Dimension Meet: Menma and Bor...

By AikoChen01

9.1K 338 34

Boruto, Sarada and Mitsuki were only planning to do some training, nothing else. But fate had other plans whe... More


Chapter 5

1K 45 2
By AikoChen01

Shikamaru wanted to leave. Scratch that, he wanted to laugh, then leave, then turn into a cloud. But, as per usual, he did not suddenly vanish away. Instead, he scanned the room, taking in the variety of expressions: shock, intrigue, doubt, annoyance, cheek, etc. He sighed. When would anything not be a drag? Boruto, having apparently gone into shock, teetered over, Sarada grabbing his wrist to steady him.

"I mean, it kind of makes sense." Sakura was the first to speak, a calculating look in her emerald eyes. "You look like a younger version of Naruto, just with black hair." Sakura then clicked her fingers, as if remembering something. She turned towards Naruto.

"Naruto, remember the Tsukuyomi Genjutsu Obito cast on us back before the war?"

Before Naruto could respond, Sasuke cut in.

"Obito cast Tsukuyomi Genjutsu on you two?? How did you break out?" The worry was clear in his voice.

"I remember you guys reporting that you'd seen Obito in the village, but I didn't know the details," Shikamaru said, arms crossed. "Care to share now?"

"Oh hush Shika. The genjutsu world wasn't all too important at the time," Sakura answered, waving a bangled hand. "Anyway Naruto, do you remember what everyone called you in that genjutsu?"

Naruto's blue eyes widened.

"Right! My name was Menma over there."

"Woah woah woah, what are you talking about old man? Obito? Who's that? And what's this genjutsu you keep mentioning?" Boruto asked, Sarada nodding beside him.

"It was probably a version of the Infinite Tsukuyomi, perhaps a way to test the Eye of the Moon plan before the war," Mitsuki guessed.

"So are you suggesting Menma here is from that universe? That it actually exists?" Shikamaru asked, rubbing his head.

"Well, yes," Sakura nodded. "Especially since the other Naruto was possessed by evil for a short time-."

"-And his hair was dyed black just like Menma's," Naruto finished, frowning.

Menma leaned over to whisper to Memory. Shikamaru couldn't hear what they were saying, but he had a feeling that there was something he still didn't know. Remembering what Mitsuki had said before, Shikamaru cleared his throat.

"Menma, your chakra signature is quite strange. Any reason why that would be?"

"Nope," Menma said, a glint in his eye. It was very obviously a lie. Pondering it, Shikamaru turned to Naruto, who was the best sensory ninja in the room, what with his sage mode. Naruto, understanding what Shika wanted, closed his eyes. Moments later, orange eyeshadow melted into view, and as Naruto opened his eyes, Shika could see that his eyes had turned golden with flat pupils.


Sasuke was still reeling from the fact that Menma was, undoubtedly, his son. And not only his, but Naruto's. He found he wasn't disgusted by the thought: maybe he had once felt attracted to the usuratonkachi, but it didn't matter because he knew, in this universe at least, Sakura was the only one for him. Sasuke refocused just as Naruto activated his sage mode and peered down at Menma, who was looking mightily uncomfortable. Seconds later, Naruto paled, sage mode fading away. Hinata, who had been mostly quiet up until now, reached out to support her husband.

"Naruto? Is everything ok?" She asked. Naruto didn't respond, still looking at Menma.

"Using sage mode is cheating!" Menma suddenly complained. "Even Kura can't hide from that!"

Kura? Where have I heard that name before? Sasuke wondered. Unsurprisingly, Shikamaru seemed to understand first.

"Kid, are you the nine tails jinchuriki?"

Sorry for being a-wall (and this short chapter), I have a massive writers block at the moment. Anyway, thank you all for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful day! 

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