Chapter 9

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Aemma remained persistent, refused to leave her father's side in spite of everyone's insistence.

All of the conjoined efforts of the Grand-Maester, Otto Hightower and Lady Lyanne to convince her to exit the chamber before the King's wounds were bared for cleaning — met with failure. Then Viserys himself tried, pleading his little girl not to see him when he's so unsightly. Even that request was thrown out of the window. Aemma stayed firm on her decision, making it clear that nothing can get her to leave the room. Not even the King's command!

A look was exchanged between the adults as they wordlessly tried to come up with a solution.

Out of desperation, due to not finding other possible resolution Otto Hightower tried to exert force. Hoisting up the little girl in his arms he attempted to walk out, but Aemma bit into his hand so hard that her teeth tore into his flesh. Thus he ended up dropping her before he could even reach the door. And Aemma ran back to her father's side.

Lady Lyanne takes one look at Lord Hand's bleeding hand before signalling the nearest Page, who in turn dashed off and returned moments later with a Maester for Otto Hightower.

The youngest Targaryen Princess not only stayed back, but also proved everyone wrong. Instead of cowering like everyone thought she would, she watched unblinking with utmost determination as the two young Maesters worked on her father under the supervision of the Grand-Maester Orwyle.

However, what she saw, only added to her already growing fear.

His flesh is rotting.

He is fading.

"Will he die?"

Although Aemma could only bring her voice to be barely above whisper but because of how eerily quiet the room was except for the occasional painful moans coming from the King and rare hisses coming from the Hand of the King who was getting his bleeding hand stitched up by a Maester, her question was heard by all.

Lady Lyanne was about respond but got beaten by Orwyle as he turned and crunched down, bringing himself to level with the Princess.

"Everyone must die one day Princess."

Rolling her eyes Aemma rephrased the question. Choosing to be more direct this time.

"But that was not what I asked. What I need to know is— if he is dying... soon?"

"We're doing our best Princess..." The older man tore his gaze away from her to focus on the King momentarily " prevent such misfortune."

Aemma froze in the midst of taking her father's hand, noticing he was missing another finger now. Closing her eyes she took a sharp inhale of breath.

"Will you be able to prevent it?"

The Grand-Maester could not hide how much proud and impressed he was by the display of strength the child was showing. A part of him found it hard to believe it is the same little girl who vomited at the gruesome sight of her brother's maimed face. But such was not to be dwelled upon currently. As he proceeded to respond, an unnaturally loud moan from Viserys interrupted them.

Orwyle stood at once and rushed to check if the junior Maesters have made any mistakes. While Aemma shot her eyes open and took a step back. Fear clearly visible on her violet irises now.

He will not live long.

She realized.

And when he dies...

It had raised a violent fear in her heart. Evidently loosening her grip on the rope of strength she was holding onto.

Therefore no force could hold her back when she turned on her heels and sprinted out of the King's quarters. Ignoring the calls of her grandsire and her nursemaid.

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