with a satisfied look on his face. 

"And we can stop acting like sleeping together in my bed is something all friends do," Eli said snarkily. 

"You loved it!" Touya accused with a small glare on his face. 

"You're right, I did," she said, smirking, pulling the taller man down to kiss him. 

"Hmph," he sounded, blushing at the sudden kiss. Eli smiled into his lips and released him, joy sweeping through her as the pressure of confessing left her body. 

She wanted to tell him, she even planned to, but he beat her to it. Although she was happy, happy to be sitting in both their arms and happy to be able to kiss them anytime she wanted now that she didn't feel guilty about not telling Keigo immediately after she and Touya and established, well, a thing. 

And well, this was her first actual relationship, and it was with two of the most amazing people she'd known. Well, first romantic relationship. Both of them, outside of Keigo, had had intimate relationships with others. Eli's were odd because people always liked her, but she never liked them. 

Once she'd met a guy and gone on three dates before she asked herself what was she even doing. She didn't even like the guy, she was just doing it because Hizashi and Nemuri said she needed to get herself out there. She appreciated them of course, but after doing exactly what she'd done with the men before them, she still felt nothing. He was just a guy that made her laugh and he hadn't even met the kids yet.  

She thought, well maybe this is how everyone feels. Or maybe she's doing something wrong. 

She broke it off at the worst first sex experience, like ever. 

Especially after talking to Hizashi, Shouta, and Nemuri about what it was 'supposed' to feel like. Not even just the sex, but the relationship itself. 

Butterflies, that's what it's supposed to feel like. 


"Are we sure this isn't a conflict of interest?" Keigo asked, a small smirk on his face as he relaxed under their touch, finding peace outside of the heated interaction from earlier. 

"No, we should be fine, plus I'm really good at my job," Eli reassured, a big smile on her face as she leaned into Touya's hold. 

Keigo picked his drink up off the sink and downed it in a single gulp, his check re-brightening as he leaned forward and embraced them both. 

"We should probably leave the bathroom," Touya said, with a huff, although content to stand here and drink with his two favorite people. 

"Yeah, you know we can hear you guys right?!" Eli said, staring at the closed door. 

"Shit!" they heard the muffled voice of Nemuri, before stumbling and some gigglings. 

The three could only laugh, and Eli kissed them both one more time before she opened the door. They watched her prance around happily as she poured herself another drink, and with an arm around Keigo, they watched her and could only think one thing. 


4679 words (also, let me know if wattpad is being weird on your end, because it's telling me this draft only has 580 words, but in reality it has 4000+)

hello lovely people, how are we doing this lovely weekend?

i once again thank you all for your patience, and if you're wondering about 'oh, shit' I've been working on new chapter for that too.

anyway, love you guys, i hope you enjoyed the read, and make sure you guys eat and drink water. take vitamins too! (and go piss girl

memes below >

^in honor of the fnaf movie existing 

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