Her Side of the World

By YaraGhamlouch

209 43 0

Interested in traveling and discovering all kinds of cultures and places, Caleb decides to go on an exchange... More

Her Side of the World
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 16

4 0 0
By YaraGhamlouch

After my weekend with Mariam, I feel a little overwhelmed.

I feel truly overwhelmed, to be honest.

I did not expect myself to enjoy her company as much as I did. I have always loved spending time with her. Mariam has been my closest friend here since the beginning. But it is now becoming a little too much for me to bear without feeling like it is a little weird. Especially after the Saturday we spent.

After Mariam and I finished the movie, we decided to go have dinner together. She took me to Zeytouna Bay; a lovely place by the sea full of restaurants and extremely modern buildings all around. She chose a restaurant and we sat down. We sat for hours. We had dinner and joked and had deep talks for the rest of the time. She then noticed that it was getting late. She told me that she does not stay out that much usually and she drove me to the AUB dorm before going back home. I thanked her and felt the air in the car to be very heavy before I stepped out. I had a feeling she also noticed that the end of that beautiful day was a little intense.

After our dinner, when Mariam and I walked along the bay for some time, I had to use the restroom and left her for few minutes. When I came back, someone was talking to her. A tall, arabian-handsome guy. She was laughing the whole time. And he was looking at her with an easily recognizable look. He likes her.

Mariam introduced us. He was a high school friend who she still talks to from time to time. Her high school friends and her go out at least once a month to stay in touch, as she mentioned later. I told her that I think he likes her and she said that she kind of knows. Or at least suspects. She was a little shy in the car when we talked about it. She blushed a little. It made me wonder if she likes him too.

"I don't know. I did, before, for a long time. But I don't know now."

That is how she answered. But her tone suggested otherwise; that she does know. And that she still likes him.

I wondered how it would have felt to be an arabic muslim guy who Mariam likes and has a chance of actually building a relationship with.

And I pushed my thoughts away every time because... well, because why would I be wondering such things?

I felt like I needed some space. We have been spending too much time together and sometimes alone.

Nevertheless, when I received Mariam's text thirty minutes ago asking me if I would like to meet her at the cafeteria, I gladly and without hesitation said yes. And here I am waiting for her. It has been few minutes. She might have run by that handsome fellow again while I wait here. Who knows.

Mariam makes her entrance with her energetic vibes and directly spots me. She comes running to the table.

"How are you? How did you do on the exam? I looked everywhere for you when we were done but could not find you. Did you how many questions were similar to what we solved together? We should study together more often."

She does not take a breath.

"I did great. I left in a rush. I had promised a neighbour back home to help him through some online stuff over Skype."

"I see."

I wonder if she believes me. Why wouldn't she? Only I know I lied. Also, I did not avoid her for too long. It is only Friday. She should not be suspecting anything.

"So, do you have plans this weekend?" She asks excited.


 I lie again.

Her face changes. "Oh. Too bad. I had arranged something."

I regret that I lied.

"It's okay. We'll do it next weekend if you can."

"Uh. Yeah, sure."

"So what have you planned?"

"Daniel and I are going out. We booked a place for a guys weekend."

"Ooh. Nice. I'm gonna go get tea, what do I get you?"

"Nothing, thanks."

Mariam leaves the table and I directly text Daniel.

She comes back with two cups and puts one of them in front of me.

"Why do you always do that?" I ask.

"I just like to share. I don't like to eat or have something to drink alone."

I laugh and sip from the cup. I suddenly do feel like having tea.

"Where are the rest of your friends?" I ask Mariam.

"Haven't checked. I haven't seen you in a few days. I missed you so I only texted you."

Oh, Mariam. What are you doing?

I nod, smiling.

She smiles back and holds her cup with both hands. "It's getting chilly. Winter is finally here."

My phone beeps, I read the text from Daniel "Sure, we'll do something this weekend."


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