transformers prime helluva bo...

By CJandxenaXenomorph

14.1K 125 102

this is a crossover between transformers prime and helluva boss featuring my OC'S when stolas sends two I.M... More

⚠️read first⚠️
chapter 1: the fugitive
chapter 2: robots!?!
chapter 3: meet team prime
chapter 4: suspicion
chapter 5: now everyone knows
chapter 6: Ratchet vs goetia magic
chapter 7: the demon beast hunters
chapter 8: keeping secrets
chapter 9: hatching
chapter 10: captive
chapter 11: Cash Buckzo
chapter 12: Ultra Magnus and Barbie wire
chapter 13: It's not spring but it's broken
chapter 14: the lie
chapter 15: the cherubs return
chapter 16: the past
chapter 17: haunted by the past
chapter 18: a single pale con
chapter 19: falling apart
chapter 20: the plot thickens
chapter 21: Alastor's Game
chapter 22: the wrath ring
chapter 24: familiar
chapter 25: the demon Cybertronian alliance
chapter 26: backstabbing liar
chapter 27: the prophecy
chapter 28: the battle
chapter 29: the endgame.
chapter 30: restoration
what happens next

chapter 23: gone too far

185 4 1
By CJandxenaXenomorph

Back at the base Charlie was starting to worry about her parents, thinking about what horrible things could happen to them if they get captured by the Decepticons even though the Autobots have searched through entire rings of hell for them.

The Autobots were now searching the Lust ring for anymore demons that may have survived the attack unknowing that Valentino kidnapped Angel dust and took him to Lust. The Autobots were in the middle of battling Decepticons until Valentino's dumbass accidentally went into the middle of the battlefield pulling on Angel dust's wrist while Angel was holding Fat nuggets.

The battle was getting so intense that the Autobots needed to distract the Decepticons to find the survivors. In desperate need for something to distract the Decepticons Valentino got so pissed off that he grabbed Fat nuggets out of Angel dust's arms and then threw Fat nuggets at the Decepticons.

Fat nuggets safely landed on the ground and tried to run away until the Decepticons saw the pig and with the others they heard Fat nuggets screaming, angel dust tried to save Fat nuggets but Bulkhead held him back trying to protect him only causing Angel dust to cry and to be filled with agony and pain.

Back at the base Angel dust was still mad at Valentino for throwing Fat nuggets at the Decepticons and ending up probably killing him, the thought of that just made Angel dust cry more causing more pain.

Valentino: look Angel dust I'm sorry about the pig.

Angel dust: about "the" pig?... He was my pig you killed my pig!

Valentino: if it's between us and a pig? I'm gonna pick us every time! If that makes me an asshole then shut up.

Angel dust: it does... You ASSHOLE!

Ratchet: Angel dust calm down Fat nuggets is replaceable he was just a pig.

After Ratchet said that Angel dust grabbed Vaggie's spear and jumped towards Ratchet almost stabbing him in the spark, being completely full of wrath due to the loss.


Ratchet: he's just a pig... Get over it!

Alastor: I can't believe you would say that Ratchet!

Ratchet: because he was a pig and why are you taking his side aren't you a psychopath!?!

Alastor: I made a mistake of taking away the one thing he loved before!

Everyone was trying to comfort Angel dust making Ratchet more angry and also made him start questioning on why they would take his side in being sad over losing a pig.

Ratchet: why is everyone taking his side it was just a pig!?!

Circuitjack: Ratchet that's just completely uncalled for!

Ratchet: this is just ridiculous!!! You all are crying over some... Pig!

Husk: he was Angel's pig you dick!!!

Ratchet: so!?!

Arcee: Fat nuggets was very special to Angel dust... It's like when we lost Cliffjumper.


Angel dust: YOU FUCKING PRUD!!!

Optimus prime: the Death of Fat nuggets was an accident I didn't want to endanger his innocent life, Angel.

Ratchet: well you seem to have no problem endangering ours just ask Cliffjumper! Oh, wait I forgot he couldn't be here today!

Arcee then got so pissed she tried to attack Ratchet until she was stopped by Bulkhead.

Ratchet: you know your problem Optimus? For such a big strong bot... You're soft. YOU DIDN'T POW MEGATRON INTO SCRAP WHEN YOU HAD THE CHANCE MANY CHANCES IN FACT!!!

Optimus prime: I'm afraid that your judgement has been impaired, old friend. I am confining you to base until further notice.

Ratchet: *whispers to himself* I can't believe that everyone is crying over nothing.

Once Ratchet left the room everyone else was trying to comfort Angel dust who was still crying over the loss of his precious little piggy Fat nuggets. Once Charlie followed Ratchet to the room she told him how much Fat nuggets meant to angel dust.

Charlie told Ratchet on how much Angel dust thought of Fat nuggets as his own baby and how he would get overprotective and would go straight to murder if Fat nuggets ever got hurt.

Two hours later

Ratchet was just walking outside to stare at the night sky trying to think about how much wrath he showed earlier until he saw Angel dust just standing there looking up at the sky.

Angel dust: the fuck you doing here?

Ratchet: I came out here to be alone until I saw you.

Angel dust: can't you go to the other side of the fucking base you already fucked up the entire fucking day!

Ratchet: this was closer plus I didn't think you would be here.

Angel dust: you look like shit and death warmed over. Not that I fucking care plus you don't deserve my fucking sympathy! Can't believe they expect me to be nice to you, even after the shit you fucking pull.

Is that what this is about?

Angel dust: duh, the fuck else would it be!? You think I'm stupid enough to go outside in the middle of the night with no fucking reason? You dumb piece of shit...

Ratchet: I'm sorry...

Angel dust stopped insulting Ratchet once he heard that, making Angel dust very confused about why Ratchet would apologize in that moment.

Angel dust: what the hell did you just say?

Ratchet: listen Angel I know we tend to get angry once in awhile and I've tried to hide it but since that happened I've began to believe I had gone too far. Charlie she... Gave me quite an earful much more and... I'm not saying I didn't deserve it ever since she informed me just how important that piglet was to you I can't stop seeing that broken look on your face. Even though I do find your line of work distasteful I was ignorant on how it affected you and so for the first time in decades I regretted my actions. I truly, genuinely did not understand the bond you shared with the pig. I understand if you'll never forgive me, trust me I know I don't deserve forgiveness either but I just want you to know that I truly am sorry.

Angel dust: FUCK!!! You either seriously mean that or it's your stupidity talking. It's not like I could just take your word for it. For all I know you and Charlie could just be bullshit'n me.

Ratchet: she already feels responsible despite not taking part in my yelling she never attempted to stop me but we both know we can't blame her for this. Instead of her or the others just take it out on me instead.

Angel dust thought of it for a second until he decided to punch Ratchet in the face. Punching Ratchet gave Angel dust the guts to admit something personal to Ratchet.

Angel dust: it's the water.

Ratchet: What?

Angel dust: I can't believe I'm telling you this. So as you probably know I was born and raised in the mob "the five families" they were called. We were close but not in the way you think. Of course being gay in the mob was heavenly frowned upon so I walked on thin ice everyday. We did the usual illegal shit gambling, alcohol, murder especially murder. Pops he... He was creative on how he executed rivals. A particular fave O' of his was... Drownin' 'Em. Made Em wear cement shoes An' tossed Em in. We'd be there my brother, sister An' I he'd have us watch. Since then I wasn't too fond of the water usually better at managing. Spooked myself I guess.

Ratchet: tell me why did you protest against bringing Valentino? I made sure he wouldn't do anything...

Angel dust: cause I really just never felt good around him being around him just makes me want to kill myself and I just can't ever be around him.

Ratchet: I'm sorry for you.

Hearing that made Angel dust smile and forgive Ratchet to the point of hugging him.

With Caddy and Circuitjack

Caddy and Circuitjack were checking their weapons to see if they were ready to combat until Caddy stopped wondering if everything is going to be normal what this whole thing is over.

Circuitjack: Caddy, are you ok?

Caddy: it's just that once this whole thing is over things won't be normal anymore. I mean if I ever go to the wrath ring to see my dad I will feel weird. Me being the Techno-organic imp that was made in wrath would just make me feel like I don't belong. Do I ever get to be normal again?

Circuitjack: I know how you feel. After I told everyone I was a Decepticon clone I felt like I didn't belong again. I felt like an outcast.

Caddy then felt a little better and then tried to make Circuitjack feel better by trying to fist bump her.

Caddy: outcasts?...

Circuitjack: outcasts.

Caddy and Circuitjack then proceeded to fist bump and laugh for a moment until Bumblebee walked over there to see the progress in their weapons.

Circuitjack: hi Bee.

Caddy: hi Bee... How are you doing?

Bumblebee: fine Caddy.

Caddy and Bumblebee were just awkwardly laughing for a moment while Circuitjack could see that both of their faces were completely blushing. Caddy's face was still completely blushing after Bumblebee left the room.

Caddy: what?

Circuitjack: you like Bumblebee don't you? Don't lie to me I saw your face blushing back there. *Sing-song* Somebody's in Love.

Caddy: I just think Bumblebee is nice.

With Bumblebee

Bumblebee walked into a room where Smokescreen and Loona were having a conversation on how they saw Bumblebees face blushing when he was talking to Caddy.

Loona: don't lie.

Bumblebee: what?

Loona: don't think we didn't see your face blushing when you were talking to Caddy Bee.

Bumblebee: Caddy! No, no, no I just like her as a friend.

Smokescreen: then why are your optics shaped like hearts?

Bumblebee: allergies.

Smokescreen: we don't get allergies.

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