Chapter 1

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It was deep into the night when a maid had woken Queen Alicent Hightower, to inform her that her husband— the King has asked for her.

A look was exchanged between the two women. A look of understanding. Both knew what a call from the king at this hour meant.

The queen remained in silence for some time before dismissing the maid with a simple wave of her hand.


She lay underneath him... dead as corpse...

It was a duty she was performing. Alicent repeated in mind again and again and again! So that it stays embedded in her head, heart and soul.

Duty towards the realm!

Duty towards her husband!

Duty towards her family— no father!


Two moons later the queen was with child.

At fifth time around Alicent was no longer under pressure to birth a male heir. Since she has already done her due after giving the King three healthy Princes and a beautiful Princess.

Her youngest Daeron who has recently passed his second naming day. Aemond, her second son who is now six years of age. Daughter Heleana who is seven years of age and her eldest Aegon ii being nine, close to reaching ten.

Therefore be it a Prince or Princess, the realm would embrace the child with open arms.


As time neared Alicent observed her husband, King Viserys was eager on having another daughter. Although the young Queen never expressed her opinion verbally, but she too has been silently praying for a daughter. For reasons: Alicent wanted to name her after her dead mother. A small way to honour whatever memory she had of the woman left inside her.

However it would not be possible without the permission of her husband.

So after days of building up the courage, Alicent approached Viserys one night right after the maesters had departed his chamber.

"I was wondering if Your Grace would be so kind to allow me to name this child, if it is a daughter, to name after my dead mother...?"

The King listened, with his eyes tightly closed. As pain continued to course through his body. His current wife has never asked for much from him, of that he was aware. So he saw no problem in granting this one little wish.

Alicent smiled, taken aback, that her husband agreed.

...or so they both thought.

As time and fate both seems to change unnoticed.


Labour was hard and excruciatingly painful, not that Alicent wasn't used to it.

However, what she actually wasn't used to, was having her husband around during these difficult hours of her life.

Not only Alicent, but the midwives and maesters present with her in the chamber were also taken by surprise. As it was the King's first time being present during a childbirth of his now wife.

In spite of the pain she was in, Alicent remembered the moment Viserys walked through the door so vividly that even the memories of her previous near death labour during birthing Aemond seemed to be blurry images in comparison to that.

Now, not sure of how to interpret this gesture, Alicent was left confused. Irrespective of that she was also happy.

Hours of agony ultimately met its end when the loud wailing of the new life echoed, telling the world of its arrival.

"A girl!" The midwife who pulled the child out, announced.

Alicent rested against the pillows, her breathing finally steadying after the long labor ended. Her body and the sheets were damp with sweat and she was exhausted, but she forced herself to stay awake and receive the wailing newborn the midwife would soon place in her arms.

The newborn was quickly cleaned up and wrapped up in silk blanket before she was brought to her father, the King.

Viserys accepted the child wholeheartedly and placed a deeply affectionate kiss on her forehead followed by declaring:

"My Aemma has come back to me."

The words echoed inside Alicent making her heart skip a beat. She looked at her husband in shock. But he took no notice of that. Instead sent maid to immediately fetch his eldest daughter. And it wasn't long before Princess Rhaenyra walked in through the same door the maid that went to summon her had exited.

Excited, the King placed his newborn into the arms of his Heir while his Queen remained on the bed... spectating... awaiting her turn to hold her own daughter... her patience running low but she was unable to anything about it.

"Rhaenyra, meet Aemma." Viserys introduced his youngest daughter to his eldest, placing another kiss on the babe's head. Establishing that the newest Targaryen had already name. His promise to his wife long forgotten.

In that moment Aemma Targaryen was born.

"You have named her after my mother?!" It was a question and a statement simultaneously. A ghost of smile appeared on Rhaenyra's face hearing that her father has chosen to honour her dead mother. Her heart was not big enough to contain the happiness coursing through her that moment. She gazed at her ageing father softly, glad that she can finally forgive him for the cruel fate he had chosen for her mother.

At the same time, the smile had dropped from Alicent's face. Her husband has broken his promise, alongside that... her heart.

Contrary to what she had expected, Viserys still honoured the dead. It's just that he didn't honour her mother, instead he chose to honour his first wifethe love of his life.

"Congratulations my queen! You have done well. Indeed a very beautiful girl. No doubt she will grow up to steal many hearts." Said Rhaenyra, bringing the child to her mother.

Alicent collected the small bundle from Rhaenyra. A soft smile gracing her lips as she met her youngest's gaze for the first time. The newborn had stopped wailing and her deep purple eyes, the deepest amongst all her siblings, were watching her mother with matching curiosity.

Looking up Alicent briefly locked eyes with her husband. A look akin to pride shining on his face. It was the first time he had looked at her with such eyes. Like he was thanking her for bringing this child— no his Aemma back into his life once again.

Bile rose to her throat turning her taste bitter. And the next time the young Queen turned to her daughter, with face that was ice cold. She ventured her mind into thinking how much misfortune would this young one bring upon her. But her heart argued that she maybe wrong.

After all maybe one child of her would finally have what the rests lacks— their father's unconditional love. The kind that is only reserved for Rhaenyra.

If so it happens, would she be able to give this child, the same unconditional love that she gives her other children...?

Truth be told, she knew not in the moment then, neither would she know in the days to come. And perhaps it is this indecision of her that led to the flame which resulted in hatching...

Not of a dragon, but of a snake amongst them.


A.N: My first take on the House of the Dragons. Not sure how far I'll take this story or for any pairings yet. However I'm open to suggestions for pairings and ideas. Also, the story will follow canon to certain extent with maybe little things changed here and there not much.

This is the first chapter focusing on the birth of the supposed central character. Next chapter or two will focus on her childhood and then jump into the main storyline.

Also, feel free to point out any mistakes if you see any. I'll correct them.
Thank you all for reading. Hope it was worthwhile.

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