evergreen ↠ harry styles ✓

By hesasnowflake

51K 1.9K 6.3K

[Neither of them promised forever, yet it hurt all the same.] River Hamilton cannot afford to fall for just a... More



970 38 148
By hesasnowflake

+ + +


Awkward conversations didn't exist in River's life until she was caught making out with a man by her brother. Naturally, the moment between her and Harry dissolved into awkwardness but River quickly concealed how she truly felt. The glass in her hand was a comfort, the taste of the drink a way out to lengthen time and buy herself a moment to come back down to earth.

Alden stood there and watched her like a hawk. River decided to be equally as focused on details as she took in the navy trousers he wore, the black shoes, the white shirt with a mid-collar, and his trench coat over it. It seemed like he came from a meeting as opposed to training or straight from the airport.

Both Hamiltons media trained, River caught the moment his mask slipped and revealed his genuine shock. It peaked River's interest because she didn't think Alden would find the situation surprising.

"Riv, a word, please," he called with a smile but awaited no reply as he descended the steps, each movement a soft click against the smooth surface.

River groaned but stood, anyway. When Harry's fingers circled her wrist, she looked towards him without hesitation. Reassurance glanced back at her without words and she felt calm and safe once again, settled as those green eyes brought newfound comfort. Her free hand moved on top of his and gave it a gentle squeeze to show her appreciation then turned and followed her brother before she chose against it and got lost in her own world with Harry.

In no time, she caught up to Alden, though even then they continued to walk for a while. Not even the birds were around when her brother finally came to a halt and faced her. Left without the chance to say anything, Alden got his words out with speed.

"What are you doing?" he asked. The question appeared rhetorical, she decided, when he went on. "I told you to not get involved with him, haven't I?"

The seriousness in his voice was strange. Urgency laced through it like River had done something wrong that would lead to serious consequences. "I'm not doing anything wrong. I don't understand your anger."

Alden laughed in disbelief and cupped his mouth before he dragged it down his chin. "He is your employee. Is that not wrong enough in your book?"

River crossed her arms over her chest as she felt herself become defensive. "Would you like to talk about Mother's previous PA? Oh, how about the French woman who sat on the Adelaide Aid board committee until she did not?"

"You're following in my footsteps, is that it?" he questioned as he mimicked her stance and crossed his arms, too. If Alden was comfortable bringing himself down to make a point there had to be more to his frustration with this.

"That would require me juggling more than one employee on my plate and, as far as I am concerned, that is not the case," she told him as she aimed her words to pierce because Alden's past was messy. More so than hers and that held some weight considering the irresponsible decisions she's made before. "So, no, Alden—I am not following in your footsteps. I can certainly try if you recommend it?" she offered with a smirk, head tilted.

Alden laughed, and shook his head. Stepped aside and ran his hands down his face again. She stayed silent because she couldn't figure out how to control this situation.

"You are marrying Charles Radcliffe. Is Harry aware of that?"

Wow. A low blow. Sooner than she expected to hear it. Somehow, River hoped to have time to prepare for such comments until the Oxford Ball. Apparently not.

"How is this any of your business?"

"How is it not any of my business?" the entitlement in his voice reminded River of their father, particularly when he found himself in a heated discussion during a meeting. It didn't happen often for the Hamilton kids substituted for his lack of presence at meetings but when it did, things usually elevated faster.

"Have you not got enough on your plate, brother? A season to finish—hopefully with more points than your rival? Your heavily pregnant fiancée—whom, I have heard, is planning your wedding and your baby shower alone because for some strange reason she refuses your help?"

Oh, River has heard about it all. The pent-up tension between her older brothers and their significant others. The way neither of them get along with their partners because, apparently, they are emotionally connected and deal with conflict at the same time.

"That is none of your—"

"Isn't it?" she interrupted him before he could've said what he very well wanted to say. "Isn't it my business, Alden? Isn't your fiancée supposed to become my sister? Your child my niece? The way you view ownership of my personal relationships is the same way I could shadow yours."

"This is not about me and my life but you and your reckless actions."

An evil sounding laugh erupted from deep within River's chest. Rumbled its way up her throat. "You've been speaking to Dorian, have you not? Sharing gossip about the recklessness I've been displaying."

"What are you talking about?"

"You're snooping for Dorian, aren't you? Trying to figure out what I get up to and who I associate with since I have an issue with the way I have fun, right?"

Confusion looked back at River before Alden verbally confirmed it. "I'm confused, Riv. What are you talking about?"

A loud exhale, and she said, "I have a friend who needed help. I went to Dorian and he accused me of being irresponsible and getting dragged into a group I probably should not be associating with. He made it out like he was concerned as my big brother but I know he feared the potential backlash it would cause. Your interrogation only supports my theory that he's sent people to watch out for what I do and it would not shock me to find you are included in that group."

"You sound insane," Alden laughed dryly. Looked over River like he didn't recognise her. His stare fixated behind her for a moment too long. "I'm not spying for our brother. I'm here because your PA told me you are. I wanted to talk to you then I found you cradled in my friend's arms like the two of you didn't despise each other last week."


"Irrelevant," he corrected. "I told you not to get mixed up with him, and you have done it regardless. You know your responsibilities and I know how you get attached to people."

"I already have a therapist I pay."

"You couldn't pay me enough to get inside your head, sister," he scoffed but amusement shone in his eyes. The same kind that reflected in River's own. The quick moment of siblings getting along faded swiftly. "Harry is not the kind of man you bring around our family and get away with it."

"Because Jade was the kind of woman you bring around our family and get away with it?"

A low blow on River's part, true. The regret and guilt would nip at her later. In the heat of the moment, she felt justified. Alden came at Harry with unnecessary power and she couldn't stand it. Alden didn't only discover the secret she wished to keep for longer than a day but he'd gone ahead and questioned everything about it. That bothered River tremendously.

There was truth behind her harsh words. Unlike Kaia, Jade didn't come from a family that supported the legacy the Hamiltons have nurtured for decades. In fact, Jade had a very similar background to Harry's in terms of her family's wealth—or lack thereof—and general place within society. Natasha and Dexter were reluctant and put Jade through years of hell before they chose to accept the woman as their son's girlfriend. Alden went against the marriage their parents proposed and stood his ground on what he wanted. Although, Jade's second nature smarts and willingness also played greatly into the outcome that people knew today.

This conversation made River think if she should've done a deep dive on Harry's background. Where she usually would've started with such a task to protect herself and her family, she pushed it as far from her brain as she could. After all, Harry never would've been hired at the Clubhouse if he had anything to hide—the recruitment process did, after all, include a skeleton check.

"Do not speak on my fiancée that way."

"Do not speak on Harry that way."

The stare off between them started off harsh and serious then ended in a shared smirk before they both glanced away.

There was another moment of silence where they both collected themselves.

Alden said, "You are my sister and Harry is my friend. You are both juggling the Clubhouse—which is not just this singular establishment."

"I am aware," she nodded. It was not the only one. It was the most popular, however. River oversaw all of them but Harry only managed this one. "I would love to see some faith from my brothers but I suppose I need to work harder in order to be taken seriously."

"Don't get passive aggressive with me, Riv. I'm looking out for you," he explained.

"Well, you are getting on my nerves. You and Dorian. You both think I'm some child that needs to be protected from the world and from making mistakes."

"Of course, we want to protect you from them. We know what it's like to make mistakes that have the potential to haunt you later in life."

This conversation didn't interest River. In fact, to talk to her brother meant she wasted time she could've spent with Harry. Suddenly, the entire focus of her world resized into one man and she realised how terribly fucked she was. Obsessed. Completely whipped. She told Harry she was terrified but this felt worse.

"Look," she sighed. Hoped to divert her thoughts and refocus her attention. "I appreciate your concern. I appreciate both of your concerns—I have told Dorian as much. But I'm not twelve anymore, there is no one brave enough to steal my rose."

Alden smiled as River brought up the childhood memory. Once upon a time, when she was twelve, one of the boys at school got her a rose on Valentine's Day. It was the fullest, most vibrant head of flower she had ever seen. It was so beautiful that one of the girls got jealous and stole it from her. It made River cry because no one had gotten her flowers before—no one besides the men in her family—and she appreciated the gesture more than she could've explained. Those tears granted both of her brothers to puff their chests and square their shoulders because they thought it was the boy who hurt her feelings. When they found out it was one of the girls, they threw mean words instead of punches.

Defeated, Alden seemed to mentally step back. It took a second, then another, and he was bright eyed and content once more.

"I trust you, Riv. I trust that you have a good head on your shoulders," he said in the end. River easily uncovered what he meant: don't get your heart broken. Either that or try not to get too attached. Although, as she considered both options, she supposed they went hand in hand. If she got too attached she'd end up breaking her own heart because she'd never get what her brothers had.

True love for life.

As much as she knew it could be possible because it worked for Alden and Jade, she also knew that marriage was just as planned as Dorian and Kaia's union. Regardless of the significantly less contribution from Jade's family, they still stood strongly and offered enough. Harry? River wasn't sure her parents would ever see him as more than an employee.

"Now," she sighed. Relieved. It was good that Harry didn't hear a word of it. "Why did you want to talk?"

"It wasn't anything serious. I wanted to see you because we haven't had the chance as of late," he shrugged. Something didn't make sense there. "Wanted to see if you had some time to come to Singapore for the next race."

"You couldn't ask my PA?" she raised an eyebrow.

"I prefer speaking to my family."

Doubtful. Alden decided to withhold something but River wasn't sure if she had enough mental and emotional space to take it on. She still wasn't sure she could open the can of worms that was Dorian and Kaia. Guilt nipped at her insides when she thought of how little effort she put into these things but she had a lot to deal with in her own life. It was impossible to be everywhere.

"The plan is always the first, last, and home race," she reminded him. It was a solid plan. It forced the Hamiltons under one roof for a weekend and it was usually lovely. Often, they attended additional races like the one that fell on River's birthday week this year. "I don't have the capacity to travel at the moment, Alden."

He nodded, his disappointment obvious. Something had to be terribly wrong for him to snap the way he'd done two minutes ago, and to have this reaction to an offer which was unlikely to happen from the start.

"Hey," she pushed him back by his shoulder, smiling at him to bring out his usual cheeriness. Where Dorian was serious, Alden was upbeat in any and every situation. They contrasted each other. In this moment, he resembled their elder brother more than ever. River tried to lighten the mood again. "If you are this unhappy about me and Harry, then forbid me from seeing him."

"The only person who could ever forbid you from doing anything is you," he said. "Though, even that is a rare occasion."

River rolled her eyes.

"Besides, what does 'you and Harry' entail?"

River shrugged. Considering that they only spoke about what they wanted from each other that day, she truly had no idea. It felt strange to think of herself being in a relationship but that was it, right? A relationship.

The non-verbal response didn't satisfy Alden. "I assume this has been going on for a while?" River made a high-pitched sound in the back of her throat as she pretended to think, grimaced, then shrugged again. Alden shook his head and chuckled. "I would say I am surprised there is not one single rumour about this but you have always been particularly good at keeping things private."

"If anyone hears anything, I will know the source."

Another laugh from Alden as she smiled. "You forget yourself, sister. You were making out with your boy toy in the gazebo, located smackdab in the middle of the fucking garden."

"Oh, be quiet, Alden," she slapped his shoulder again and folded her arms. "Not a soul came by. Besides you."

"That's what you think," he replied. To get on her nerves, he added, "They might've seen the big bosses having a make out session and thought better than to interrupt so they snuck away quietly. After all, you didn't hear me approach until I called out."

Panic set in low in her stomach. Alden was very good at making River want to crawl up the wall in any situation. This one? She wanted to flatten her brother against the gates until there was nothing left of him.

"God," he laughed, loud, and very much entertained by himself. River sighed and rolled her eyes. "Your face, Riv. Absolute comedy."

"You are the human form of intrusive thoughts but about ten times worse," she mumbled and turned to walk away from him. Clearly, he had nothing important to share with her and she wanted to check in with Harry soon.

"Wait," he called out. "I do want to talk. Perhaps not here but we could get dinner?"

"Alright," she nodded. "Dinner sounds good. Have Tilly put it in my diary so I won't forget."

"Jesus Christ, you are unbearable," he laughed and River joined. Oops. Getting a personal assistant changed River's life—but also increased her level of self-importance. Only jokingly, of course. It was fun to mess with people like her brother because of course she didn't need her PA to remind her of the plans.

+ + +

Harry disappeared.

Before River could've panicked, she noted the tray of jars and glasses was gone therefore she knew he was still on site. Familiar with the route, she traced her way to the kitchen and sure enough she found Harry seated on the bar stool, exactly where she waited for him earlier in the day.

A smile formed on her face, and warmth flooded her chest as she walked towards him. Focused on his phone, Harry sat sideways on the chair which made it easy for River to lean against his shoulder and wrap her arms around his neck. Whilst River had no interest in the content of his phone screen, she leaned her head against his anyway, Harry at the perfect height for this embrace. Not fazed by the physical contact, he continued to type away on his phone with swift motions of his thumbs until he finished and locked the device. Comfortable in her presence, Harry leaned into her and she needed to steady her stance.

"Are you alright?" she asked him softly and accommodated his change of posture until he somewhat laid his head on her chest and shoulder. It surprised River to find him like this—so at ease with being close to her because she never imagined this would ever happen. At the same time, she needed the shock to wear off soon because something about Harry's lack of confidence and usual collected demeanour made her worried.

It took a couple of minutes for Harry to say anything. Still as a statue, he stayed leaned against River and she was fine with it. The silence was welcomed because her own head spun like a wheel but the weight of Harry against her was grounding.

Eventually, when he sat up and pulled away from River, he raked his fingers through his hair and messed with it until he thought it looked perfect. It made River smile. Little things like this made Harry appear in a different light, one she hadn't seen before, and she felt like she learnt so much about him and his ticks. Standing with her arms crossed, she listened to him as he proceeded to explain.

"Nick told me our dad is trying to get in touch, and he didn't know how to respond," the words came as a surprise. River knew Harry's father didn't keep in touch with his kids so she couldn't imagine how the sudden contact must've felt. "Apparently, he wants to see all three of us to catch up."

River hummed and locked her arms. "How do you feel about it?"

"Confused. Reluctant," he answered as he looked at her like she'd have the answer to his questions. Unfortunately for both of them, River couldn't help him out with this. "It's weird," he said, eyes trained on River's as he looked from one to the other. "I wondered for a while, when I was younger, what it would be like if my parents stayed together and raised us. I always felt stupid... every time I thought about it, you know? I didn't know why—I don't know why."

"You should meet with him," she advised.

Harry immediately frowned to suggest she said the wrong thing. "River, are you kidding me?"

"I think you have nothing to lose. You are, in fact, in a very good position because he proposed to meet which means he wants something therefore you have the power to give in or walk away," she explained. It made perfect sense to her and she knew what she would have done.

"It's not that easy."

Again, River hummed. Perhaps. "Nothing is supposed to be easy. Everyone would have everything if that were the case."

"I can't ask Chris to do this."

"Nick could speak to him. After all, they are brothers, too, aren't they?"

Harry tsked. "They don't talk to each other. They had a big fall out years ago and both of them are stubborn as fuck so neither of them will budge."

The situation was tense and most certainly uncomfortable for Harry. If he had absolutely nothing but his eyes to tell the story River still would've been able to tell with ease how much this pained him. Sorrow burst from deep within his soul, gripping and tearing him from inside out. 

River didn't want to undermine her own feelings but they seemed to minimise in comparison to how she viewed Harry's experiences. Pity filled her and she couldn't help it—someone needed to take one for him and make his life easier.

River Hamilton decided right then and there she would do everything in her power to protect Harry for as long as he allowed.

+ + +

Happy Fridayyy! 

Well, it is a happy day for everyone but Alden. He seems so shaken up by Riverry, I wonder why 👀

Anyway. I need to get my writing schedule together and cook up a timeline because your girl is SLACKING. 

Also - I updated the playlist in the introduction post. Check it out if you are insane like I am.

See you next week! 

Love, B xx

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