Chaos within the Greens

By myrakkuran

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All it took was the birth of the youngest princess, followed by the King's unexpected favouritism and the Que... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chaptet 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 8

4.7K 122 46
By myrakkuran

It had been a little over three years since Laena Velaryon was laid to rest. But so much has happened starting from then till now. Beginning only mere hours after her casket was plunged into the sea. When, out of the three, the two important belongings of her were claimed by someone else.

Strange, how within a flicker of eyes, they belonged to another.

Unbeknownst to all back then, her husband— Daemon Targaryen, succumbed to the arms of the woman he always longed for. His niece, Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen. Whom he fucked on the beach, on the evening of his wife's funeral. While his nephew claimed her dragon— Vhagar and flew overhead.

Even if the rouge Prince's tryst with his niece did not come to light right away, however, the younger Prince's actions came to be known only moments after it transpired. Bringing in rippling effects of its own. The boy lost an eye, in the fight that took place just as he dismounted his dragon and was confronted by his nephews and cousins. That subsequently led to bigger brawl between his mother and his half sister where everyone kept shifting the blame on one another.

Resulting in, causing Laena Velaryon to be left forgotten on the night of her own funeral like someone of irrelevance. Even the following day the deceased could not be remembered, as the King's youngest daughter caused another ruckus when she pushed her betrothed down the stairs to seek revenge for her brother's loss of eye. Predictably, her action led to another chaos. And like its predecessor from the night before, this also upheld the reputation being just as dramatic.

Sadly though, both these situations were handled very poorly by King Viserys. Blinded by his favouritism towards his eldest and youngest the man only delivered unjust verdicts to the rest.

The bystanders simply stood as witness to observe how King Viserys - the peaceful with his own hands foolishly tore apart his own house.

Dividing the house of the Dragon into two.

But that fact remained unbeknownst to all then. Even if it was no hard puzzle to solve.

The same evening house Targaryen and house Velaryon sat down once more to discuss the final fate of Aemma Targaryen and Lucerys Velaryon's betrothal.

As expected, it was no easy decision. Viserys may have declared the end of their betrothal in the heat of his emotions. However, when the little boy woke up and begged to differ, going as far as to offering an eye to the maimed Prince, the situation took a different turn. Leaving the King, the Queen and Princess Rhaenyra in a confused state, unable to decide what to be done.

Otto Hightower kept pushing for the King to stay intact in his decision, reasoning why the end of the betrothal is best for both families. Whilst Lord Corlys, backed by his son Ser Laenor argued against it. Princess Rhaenys just sat there, silently fuming. It was her daughter's funeral! A fact almost everyone seemed to have forgotten. Her Laena should be remembered and talked about! Her grand-daughters should be comforted, their futures should be discussed. But no! Everyone was too busy discussing fate of Rhaenyra's bastard and the King's litter. And what actually infuriated Rhaenys most was how deeply her husband was involved in this matter that served them no purpose. What good would it do to house Velaryon if Aemma Targaryen is wedded to Lucerys? The boy is no true Velaryon. Only Rhaenyra would benefit from this union as it would help her solidify her bastards before the court if house Velaryon ever drops them.

The King ultimately sided with his Hand. Deciding to stick to his earlier decision. But he reassured Rhaenyra that her son would be free to pursue Aemma once they've grown. If the two find themselves fancying each other then, he would have them wed immediately.

Although dissatisfied, Rhaenyra was out of option but to agree. Her husband gave no opinion but his father Lord Corlys was left deeply unsatisfied and he made no attempt to hide it. Seated opposite to Corlys, Ser Otto was barely able to contain the victorious smirk that was desperately itching to come to display. The victory was finally his.

While the new terms were being discussed between the two houses, the Queen who never was watched with a heavy heart...

Not sure about her husband, but with her daughter death she certainly learned how much of cruel place this world is. Here, life moves on in pace swifter than waves washes over the shore.


Despite the temporary show of unity, the house of the dragon departed Driftmark divided. Princess Rhaenyra's side which later came to be known as the Blacks and the Queen's side which later came to be known as the Greens.


After marrying her uncle Daemon Targaryen, Princess Rhaenyra has ultimately found her true happiness. She finally has a husband! A husband that Laenor Velaryon admittedly could not bring himself to be. Her boys now have a fierce, strong, proper and responsible man as a father figure in their lives to guide them to adulthood.

It helped immensely that both parties accepted each other with open arms. Daemon naturally blended in as the boys father whilst her sons, even though they addressed the man by his name, accepted him into their lives nonetheless. Giving Rhaenyra the beginning she earnestly looked forward to.

Ever since moving to Dragonstone her life has been nothing but contained and colourless. Then came the news of Ser Harwin's death, which took away everything solid and real from her. Leaving her as a body made of flesh and bones, with a heart that beats and bleeds to stay alive for her children, that's all.

It was at her cousin Laena's funeral, where Rhaenyra understood how much she needed her uncle.

They're meant to burn together.

Providentially, the mishaps at the funeral acted as an eye opener for Laenor. It prompted him to see the picture from different light. His family was in danger and he was nowhere near to defend them. His wife was injured and he had no clue about it till next morning. Their son was thrown down the stairs and he could not bring the boy justice. His incompetence stood before him apparent. And as an honest and intelligent man Laenor decided to move away from his family, never to be found again. Leaving his wife to pursue her happiness while he pursued his.

And she did!

With the addition of having Daemon and his daughter Rhaena has made Rhaenyra's family complete. In a house full of boys, now she has a daughter to keep her company.

Baela was also welcome, the older twin not only turned down Rhaenyra's offer but also stood bravely against her father's intimidating persistence and firmly against her sister's gentle persuasion. She was determined not to leave her grandmother's side. How could she abandon her grandmother in the time of her loneliness. After all, it was not her father or Princess Rhaenyra that consoled and comforted her and her sister during their mother's funeral. It was their grandmother who held them protectively through that difficult time while everyone, including their own father remained distracted with the Targaryen family drama.

One thing Baela never shared with anyone including her sister was that she saw... she saw Princess Rhaenyra following after her father that evening. And the two weren't seen until the chaos later at night. At that time Baela thought nothing of it. However, the mysterious death of her uncle soon after and following that, the hastiness at which her father and his niece married, only cemented the whispers of there whereabouts that evening. Although she never said it out loud but Baela shares her grandmother's suspicion on the involvement of those two in her uncle's death. Therefore she understands and validates her grandfather's resentment towards Princess Rhaenyra. Her personal feelings aren't too far from that angle. It's those feelings that make her adamant to never leave Driftmark.

Her mother's home. Now, her home!


Unlike Dragonstone, King's Landing was not fortunate enough to find peace.

Ever since their return from Driftmark significant changes had taken place in the Red Keep, amongst the Green household. Lives of everyone has altered. Few for the better but most of it for the worst.

Otto Hightower:

Otto Hightower for sure was one of the few fortunate ones. His life could not have been any better. Till to this day he remains the Hand of the King. But now, given the King's declining health, his position comes with added responsibilities and power than before. As it is him, who now looks after most of the state affairs.

Helaena Targaryen:

Life remained pretty much unchanged for Helaena. It is as pitiful as it was before. She still finds comfort in the company of nature and her collection of insects. Then there is Aemond, who in spite of his own difficulties check on her from time to time. And her grandsire, who occasionally joins her for a small stroll through the garden or afternoon tea.

The difficulty in her life has increased though, thanks to her betrothed, whose current favourite hobby is to look down on her and taunt her at his wake.

Aegon's cruel behaviour towards Helaena and lack of interference from the elders over time has given the small circle of ladies in waiting she has, to look at her with demeaning eyes. They make snide remarks about her oddity and jest about it when they think she's out of earshot. Some have even become bold enough to not care, knowing all too well that Helaena would do nothing but silently take them. And she does! Pretending her best they do not exist.

Daeron Targaryen:

Just like his old sister, Daeron's life did not see much changes either. His time has been quite mundane, keeping him occupied with his studies, training and learning how to bond with his dragon, Tesserion. His spare times are spent trailing after his little sister doing their usual mischief. She is the only consistent part of his life, just as he is in her life. The duo has garnered quite the popularity in court over the years. Winning hearts of the ladies that cannot swoon enough about the two youngest Prince and Princess. The most notable change for him currently is that, amongst his brothers Daeron is now the most popular one. His gentle and kind nature a top favourite trait amongst the ladies, all of whom these days get charmed by his simplest of smile.

Aegon Targaryen:

Although not much has changed on the outside, but for Aegon Targaryen life could not have gotten any worse. The weight of the betrothal to his lunatic sister and ability to not satisfy his parents weighs heavily on him. Needless to say, in his mind Aegon believes he does a lot but it's never enough. Therefore it has further turned him to seek comfort in wine and women. As such indulgences are his only remedy to numb the pain of his miseries. As a result turning him into a bigger whore-mongering, ever-gambling profligate who enjoys drowning himself in wine, sleeping, being lazy and throwing cruel intimidating comments at his betrothed the times he is not balls deep inside a whore or a maid.

Then there were Alicent Hightower, Aemond and Aemma Targaryen. While individually they had their own messes to clean. But combined together, their problem have become an unsolvable puzzle.

Alicent Hightower:

When it came to the Queen, her life told quite the tale. If looked from far, it appears to the eyes as though her life remained unchanged; apart from her increase in devotion towards the Faith of the Sevens. Her piousness has began to put itself known in every corner of the Red Keep. As old sculptures are now being replaced with the Seven pointed stars and statues of the Father, Mother, Maiden, Smith, Warrior and Crone. Turning the castle almost unrecognizable for the ones who haven't stepped foot in here for ages.

But when looked from close proximity it is evidently clear that nothing is as it was before. Her motherly affection is on the path to dissipate. Whatever it is that was left, are all reserved for one particular child only.

The deteriorating relationship between the Queen and her children is the common topic of discussion in court. Everyone can see her blatant favouritism towards Aemond Targaryen. He is the solo receiver of her gentle care and caresses, smile and kisses. She spends all of her time in his chambers tending to him. Trying to make up for his disgraceful father. Whilst her other children are left unattended.

The hypocrisy does not skip past some eyes.

If she does cross path with the rest of her children, the interactions that take place are short and very unpleasant. Every time she looks at her eldest, Alicent only stabs him with her glares of disappointment. The handful of times she meet her eldest daughter, she only sighs. Feeling nothing but anxiety and helplessness building up inside her. It's one of the reasons why she purposely tries to keep away from Helaena. Then there is Daeron, her darling little boy— the least problematic one out of all her children. Alicent understands he is doing everything in his power fit into their current situation. Knowing him, she has full faith in him and is confident that he will swiftly adapt. Finally her youngest, the apple of her father's eye, Aemma... towards whom Alicent cannot even look at without experiencing feelings alike of disdain, scorn and bitterness. In addition to that, it does not help when she witnesses how much her husband dotes on the girl. It makes things worse, fuelling her anger to extreme extend she did not realize existed within her. As a result of which Alicent felt all her ill feelings towards Rhaenyra now directed towards Aemma, like she is by some extension a part of the former.

Being older in age Aegon and Helaena understood their mother. Besides, they stood at a point in life where their mother's presence in their life isn't not much of requirement. Aegon is well satisfied with his wine and whores whilst Helaena is content to be left alone with her insects. But the two little ones— Daeron and Aemma, they needed their mother. Especially Aemma. But what a cruel twist of fate it was, she was the one who was least graced by her presence. The amount of time the child had sought after her mother only to be turned away, had become countless by now.

In Alicent's defence, such bitterness towards a small child did not just develop overnight. There were series of events that eventually led her heart to harden.

The starting point of it was when Aemond caught a viral fever just three moons past their return... The Maester's moved him to the farthest corner of the Keep, where he was kept under isolation. The Queen was asked not to visit him till the fever goes away and specially instructed to keep her other children far away. Only couple of special servants and two Maester in particular took turns to look after him. The boy spent a whole week in and out of consciousness.

Toward the end of the week he began to regain his senses and stay awake more. It was then, he expressed his desire to see his little sister. The Maesters assured him, that he would see everyone once his fever goes down. But when Alicent learned of matter, she became determined to fulfill her precious boy's wish. As his mother she was ready to do anything for his fast recovery. Even if it meant putting her youngest in the path of direct danger.

Thus without sparing a second thought, she disobeyed the Maester's instructions and had one of her trusted maid escort Aemma to Aemond's chambers in secrecy.

Next morning Aemma woke sniffling. By midday she was sneezing and coughing and by nightfall her body was burning up, she could barely breathe.

The King became furious when he was informed of the matter. The Queen was soon summoned into his chambers. That night, Viserys the peaceful did not look so peaceful. It is said, when the Queen departed his chamber the guards stationed outside gossiped how shaken she looked. Appearance disheveled, eyes fully bloodshot and puffy as she ran back to her quarters. One of the guards even claimed the King had threatened her. His words were somewhere along the line of—

"If my daughter does not live, consequences will be dire." The important part was left unsaid; only implied. This is your fault. If Aemma succumbs to the fever. Aemond will have to follow the same path.

They say whoever the Queen prayed to afterwards, certainly did not have the heart to turn away from the desperate mother's plea. As such, in a matter of two days Princess Aemma's fever began to drop. In couple more days she was up and running again.

The next incident occurred towards the end of the year, when Aemond's face was finally ready to be revealed after about half a year of treatments performed by the Maesters.

The whole family surrounded him that day and cautiously watched as Grand Maester Orwyle slowly began unwrapping the bandage covering the left side of Aemond's face.

Prior to he began, Orwyle had warned to have Daeron and Aemma removed. Stating, the sight maybe too grisly for young children like them. But Alicent took no heed to his warning, she rather persisted on having all members of the family present.

Sound of gasps engulfed the room soon as the last article of bandage was removed and Aemond's new face came to display.

Viserys was the first to look away. Nobody knew what it was that made the King look away so quickly. Was it disgust or perhaps guilt. Otto Hightower soon followed suit. Aegon's eyes held a look of aghast before he averted his gaze. Alicent closed her eyes tightly and sighed deeply. Her heart tightened at her son's gruesome face. A silent curse passed her lips for Rhaenyra and bastards. Her handmaiden Talya did not dare look. Aemma clutched onto her nursemaid lady Lyanne's skirt. Bile rising from her stomach to her throat. Daeron and Helaena both had their eyes glistening with tears. But amongst them Helaena was the braver one, who, wiping away her tears walked up to her little brother. She was the first to the touch him, as she gently took his face between her palms and kissed over his scar ever so lightly.

Alas, that heartfelt moment was interrupted shortly after, at the revolting sound of someone throwing up.

Everyone turned, only to see Aemma vomiting.

It was an involuntary action from an innocent little child who had little to no control over her body's reactions. Still, it was considered so offensive that it put a permanent bitter taste to her mother's mouth against her.

Lady Lyanne quickly scooped up the child in her arms, wiped her mouth clean and quickly excused themselves from the chamber. Soon as they were gone Maester Orwyle cast the Queen a knowing look, while the King glared at her. Silently blaming her for not listening to the Maester and getting his little girl sick.

Aemma was not as brave as her older sister. Like most women at court she was also mortified by her brother's scarred face. Regrettably it did not sit well with her mother, who remained determined to see her precious boy does not get let down by any other members of his family... especially his siblings... specifically Aemma.

The poor girl found herself trapped. She was too scared to be around her brother who seemed to be changing with every breath he took. While her mother kept her solo focus on the said brother leaving the rest of them to fend for themselves.

In the early stages Alicent said nothing, simply observed. But as the year and several moons passed with no signs of notable improvements seen on Aemma's side towards Aemond, was when she decided to take matters into her hand.

Alicent closed her eyes tightly and bowed her head. She was both disappointed and ashamed, mixed with a conflict of doing what is right. It was her duty as their mother, to keep the siblings bond intact. With that thought settled in her mind she sent Talya to fetch her daughter.


Her youngest stepped forth, just a pace behind Talya who stood right in front of the set of two settee. Lady Lyanne followed just another three paces behind.

The Queen made no move of acknowledgment for a moment. Appearing as if a breathing statue looking over the window. When Talya was about to call out to her, she was beaten by a brisk reply of dismissal coming from the Queen.

"Both of you, leave."

As if practiced, the two women exited. But Lyanne cast the young Princess a reassuring look before walking out of the door. She wouldn't be too far.

The door closed with a haunting creak and a resounding click, nothing but deafening silence hanging in the air.

Alicent finally moved. She looked over her shoulder, facing away from the window, tearing her gaze from the view of her son practicing with Ser Criston on the training yard.

"Aemma," A tight smile tugged the corner of her lips. As she proceeded to sit down on one of her settee. "Come here."

Even as it stood as a simple call, her authoritative voice demanded the child to do as she asked for without question. And Aemma did as she was told. Numbly following with wide eyes, she closed the gap between herself and her mother in few strides. Alicent cradled her daughter's small face between her palms, skeptical eyes studying the features carefully.

Although very young, Aemma shows quite the potential when it comes to her looks. No doubt she will grow up to be beautiful, her beauty will possibly surpass many. Comparison will be drawn, poets will write poems, singers will write songs etcetera etcetera. But that is a matter for later in time, no point going ahead with it right now. At present, she must face her dissatisfied mother.

Alicent silently took a deep breath before softly exhaling it into a forlorn sigh and releasing Aemma's face.

"You've disappointed me."

"I've disappointed you..." The set of dark violet eyes blinked confused as she asked. "How so, mother?"

How so indeed! When Aemma has not skipped any of her lessons with the Septa recently. Been completing all lessons assigned by them. Frequently visiting the Sept with her mother and sister. So what could she have possibly done wrong to disappoint her mother when she has gone out of her way to do everything right thus far?

"It has come to my attention that you are not fulfilling your duties as a sister. As a matter of fact you're evading them."

"I don't understand." Aemma truly didn't, until her mother spoke up again.

"Your recent actions towards Aemond are—"

"But I have done nothing to him, I only try and stay away from him."

"Precisely my point!"

Alicent gave no indication as to whether she noticed the flinch Aemma made at how sharply she snapped.

"Care to explain why you ignore him, when you know how much he craves your company."

"Because he's no fun! He bores me to sleep. All he does is talk about Vhagar. And when he isn't gloating about that old ugly dragon, he speaks of the books he read or what he studied with the Maester for the day. The absolute worst trait— he reads to me stories in High Valyrian without providing any translation. When he knows very well that I do not speak or understand a word of that strange language. He believes, born as a Targaryen it is my duty to know High Valyrian by heart."

"So," It was Alicent's turn to be confused. Unable to fathom how could someone not enjoy the company of such an ideal boy. Aemond is everything that a mother could ever dream of having in a son. "what's wrong with it then?!"

"I already told you, he's annoying and boring." Aemma also couldn't understand why her mother asked such a dumb question when she had already provided her with a detailed breakdown of her reasoning. "...And above all he looks—"

"Don't you dare!" Alicent hissed baring her teeth, not letting Aemma finish what she intended to say. "DON'T YOU DARE SAY MY SON IS UGLY." She shouted, loud enough to startle her daughter.

Aemma jolted in horror and recoiled. Eyes wide with fear, shaken by her mother's unexpected outburst.

"I wasn't going to say that."


Aemma swallowed, tears already swelling up her eyes.

"SO DO NOT MISTAKE ME FOR A FOOL. FOR I'VE ALREADY KNOWN WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN UP TO..." Her tone came out accusatory and Alicent had no intention to hide it.

"Just last week, Helaena's ants ended up in Aemond's clothes."

Standing strong Aemma quickly defended herself. "It was Daeron's doing!"

Alicent closed her eyes, clenching her hands to tight fists. Her hands were itching with the urgent urge to smack the brat. The feeling was so strong that it was beginning to overwhelm her.

"Everyone knows that Daeron is the one to carry out commands than give them. And this particular command, came from you. He admitted so himself that you told him to release those ants into Aemond's shirts."

"No! I told him to release them into his trousers and breaches." Aemma corrected boldly, a hard expression on her face. "But that idiot thought getting ant bites on the bollocks would be too painful, so instead he released them onto his shirts."

Alicent threw her head back, clawing a hand through her undone curly locks before she finally settled down, breathing heavily, trying to gain control of herself again.

"It goes beyond my understanding, how can you be so selfish towards your own brother who has lost so much. Do you have no bone of kindness in you?"


That accusation hurt. Aemma did care for him but she was also angry. Very angry at him for selfishly taking their mother all for himself. And here she's the one getting called selfish. Sadly she was too young to put those feelings to words. Thus they remained deep inside of her.

"It doesn't matter how ugly or frightening he looks. It doesn't matter how boring or annoying his topic of conversation maybe. After everything he has been through, as his family we must worship the path he walks. Let us not forget the price he paid in order to claim the large beast. Someone like you, with no beast bound to herself should look up to him... admire him."

Now that really hurt.

I had my own dragon. Aemma wanted to say, but lacked the courage. She contemplated, reminiscing on the few times she had seen her hatchling. Her lower lip wobbled as she fought against the urge to cry. She was overwhelmed with emotions she didn't know existed. Her mother was speaking to her after nine days. Even then, her topic remained about Aemond. Not even once, mistakenly, she had asked Aemma as to how she was faring.

On the flip side, venting out her anger helped Alicent quickly regain her composure. But that relief only lasted for a short period of time. Her organs dried up as she realized her foolish mistake. If Aemma complains to her father, then it will most definitely land her in trouble. So in order to rectify that, Alicent softened her features and tone before she spoke again.

"Don't be harsh on your brother, he means well. You know that, don't you...?"

Aemma only manage to nod before getting sent away by her mother.

Lady Lyanne, who decided to wait just outside the door, heard the Queen's outburst and was left speechless by the harsh words that the woman threw on the girl who is still a little babe. However, as Aemma came out with tears filled eyes and ran, Lyanne did not follow. Instead she reentered the Queen's quarter.

Alicent raised her hanging head sensing another presence enter. Her face softened seeing Lyanne. She had grown quite fond of the older woman over the years.

"Lady Lyanne, please join me." The Queen invited, tapping the spot next to her on the settee. But the woman silently declined her offer and walked over to the window instead.

"May I offer you some wisdom, my Queen."

"Are you upset with me for lashing out at Aemma?" Alicent presumed.

Lyanne chose not to answer. Her gaze lingered on the courtyard, watching the one eyed prince, who has now been joined by his little sister. She did not miss the way the boy abruptly halted his training and turned to Aemma. Although she cannot hear a word of whatever conversation is taking place between them, but she is intelligent enough to interpret by reading their body language.

Aemma is offering him an apology that she neither means nor it comes from her heart. But Aemond is wiping away her tears, like he is wiping his own tears. He pulls her into an embrace so tight that for a moment Lyanne fears he will break few bones in her little body. Then his lips touch her forehead in the most tender kiss. And she is reassured, the boy knows his limit.

Having seen enough, the older woman turn her back to face the Queen. A satisfied smirk sitting on her lips. As all of her queries have been answered by that simple interaction between the two children.

"I can understand the weakness you and the Lord Hand have for Prince Aemond now. Believe me, it is well justified. After all, the boy went from having no dragon to becoming the next rider of mighty Vhagar. An impossible accomplishment indeed. Any mother would be proud of such progress."

Alicent sighed with relief. Glad to have someone who understood her.

"However, let us not forget where the boy's weaknesses lies. I can wager that it isn't with your father or you." A simple reminder that immediately brought a frown to the Queen's face.

"Whatever tiny amount of justice he received was because of his little sister. You may not acknowledge the fact, but your son certainly does and he shall continue to do so till his last breath."

Alicent narrowed her eyes, glaring at the woman in front of her sharply. "What is it that you're trying to say... spit it out."

"I am simply trying to show you the actual scenario. Hoping it would clear the misunderstanding that had taken space in your and your father's head, my Queen. Do not delude yourself to think that Vhagar is on your side. She is loyal to Prince Aemond and Prince Aemond owes Princess Aemma..."

"You forget your place Lady Ly—"

"My Queen, the harder you push the girl, the sooner she will discover the advantageous position she stand on. And from whichever angle you look at it, her side of the scale weighs heavier."

With that Lyanne walked off, leaving the Queen alone, giving her time to process the warning. And all Alicent could do was take a deep breath through her nose, attempting to calm herself.

Aemond Targaryen:

For Aemond Targaryen, life has changed the most drastic.

He journeyed for Driftmark on the ship but returned on the back of largest living ancient dragon, with one eye remaining... disfigured... and maimed for good. Then spent the next six moons in complete bedrest and under the strict care of the Maesters. Getting the stitches removed and restitched again, suffering from wound fever, closely followed by viral fever and plenty other forms of infections.

It was an endless cycle till the end of the year.

After that, when his face was revealed, the new reality hit him like a slap across the face. His own family couldn't conceal their revulsion. His father could not look at him. His grandsire pretended to look at him but even with one eye Aemond could see the old man had his focus past him. Aegon took one look and immediately cast his eyes elsewhere. His little brother had tears in his eyes and his little sister vomited making a big mess on the ground. Whether it occurred due to disgust or fear he did not know; nor cared enough to find out. His mother clenched her eyes tightly before she reopened them and stare at him with sadness and defeat. Out of everyone, only Helaena bravely came forward. She touched him, kissed his scar and embraced him for who he was. Leaving everyone, including Aemond himself, astonished.

It does not come off as surprise to Aemond as he begins to notice the ladies in court and maid-servants refusing to meet his gaze. When they do, they cannot hide their revulsion. It pains him, crushes his pride and confidence to find himself as the subject of pity and disgust instead of inspiration, admiration and fear amongst people even after conquering the largest dragon in the world as mere boy of ten. It enrages him, to have such a massive victory be drowned by simple scars and gruesome face.

But Aemond cannot bring himself to blame them, because he understands, as he too is abhorrent to his own reflection.

So he curses the bastard. Wishes for all ill-fate to befall upon that wretched Lucerys Velaryon. Still it gives him no peace, knowing, no amount of curses towards the boy would ever return his eye or make him whole again. He is doomed to remain the one-eyed freaky boy who'll grow to be one-eyed ugly man from whom women and children will flee.

The first time Aemond looked at himself in the mirror he punched the mirror, sending glass scattering to the ground. His knuckles bruised and bled. But the burn on his hand does not make the ache in his heart fade. Nor does it prevent his own urge to throw up.

It was that moment, when he understood all those people. He understood Aemma— a child who could not fight against her body's complicated reaction.

So he forgave her without second thought.

His mother panicked noticing the cut on his hand. Much to his irritation she brought in countless Maesters to have him inspected for the hand injury and to seek alternative solutions to what everyone knows is permanently gone.

"The eye is lost your Grace." Grand Maester Orwyle repeated for the umpteenth time.

"We maybe able to fill up the empty space of the socket with something, but... but the vision will never return."

Hearing that his mother sobbed into her palms, frustrated. Sick of being told the same thing over and over again. Words that extinguished all hopes she ever had of restoring his eye.

"The prince must learn to navigate the world through one eye." Another Maester, an older one, advises. "While it may be difficult by all means, but certainly not impossible."

His mother cries harder, this time holding him close and he allows her, feeling dejected. As she and Helaena are the only two willing to touch him.

Sadly though, it isn't their touch he yearns for...


His heart races, pumping out that one name repeatedly. As his body burns to be close to her. Like the inferno collecting inside of a dragon's belly that smolders before they exhale, setting fire to the world.

Nevertheless it is a feeling that is quite foreign to him. So he tries not to dwell on it for much longer. Finding suppression to be the best remedy for now.

But in the hours of the owl as he lay awake, blankly watching the ceiling, his mind wonders...

Look at me! It demands. Touch me! Hug me! Kiss me! Do all those things that mother and Helaena do, Aemma.

One of his hand clutches the sheet underneath so tightly that his knuckles turn white.

Why do you not look?! Are you so afraid of me, like those worthless pathetic cravenness fools in the court?

His mind reels, frustrated. Not understanding what goes through the little girl's head drives him over to the edge.

I see... so you are afraid... Perhaps you are one of those worthless pathetic cravenness fools, aren't you?

He reaches a conclusion that brings him more pain.

No you cannot be one of them, Aemma, I refuse to believe that. As it was you who gave me what our parents couldn't?

The free hand that wasn't clutching the sheet, explores his face, carefully tracing over the scar that stretches from his forehead down to his cheek. He scratches the maimed flesh till it bleeds. The pain he feels is nothing in comparison to the one already throbbing in his heart.

But it's alright, I understand...

He truly does.

A drop of tear escapes the corner of his lone eye.

Because I find my own sight repulsive as well.

Helaena gifts him his first eyepatch in the coming days, which he accept begrudgingly. It isn't perfectly made, still Aemond had to admit, for her first attempt she did a phenomenal job.

Helaena's eyes sparkled with newfound excitement as she attempted to put the eyepatch on her little brother. She felt childlike curiosity and eagerness to see his new look. Much to her shock, her little brother prevented, by grabbing hold of her hand midway and nodding his head 'no'. Warning her not to proceed.

Helaena retracted her steps instantly. As opposed to her earlier action, she tries to talk to him into it. Even that ends in failure. And so does their supposedly comforting conversation; which fails to provide him any sort of comfort this time around.

He wanted to be left alone. And having understood his insinuation Helaena backed away.

It is his talk with Ser Criston, the following week that actually helps. Providing him with the much needed comfort. The knight's promise to make him one of strongest swordsman to have ever walked in all of Westeros, shows Aemond a glimmer of light at the end of the dark tunnel. Cole was right! Realization hit him, he has been miserable enough. Time has come to put it all behind and look ahead.

There is no denying he claimed the largest dragon in the world on a whim. But now he must become a rider worthy of his well reputed mount.

This time, when Ser Criston offers to put the eyepatch on him, Aemond allows. As he wants everyone to know he will one day burn down cities after cities, civilization after civilization with one eye and half his vision.

All his time are now equally divided between training with Ser Criston Cole, studying with the Maesters and flying above the realm on Vhagar's back.

Relearning everything from start was unimaginably difficult.

He had been practicing with a wooden sword everyday for hours. Every morning afternoon, evening following the same routine. Attacking and cutting through the non-existent enemies, building his body to withstand every trial.

After going through series of struggle, stumbling, hitting the wrong angle and wrong side for many moons, Aemond finally morphed himself into both his and his mentor Cole's desired shape.

In the recent weeks, he gained new strength. Though he has a lot to cover and long road to cross but that does not discourage him. As a matter of fact it pushes Aemond to train relentlessly. He beats and slashes at his opponent through scorching sun, heavy wind or pouring rain. No amount of difficult whether comes between him and his training. Even during the rarely occurring thunderstorm when everyone is hiding in the Red Keep, Aemond Targaryen is on the training yard, in company of Ser Criston, jabbing his sword at the straw-dummy. Beating and slashing it ruthlessly as rain pours down on them heavily. No amount of sudden lightning or abrupt thunder manages to deflect him.

"Not good enough! Nowhere close! You have to be better than that my Prince." Despite his harsh words Criston Cole smiles, proudly so.

Mayhaps Ser Harwin Strong was right... he teaches cruelty. And it has proven to work. The swell of muscles on the Prince's chest and shoulders beneath his tunic are proof so far. The boy is no longer half the size of his older brother. He began to grow taller, muscular and chiseled. His face began losing its rounded shape and change into an angular form with pointed chin, higher cheekbones, defined jaws. Even the way he spoke changed. He spoke slowly, softly, voice deep, calm, confident and authoritative but cold.

The progress he has shown to date, notwithstanding his disability, truly is remarkable. Unlike his two brothers— the older, who has stopped showing up to the training yard altogether and the younger, who dropped his sword at the first sound of thunder strike and ran back inside like a scared kitten.

On that account, in a matter of a passing year Aemond Targaryen relearns everything. Mastering the ability to walk and move about his surroundings. While keeping his mind and ears always sharp and focused. He is no longer the small dragon less boy who got frequently bullied by his own kin. He is set on the path to becoming the beast who'd soon go by the whispered name: Aemond one-eye.

Aemma Targaryen:

Amongst all her siblings, Aemma Targaryen is the only one whose life has been simultaneously thriving and falling apart.

Ever since their return from Driftmark, the youngest Targaryen found herself in a household with an overly doting father and an empty shell of a mother who kept on distancing herself from her.

For a child so young it is increasingly difficult to get a grasp of the situation where each parent stands at the opposite end of the spectrum. Her father treats her as though she is his most priced possession. His presence, a consistent part of her life now. She sees more and more of him everyday. So much, that it feels sickening. At the same time, there is a rapid decline in her mother's presence. Smothered by her father's love, it takes Aemma a while to notice that. By the time the disturbing detail catches her attention (unbeknownst to her), it was too late. Her mother had already gone far away from her.

Aemma is far too young, with hardly any knowledge of the dark emotions that she sees reflected on her mother's eyes every time they meet. Yet she understands, deep inside, her soul can feel they portray pure unriddled disdain towards her.

"Why does mother look so upset with me? What have I done?"

A question Aemma frequently asked her nursemaid Lady Lyanne and her mother's handmaiden Talya, these days.

Initially both ladies would respond to her question with a tight lipped smile and denial.

"What nonsense do you speak of Princess. Your mother, loves you. Currently, she is quite the bit worried about Prince Aemond, that is all." While they would brush off her worry with those reassuring words, but the uncertainty in their eyes told an entirely different tale.

Then it reached a point where Talya began to evade her questions. Excusing herself every time Aemma inquired about her mother.

Her nursemaid on the other hand, downright chose a different approach.

First off, the older woman was appalled by the Queen's cold demeanour towards an innocent child. By now she has lost count of the times Aemma had sought after her mother only to be turned away. While it was understandable why the Queen remained completely occupied with Prince Aemond early on after their return. Still, that does not justify her dismissal towards her youngest. Out of all her children it's the little one who needs her mother the most. And yet, she purposely chose to ignore her.

All of Red Keep was startled when they saw how the Queen handled the situation when a viral fever strike making two of her children severely sick. The woman spent most of her time in the Sept praying to the Sevens. The times she was not in the Sept, she could be found outside of Prince Aemond's chamber, sitting on the stance of praying. Reciting special prayers for his quick recovery.

Not once, even mistakenly, was the Queen seen anywhere close to her other younger child's chamber who was suffering from the same fever.

A lot of people including Lyanne herself deemed the Queen's partiality as being heartless. Some serving girls went as far as to whisper that they heard the Queen praying for the young Princess's death. Lyanne did not believe in those baseless rumours. However, she also did not know what to conclude of a mother who chose to abandon such a young babe at her most vulnerable time.

The woman did not travel to Driftmark, but she had heard stories from various sources. Which is why the Queen's behaviour confuses her. Shouldn't Alicent Hightower be treasuring her youngest? After all, the child succeeded where she failed. So how does she have the heart to treat the girl so unfairly?

In any case, keeping Aemma's betterment in mind Lyanne decided it would be best to have the girl's mind diverted towards her father.

It was not an easy task though, considering how strongly the little one felt about her mother. But for Lady Lyanne it was not impossible. Not to forget, it was her, who once brought Aemma closer to her mother and her siblings. So she knew her way on how to pave the girl's heart.

Thus she began teaching Aemma once more on how to channel her feelings for her mother towards her ailing father (the parent, who in Lyanne's opinion was more deserving of her affection). Hammering her brain with all the vantage and added benefits a close relationship with her father will bring her in the future.

Luckily, it does not take much effort for Lady Lyanne. The Queen made it far easier with her growing ignorant attitude which deeply thrust Aemma towards the King.

Soon after, the father-daughter are always seen together. They are either inside the King's solar where she helps him put together the replica of Old Valyria, or strolling the garden hand in hand. There, the King would relinquish his crown and adorn his head with the flower crown that Aemma would make for him.

On occasion Aemma would even be present with Viserys while he sits at the small council or on the Iron Throne. She would simply sit upon his lap, doing her own thing. Sometimes sneak a glance at her grandsire and make faces at him when she thought no one was watching.

Just because Aemma was spending more time in her father's company does not mean she completely forgot about her mother.

The times spent away from her father are spent mostly attending the lesson with the Septa in company of Helaena and her ladies in waiting. Although Aemma's personal preference is to be with Daeron; her current favourite pastime being—watching him bond with his dragon. But in order to please her mother, the youngest Targaryen chooses the former option, forgoing the latter.

Then there is the matter with her brother Aemond. Unsure about how others feel, but in Aemma's opinion, over the past couple of years he has reduced to become the oddest creature in their bunch. Therefore she was content with keeping her distance from him. But that turned to be an impossible prospect.

When Aemond spends time with the family, it is unequally divided amongst the three women. A tiny portion of it goes to his older sister and his mother, exchanging pleasantries with them. After that, the rest of time is spent in the company of his little sister. Exactly opposite of how it used to be before, when the times were simpler and he was whole.

Initially Aemma did not mind his company. For a brief period he was her most favourite brother. Where upon sight of him she would drop whatever task it was she had on hand to pounce into his arms; holding him in embrace that was always the tightest.

Septa Lira dragged Aemma back to her chambers and gave her an earful, the one time she stumbled upon the siblings in such intimate embrace. But that scolding had no effect on the young Princess. The latter simply put them through one ear and out of the other.

And just like the first scolding, the multiple lectures that followed through later on, deeming her behaviour as highly inappropriate seemed to have little to no effect at all. Even threats of complaint to her mother proved to be useless. The only sort of reaction Septa Lira ever received were the absurd faces the Princess made by crossing her eyes sticking out her tongue.

For what it is worth, Aemma found herself immensely entertained by the uptight Septa's reaction. The sight of the latter's face crunching in rage and disgust gave the former sickening pleasure. Consequently which prompted her to further provoke the older women. Going as far as to deliberately hugging her three brothers (mostly Aemond) tightly, often leaving deep sloppy kisses on their faces.

"Partaking in such depravity with your brothers must cease at once, Princess Aemma!" Septa Lira raised the topic one morning, when it was just the two Princesses in attendance for theirs religious studies.

"What depravity do you speak of? I was just hugging Aemond!" Aemma retaliated glaring at the Septa. Her big bold violet eyes were so expressive that it made Septa Lira want to take back her words.

But who said the woman was going to back down so easily. She was just as stubborn as she was arrogant. Whatever she thought to be right must be right and whatever she thought to be wrong must be wrong. And here this pup of a Princess indirectly press challenges at her.

How dare she!

"Now that you are growing, feelings and affections should not be displayed so openly."

"I am not grown, I am only seven years of age. Besides, my father, your King tells me, I shall forever remain his little babe."

The young princess's audacity baffled the Septa. Completely taken aback, with a hand on her heart she glared at the girl.

"In no time you will be a woman grown. And for a grown woman to remain within such close proximity of a man who isn't her Lord Husband puts her virtue under scrutiny."

Aemma blinked batting her lashes, understanding nothing of what the Septa had just said. So for clarification she looked to Helaena, but the latter was preoccupied with the beetle crawling on her hand. Chances are, she probably didn't even listen to a word of what the Septa had said.

Therefore re-focusing on Septa Lira Aemma began her side of the threat.

"My mother won't be so happy to hear you have been asking me to distance myself from my brothers."

"I am not asking you to distance yourself from your siblings. I am simply warning you to watch yourself with your two older brothers."

"Aemond is mother's favourite."

The underlying threat was not missed by Septa Lira. Causing her to lean closer to the young Princess and whisper. Although Aemma thought it to be quite unnecessary. No one was there aside from Helaena and she is not the type to go gossiping.

"Do not forget, the folks around observes. They take notice. You Targaryens are well known for your queer customs. Do not feed them the scope..."

"Or else?"

"Soon shall they talk about you! Just like they talked about Princess Rhaenyra."

Aemma grunted, rolling her eyes. The warning was redundant.

"Stop giving that beast hope!" Septa Lira seethed. "You will come to regret your actions, child!"

As expected, Aemma stuck her tongue out, causing the woman to scowl harder.

"Go on then, fuel the fire of the beast. But remember, a day will come when that fire will engulf you... burn you... till all that will remain of you is a small pile of ash."


Now that caught Helaena's attention just as it did Aemma's. The sisters shared a knowing look. Septa Lira just referred to Aemond as a 'beast', twice. It was a hush-hush whisper throughout the Keep that Aemond was getting called cruel names. But it was the first time someone just directly referred him with such names in the face of his family.

Now furious herself, Aemma boldly turned to face the already enraged Septa.

"Me and my siblings, we're dragons. And dragons don't burn in fire. And I shall inform the Queen that you have referred to Prince Aemond as a beast."

Septa Lira looked so angry that Helaena feared the woman would combust at any given moment.

"You may do as you wish Princess, but do keep in mind, nobody is immune to fire. Everyone burns! Including the dragons themselves."

"You clearly lack knowledge on dragons." Aemma retorted. "I advise you to get yourself educated on them. There are plenty of books available in the Keep's library."

"Listen to me carefully, girl! I have have been in this world far longer than you or your mother have lived. So it would be in your best interest to not take my warning lightly."

In one heartbeat that the Septa looked to the other Princess, Aemma was gone. Abandoning Helaena to deal with the angry Septa.

Aemma did not end up telling her mother that her favourite son was called 'beast' by Septa Lira. Although she had every intention to, but by the time her mother made time for her, Aemma had long forgotten about it. In addition to that, the awful turn their meeting took, Aemma is glad to have kept those information to herself. Chances are her mother would have further misunderstood and twisted those words against her.

Not even in her worst nightmare the youngest Targaryen could imagine her mother capable of being this cruel. She taunted her for not having a dragon anymore. Which Aemma knows can change in the future if she bonds with another. But what right does her mother have to judge her, when she— a Hightower can never have a dragon of her own even if she wanted to.

Aemma found herself thinking bitterly about her mother every night since that dreadful day. But her thoughts did not just conclude there, she thought about Aemond too. Her mind ventured into the dark territory where it tried to picture how great would life be for her and her other siblings if one day Aemond simply fell off of Vhagar and died. Or Ser Criston accidentally stabbed him into the heart. Or someone poisoned his food. The circumstances were of no importance as long as he ended up dead; and she and her siblings had their mother back.

To turn that morbid thought to reality Aemma turned to the Gods her mother was so devoted to, for help. It became a routine for her to say a small prayer every time she knew Aemond was taking a flight or going for his training. She prayed for him to never return or best return as corpse.

Much to her dismay, Aemond always returned— alive.

Then, after a week, her relentless prayers for Aemond's death ceased. As she gave up on the idea, thinking the Gods were deaf and saw no point in talking to the deaf statues. She went as far as to doubt their existence.

Although weeks have passed, but the issue between the youngest Targaryen Princess and the Queen remained unresolved. Aemma still avoided her mother like plague. She mostly kept to herself inside her chambers. The only places outside of her chambers she could be found were with her father or with her sister attending their womanly lesson.

During this time, Aemma also took particular caution to make sure she avoided running into her brothers. With Aegon it was easy since he only returned to the Keep to sleep, otherwise he would be in the establishments of the Street of Silk. Daeron could be easily shooed away. All Aemma had to do was yell "Get out" and he would be gone. But when it came to Aemond, Aemma had no choice but to quietly tolerate his presence. And most of the time it felt so suffocating and frustrating. Her resentment towards him has doubled recently. Now, every moment that she spent in his company, Aemma stewed.

What made it worse was that he sensed her distress and tried to help. He hugged her tightly, kissed her gently, read her stories during bedtime to help her sleep; stories in common tongue so that she could understand. He did everything in his power to help her feel good. But alas, he failed to do what actually needed to be done. As he refused to acknowledge the important aspect— that he was the main ingredient in her problem. The main cause of her distress.

Regardless of all that, the next few days went by peacefully. Aemma was learning to live without her mother by pretending she was dead (a trick taught by Lady Lyanne). However, the peace she found met its end one night, two moons later, when her door breached open with the announcement of a dreadful visitor.

Alarmed, Aemma glanced at her door.

As soon as it opened, her mother waltzed in expeditiously. It appeared as though she was in a hurry to get here. Her brows furrowed in tension, while her mouth remained slightly hanging in exasperation.

Aemma had no desire to deal with her mother. Given she was already in bed, she quickly turn her back on her mother and pull the covers over her head.

The small smile Alicent had on her face transformed to a momentary frown. She took offence, but chose not to dwell on it. There are far more pressing matters in hand to settle.

"Sweetling," She called; her tone complete opposite of the one it had been since they last interacted.

Under the cover Aemma grimace. Her body going rigid hearing the footsteps slowly advancing toward the bed. The mattress dipped and the covers slowly came down before she could prepare.

As her head is revealed, Aemma quickly opt for the second option— to clench her eyes shut. With her heartbeat going much too fast, blood pumping in her veins.

"Aemma, sweetheart," Gently grabbing her shoulder Alicent turned her daughter around to face her. But Aemma further squeezes her eyes shut. Absolutely refusing to look at her mother.

"Are you still upset with your mother?"

Affirmation comes with a small nod of her head, as the words remain unspoken — yes, I am still upset with you, mother.

"Would the anger even slightly diminish, if you're told she has come to apologize."

Not expecting to hear that Aemma shoot her eyes open, assessing how much of truth lied behind those words. She could see faint conflict chasing her mother's features; which Aemma did not know what to make off.

"My dear, your mother had spoken beyond measure. Her head and heart weren't in the right place then. So please, I implore you to at least try to forgive her." Alicent had her face and tone both schooled to appear equally genuine. While having a hand reach out to affectionately caress her daughter's face.

Aemma felt her heart climb up her throat. Whether or not she realized it, her mother had long been a necessity in her life.

"Mother, do you despise me for no longer having a dragon?"

"Of course not!" Alicent exclaimed, her eyes going wide. "What nonsense do you speak of? If anything, I despise those fire-breathing beasts. The sight of them gives me anxiety. It goes beyond my understanding how your siblings ride them with such ease."

Aemma chuckle at her mother's words.

"Born as a Hightower I will never understand the bond shared between Targaryens and their dragons. However, after getting married to a Targaryen and birthing so many of his children, I understand the need for the bonding between themselves and those beasts."

"Are you politely suggesting I bond with another dragon?" Aemma asked, eyeing her carefully.

"No," Alicent nodded her head, "I'm here to explain my outburst from that day. I want you to understand why I sided with Aemond like a person gone blind."

"We can avoid speaking about it, if it makes your heart feel so heavy." Suggested Aemma, grinning cheek to cheek.

"If we're to do that my little Aemma, it will only lead to further misunderstandings in the future."

"But I already understand!" Aemma whines. "You worry for him because he lost an eye."

It was her mother's turn to chuckle. "You understand nothing, you fool! It's you I worry about the most."

Aemma shot up to a sitting position. Confusion lacing on her face as her brain racked through what her mother had just said.

Her mother, who has only ignored her after Dritmark, given her cold shoulder and their last interaction ended with her looking down on Aemma for not having a dragon unlike her other siblings — suddenly shows up in her chambers, two moons later, claiming that she worries about her most. It sounded ridiculous! To the point where it was laughable. But for a child, who had recently stepped into the seventh year of her life it was heart melting and all the more confusing.

So she quoted her mother's words, in the form of questions. Just to have a proper understanding of it.

"You worry about me the most?"

"Of course I do. Sweetling, you are the most special present I ever received from the Gods."

"So then why are you always with Aemond and never with me or anyone of my other siblings?" Before Alicent could open her mouth in defence Aemma spoke up, cutting her off. "How is it that you expect me to believe you when it has only been that way since our return from Driftmark."

"I admit, on the surface it appears as if Aemond is the only one I care about. But the truth remains far from it." Fondly smiling, Alicent poke a finger on her daughter's chest. "Truth be told, my blindsided closeness toward Aemond is more for your sake than his."

"I don't think I understand." Aemma shook her head vigorously. She really didn't understand, and no one probably would in her position. It just made no sense.

"Then allow me to explain, please." Alicent offered, shooting her child a determined look. "I only have good intentions for you, Aemma. I worry, because not only you do not a have a dragon for yourself, above that, you are also very young."

Despite the many levels of confusion raging within her, Aemma refused to show them to her mother. As she searches the latter's eyes throughly for signs of jesting but found naught. All her features screaming— she is telling the truth.

It felt even more real when the Queen took hold of her hand in a similar fashion she used to hold Rhaenyra's hand, back when the two were friends.

"Before you were born, I wished to give you my mother's name but accepted wholeheartedly when your father decided to give you his wife's name instead. After you were born, you were snatched away from me and thrusted into Rhaenyra's arms. I grew to resent your father and Rhaenyra for it. At the same time my longing for you only increased. And now, all I try to ensure is your safe future."

To Aemma, her mother's long explanation made no sense. It started off in one direction, lost momentum midway and spiralled into a direction path altogether.

"What safe future do you speak of?"

"Listen to what I say very carefully sweetling," Aemma felt a gentle squeeze on her hand and looked down to see how tightly her mother was gripping her tiny wrist.

"Rhaenyra's marriage to Prince Daemon has put us in a dangerous position..."

Alicent began and Aemma furrowed her brows.

"Once the King is dead we will be left vulnerable with no one to protect us. And when that time arrives, we have none to turn to but Aemond and Vhagar."

Aemma blink a few times, processing, before she jumped in to present her own logic.

"I don't understand, why only him and Vhagar. What about Aegon, Helaena and Daeron? They have Dragons too."

Drawing her tongue out Alicent chapped her drying lips. Her shoulders slumped with invisible pressure.

"From where things currently stand, it is easy to conclude that Aegon is both useless and unreliable. He is no warrior, he stopped going for his training long ago and spends his time being drunk and roaming the filthiest streets of the city seeking cheap entertainment. He won't fight for us. He cannot. Chances are, at the peak of danger he will simply mount his dragon and fly away, never to be found."

"What about Helaena and Dreamfyre?"

"Sweetheart, we both know Helaena is partially insane." Aemma made no comment, but she did not disagree either. "So, her having a dragon does not make much difference. Then there is Daeron..."

Too engrossed into her own talks, Alicent failed to take notice of how Aemma had looked away and faced the large lancet windows, trying to hide the faint that blush crept up her cheeks at the mere mention of the youngest Targaryen Prince.

"That boy still remains an uncertainty. He may turn out good, or he may disappoint. There is no telling on that now. Besides his mount is too small to even carry its own rider."

Aemma felt a tug on her wrist and looked to her mother.

"So that only leaves Aemond. He is all we can rely on. Especially you, who no longer has her own dragon."

Aemma tensed, noticing the repeated reminder of not having a dragon.

"Out of all the children of this generation, you and Prince Daemon's daughter Rhaena are the only ones without a dragon."

Again she mentions Dragon. The young Princess pouted.

"But that girl now resides in Dragonstone, it's only a matter of time until she has her own. As for you, we do not know when will Dreamfyre release a new clutch of eggs."

"I'm sure I can get a dragon if I truly want to. But you must understand, mother, I don't want another—"

"I know sweetling!" Alicent let go of Aemma's hand only to grab her by the chin.

"Had you not been so young and without a dragon, I would have much less reason to worry."

Aemma sighed and Alicent frowned.

"You don't have to have a dragon sweetling. After what happened to Aemond, I don't want any of my other children to go claim one. However it does not change the fact that you will need one in the future—"

Frustrated, the Princess slapped away the Queen's hand. "You just said I won't have to!"

Alicent sighed, then lowered her voice to a cold dangerous whisper.

"Which is why, darling daughter, we absolutely must keep a strong hold on Aemond. Because when your father dies, you," To further emphasize, she pointed a finger to Aemma's chest again. "...will need him the most."

"What does that mean exactly?" Aemma asked, afraid not fully catching up into the conversation or where it was headed. For sure she understood wrong or rather nothing.

"Your brothers pose as the biggest challenge to Rhaenyra's claim to the Iron Throne. Now with the Rouge Prince by her side, she will definitely come for us after the King's demise. And even if she desires not to, her husband will find a way ." Explained Alicent, giving her daughter a saddened look.

"I hope you are able to understand me now, dearest."

Aemma nodded her head numbly. Face ghostly pale in fear. But her eyes closed down as her mother leaned in to press a soft kiss on her forehead

"Good girl." Alicent flashed a tight lipped smiled once she pulled away. "Oh I almost forgot!Aemond's thirteenth name day is just about two moons away. Make sure to prepare a nice present for him."

Aemma took a moment to understand whether it was an advice of a mother, or an order from the Queen. Before softly muttering "Okay." In a voice barely audible.

Taking it as her queue for departure, Alicent helped Aemma lay back down and pulled the covers up to her neck.

"It's late, go to sleep." She spared one last glance at Aemma before walking out of the door.

All throughout the night till the break of dawn Aemma simply stared at the burning hearth. Her mother's words seemed to have had the the opposite effect. She advised her to go to sleep and yet no ounce of sleep came to Aemma that night.


A.N. Thank you all for reading. Hope you enjoyed. I don't know how this chapter ended up being this long.

Initially I wrote the chapter focusing on Aemond's birthday but last moment decided against it. Instead put up this chapter (I hope you noticed it written differently). I think it's important to show where everyone stands after the events of driftmark and how they have been doing in the next couple of years.

To clarify to all those who were confused with the timeline and flow of the chapter- it starts of from Driftmark and how their lives changed since then and how they have been adapting. For example with Aemma- she's four years old at the start of the chapter but towards the end she is seven (recently turned.) lastly, this chapter shows the beginning of Alicent and Aemma's strained relationship (the main reason why I changed the chapter). And for those of you wondering why Alicent went from ready to die for Aemma to barely acknowledging her now. Thing is, without even realizing she starting to be jealous of Aemma. So the resentment she used to feel for Rhaenyra is now in a twisted way getting directed towards Aemma. As a result now Alicent-Aemma and Aemond are tangled in a mess.

Of course if you have any questions feel free to reach out and I'll try my best to clarify it. And please do let me know if you see any mistakes I'll correct it.

Next Chapter focuses on Aemond's thirteenth name day.

Also, Daeron isn't leaving for Oldtown yet. We will still have few more chapters with him.

Another thing I wanted to get it off my chest. I know there's big debating everywhere about the right and wrong about Aemond calming Vhagar on the night of Laena's funeral. But how does no one find Rhaenyra sleeping with Laena's husband on the night of her funeral offensive. Personally I found that more wrongful in every aspect over the actions of a boy claiming and other children fighting him.

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