I'm your Angel | Pablo Gavi

By gwnrandompersoonnn

211K 3.5K 1.4K

Nina has a simple life, but everything changes when she suddenly moves to Spain to become a Victoria Secret m... More

Meeting Pedri's teammates
Movie night
Sea, Salt and Sunset
Being flirty?
Aurora Gavira :)
The not so secret spot
Show Time
The Night Club
Do you regret it?
Birthday Girl
Got caught...
New Rules
I hate Social Media
Living the dream
Stop worrying about boys!
Night adventures
Deja vu
"I thought you recognized fake-sleeping"
Those f*cking Spaniards
The Kiss
I still Love you
The right choice
The truth or lies?
Only 48 hours in Paris
Don't do it without a condom!
Jude Bellingham again...
Pure Panic
'For the record... I'm not gonna regret this at all' (18 +)
Lily's POV
Good news
If only we had one charger...
Pablo is... gone
During* rain comes sunshine
Us against the world
I'm Your Angel
A year later...


4.7K 99 41
By gwnrandompersoonnn

I can't sleep tonight.

The previous weeks I have practiced a lot for the show. I think I've seen Lily three times in two weeks. That is very little for us. I saw Mikky a little more often, because Pedri and Frenkie always go to training together.

I still haven't fully recovered from lying in Pablo's car full of puke. The orange stain on the backseat is clean, but Pablo told me the puke smell still hasn't gone completely. I have seen Pablo a lot in the past two weeks.

He had to come for an interview with Mr. Dallas four times and we meet almost every day. Usually we are together for ten minutes, somewhere random in the city. Then we make sure no one sees us. We also call every single day. We haven't kissed since the last time. I'm actually totally okay with that. It's also nice that we can just talk. The photos on the internet are spread super fast. On one of the photos you can see us in the background. I'm lying half on the floor and Pablo holds me up by my arms.

We are now officially a couple according to the internet. I actually expected that Pedri wouldn't like this, but he doesn't say anything about it. He knows that we are coupled up on the internet, but that doesn't seem to bother him.

Now it's November 13: the day before the show. On November 19, me, Mikky and Lily will leave to Qatar. The boys will leave with the entire team on November 15. So you would think we won't see them for five days, but there is a problem. The teams sleep in separate buildings and they have no free time to see us or to visit us. The coaches of the teams do this so that the players can fully concentrate on football. So we won't see them for longer than five days.

I open the curtains and let the sunlight in. It is currently 6AM, but I can't sleep anymore. At 11AM, everyone is meeting on the beach. It was Ansu's idea. I sign and walk downstairs to grab a bowl for my cereal. I eat cereal everyday. I don't know if it's healthy or not, but I don't care.

At 10AM, Pedri finally comes downstairs. I already had breakfast, got ready for the beach, called my mom and I did a work-out. We go to the beach in a rush and we're the second ones. Pablo, Ansu, Ferran and another girl are already at the volleyball net. Me and Pedri drop our stuff and we join them.

The girl wears a very pink bikini and she smiles friendly when I arrive. Pedri gives her an awkward hug and Ferran walks towards me. 'So, Nina this is Sira, my girlfriend.' I smile. I did not know Ferran had a girlfriend, but I try not to look too surprised. 'Nice to meet you!' I say and she smiles. 'Also nice to meet you. I've heard so much about you.'

I raise my eyebrows. What did she hear about me? 'Guys, wanna play?' It's Ansu. 'Of course man!' Ferran says and he walks over to the boys. Now it's just me and Sira. 'You've probably seen a lot off things on the internet about me and Ferran, but please don't judge.' she starts. She has a very Spanish accent. I frown. 'I haven't heard anything... two months ago I lived in America.' I explain. She smiles. 'That's amazing. Well.... I'm Luis Enriques daughter.' she says. I nod slowly not knowing who that is. 'He'll coach Spain this world cup.' she says. 'Lots off people thought me and Ferran have a relationship because off my dad, but we go way back.' she explains. 'Ooh... well I didn't know anything! But I think you guys are a great couple.' I say and I look at Ferran. She smiles.

'We have our ups and downs...' she stares at him and a silence falls. 'Sorry! Just a question... ehm... sorry, but why are you here? Are you and Pedri dating or something?' she asks. I gasp. 'Omg no! Did Ferran tell you that?' I ask. 'No, he hasn't told me anything. I actually thought it would be just the two of us!' she says. I giggle a bit. 'Ooh! I do have something for you, now that you're here.' she says and she runs to her back. I follow her. '

She shows me an envelope. 'I assume that you'll also go to Qatar.' she says while she hands me the envelope. 'Yes...' I answer. 'In this envelope is a whole schedule plus tickets and everything is arranged. I understand that you'll probably go with Nikky to Qatar,' she says. 'Mikky.' I mumble but she doesn't here me. 'But, me and all the other "Spanish girlfriends" are going on this trip together. And, I like you so you're welcome to join us.' she says. I smile.

'Thanks for the offer, but I'm not Pedri's girlfriend, I am single.' I say. She nods. 'Well, doesn't matter! You know them well, right?' I nod. 'No pressure! Just choose per day whether you want to join or not. I will see you appear.' she says. 'Okay, thanks for the invitation!' I say. 'No problem!' and we walk back to the boys.

When Lily arrived, Pedri wasn't so busy with Pablo. We could finally slip away with the two off us. We ran over the beach to a more silent spot. The rest could still see us, but they were too busy with the volleyball game. While talking to Sira, I realized I haven't told Pablo that I'm also going to Qatar!

'You wanted to talk.' Pablo says as he stands still. He grabs my hands and pulls me close onto his chest. I smile and pull away, knowing that Pedri can still see us. 'I haven't told you yet, I totally forgot, but I'm going to Qatar!' I tell him. 'Wow Nina that's amazing Pablo says and he gives me a tight hug.

Suddenly he stops. 'You are gonna support Spain. Right?' he says. I smile. 'Well...' he laughs and grabs my arms. 'I'll tackle you if you don't say Spain.' he says and holds me in a tight grip. I know that he can tackle me easily. He's way stronger than I am.

'Try me.' I say. He laughs and he tackles me in one smooth motion, but he catches me and lays me gently on the beach so that I don't fall hard. I stand up immediately to launch a counterattack. So we continue to struggle until I stumble over something. Pablo just catches me and now our faces are almost touching. He plants a fast little kiss on my cheek and I giggle.

'Excuse me?' a soft voice is saying. We both look up and then I see that I almost tripped over a book. The same woman with the weird colorful head is sitting in the sand. She doesn't seem mad, she seems entertained. 'I am so sorry.' I immediately say and I grab her book and put it back in place. She smiles and continues reading.

Me and Pablo look at each other. We walk back to the group. 'Where have you guys been?' Pedri asks. 'They were talking to that lady over there.' Lily says before I can think off an excuse. I give her a thankful look. 'Okay, I pick Nina. Ready to play?' Ansu says.


Monday (14/11/22)

My hands are a bit sweaty. I'm standing in a room full off woman in different colors. I'm wearing a red short dress with golden details and golden heals. My curls are natural laying onto my shoulders and my make-up is done. I look like another person again.

A few famous footballer already wander through the big room looking for "their" model. I've already seen Frenkie: for the Netherlands, Griezmann: for France and Neymar: for Brasil. I'm still looking for Pablo. We call almost everyday, but today I haven't spoken to him. I've send him a million texts, but he isn't responding. It makes me even more nervous than I'm already am. Aurora also left me on read yesterday and I don't know why. Have I done something wrong?

Suddenly I see Rickey. I haven't seen her in ages! She waves and then she runs towards me. 'Omg! Nina, I'm so sorry!' she says and she hugs me. I frown, 'About what?' I ask her. 'You probably can't remember, but I puked all over your dress!' she says. Rickey is dressed in white with blue details. Before I can ask her which country she is, I see Lily calls me. 'Ooh, sorry I have to ta-' 'No problem!' Rickey says and she walks away. I smile.

'Nina, listen to me right now.' she says. I gasp. That to tone, is not good. 'What?' I ask her. 'Go to Insta and watch the first message I sent you. Don't watch anything else. Don't freak out. Stay calm. You've got this.' she says. I go to Insta and open the first Picture Lily sent to me.

What the actual fuck. I stare at the post.




Together for two years? I immediately click on the girls profile.

So... her name is Amila. She's literally perfect. And she is Pablo's girlfriend. I try to control my breathing, but I already feel tears in the corners off my eyes. 'Nin? Are you still there?' I swallow. 'y-yes.' I manage to say. 'Don't cry. He's not worth it. You're gonna kill it today. You don't deserve this.' I breath in and out.

Stay cool Nina, there must be an explanation. I look back at the post. Aurora commented, shit. 'Nin I'm outside. Do you want me to come in?' Lily asks friendly. I sign. 'No thanks Lil I'm good.' I say. I hear Lily gasp through the phone. 'He's going through the artist entrance right now. I will kick his ass...' she says. 'No Lily! Behave please.' I say. I hear Lily grown. 'Come on Nin! I'll tell him what we both think. He's a dick.' she says. I sign. 'I'll tell him.' I can almost see Lily rolling her eyes right now. 'Don't be nice.' she says and then I hang up the phone.

I see Pablo entering the room. I can recognize him through the big crowd. I see that he's wearing his red team-shirt. His hair is messy, he looks like he hasn't slept in days. His gaze is full off sadness. As soon as he caches my gaze, his eyes light up a little, while mine darken.

He comes towards me, but while he's walking a random woman stops him. She starts pulling his hair and trying to get it into a good shape. Pablo keeps looking at me. I keep looking at him, with sadness, but also anger boiling inside of me.

I stand up from my chair and starts walking towards him when I bump into someone. I look up and I see the English player: Jude Bellingham. 'Pardon me.' he says with his British accent. 'Ooh sorry...' I answer with my American accent.

We look at each other for a while. I never noticed that he was this handsome! 'Ooh you've met!' Rickey says and she joins us. 'Uhh yeah...' I say and I look at Jude. 'I don't know your name yet.' Jude says and he gives me a hand. 'Ooh sorry. I'm Nina.' I say. Rickey smiles. 'Nina... I'll remember that name.' Jude says.

I let go off his hand and walk away. I wanted to smile politely, but I'm too shattered to do that now. I walk towards Pablo. He stands there. I actually wanna slap and hug him at the same time. So I just stand in front off him. 'Hi.' he says. I shake my head. I stay silent, I just don't know what to say. 'Nina... I can explain.' he says and he steps closer. I step back. I don't want him near me now. 'Please. I'm not with her.' he says. I look into his eyes.

"He seems sweet and kind, but trust me, he's a player. Every girl likes him... and he knows it. He always gets what he wants, always. I love him, but I just hate how he treats girls. He makes them feel special, and then he drops out. Telling me he's not ready for a relationship. I know he might be not, but he'll make girls believe he is ready."

I shake my head again. Was Pedri right? A tear rolls a tear rolls down my cheek. I no longer feel any emotion. I breathe in and out. Then suddenly I hear a voice. 'Pablo! There you are honey.' I look around and see the only one I didn't want to see:


She looks good. She walks over to Pablo and shamelessly wraps her arms around him. She walks past me, as if I were a ghost: which does not exist. Pablo keeps his arms at his sides for a while, he doesn't smile, he doesn't say anything. He just looks at me. Amila places a kiss on his cheek and smiles. 'Good luck!' she says. She walks past me and gives me a dirty look. I give her a death stare and she walks out of the room. 'Ooh wow, you're not together?' I say. Pablo shakes his head. 'It's not what it seems.' he says. 'Well what is it then.' I say softly. 'Listen-' but Pablo can't finish his sentence because Mr. Dallas puts his hand on his shoulder.

'Isn't it my favorite couple! It's your turn in 1 minute. Don't you have to go backstage?' he asks. 'Um...yes you're right.' I say. mr. Dallas laughs heartily. 'Hurry up! And remember: make sure the love splashes off!' he puts. Me and Pablo look at each other for a moment. It feels like my heart is breaking into a thousand pieces. 'We will' Pablo says.

We're going to the wings. We can't say anything else because you might hear it on stage. We are now in the front. I feel Pablo looking at me. I keep looking straight ahead, because if I look at him now I'm going to cry. Don't show emotion, don't show emotion, don't show emotion.

'And now! Pablo Gavi and Nina Cortés foooor Spaaaain!

Hopefully you liked this chapter!! I'll try to update soon. If you liked it please leave a Vote or Comment. Thanks for all the sweet messages! They mean a lot to me. Next chapter will be nerve wracking!

Thanks for reading


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