Just let me love you.. again...

By reemsie

34.1K 1.6K 1.1K

Reem and Izhaan Ayesha and Athar Two beautiful love stories.. IMPORTANT NOTE- This book has Muslim characte... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 67
chapter 68
chapter 69
chapter 70
chapter 71

chapter 27

416 26 8
By reemsie

Izhaan's POV

I was staring at Reem in utter shock, what is happening here?

This little boy is zuhan? And if he is zuhan, who was that guy Reem was sitting with. I was so confused

Reem got up with him in her arms.

"Zuhan!" A lady came running and stopped next to us, "you run so fast" she said

"Assalamualaikum ma'am" Reem said to her

"Walekumassalam Reem!" She hugged Reem, then wiped her tears.

I was looking at them trying to understand what is happening. As the confusion was not already enough, one more lady came, she smiled looking at Reem.

Why nobody was acknowledging me?

As if God answered my prayer, the lady who came in the last looked at me and smiled. I didn't even know how to react, so I just nodded at her.

"Where is Umar?" The lady who hugged Reem asked

"Sir is inside" Reem answered


"Let's go then" she said and walked inside

"Di who is this?" Zuhan asked looking at me, Reem stood staring at me.

"Zuhan beta! This is your Di's prince" the lady who smiled at me answered, zuhan's face brightened

"Really?" He said excitedly

"Let's go inside zuhan" Reem said to him, then carried him inside

"But di i want to talk to the prince" he was shouting

"Hello Izhaan! I am Sheena" the lady introduced herself

"Do you know me?" I asked, she smiled

"I know everyone who is in Reem's life" she answered

"I am so confused right now"

"I can tell by looking at your face. By the way I really wanted to meet you for so long, but Reem never introduced me to you"

"How do you know Reem?" I asked

"It's a long story" She sighed

She answered all of my question, and I was beyond shocked to know, that the guy I was planning to murder was a five years old little boy, I felt so embarrassed and ashamed of myself.

"So you are saying that Reem goes to an orphanage?" I asked, she nodded

"Not even a day has passed when she had not paid a visit in last three years" i looked at her with wide eyes.

It was just not possible for me to picture Reem going to the orphanage. I can only picture her dancing in the club

"Reem likes kids?" I asked, I was still in shock

"More than you can imagine. Zuhan is her life, you know she wanted to adopt Zuhan but then she was not sure if you would be ok with it, and Zuhan also told Reem that he wants a father who loves him."

So this is what she was talking about with Ayesha!!

"She is happy that her teachers are planning to adopt him"

"The guy inside is her teacher at the university?" I was horrified

"Yes" she nodded

Shit shit shit

"Now we've met officially, visit the orphanage some day. It was nice meeting you. Bye" she said and went inside leaving me alone

I was feeling like an idiot, my chest felt heavy because the rock of regret was put on it. What the hell was I thinking?

I misbehaved with her professor, i shouted at her, I was planning to kill a child. Damn it.

Even in the open space I felt so suffocated, I sat in my car and left from there.


Reem's POV

Indeed Allah is the best creator.

I was on cloud nine, floating high. I can't thank enough to almighty for being so kind to my Zuhan, he got the parents he deserved. It is the best day of my life.

I looked at Saira Ma'am, she had zuhan sitting on her lap and she was feeding him, It was a sight to remember forever. Zuhan wanted to go to the washroom, Umar sir immediately got up and took him.

Me and Sheena aunty exchanged a look, she had teary eyes. I knew she was as overwhelmed as I was.

I was so embarrassed to face sir after the stunt Izhaan had pulled, but he made it so easy for me. No doubt he is a wonderful person, and the jackass was calling him my lover

Astagfirullah (I seek forgiveness from Allah).

After I was done with the meeting, I made my way back to the Khan's house. I parked the car outside the house and went inside, I was being careful of being caught.

I went straight in search of Ayesha, she was sitting with dada ji and dadi, I hid behind the curtain and waved at her, but she didn't notice me.

After failing to get her attention multiple times, I called her. She picked up her phone from the table, and muttered something to them. She got up from there and answered my call while coming towards me.

"Where are you?" She asked

"Right here" I said. She looked at me

"When did you come?" She asked, I hugged her

"I'm so happy" I said, she patted my back.

"Looks like the meeting went well" she grinned

"Too well" I jumped in excitement. "Come with me" I held her hand and dragged her in the room with me.

"Slow down baby, we will fall" she yelled, but I kept running along with her. Once we were in the room, I spinned her

"Umar sir and Saira Ma'am are the best." I said, she laughed and pushed me down on the chair

"Tell me everything" she said, and I did what she asked for

"Alhamdulillah (thanks to Allah)." She smiled

"Ayesha I can't tell you how happy I am"

"You don't need to tell me, I can see it"

"Did anyone ask about me while I was gone? I hope everything is ok here"

"Absolutely! Don't worry"

"That jackass came there when I was talking with Umar sir"

"I saw him going after you. What happened then?"

I heaved a sigh and narrated her the whole story, by the time I was done I expected her to be as angry as I was with Izhaan, but she laughed, I frowned at her

"What so funny?" I asked

"He was jealous of Zuhan" she continued laughing

"It shows how shallow he is" I made a comment, she turned serious suddenly

"No Reem, it shows he is a man with conscience, who knows how to stand for himself, who could not imagine his girl being involved with somebody else" she said to irk me, I stood up

"I'm not his girl and it was extremely inappropriate of him to behave that way"

"Absolutely not. To be honest I would have been disappointed with him if he didn't react that way"

"I don't understand why are you always favouring him"

"Because he proves himself to be deserving of you again and again"

"No! He doesn't deserve me. Like some stupid person, he was shouting in public at me, that he is my husband"

"It's not a lie" she snapped at me

"It's not even a truth" I retorted, she rolled her eyes

"How can it not be a truth?"

"Our grandparents got us married when I was thirteen years old, just one day they came to me and informed me they were getting me married to Izhaan" I felt angry at the memory

"Don't act like they forced you to get married, you did it willingly, in fact you were happy with the thought of being his wife"

"Yeah I was happy because my grandparents and my mother were happy. They were there with me, dadu used to talk highly about izhaan, but where they are right now. How can I be happy now?" Tears formed in my eyes

"Reem I was sayi...."

"No Ayesha! You tell me. What is there to be happy about? There was a time when dad used to love me more than anything in this world, and look at him now, he does not even care about me. And if a man can turn his back on his own child, then how can there be honesty in any other relationship"

"Dad loves you, you take him wrong"

"Why do you always side with Izhaan and dad? Dad has left me in the middle and I have no hopes with Izhaan as well, I know I was forced on him, when he looks at me all I can see is just helplessness, he feels like he is stuck with me. He is only tolerating me because of his family, and he knows divorce doesn't happen in Khan family, we are stuck with each other"

"At least he is trying, can't you see how much he cares about you."

"I don't want to listen"

"You will have to. I have stayed quiet long enough, but not anymore. He is putting efforts in this relationship, anyone can see that he is really trying, not for dadi, not for dada ji, or anyone else, but for you. He admires you"

"Oh really? So where did the admiration go when he was doubting me"

"How can you blame him? Have you seen the image you have portrait to him about you? Anyone would doubt a girl you projected" I was so shocked to see her becoming izhaan's lawyer, how can she talk about him like that

"Seriously Ayesha? Has he become more important than I am?" I asked, she rolled her eyes

"Ughhh! You drive me crazy! Why are you not getting my point? Jeeju is ...." She said and I lost it

"Enough!" I shouted, "just cut the crap." I glared at her, "jeeju. My foot" i said and left from there. I marched to the lawn, I was pacing around in anger

I can't believe she behaved this way! How can she take his side and not understand my point.

Izhaan and I are married, but we can never be like husband and wife. I will keep delaying going to his house.

I turned around and bumped into someone, it was the jackass himself.

"Reem, I'm really embarrassed about what I have done, I'm so...." He opened his mouth to speak but I was not in the mood for his drama

"Shut up. I don't want to listen to you" i shouted, I walked away from him, Ayesha came in front of me

"Reem" she held my hand, i pulled it away

"Not now Ayesha" I said and left from there.


Ayesha's pov

Reem shouted and left the room.

"Listen to me" I shouted but she was long gone

"Damn it! why is she so stubborn" I mumbled and ran after her.

Where has she gone? I looked around for her, then I heard her shouting, I followed her voice, she was shouting at her poor husband.

I went there, she looked so angry, what has happened to her

"Reem" I held her hand to stop her from walking

"Not now Ayesha" she pulled her hand out of my grip

"Reem listen" I called out, she left without looking back at me

"It's all my fault" Izhaan jeeju came to me, "she's angry at me" he looked so guilty that I felt bad for him

"No, it's not your fault"

"It is. I'm pretty sure she must have told you what I have done today and I won't blame you for finding me guilty"

"What are you talking, why would I find you guilty, you didn't know who was zuhan, so your actions were justified"

"I was shocked to know that Reem goes to an orphanage, I could never imagine her visiting such a place, and spending time with kids. I have only seen her in clubs, malls, race"

I seriously think he should know the reality now, without giving two thoughts i spoke.

"Reem is not what you think she is" I said, he frowned

"What do you mean?"

"She has given you an impression of being a spoilt brat, but she is completely opposite in real"

"What are you trying to say Ayesha? I don't understand" his frown deepened, I sighed deeply

"Have you ever heard the name of the NGO, S S foundation?" I asked, he looked in deep thought then he said.

"I think I have"

"Who is the founder of the NGO?"

"I don't know" he shook his head

"I'll give you a clue, S S foundation is Sharmeen Sheikh Foundation. Does it ring a bell now?" His eyes grew so big

"Sharmeen Sheikh? Reem's mom? Does that mean..."

"Yes! Reem runs the NGO since last three years" I finally told him, he looked so shocked

"Reem? And NGO? How? Why? When? Oh my God" he tried processing the news

"You got her admission done, so that she doesn't waste her time, but the truth is she has no time to waste, she lives a very busy life, she is always running from one place to another. And if she ever took out time for herself and went somewhere then somehow you met her there"

"I still don't understand if she runs an NGO then why she never told anyone"

"Because she doesn't trust anyone enough" I shrugged, he looked a little heartbroken

"Jeeju it's really not my place to tell you all this, but to avoid any future misunderstanding i told you this. Reem has locked the book of her life and hid the key, she is much more than what she let on. Discover her. My Reem is a gem of a person. From kids to elders everyone adores her"

I told him the entire story of Reem's life, of course I skipped her father's part, he looked at me without even blinking his eyes.

"Why has she never told anyone about it?" He asked

"Only Reem can answer this question, even I have told her so many times to tell atleast to her father, but she refused."

"I feel so stupid for judging her wrong. I forced her to take admission also"

"Her already too busy life is the reason why she was lacking in attendance, but I think you did a right thing to get her admission done"


"Reem puts herself in the last, she has no time for herself. Sometimes it feels that she is punishing herself for something. She needs to live life" I said and he listened to me too attentively

"I'm so overwhelmed, I never expected to see this side of hers" he sighed, "thank you so much Ayesha, for telling me everything"

"It was high time for you to know"

"I will apologise to her right now" he was about to go but I stopped him

"Don't go right now. Give her some time, she is too angry right now" I warned him, he nodded

I left from there in search for her, i found her in dadi's room, I knocked on the door, dadi looked up

"Ayesha beta come here" she grinned

She made me sit next to her, then she was showing us dresses and jewellery. Reem was avoiding looking at me.

The whole evening passed Reem stayed with dadi. I was sitting in the living room with Hayat. My phone rang, it was mumma's call, I answered immediately.

"Hello" I said excitedly but her voice was cracking, "hello mumma. Can you hear me?" I asked, the line disconnected

"Go on the terrace, that's the only good network area in this house" hayat said, I nodded and ran to the terrace.

I video called her, she answered

"Assalamualaikum ya ummi (my mother)" I said excitedly, she smiled

"Walekumassalam beta. May Allah bless you"

"How are you? How's baba?"

"We are fine"

"I miss you both so much"

"Liar" she narrowed her eyes at me

"Why do you say that?"

"If you were really missing us, you wouldn't have planned to stay there forever"

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Sufiyan's parents called." She said and I understood what she meant

"What do you guys think about it?"

"I wanted to know what you want before we could make any decision. Do you love sufiyan?"

"No! He is a good friend, and I like him like that only, but he proposed to me one day then ..... Anyway you guys can make any decision for me, I will do whatever you want me to"

"Alhamdulillah we are so blessed to have a daughter like you, I will talk with your baba, we will come to Delhi next week." she said, I beamed getting excited

"Really?" I asked, she nodded

"Where is baba?" I asked

"He should be returning from the office anytime now" she said, and my smile dropped

"Baba is in office again? What happened mumma? Why is he always in the office? What are you hiding tell me truthfully" I asked

"I will let you know about our arrival. I'll hang up now" she said and her picture disappeared from my screen

"Mumma mumma.." I was left alone shouting

Definitely they are hiding something from me. But what it could be, my heart felt so heavy, what if they are in trouble and I have no idea about it, suddenly I felt too restless.

Ya Allah please have mercy on my parents.

"What are you doing here all alone Ms Siddiqui?" Said a voice, I looked up and found Mr Khan, he frowned a little, I guess the worry in my eyes was too evident, he dropped next to me

"What happened Ayesha? You look upset" he said

"I'm fine" I lied and looked away

"Hey! Look at me, tell me what's bothering you" his concerned voice made me tell him everything.

"I think my parents are hiding something from me, whenever I call, baba is always in the office, and when I ask mumma, she changes the topic."

"Maybe there is nothing and you are just overthinking?" He said and I felt angry

"I know my father Mr Khan, he never stays in office for so late, how can you say I'm overthinking?" I shouted, he held my hand

"Ok ok I'm sorry. You are not overthinking" he said, I sighed deeply. "Don't worry, everything will be ok, whatever is bothering them I will make sure it resolves" I looked at him, his eyes held sincerity

"I promise you. I won't let anything bad happen to them" he said, it felt like he actually has a magic wand which he will move around and everything will work out in my favor, He looked so different to me at the moment, I held his hand which he was already holding

"I trust you Mr Khan" I didn't know from where the words are coming, but I continued speaking, "you are very good" I said with a smile, he turned serious suddenly

"I want to tell you something" he said, we continued staring in each other's eyes

"So tell me" I said, he gulped nervously

"Ayesha I think I lo....." He was cut by a loud scream

"Madam Gabbar are you done talking with your mother" Hayat shouted, I pulled my hand out of his, and ran down the stairs, at the end of the stairs hayat was standing

"Done?" She asked, I nodded, "let's continue our work then" she held my hand and pulled me with her

What the hell was that? What was that feeling?


Finally i was in the room, when I entered Reem was already lying down on the bed. I went and jumped on her

"Ow. Move away" Reem screamed

"No, I won't" I pressed down my weight on her

"Ayesha, move"

"I'm sorry baby" I wrapped my arms around her waist tightly, she held my shoulder and tried freeing herself

"Leave me" she said


She kept on trying to free herself, then she sighed and hugged me back, I smiled and raised my head to look at her, she rolled her eyes

"Such a drama you are"

"And you love this drama, don't you?" I gave her a toothy grin

"Sadly yes" she said

"Now say it with a smile" I said, she shook her head

"Not in the mood" she said

"Accha beta (oh really) I sat straight and started tickling her, she burst into laughter.


I stopped, she narrowed her eyes at me, but then she also laughed, I laid next to her, I put my arm and my leg on her, and kept her arm under my head.

"I don't like it when you are upset with me" I hugged her

"Hmm" she said, I looked at her and saw her eyes already closed. I also closed my eyes.

People may find it strange, but I do cuddle with my baby. She is my peace, my soul sister.


Athar's pov

My eyes can't stop looking at my phone, I was expecting a phone call, I was at the breakfast table with everyone. I looked at Ayesha, she was laughing while talking with Hayat and Reem. I could get used to it, it feels amazing to have her here in my family.

Finally the phone call I was waiting for arrived, I ran in my room and answered the call.

I had someone make a check on Ayesha's father's company to know If she was actually right about her parents hiding something from her. And it seems she was right.

And now when I know about the problem I was thinking hard about the solution. I was pacing in the room when Izhaan came.

"Did you find out anything?" He asked, I nodded

I told him everything I found out.

"Tell everything to Ayesha" he said

"No I can't. She was already upset, I can't tell her this."

"So what will happen now"

"I will have to fix this"

"You? How? There's no way"

"There is one thing that can be done." I said and told him about my plan

"You know what you are talking about, right?"

"Yes! It's the only way"

"It's risky"

"I have to do it for her, I promised her" I said with determination.

"I'm with you" he smiled, his support gave me confidence, I took out my phone and called Shazib


I was sitting in the living room, Ayesha, Hayat and Reem were sitting in the lawn, they looked to be in a deep discussion, I was looking at Ayesha

"Stop making it so obvious" Izhaan said dropping next to me


"Stop staring at her" he smacked my arm

"I wasn't" I lied

"Yeah yeah" he said, then he was quiet, when I looked at him, he was staring at Reem, i smirked

"Now who is staring?"

"Me! I'm looking at my gorgeous wife" he said

"Woah! Wife?"

"I can't tell you how proud I feel after finding out who she really is" he said, I smiled

Izhaan told me everything about Reem yesterday, I was shocked at first and now the girl has my hearty respect, she's definitely the one for my perfect brother.

"I'm happy for you buddy" I said, he smiled.

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