Stockholm Syndrome | WOOHWA

By prettyhwaa__

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When a slight interest turns into obsession, obsession leads to kidnapping. One day Wooyoung finds himself g... More



218 14 37
By prettyhwaa__

Seeing the horrible memory of that day flashing before his eyes each time he looked over the bed, he grew a hatred towards the furniture and its mattress so he chose to stay at the corner of the room beside the bed at the cold, hard floor all the time. It was the only place he glued himself onto.

After that day, Seonghwa acted like nothing serious happened when he actually ruined Wooyoung's life.

Standing infront of the mirror hanged to the bathroom's wall, Wooyoung looks at himself. He cringed at the sight. Despite having dark circles from the lack of sleep and pale skin from lacking of food and energy in his body, messy hair and everything, he looked a little different from when he was captured. He looked almost... lifeless.

With the rough skin of his palm and fingers, he ran a hand over his face. He felt his heart clenching inside his chest. The once lively and happy Wooyoung wasn't there anymore. He felt like he was looking at a different person on the mirror. He felt like crying but no tear was coming out of his eyes. He had stopped tearing up after that day. Was it because Seonghwa finally broke him? Did he gave up?

He sighed through his nose and removed his eyes from the mirror, not wanting to look at himself any longer. He removed his clothes and stood under the shower after turning on the warm water, he closed his eyes letting the water wet his hair and body.

After a few minutes, he felt his legs were gonna give up soon, so he quickly finished and went out to sit somewhere. When he got out, he couldn't think much and weakly laid himself on the bed. As soon as his head hit the pillow, his head felt heavy, he felt like the world is spinning around him, he felt like throwing up, eventually, he couldn't stop his eyes from closing and everything went black.

Half an hour passed, Seonghwa finished his chores and stepped inside the room. A smile crept up his face as he saw Wooyoung finally sleeping, on the bed and not the cold, hard floor. He carefully stepped closer not wanting to wake Wooyoung and frowned noticing Wooyoung didn't even pull the blankets on him. Reaching down for blankets, he pulled them up and covered Wooyoung gently.

Then he took a seat beside Wooyoung and locked his eyes on him. He couldn't help but feel a bit concerned as he noticed Wooyoung's face a bit pale, his lips chapped and dried.

Seonghwa moved a finger under Wooyoung's nose and felt weak, short breaths hitting his finger. Suddenly he had the urge to check his forehead and once the back of his hand made contact with Wooyoung's forehead, his eyes widened. "Fuck he's burning." He mumbled to himself and hurried to touch his cheek and neck, his body was burning in fever.

"Wooyoung?" Seonghwa called out as he gently shook the latter by his shoulder. Wooyoung didn't wake up. He shook him again a bit harder and Wooyoung was still out. Fear crossed his face and mind, no he couldn't lose Wooyoung. He panicked and pulled the blankets down a bit, positioning Wooyoung to lay on his back.

He ran to the bathroom and brought a wet cloth with him, quickly placing it on top of Wooyoung's forehead to cool off his temperature. "Baby... you're going to be okay baby." He whispered getting Wooyoung's hand in his.

He didn't know what to do, it's the first time he had to take care of someone, and the first time he actually cared for other than his friends. Keeping Wooyoung's hand in his, he kissed it before gently placing it back on top of his stomach.

Knowing he had to do something, he picked up his phone and called San.

"Pick up pick up!" Seonghwa muttered getting impatient.


"San I need you to bring your friend, who's a doctor, here."

"Huh? Why?"

"It's Wooyoung. Just hurry."

"Okay. But did you forget that you kidnapped him and he could easily ask for help and get you in jail?"

Seonghwa sighed "Fuck I didn't forget, he's out okay? And if something like that happens, I'll solve it my way. So hurry and bring him here."

He heard San scoff from the other line and say "okay whatever."

He hang up and sighed, rubbing his temple with his thumb in frustration. He didn't noticed he was now pacing in the room back and forth waiting for the doctor to come.

After good 15 minutes, the door was knocked and San came along with his friend. Seonghwa quickly guided the doctor to the room and he started checking and examining Wooyoung instantly. Before they come, Seonghwa made sure to take away the chains from Wooyoung's ankle and place them under the bed so the doctor doesn't notice anything.

The doctor got up from the bed after gathering his medical stuff back and Seonghwa was there standing and observing them.

"His body's temperature is high, and his body is weakened. Has he not been eating properly?" The doctor asked standing infront of Seonghwa.

"No. He'd refuse to eat no matter how much I kept telling him to." Seonghwa answered and the doctor hummed before asking again "Okay, did he vomit yet?"

Seonghwa thought about it for a second before answering "uh I don't know..."

"Well okay, San told me about his trauma for hospitals, so buy these medicines for him although I really insist taking him to a hospital for a better care." The doctor said writing and then handing a paper to Seonghwa.

Seonghwa took the paper and smirked mentally, San was smart for saying that "Thank you doctor but I'm afraid we can't go to the hospital. My boyfriend is very sensitive to that place."

"Alright. Make sure to give him the medicines and get him to eat and sleep properly on time and he will get better in no time."

Seonghwa nodded his head "okay."

They bid goodbyes and doctor walked away with San who was in downstair the whole time.

"Uh San..." the doctor called out almost unsure while walking with San.

San hummed allowing him to say whatever he wanted to say and doctor sighed. "You're friend's boyfriend was a little familiar." As soon as the words left the doctor's mouth, San's head snapped to him, his eyes wide. "But no matter how hard I'm trying to remember, I can't. What's his name?" He asked looking at now surprised and wide eyed San.

San quickly changed his expressions and shrugged "I don't know him that much but his name is Seo Jungwoo." He lied. It seemed like the doctor believed it as he nodded his head and said "Oh I don't know someone with that name, I guess I mistook him with someone else."

"Yea probably..." San internally sighed, Seonghwa owes him now for saving his ass.

Seonghwa had quickly went out and bought the medicines. He was on the bed checking the temperature of Wooyoung and it didn't went down. He was still burning. He get the cloth from his forehead and wetted it before placing it back on Wooyoung's forehead.

When the wet cold cloth touched his skin, Wooyoung groaned softly.

"Baby?" Seonghwa called taking his hand and Wooyoung hummed weakly, his eyes still shut.

"Baby open your eyes."

"I wanna sleep..." Wooyoung whined and Seonghwa smiled a little "No love, you need to get up now."

"No..." Wooyoung mumbled and after a few seconds soft snores left his parted lips.

Seonghwa smiled and shook his head as he got up from the bed and went to the kitchen. Soon he was back at the room again, with a tray in his hands that had a bowl of soup and a glass of water.

He placed the tray on the bed and gently shook Wooyoung.

"Wooyoung baby... wake up, you need to eat."

Wooyoung didn't have the energy to think or refuse. He hummed and held his hand up a bit, Seonghwa instantly got what he wanted and took his hand. Slowly helping him to sit, he quickly placed two pillows on his back and Wooyoung rested his back.

"I... I feel like throwing up" Wooyoung muttered weakly. Seonghwa reached out and held the glass of water for Wooyoung ''here drink this"

Wooyoung leaned a bit and pressed his lips on the glass that Seonghwa held for him without grabbing it. Seonghwa smiled and tilted the glass up slightly as Wooyoung started gulping down the water.

He nodded his head once, giving Seonghwa the sign that he didn't want to drink anymore and Seonghwa put the glass away. He grabbed the bowl of soup, dipping the spoon in it then holding the spoon filled with soup up for Wooyoung to eat  "open your mouth baby."

Wooyoung shook his head, face red because of fever and lips formed in a pout that Seonghwa wanted to kiss. Despite being sick, he still managed to look beautiful as ever.

Seonghwa smiled and softly spoke "love, you need to eat before taking medicine hm?" Wooyoung shook his head again with pout "don't wanna..."

"Just a few bites" Seonghwa said gently pressing the spoon against Wooyoung's lips. Wooyoung was dizzy, he felt nauseous and wanted to throw up and sleep. But he did what Seonghwa told him, opened his lips slowly and let Seonghwa feed him the soup.

Seonghwa smiled seeing Wooyoung eat so innocently. It kinda gave his heart a sort of warmth he never knew he could get.

After taking a few bites, Wooyoung shook his head, eyes closed from tiredness "no more"

"No baby, see just a few more bites and the soup will be finished."

"No~" Wooyoung whined.

"Hmm then... only two more? Okay love?" He asked and Wooyoung didn't want to argue more as he really wanted to sleep. He nodded slightly and opened his mouth.

Seonghwa felt his heart skip a beat, a grin crept up his face. He could get used to this. He gently started to feed Wooyoung until the soup finished. Placing the bowl back on the tray, Seonghwa took out two pills "open you mouth."

Wooyoung looks at the pill Seonghwa held for him for a second and opened his mouth, letting Seonghwa place the pill on his tongue and then gave him some water to swallow before giving him the other pill.

"Now let's get some rest." Seonghwa softly worded as he helped Wooyoung get under the blankets and made sure to cover him so he wouldn't catch a cold.

Seonghwa heard soft snores coming from Wooyoung and he smiled. Taking the tray with him, he left the room to do some chores. He felt kinda happy for now, he wanted him to rest.

An hour later, Seonghwa was at the room, watching TV and every now and then looking and checking Wooyoung who was sleeping next to him.

Suddenly Wooyoung started to groan uncomfortably. Seonghwa sat straight and checked his forehead, he was still burning.

Just when he was about to go and change the wet cloth for Wooyoung's forehead, Wooyoung started coughing and suddenly left himself up, and gagged before throwing up all over the floor.

Seonghwa hurriedly got behind up, lifted Wooyoung's hair from his face and and kept rubbing his back to comfort him. "It's okay, it's okay baby."

When Wooyoung finished, his back slumped back at the headboard of the bed and Seonghwa hurried out of the room. He brought Wooyoung a glass of water and gave him.

"I feel sick..." Wooyoung mumbled, breathing heavily. Seonghwa placed the glass on the nightstand and tucked a loose strand of Wooyoung's hair behind his ear as he spoke "shh its okay, you're gonna be okay."

Wooyoung just nodded slightly and whispered "sleepy..."

Seonghwa helped him back to the bed and after covering him with blankets, he got up and went out to grab some things to clean the floor. He decided to take Wooyoung for shower when he gets a little bit better.

"Wonwoo? What happened why are you crying?"

"Yunho... Mingyu, he's–"

"I-Is Mingyu alright? Something happened to him?" Yunho asked gulping a lump in his throat, fearing to hear the worst answer.

"He's awake! Yunho he–he's awake!" Wonwoo cried.

"He's awake? Mingyu- Mingyu is awake... Mingyu is awake!" Yunho yelled for others to hear while crying with Wonwoo on the phone.

Yeosang ran to Yunho who was inside the staff room, tears on his eyes. "Yunho what did you say?"

Yunho quickly hang up the phone and pulled Yeosang in his embrace "Sangie... he's awake... Mingyu is awake."

Yeosang hugs back tightly "thank fucking goodness..." he pulls away "Let's go."

Yunho nodded his head and they walked out as they handed the restaurant over to Jackson and others to take care of it after telling the good news to them.

Soon they reached the hospital and ran to the floor where Mingyu was hospitalized. Reaching the floor, they saw Wonwoo sitting on the waiting chairs, face inside his palms.

Going towards the male, they both pulled Wonwoo into a hug. Yeosang had asked Wonwoo if they could meet Mingyu, and he said Mingyu was being taken to a private room and after that they could meet him.

Waiting for a while, a nurse finally came to them telling that they can meet him but they have to make sure not to stay there for too long because Mingyu still needed to rest.

Since Wonwoo had already saw him when he opened his eyes, he insisted that Yunho and Yeosang to visit him first. They took a deep breath before stepping inside the room.

They saw Mingyu, laying on the bed, with patient clothes, pipes and syringes connected with his arms and monitors beside his bed, checking and controlling his heart rates.

Mingyu's eyes lit up and he showed a small, weak smile as he saw his friends entering the room.

"Min." Yeosang smiled as he walked closer with Yunho following him.

"Hi." Mingyu smiled back, he looked lively even though he just came back from coma.

Yunho was still crying so Mingyu looked at him "Yuyu why are you crying?" Yunho shook his head "it's happy tears..  welcome back Min."

"Help me sit." The patient asked his friend who was standing beside his bed and nodded before helping him sit up and rest his back on the pillows for support.

"I want to hug you but seeing all those pipes, I can't." Yunho sniffled and Mingyu chuckled softly keeping their hands on either one of his hands.

"We missed you." Yeosang said smiling a bit. Mingyu smiled back and nodded his head. He looked at the door for a while, desperately waiting for a specific person to enter.

"Where's Woo?"


I didn't know how to describe the nauseous feeling and how do doctors examine someone so yea it's fucked up ik💀

Mingyu is finally awake...
How would he react if he get to know about Wooyoung's absence?

And lastly... how do you feel about Seonghwa's softness?👀

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