transformers prime helluva bo...

By CJandxenaXenomorph

12.9K 125 101

this is a crossover between transformers prime and helluva boss featuring my OC'S when stolas sends two I.M... More

⚠️read first⚠️
chapter 1: the fugitive
chapter 2: robots!?!
chapter 3: meet team prime
chapter 4: suspicion
chapter 5: now everyone knows
chapter 6: Ratchet vs goetia magic
chapter 7: the demon beast hunters
chapter 8: keeping secrets
chapter 9: hatching
chapter 10: captive
chapter 11: Cash Buckzo
chapter 12: Ultra Magnus and Barbie wire
chapter 13: It's not spring but it's broken
chapter 14: the lie
chapter 15: the cherubs return
chapter 16: the past
chapter 17: haunted by the past
chapter 18: a single pale con
chapter 19: falling apart
chapter 20: the plot thickens
chapter 21: Alastor's Game
chapter 22: the wrath ring
chapter 23: gone too far
chapter 25: the demon Cybertronian alliance
chapter 26: backstabbing liar
chapter 27: the prophecy
chapter 28: the battle
chapter 29: the endgame.
chapter 30: restoration
what happens next

chapter 24: familiar

153 4 2
By CJandxenaXenomorph

(Authors note: I didn't like that Ratchet said that Optimus prime was like Jack back when Orion Pax because that's unfortunate so I made Orion Pax be more like Charlie). 

While at the base Charlie was wondering what happened with Megatron to start the war. 

Vaggie: Charlie are you ok? 

Charlie: I'm just wondering...  What made Megatron so mad that he had started an entire war?  And what are we even going to do when this is over?  Things won't go back to the way they were before. 

Ratchet: change can be difficult Charlotte Morningstar just ask Optimus how he dealt with becoming a prime. 

Octavia: what did you say? 

Loona: wait Optimus wasn't always a prime? 

Ratchet: on Cybertron one is not born into greatness, one must earn it. 

Husk: so, what was Optimus like before? 

Nifty: was he a hot guy in need of a housewife!? 

Ratchet: no, no he was more like...  Charlie. 

Charlie: what?  I'm nothing like Optimus.  Anyways where's Caddy? 

Ratchet: on a scouting mission with Bumblebee sorry to disappoint. 

With Bumblebee and Caddy

Bumblebee and Caddy were searching the wreckage of Pentagram city for anymore survivors until Circuitjack and Smokescreen came by explaining to them that Optimus prime feels strongly that they require backup.  All they found was the taxidermy roadkill from the completely destroyed store "Uriah's heap". 

Caddy accidentally stepped on a taxidermied mouse that was made to look like it was in a rock band, it was making Bumblebee and Caddy very uncomfortable by the sight. 

Bumblebee: I think it's dead, see the tire marks on its tail? 

Smokescreen: does someone actually go to collect roadkill just to turn them into that!? 

Caddy: yeah I go to Uriah's heap a lot but my personal favorite of the taxidermy section is the family of ferrets at a clambake. 

Bumblebee: Why!?! 

Caddy: because it looks nice. 

Circuitjack: who the hell makes this taxidermy!?! 

Caddy: no one knows. 

Back with the others

Alastor: so he wasn't always a prime? 

Ratchet then gave everyone the whole explanation on what had happened between Orion Pax and Megatronus.  Everyone was surprised on hearing the whole thing especially Charlie feeling like the whole situation between Optimus prime and Megatron is familiar to her. 

With the Decepticons

Starscream was scaring Fat nuggets half to death just for laughs even though it was making Knockout very, very uncomfortable to watch. 

Starscream: what's wrong little piggy are you scared well feed you to our predacon *evil laugh*. 

Knockout: did you forget that Stella seduced and manipulated Megatron into throwing predaking out? 

Starscream: no I did not!  I would never forget that day...  Especially since predaking was very loyal to Megatron but because of that Stella's bitchy ego she manipulated Megatron into getting rid of him. 

Knockout: I don't even trust Stella. 

The scene then cuts to a few hours earlier to when Knockout was carrying energon cubes in the hallway until he heard a conversation that Stella had with Striker. 

Stella: *off screen* I told Megatron once the Morningstar's and the Autobots are dead I would throw the whole Decepticon army a huge party in celebration of us winning.  He was so stupid enough to believe I would throw him a party when in reality... 

Striker: *off screen* that party is really a huge group funeral. 

With Bumblebee and Caddy

Back with Bumblebee and Caddy they were just completely trying to move the taxidermy out of the way the roadkill was literally everywhere.  Circuitjack and Smokescreen were being the lookout in case there were any Decepticons in the area. 

Bumblebee was staring at a taxidermy piece where a squirrel and a rat were getting married wondering if rats and squirrels would ever work out in a relationship. 

Bumblebee: Caddy do you think rats and squirrels would ever work out?  I mean they're two totally different species. 

Caddy: I mean maybe they would.  I mean they have much more in common than people think.  Everyone fears them so it would just be us-- THEM against the world. 

Bumblebee: that was deep. 

Caddy: yes *awkwardly laughs* Bumblebee you do know this is like...  The longest conversation that we've ever had right. 

Bumblebee: yeah well I don't really have that many conversations with anyone so, yeah. 

Caddy: yeah, once this whole thing is over I'm planning to go to wrath and look at the non-existent sunset because it has always looked beautiful

Bumblebee: oh, how nice.  Well you have fun. 

Caddy just couldn't hold it in anymore after Bumblebee said that she just had to tell him. 

Caddy: BUMBLEBEE!  All day I've been flirting, hinting and trying to act cute I even brushed dead fucking roadkill just so you would ask me on a mother fucking date!!! 

Bumblebee and Caddy's faces had been completely blushing after Caddy had told that to Bumblebee. 

Bumblebee: Oh, so that's why you were brushing that opossum's tail for an awkward moment while smiling I thought you were going insane.  So you want to go to wrath and see the sunset, like on a date with me? 

Caddy: yes. 

Bumblebee and Caddy's heads turned around after Caddy said yes.  Once Bumblebee left to check it out Caddy was so happy that Bumblebee asked her for a date. 

Caddy: YES!  I can't believe he asked. 

With the others

Charlie just couldn't stop thinking about the situation with Optimus and Megatron, she just couldn't stop thinking about how could that whole situation be so familiar until Arcee entered the room. 

Arcee: hey Charlie. you okay? 

Charlie: No.  What did I get myself into?  I just wanted to end extermination day and help everyone in hell but I just made things worse.  I think my dad was right about me...  The whole situation with Optimus and Megatron is so devastating and why does this feel so... 

Charlie: 🎵familiar.  Why is this so familiar?🎵

Charlie got up and then walked out of the room making Arcee follow her. 

Charlie: 🎵Familiar like something I used to know🎵

Arcee: 🎵used to know🎵

Charlie: 🎵Familiar.  Staring up at the ceiling...  Familiar I swear that I know this feeling🎵

Charlie walked up to a rose bush and grabbed and held a beautiful fully bloomed rose. 

Charlie: 🎵where everybody wants me to be dad🎵

Arcee: 🎵wants her to be dad🎵

Arcee followed Charlie into another room of the Base full of wreckage. 

Charlie: 🎵and everything I do I do it wrong🎵

Arcee: 🎵why do I do it wrong?🎵

Charlie then sees a green snake on the ground and then kneels down to pet it

Charlie: 🎵 I'll sway them with a joke or with a song.🎵

Arcee: 🎵or with a song.🎵

Charlie then picks up the snake and places it on her shoulder. 

Charlie:  🎵and maybe that'll help us get along...  Familiar why is so familiar?🎵

Charlie then enters another room that Ratchet set up with computers full of information and files about the past of Cybertron. 

Charlie: 🎵Familiar why is this so familiar?  Familiar like something I used to do.🎵

Arcee: 🎵 something I used to do🎵

Charlie: 🎵 familiar did Orion Pax throw a tantrum?  Insisting that "hey I'm an autobot too!"🎵

Arcee: 🎵hey, I'm an autobot too🎵

Charlie then goes through the computers to see the history between Orion Pax and Megatronus. 

Charlie: 🎵I bet he drove him crazy all the time🎵

Arcee: 🎵 crazy all the time🎵

Charlie: 🎵he loved him but he left him behind...  With more important places Megatronus should be🎵

Arcee: 🎵places he should be🎵

Charlie: 🎵than hanging out with someone just like me!🎵

Charlie finally came to the realization that Orion Pax was exactly like her in every way possible making her smile. 

Charlie: 🎵 Familiar that's why it's so familiar!🎵

Arcee: 🎵 that's why it's so familiar🎵

Charlie: 🎵 Familiar like someone I used to be🎵

Arcee: 🎵 someone I used to be🎵

Charlie then places the snake on the computer and then places the rose next to it and then left the room. 

Charlie: 🎵 Familiar but this time I've had some practice.  In helping a struggling family🎵

Arcee: 🎵a struggling family🎵

Once Charlie and Arcee get to the main room Charlie grabs a piece of paper and a pencil and starts writing and drawing. 

Charlie: 🎵Oh, I'll get them all together in one place!  And once we're all together face to face!  I'll show them all the error of their ways!🎵

Charlie lifts up the paper holding her plan and a drawing of her both hugging Optimus prime Megatron and everyone else looking happy. 

Charlie: 🎵 And stop their spread of terror across...  SPACE!!!🎵

After Charlie finished singing the other Autobots came back to the base,  Charlie immediately ran to them to tell everyone her plan. 

Charlie: guys, remember how Megatronus snapped after Orion Pax gave a speech about what was completely wrong with Megatronus's way of leadership? 

Ratchet: how could anyone not forget? 

Charlie: it's exactly like the situation I had with my father.  Me and my dad had a huge and horrible argument after I told him about my rehabilitation hotel and how we should end extermination day. 

Charlie then gave Vaggie the paper with her entire plan which was completely highlighted and the drawing of her hugging Optimus and Megatron. 

Charlie: the highlighted bits are the best parts! 

Vaggie: it's all highlighted.   *sees the drawing*  is this a drawing? 

Charlie: yes that's the happy ending, see everyone is smiling that the entire war is over. 

Circuitjack: *off screen* guys, guess who the fuck we found? 

Circuitjack, Smokescreen, Bumblebee and Caddy were walking into the base holding knockout in cuffs.

Moxxie: knockout!

Millie: I'm ready to tear his fucking head off bitches!!! 


Knockout: wait I have information!!!

Stolas: about what!?! 

Knockout: Stella's real scheme!!! 

Optimus prime: what scheme? 

The scene then cuts to a flashback on how knockout ended up in that moment.  Knockout was carrying boxes full of the wine that Stella asked for obviously Wheelie couldn't get it for her so knockout had to bring it to Stella.  Once Knockout opened the door he heard the real reason on why Stella joined the Decepticons. 

Striker: so your ditsy Blueblood father despised the demon Cybertronian alliance? 

Stella: he believed it was an abomination that should have never happened.  Over the years he has been committed to killing all the Cybertronians he died serving that cause.  Once all the Decepticons are at my "the Autobots are dead" party there will be a bomb placed underneath that will blow up and incinerate them all! 

Striker: you really know how to deceive a decepticon. 

Stella: my father always said if you want to deceive a decepticon you got to outthink them.  It was very easy to seduce and manipulate Megatron. 

Knockout: you wanted to kill us!!! 

Stella and Striker turned around to see knockout standing there staring at them because he heard their entire conversation.  Striker threw a knife at the door systems causing it to close, Stella casted a spell to drag Knockout in front of her. 


Stella: and since you know that you can no longer live. 

Striker then opened the door to outside the nemesis causing Knockout to fly out.  Once Striker closed the door he and Stella start laughing manically thinking that they both had just killed Knockout. 

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