By vibraniumtears

100K 2.4K 566

Scarlett johansson, the rising star, falls pregnant. Reluctantly she gives up her baby, to a loving family... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.

chapter 15.

2.5K 57 15
By vibraniumtears


It's seven o'clock. I've just woken up and lizzie is still fast asleep. I think scarlett is awake so i'm going to get ready.

I carefully get up, i don't want to wake up lizzie. She needs sleep and i feel bad for yesterday. I brush my teeth, wash my face.
I head downstairs and scarlett isn't here, she must still be asleep or something.

I haven't been on my phone in a day or two, so i check instagram, the hate comments are starting to spill in, just a load of bullshit about the Olsen's, not a lot about scarlett. I go onto my explore page and there's really cute photos of lizzie and me, i screenshot them. Just ones of her crouching down when she was tying my jumper around my waist.

'Hannah?' I jump as lizzie appears behind me. 'What are you doing? Where did you go?' She questions as she walks up to me and hugs me. 'I just came and sat down here, i woke up before you.' I shrug.

'Why didn't you wake me?' She asks shakily as she kisses the top of my head. 'I'm sorry you were sleeping i didn't want to disturb you.' I say. 'Next time wake me. What do you want to do today?' She asks. 'Not sure, anything.' I shrug and she lets me go and starts to make coffee.

'Okay, pancakes for breakfast?' She asks with a small smile. 'Sure.' I mirror the smile on her face.

Scarlett comes downstairs about fifteen minutes later.

'Hey honey!' She says as she kisses my head. 'Hey scarlett.' I smile. She kisses lizzie before she comes and sits next to me at the kitchen island.

'You okay sweetheart?' She asks as she reads through a magazine. 'Yeah i'm okay.'

'Good! What's for breakfast?' She asks happily. 'Pancakes!' Lizzie announces cheerfully. 'Nice! Today your social worker and my lawyer are coming to check the house over, check out me and lizzie and then i just need to sign your papers so stay close to home if you're going anywhere so they can see we haven't kidnapped you or anything.' Scarlett jokes.

'Well i wouldn't complain if you had kidnapped me so win win.' I shrug. 'You're so strange.' Scarlett chuckles.

We all chatter amongst ourselves as lizzie continues to make pancakes, scarlett excused herself to go get ready and she's just come back down, she's helping out lizzie and i'm setting the table.

'Breakfast is served!' Lizzie smiles as she and scarlett place pancakes on the table. I'm honestly not that hungry, but they look good so we'll see. 'Thank you.' I smile and she returns it.

'What do you want to do today han?' Lizzie asks. 'Nothing. I'm tired.' I shrug. 'Okay that's okay. What time is your lawyer getting here scarlett?' Lizzie turns her attention onto scarlett. 'eleven o'clock, so we have about three hours until he arrives.' She furrows her eyebrows as she thinks.

'Then we have the afternoon to ourselves for a movie day.' Lizzie winks. I mirror the smile on her face.

'Can i go get ready, im all done.' I ask. 'No wait here, i'll come up with you.' Lizzie says, a little too quickly. 'Okay.' I sit back in my chair and accept that i ain't going anywhere if lizzie has something to say about it.

'I'm putting my dishes in the sink okay?' I say as i gather up all the used dishes. 'Okay honey, be careful.' Scarlett smiles. 'You can sit in the living room if you'd like to!' Lizzie shouts through to the kitchen.

I place the dirty dishes in the sink, rinsing them off slightly so that they don't need to be rinsed before going in the dishwasher.

I walk through to the living room and plonk myself on my little armchair, cuddling up like a cat.

'Can i change the channel?' I ask lizzie. 'Yeah! Put on anything.' She smiles.

I know that actors probably hate watching themselves on TV but i also know that they're going to have to suck it up. I put age of utlron on and sat back.

'Age of ultron, really?' Scarlett asks with a raised eyebrow and that smirk of hers. 'Absolutely age of ultron. Dont question it.' I sigh dramatically.


Hannah is sat in the living room happily watching films and me and scar are tidying away in the kitchen.

'So... for civil war... they want Natasha and Maria to possibly be together?' Scarlett nervously says.

'What?' I ask with a shocked smile. 'It's just a suggestion. I wanted to make sure you were comfortable with it.' She sighs.

'Yeah, it's just a part of being an actor. I don't mind.' I shrug. 'Okay got it.' She smiles, relieved at my response.

'I have to be at set for three for more costume work, can i bring hannah?' I ask. 'Yeah sure, don't get her lost though.' Scarlett smiles.

'I won't, i won't.' I smile reassuringly and plant a delicate kiss on her lips, which she happily returns.

'Okay i'm going to get ready now!' Hannah shouts. 'Wait for me han!' I say as i speed walk towards the stairs.

'You're going to stay in my room while i get ready aren't you?' She sighs in realisation. 'Yep i am.' I half smile. 'Okay.' She sighs and we continue to walk up the stairs.

She changes into some mom jeans and a vintage tee.

'Lizzie can you braid my hair again?' She asks sweetly. 'Of course! C'mere.' I say as i sit on the edge of my bed so she can stand between my legs. 'One or two?' I double check.

'Two please.' She smiles.

'Got it.'

I finish braiding her hair, she makes her bed, tidying up a little bit.

'Okay i'm going to the toilet you can go get ready now.' She says. 'No wait, what are you doing?' I ask nervously. 'I'm going to wash my face, brush my teeth and pee.' She raises an eyebrow.

'Keep the door open.' I say sternly. 'Lizzie i know you're about to be my mother but you're not watching me pee.' She chuckles. 'I won't look. I'll sit on the bed.' I plead.

'I would rather never pee again.' She giggles. 'i'll keep the door open until i pee, then i'll open it when i wash my hands. Got it?' She compromises.

'Fine. But be fast.' I reluctantly agree as she locks the bathroom door. A minute later she unlocks it.

'Happy? I'm okay lizzie.' She smiles.

She finishes her morning routine, letting me stay while she does it. Her phone starts ringing.


Dana calls me.

'Hello?' I sigh.

'Saw a video of your run in with the media.' She says.

'What about it?' I ask, wondering why she cares.

'I'm just saying i told you so, i was right. Obviously. They don't want you.' She chuckles.

'Since when did you become such a bitch?' I mutter.

'I'm not, i'm being honest girl.'

'Well i'll have you know they're signing papers for me today, so they obviously must want me otherwise i think i'd be on the streets right now.' I sass back.

'They're actually signing for you?' She asks,
genuinely shocked.

'Well obviously? They didn't take me home for the shits and giggles.'

'I just didn't think they'd go through with it.' She stutters out.

'Okay, nice talk. Bye dana.' I say as i hang up.

'What happened?' Lizzie asks. 'Just dana.' I smile. 'Why is she calling?' She asks confused. 'Wanted to rub the paparazzi incident in my face.' I shrug. 'What a bitch.' Lizzie scoffs.

'It's okay, it's funny. She can talk all she wants it won't get her anywhere.' I chuckle. 'It wasn't funny.' Lizzie says sternly.

I hum, in agreement i think.

'I'm going to get ready okay?' Lizzie says. 'Yep. I'm going back downstairs.' I open the drapes in my room and open my window a little. I close my door and i head downstairs.

'Hey scarlett.' I smile and sit next to her on the couch. 'Hey angel.' She smiles as i lay my head on her chest.

'Whatcha doing?' I ask. 'Just this crossword in a magazine.' She sighs. 'Nice! That's such a motherly thing to do.' I giggle. 'What's that supposed to mean?' She chuckles.

'I just always pictured mothers doing like magazine games all the time. Waiting for your kid to get out of dance? Crossword. Waiting for a phone call? Crossword. You know?' I giggle.

'I'm taking that as a compliment. I think.' She raises an eyebrow and smiles. 'It is. It's not a bad thing.' I shrug. 'You're so cute.' She chuckles as she hugs me tighter.

I giggle and lean into her hold more. My phone pings again.

It's a number i don't have saved. Weird.

hey kiddo!

whose this?

I put my phone down and wait for a reply.

'Who was that?' Scar asks. 'I don't actually know.' I shrug.

My phone pings again.

it's your auntie ash!

oh right, i didn't know you had my number.

auntie ash 💘
scarlett gave me it, hope you don't mind!

it's okay. when are you going to see me again?

auntie ash 💘
whenever you like honey!

okay, i wish i could today but i don't think i can. i'm sorry. i miss you both though.

auntie ash 💘
we miss you too! (i know you miss me most 😉)
this is MK's number:

just so that you won't be surprised when she messages you.

i love you! have a good day 💝.

thank you.
i love you too. 💕.

'Who are you messaging?' Scarlett asks me confused. 'Auntie ashley.' I smile. 'Ahh okay. You were smiling at your phone is all.' She chuckles. 'How awkward.' I sigh and lean back into the sofa.

Right on time, as expected, Adam is here. 'Hey Adam. Come on in.' Scarlett smiles.

'You must be Hannah, you are scarlett's double! How are you?' He asks as he shakes my hand. 'I'm good. How are you?' I say as i smile at the compliment. 'I'm wonderful, you're a wonderful young girl.' He smiles.

Lizzie comes downstairs.

'Miss Olsen! Hello.' He greets her. 'Hey Adam.' She smiles.

'Okay, I have Hannah's file and birth certificate. Her social worker will interview you all together, then alone. This is a bit tricky since you and Miss Olsen aren't married, so just to be clear only one of you are adopting her yes?' Adam briefs them as they walk to scarlett's office.

'Yeah. Scarlett is adopting her.' Lizzie says, i can't read the expression on her face, she looks a little jealous or sad, but that could also just be her professional face.

'Okay, got it.' He smiles politely. Me and lizzie wait in the living room since we aren't relevant or whatever right now.

There's a knock at the door and Lizzie rushes to answer it.

'Hello! Miss Montgomery yes?' She says. 'Yes that's me. Lovely to meet you.' Miss Montgomery says as she shakes lizzies hand.

'Helen!' I squeal excitedly.

'Hey honey!' She hugs me tightly.

'It's nice to see you again, and on much better terms this time.' She raises her eyebrows. 'Yeah it is. I have so much to tell you!'

'We'll catch up soon kiddo! Where's Miss Johansson?' She asks.

'Hey i'm here! It's nice to meet you.' Scarlett says as she shakes Miss Montgomery's hand.

'Lovely to meet you too. Let's get started shall we?' She says excitedly. Helen has been my social worker since my parents died, she's been there for everything.

We all take a seat in scarlett's office, me and my social worker exchanging smiles every so often. This will mean the world to her.

'Okay. We'll start with getting to know all of you.' Adam says.

'What career are you both in?' Miss Montgomery asks. 'We're both actors. We're working on the same movie right now.' Scarlett answers.

'Are these hours fixed or do they change.' She questions. 'It depends. Sometimes we can be finished by lunch and sometimes not until after midnight.' Scarlett sighs, clearly worried about her work and how it'll affect me. 'Okay...' Helen writes down everything she's saying in a notepad.

'Now what are we thinking for schools?' She asks. I may or may not roll my eyes at the comment. 'Well me and hannah talked about it, she's unsure if she wants to return to school and we might look at online education or having a tutor if it's something she's interested in.' Lizzie answers.

'Okay that's a good idea, I don't think throwing her back into mainstream school is the best idea.' She raises her eyebrows at me. 'Hey i'm well behaved.' I defend. Helen smiles and rolls her eyes, clearly disagreeing with what i just said.

'Is there any history of drug use, domestic violence, mental illnesses or things like that in your families?' Helen asks.

'Well my older sister Mary-Kate struggled for a little while but she's fully recovered and has her own fashion business now.' Lizzie reluctantly says. 'Other than that, no. There's no one else.' She finishes.

'Hannah, is there anyone you're concerned or worried of in Scarlett or Elizabeth's immediate family?' Helen asks. 'Nope.' I smile happily.

'Okay good. Id like to interview hannah and Elizabeth next. We can do that while we tour the house. Lead the way han.' Helen says as she stands up.

I lead them out and straight through to the dining room.

'So do you like it here?' Helen asks as she looks around the dining area. 'Yeah. Isn't it totally bonkers how one day i was ranting about how much i loved marvel and natasha and now she's my mother? Well she always has been. That's so crazy.' I squeal excitedly. 'I'm so happy for you honey. You deserve a win.' Helen says as she ruffles my hair.

'Which one did your braids? They're pretty.' She compliments, lizzie has a cheshire cat smile plastered on her face. 'Lizzie, Lizzie braids my hair.' I see lizzie smile wholesomely in the corner of my eye.

'That's nice. What have you been up to while you've been with them?' She asks as we walk into the kitchen.

'Well, I met them in Atlanta for comic con. We hung out with the whole cast! It was so nice. I did my DNA test with scarlett, lizzie held my hand because i was scared when the doctor stole like all my blood. Then we flew here, my fosters always left for ages so they took me home with them. I met auntie katie and auntie ashley too!'

'Are they the twins?' She asks, furrowed eyebrows as she tries to keep up. 'Yep!' I confirm. 'Then me and lizzie spent the morning in New york, we got Starbucks and we visited katie and ashley at work...' I pause as i remember yesterdays events.

We walk up the stairs.

'Keep going!' She chuckles. 'Um... we had a run in with paparazzi. Long story short there were articles from years ago when they didn't want kids and the paparazzi rubbed it in my face so i got a little upset...' I start. Lizzie is looking at me worried, maybe guiltily.

'Ah okay. What happened after that?' She says. 'I fell asleep, scarlett came in and she found out what i did, she called katie and ashley and ashley helped me out, then we watched movies and i think i fell asleep because all i remember is waking up this morning.' I hesitantly continue. 'But it isn't their fault. I want to stay here.'

'I know don't worry. Do you like Lizzie's sisters?' She asks. 'I love Lizzie's sisters!'

'Good, this your room?' She asks as we are about to walk in. 'Yep!' Im excited to show her all of my new things.

'Nice room!' She smiles and i nod.

'Okay kiddo, thank you for the tour, I'm going to talk to lizzie alone, then scarlett alone, okay?' Helen dismisses me.

'Yeah okay. I'll be downstairs.' I say as i go towards lizzie. 'Stay with scarlett okay? Get me if you need me please.' Lizzie whispers to me as she hugs me. She plants a kiss on my forehead.

'I will. I'll see you very soon okay?' I say as to try comfort her a little.


I'm uncomfortable with having hannah out of my sight, but it should be okay. She'll be okay.

'Relax, she'll be fine.' Helen reassures. I release a shaky breath.

'She scared you huh? Was it that bad?' She asks softly. 'It wasn't great.' I chuckle dryly.

'Explain to me what happened.' She asks, patting the space on the bed next to her.
'We were walking back from the twins building, we turned a corner and i instantly got hit with flashes, we've managed to do well at keeping her identity hidden but she didn't have anything on her face yesterday.' I explain.

'Its inevitable with paparazzi, they're invasive.' Helen sighs. 'Tell me about it.' I scoff. 'We were ignoring them and they didn't like it, so they brought up articles from three years ago when me and scarlett did not want children. She was still heartbroken over having to give up hannah, and i simply wasn't ready. We didn't want kids until early last year.' I continue.

'They made it seem as if these articles were from this year, and as if they were still relevant which they weren't. I've never seen a kid look so heartbroken before. I'm worried that they'll start doing this, that they'll bring up articles or mine and scarlett's pasts when we ignore them.'

'She will instantly have jumped to conclusions, she does that a lot. It's why she ends up in such bad situations, she instantly goes to the negative side of things.' Helen explains. 'She's very impulsive sometimes, her words shoot to kill when she's mad, but she can't help it.' She elaborates.

'Yeah, she didn't talk the whole way home. She's had two panic attacks caused by paparazzi so far. That's our only issue.' I sigh. 'That's nothing you can control either. Don't worry.' Helen says.

'I had to run to set as soon as we got home, i updated scarlett on what happened. I had my phone off and opened it to six missed calls from scarlett. I rushed home and it was quite a shock.' I chuckle nervously.

'Like i said, she's very impulsive when she's angry. She won't even have realised what she did until you woke her.' Helen comforts.

'My advice, keep an eye on her. Don't always assume the worst, have some trust in her unless given a reason not to trust her, just love her. She just needs stability.'

'Thank you.' I can breathe again.

We continue talking and about thirty minutes later we're back downstairs.

'Hi lizzie!' Han hugs me. 'Hey missy. Whatcha doin?' I ask. 'Hm just watching TV. I'm bored.' She complains.

I chuckle. 'Well maybe we can go to set later.' I suggest, she nods enthusiastically.

Scarlett's interview starts, it's just me and han, i sit with her on the sofa. She yawns and cuddles into me slightly. 'You tired honey? You slept a long time last night.' I say softly as i stroke her cheek. She just nods, snuggling into me more. I can't help the smile that grows on my face. 'Have a nap, I'll wake you before Helen goes. '

'No. I want to stay awake.' She complains.
'You're going to get grumpy.' I raise my eyebrows and smile. 'I do not get grumpy.' She mumbles. 'Everyone gets grumpy.' I chuckle.

'Girls can you come back in please?' Scarlett asks as she walks towards us.

Me and han sit back in the office.

'Okay hannah, are you happy here?' Helen asks. She nods with a huge smile on her face. 'Mhm! I am.' she grins.

'Do you want scarlett to be your official mother?' She asks her again. 'Yeah i do.'

'Okay then it's settled, Scarlett sign here, here and here.' Helen smiles.

Scarlett signs.

'Hannah, would you prefer to keep or change your name?' Adam asks. 'Change it, please.' She says excitedly.

Scarlett smiles wide, happy that she's taking on her name. It's a shame she can't take my name. I'm worried that if me and scarlett ever break up, that i'll never see hannah again. I don't plan on leaving scarlett ever. Its just been on my mind.

'Since at the moment it's legally just scarlett adopting you, you cannot take Elizabeth's name. Is that okay?' He double checks.

'Yep that's okay. Just change my last name, i like the rest of it.' He chuckles. 'Absolutely. Hannah Ingrid Johansson, Is that okay?'

'Yep! Super okay.' She's kicking her feet excitedly, the same smile on her face.

'Thank you.' She says happily.

'My pleasure.' He grins.


We walk them out. Adam leaves first.

'Am i going to see you again?' Hannah asks Helen sadly. 'I'll still be your social worker for 6 more months, i'll visit every four weeks.' She says. 'And then?' She asks. 'Well if all goes well we'll close your case.' She smiles sadly.

'Well, i suppose it'll be a good thing. I'll miss you. Thank you Helen.' She hugs Miss Montgomery. 'You deserve this kid. Keep yourself safe.' Helen smiles.

'Lovely to meet you two. You got a good kid.' She says as she shakes our hands.

'Thank you.' Scarlett smiles and Helen leaves.

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