necromancy | avengers 1

By Maddie03033

53.5K 1K 97

necromancy /ˈnɛkrə(ʊ)mansi/ noun the supposed practice of communicating with the dead, especially in order to... More

Part 1- The Avengers
I- Nick Fury
II- Helicarrier
III- Loki
IV- The Scepter
V- Romanoff
VI- Confessions
VII- Barton
IX- The Middle Of The Fight
X- The End Of The Fight
XI- After The Fight
XII- Dinner With The Captain
XIII- The Witch
Part 2- Captain America: The Winter Soldier
I- Rory
II- Fossil
III- Missions
IV- Sam
V- The Man In The Mask
VI- Vending Machine
VII- Specimen
VIII- Hydra
IX- Sitwell
X- The Falcon
XI- Bucky
XII- Truth
XIII- Triskelion
XIV- 41st Floor
XV- Caramel Macchiato And Heart To Hearts
XVI- Birthday Party
XVII- Cupid
Part 3- Avengers: Age Of Ultron
I- The Sokovian Twins
II- Getting The Scepter
III- The Jet
IV- Mjölnir
V- Ultron
VI- Wakanda
VII- Omelet
VIII- Safe House
IX- The Truth
X- Evolve
XI- The Cradle
XII- The Vision
XIII- Evacuation
XIV- Pietro Maximoff
XV- Avengers...
XVI- Funeral

VIII- The Start Of The Fight

1.8K 33 4
By Maddie03033

After Steve had told them to suit up, Celestia had left Barton's medical room to go to her room only to see her suit on the bed, the hole in the midsection fixed. She smiled, putting it on and slipping the gun into its holster on her waist. She stepped out of her room to see Steve, Romanoff and Barton walking down the hall. She joined them as they made their way to the Quinjet. Celestia thought that if this was a superhero movie, they would all look pretty badass right now.

"Hey you guys aren't authorised to be in here." A young agent in the Quinjet said to them, standing up. "Son, just don't." Steve said to the man.


The four Avengers sat in the Quinjet as it took off, Romanoff sitting in the front with Barton and Steve and Celestia sitting in the back. "So Cap, you ready to fight an army of aliens led by an Asgardian God?" Celestia asked Steve a grin on her face. She heard Barton laugh at the front on the Quinjet. Steve sighed, looking down, "Y'know, I think I owe Fury another 10 bucks." He looked up at her with a smile across his face,which she reciprocated.

"Stark, we're on your three headed north-east." Romanoff said, speaking to Stark.

"What? Did you stop for drive-through? Swing up Park. I'm gonna lay 'em out for you." Stark responded. Romanoff and Barton started shooting at the Chitauri. The Quinjet flies past Stark Tower and was about to shoot at Loki, but he sent a scepter blast toward it. Steve used one hand to grab onto the top of the Quinjet to stop him from falling, and one hand to grab onto Celestia to stop her from falling.

The Quinjet crashed to the ground, Steve letting go of Celestia, the four Avengers rushed out. "We got to get back up there." Steve called out, all of them starting to run.

The four stopped running as they heard a low mechanical growl, a shadow being cast over the city when through a portal above them, came a large..snake/shark/flying alien thing. Out of it came more alien Chitauri things, but smaller, and they started jumping onto buildings. Celestia's mouth opened wide in shock. "How the hell.." She trailed off.

"Stark you seeing this?" Cap asked Stark over comms.

"Seeing. Still working on believing. Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?" Stark questioned.

"Banner?" Steve also asked, looking at the others.

"Just keep me posted." Stark requested.


Celestia, Steve, Romanoff and Barton ran behind taxi's, taking cover. They saw some of the Chitauri fly up above, "Loki." Steve said, seeing said man leading the army down the street. The four Avengers peered over the railing to see destruction going on below them. "They're fish in a barrel down there." Cap spoke.

They got shot at my some Chitauri in front of them, and Romanoff shot at the aliens in defence. Barton moved over to another taxi. Romanoff looked to Steve and Celestia and said, "We got this. It's good. You both can go."

"Will you be able to hold them off?" Celestia asked, worried. Barton turned to Celestia and smirked, " would be my genuine pleasure." Before taking out an arrow and shooting a Chitauri.

Cap ran to the railing and jumped over, landing on the bus, Celestia following suit. The brunette started shooting at Chitauri while the blond spoke to the police. "You need men in these buildings. There are people inside and they're going to be running right into the line of fire. You take them to the basements or through the subway. You keep them off the streets. I need a perimeter as far back as 39th." Celestia heard Cap speaking to the police, and she also faintly heard one say, "Why the hell should he take orders from you?" Celestia laughed internally, 'this'll be good' she thought to herself, and turned to face Cap.

Shots fire right near where Celestia is standing, fall back a bit, bashing her head into a car, splitting her lip, but she sees a few Chitauri land on the car Cap is on, and she also then sees him take them down easy as pie. She smiled (which she immediately regretted due to her split lip) and the heard a police officer call out, "I need men in those buildings. Lead the people down and away from the streets. We're gonna set up a perimeter all the way down to 39th Street."

Celestia walks up to Steve who jumps off the car. She grins at him, "Good going, Captain." He smiles back, before they run over to Romanoff and Barton. Steve jumps in hitting a few Chitauri, while Celestia shoots one that was about to attack Romanoff. The redhead gratefully smiles at the woman, and just as more Chitauri walk up to the four Avengers, lightning strikes them, and Thor flies down.

Steve walks up to Thor, and asks "What's the story upstairs?" And Thor replies with, "The power surround the Cube is impenetrable."

Stark comes flying up above and speaks, "Thor's right. We got to deal with these guys." Celestia looks up and sighs.

"How do we do this." Romanoff asks from behind. "As a team." Steve responds.

"I have unfinished business with Loki." Thor speaks.

Barton, who was fixing and arrow, says, rather annoyed, "Yeah? Well get in line."

"Save it. Loki's going to keep this fight focused on us, and that's what we need. Without him these things could run wild. We got Stark up top. He's going to need us to-" Steve starts, walking, but is cut off my the engine of a motorcycle. The five Avengers turn to look toward the sound and sees Dr. Banner riding up. He gets off and Celestia, Thor, Steve, Romanoff and Barton walk over to him.

"So, this all seems horrible." Banner speaks, motioning to the city.

"I've seen worse." Romanoff spoke in response to Banner. He looks ashamed, and says "Sorry." She just smiled at him, and said, "No, we could use a little worse."

"Stark. We got him." Steve said through comms. "Banner?" Stark replied. And Cap responded with, "Just like you said."

"Then tell him to suit up. I'm bringing the party to you." As soon as Stark said that, the large snake/shark/flying alien thing come crashing through a building, an Iron suit flying in front of it.

"Real fun party." Celestia said at the same time Romanoff said, "I don't see how that's a party." The two women looked at each other smiling lightly.

Banner began walking towards snake/shark/flying alien thing, but Steve called out to him, saying, "Dr. Banner. Now might be a really good time for you to get angry." Banner, still walking away, turned around and smiled. "That's my secret, Captain. I'm always angry." He said, turning into the hulk as soon and he finished.

The hulk/Banner, put a fist out stopping snake/shark/flying alien thing, and Stark fired a shot at it. Barton pulled Celestia behind a car to block the debris from hitting them. That seemed to get the Chitauri angry, all of them screeching.

The hulk roared. Barton aimed his bow and arrow at the Chitauri. Thor held his Hamer in a defensive position. Romanoff reloaded her guns. Celestia held out her guns, and finally let her powers go, a black smoke engulfing her fists. Cap secured his shield to his arm. And Stark lowered to the ground.

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