American Noise

By TheQuietHufflepuff

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Jack and Jayci Kline are nothing like their father. Instead, they choose to be like the mother they never met... More

Eerily Gold
Season Thirteen
01. Lost and Found
02. The Rising Son and Daughter
03. Patience
04. The Big Empty
05. Tombstone
06. The Bad Place
07. Good Intentions
08. Unfinished Business
09. Beat the Devil
10. Exodus
11. Let the Good Times Roll
Season Fourteen
12. Stranger in a Strange Land
13. Gods and Monsters
14. The Scar
15. Optimism
16. Unhuman Nature
17. Byzantium
18. The Spear
19. Nihilism
20. Ouroboros
21. Peace of Mind
22. Don't Go Into the Woods
23. Game Night
24. Absence
25. Jack in the Box
26. Moriah
Season Fifteen
27. Back and to the Future
28. Raising Hell
29. The Rupture
31. Proverbs 17:3
32. Golden Time
33. Last Call
34. Our Father, Who Aren't in Heaven
35. The Trap
36. The Heroes' Journey
37. The Gamblers
38. Galaxy Brain
39. Destiny's Child
40. Last Holiday
41. Gimmie Shelter
42. Drag Me Away (From You)
43. Unity
44. Despair
45. Inherit the Earth
46. Carry On

30. Atomic Monsters

32 3 1
By TheQuietHufflepuff


The Bunker emergency red light was on. Gunshots and screams were heard. A man was flung against the wall as Dean came into view, holding a gun. They fought before Dean shot him, and another man behind him. Dean flung the man against the door and then onto the ground. He fell to the ground as Dean shot him again, twice. A sparking sound could be heard. The men were demons.

Dean moved down the hallway, holding his gun in front of him. There were dead bodies on the ground. Another demon appeared and fought Dean. He pushed the demon against the wall and shot him. The demon fell and died. Dean moved around the corner, when a bald man appeared and held Dean's gun. He let the man move behind him, and Dean tapped him on the shoulder. He signaled for the man to move down the hallway.

Dean moved around the corner into the next hallway. Another demon approached Dean and they fought. Dean flipped him over and rolled, shot another demon that ran at him, before he turned and shot the demon he was fighting. He shot at another demon.


Dean entered the kitchen, his gun out as they looked around and saw dead bodies everywhere. Dean turned to the side and saw Benny sitting upright, injured. He crouched in front of him.

"Benny?" Dean called.

"Dean," Benny greeted.



"Hey, you're gonna be okay."

"Nah. I'm not. I... I'll see you on the other side, brother."


Benny's head lulled forward and he died.

"Benny," Dean called.

Dean got up and moved towards a man who was still awake. He was a demon. Dean kicked the demon's gun away and grabbed him by the shirt. He lifted him up and pointed his gun at him.

"Where is he?" Dean demanded.

"He's closer than you think," the demon replied.


The demon's eyes flashed to black. "Maybe I'll tell you. Right before I rip out your..."

Dean shot the demon. He sparked out as he died. Dean looked back at Benny's body.


There were dead bodies around the room and on the map table. Dean walked in with his gun pointed. Sam turned the corner. Dean approached him as he aimed his gun at him.

"He was right. Closer than you think," Sam said, glancing down at Jayci's body.

"Sam?" Dean asked.

Sam looked at Dean. "You know, I knew you'd come looking for me. After Sioux Falls... I suppose you had to."

"What you did to them... what you did to Bobby... to Jody..." Dean began. "What you did to Jayci..."

"They tried to stop me. But I will not be stopped."

"Sammy, listen to me. This is the demon blood. You have to fight it!"

"Why would I do that?"

The bald man from earlier approached behind Sam. Sam turned his head slightly and the man's neck snapped as he fell to the ground. Sam looked back at Dean with an evil smile.

"Sammy, please. Please," Dean said.

Sam smirked. His eyes flashed to black. He cocked his head to the side. Dean's neck snapped as he fell to the ground, dead.


Sam jolted awake. He breathed heavily as he sat up in bed. He looked around his room.


Dean and Jayci were eating bacon. Sam walked in.

"Morning," Dean greeted.

"Morning, " Sam said.

"Rough night?"

"Yeah, just, uh... weird dreams."

"Yeah, been there. Why don't you eat something? You'll feel better."

"Dean, you know I don't eat–"

"It's veggie bacon."

"What?" Sam asked, looking to Jayci who nodded.

"You've been asking for it."

"Yeah. But every time I ask for it, you say, and I'm quoting, "I don't want any of that hippie, Sarah McLaughlin grass-eater crap in the Meat Man's kitchen". Which, by the way, for what it's worth, you got to stop calling yourself "The Meat Man". It... it doesn't mean what you think it means."

Dean scoffed. "Yeah, it does. Anyway, it's not that bad. Give it a shot."

"I'm good."

"No, you're not. The past few days, you've barely come outta your room. Jayci too. Look, man, I get it, okay? With Jack... and Rowena... Rowena knew what she was getting herself into. She knew what needed to be done."

At her brother's name, Jayci got up and left. Sam and Dean watched her leave, concerned looks on their faces.

"Doesn't make it any easier."

"No, it doesn't." Dean looked at Sam and passed him the tablet. "Here. In the last month, Beaverdale, Iowa, has seen more than a half-dozen cattle mutilations."

"So, what, mountain lion, or..."

"Mm. Three days ago, a girl's body showed up... ripped to pieces. Now, local badges think they've got themselves a psycho on their hands, but I mean come on, man, that sounds exactly like our thing. So, let's go check it out."

"You know, Dean, you can handle this on your own, or... or call up some of the other hunters..."

"No, no. You, Jayci and me. Sam, we need this."

Dean patted Sam on the shoulder and walked out of the kitchen. Sam picked up a piece of bacon and bit into it.

He scrunched his face and spit it out. "That... that's real bacon, Dean."

Dean appeared in the archway of the kitchen and pointed at him. "You're damn right it is." He pointed to himself. "Meat Man!" He walked away.

Dean found Jayci and asked. "You okay, kid?"

She shook her head. "I miss him. A lot. Even demon Jack was better than him not even being here." She sniffled. "Maybe I should bring him back."

"No, Jayci."

"Why? He's my brother!"

"Sam and I've done that and it never ends well. Trust me, kid. I know it hurts like hell, but Sam and I will help you through this, okay?"


"As a family. And I think I know something that'll help distract you."


"A hunt. You up for it?"

"Do I have a choice?"

"'Course you do, but I think you should get out rather than mope here."

Jayci considered it and nodded. "Fine."


Students were walking into school.

"Yeah, watch the bikes. Davis, use a crosswalk. Let's go! Keep it moving!" She turned to Sam, who was wearing the FBI suit.

"So... our victim..." Sam began.

"Susie Martin," Mrs. Bailey corrected.


"The police said she was last seen here."

"After cheer practice."

"And the, uh, security cameras?" Sam questioned.

"Uh, the police checked but nothing."

"Was she close to anyone?"

"Susie was close to everyone. She was part of the drama club, debate team, cheerleading, campus ministry... you name it."

"Any best friends?"

Mrs. Bailey looked behind her and spotted a group of girls. "Mostly Veronica and the girls. They're putting together a prayer vigil for her."

Henry and Janet Whitman approached Mrs. Bailey.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Bailey?" Janet asked.

"Oh, Mr. and Mrs. Whitman, how can I help you?" Mrs. Bailey wondered.

"Well, it's just... we heard a rumor that the game is gonna be cancelled this Friday?"

"Oh, not cancelled, rescheduled... for the service. For Susie."

"Right. And we're so sorry about what happened to her. I mean, it's just so, so horrible, but..." She looked at her husband, Henry.

"Uh, we had a scout coming to that game for Billy. From Yale," Henry said.

"A young lady is dead, and you're worried about a football game?" Sam asked, disapprovingly.

"It's lacrosse. Who are you?" Janet wondered.

"Agent Plant, FBI," Mrs. Bailey replied.

"Oh," Henry noted.

"It's just, Yale's Billy's first choice, and if he doesn't get in it'll be the end of the world," Janet said.

"Actually, the end of the world is the end of the world," Sam corrected.

"Of course."

Sam's voice took on a sarcastic tone. "Of course."

"But maybe you could have the... the little prayer thing at halftime? Or..."

"No," Mrs. Bailey interrupted.

"Well, is..." Henry began.


"I see. Well... thank you for your time," Janet replied.

Janet and Henry Whitman glanced at Sam before he left. Mrs. Bailey turned back to Sam. "I swear, the parents are worse than the kids."

Sam chuckled awkwardly.


Dean and Jayci leaned against the Impala and Dean ate pretzels. Sam walked over to them.

"Hey. Any luck at the morgue?" Sam asked.

Dean tossed Sam a small plastic container.

"Is that a...?" Sam began.

"Vamp fang," Dean finished.

"Vampires drain their victims. Vamps don't rip their bodies apart."

"Apparently this one does. And it gets a little weirder. Coroner said that there were no signs of defensive wounds, so it's like she didn't even fight."

"So, whoever killed her, maybe it was someone she knew. And according to the vice principal, she kind of knew everyone," Sam told them.

"Oh, that's awesome," Dean muttered.

The Beaverdale Beaver mascot went by on a scooter.

"That's awesome. Ha!" Dean exclaimed.

Dean walked around the Impala and got into the driver's seat. "You see that beaver?"


Tori walked to her car. "I know. Cheer practice was so long, right? I swear, Veronica's so fake. "I'm lost without Susie. It's like a piece of my heart is gone". Gag me."

She unlocked her car and said, "Okay, yeah. Later."

She hung up the phone. The bushes nearby rustled as something jumped out at her. She screamed.


The Impala drove down a back road.


Sam, Jayci and Dean kicked dirt and sticks around a patch of ground marked off by crime scene tape.

"So, this is where they found Susie's body?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, you notice what's missing?" Dean questioned.


"So, how does a freak gut a girl and not make a mess?"

"By killing her somewhere else and dumping her here."

"Looks like."

"Yeah. Great."

"Well, local police are freaked. Never seen anything like this. They got no idea how to deal."

"Of course not. That's our job. We keep them from dealing with the truth, with what's out there, and we carry the weight. It's great. Meanwhile, they get to go back to living in their white picket fence bubbles."

"You know, ever since you were a kid, you wanted to live in a town like this. Lame, normal..."

"Yeah, we don't get normal. And these towns, everything's the end of the world. You're late for work, your kid doesn't get into the right school... whatever. They don't... They have no idea what's out there."

Sam's phone rang and he answered. "Vice Principal Bailey? Yes. Really? Of course, uh, on our way."

He hung up.

"We got another one."


Two kids got into a car. Rod walked behind them. "Seatbelts, seatbelts."

"We know, Dad," Junior said.

Rod patted his jacket. "Got this, got that, got that."

"You're forgetting something," Becky told her husband as she approached him. "Motion-sickness pills... for Junior."

"He would've been fine, babe. It's just Lake Michigan. Hardly any chop."

"Four hours in a boat? Rod, Junior gets seasick in the tub."

"Where would I be without you?"

"Covered in puke," Becky replied, tapping on the window. "Have fun, sweeties!"

"Thanks, Mom, we will," Junior said.

Rod and Becky kissed.

"Wow. Felt that. You can't wait to have the house to yourself," Rod told her.

"Oh, you have no idea," Becky replied.

Rod got in the car and drove away.

"Bye, mom!" Junior called.

Becky waved as they left. The car drove away and revealed Chuck standing across the street. He waved at Becky. She saw him and ran towards the house. Chuck ran towards her. "Becky, wait! Becky, please. Becky, please wait."

"What are you doing here?" Becky asked.

"I just... I wanted to... I needed to see you."

"Well, I don't want or need to see you."

"I'm sorry, I... I know we're not together anymore, and it seems like you're doing great. I just – I... I wanted to talk. Catch up. It's been a rough couple of weeks."

"That's not my problem." She turned to walk into the house.

"Wait, Becky, please. I don't have anywhere else to go."


"Tori Taylor never came home last night. She was talking to a friend on the phone, in the parking lot, and then... gone," Mrs. Bailey said.

"What about her vehicle?" Sam asked.

"It's still there, which is..."

"Not good," Dean and Jayci finished.

"Her parents are worried sick. They... do you think she and Susie..."

"Let's start with this. The girls, did they have anything in common?" Sam asked.

"They're both cheerleaders."

"Well, somebody's got a fetish," Dean commented.

"Excuse me?"

"I, uh... we'll look into it."


Chuck looked around at Becky's Supernatural collectibles and merchandise. "What are these?"

"My maquettes," Becky replied.

"You... make them?"

"I run the most successful Etsy site for unofficial "Supernatural" merchandise in the country. Probably the world."

"Wow. So you're still, um..."

"Still what?" Becky asked, handing Chuck a drink.

"Uh, obsessed with my work."

"You mean my work. Look, what you were writing, it was real... like, really real. You sort of channeled Sam and Dean's lives because you're a prophet."

"I... Yeah. Yes, I am."

"And, sure, I got a little obsessed, and it took me to a dark place. What I did to Sam..." She shuddered. "So, after some pretty intensive counseling, I realized I wasn't in love with the real Sam Winchester. I loved his character. So instead of reading your stories, I kept writing my own."

"Your own... "Supernatural"?"

"Where the guys didn't have to hunt monsters all the time. They just sit around and do laundry and talk, you know? I mean, that's what people like the most, anyway."

"Well, I mean, people like monsters."

"Meh. Anyway, I got an online following, and it wasn't paying the bills, so I started making these handcrafted miniatures. They took off, started turning a profit, and here I am."

"Right. Right, right, right, right, right. But people like monsters though. They do. I mean, Leviathans are cool. What? They're all teeth!"

"Anyway, I have the house to myself for the first time in months. This was supposed to be my catch-up day. I have billing to do, orders to fill, three AU Fic deadlines breathing down my neck. So, if you want to talk, talk. Fast." Becky stared Chuck down.

"Like, there's... like, they don't even have lips. They're just, like, teeth face. Raa!"




"All right. Fine. All right, so I had a bit of a falling out."

"With who?"

Chuck moved into Becky's living room. He pointed to a pair of Sam and Dean Pop Vinyl Bobble-heads.

"The Winchesters?" Becky asked.

He sat down on the couch. "Things were said. Uh... Now I've found myself low on, um... resources. I went to ask my sister for help, and she rejected me. 'Cause she sucks. And now I'm just... stuck. So, I thought I'd come see you, my number one fan. And, I don't know, see if you can help make me feel big again."

"So, you want me to... fluff you?"

"I mean, no."

"You do. You thought you could just come back to me, your pathetic ex, your number-one fan, and get what you've always gotten from me... a nice big crank on your ego."

"Well, I mean..."

"Well, sorry, that's not me anymore, Chuck. I am married to an amazing man, I have two great kids, and I like myself, Chuck. For the first time in a long time, I like myself. So, I don't need you."

"I know. You don't need me. No one does. I'm happy for you, Becky, that you like yourself. Because... I kind of hate me right now."


"Yeah, I just don't know what I'm doing. I feel so lost."

Becky sat down on the couch in front of Chuck. "Okay. Well... what makes you happy?"

"Writing. Creating."

"Then, Chuck, you have to write."


Dean ate a hotdog as he talked to the Beaver mascot, Toby. Jayci sat next to him with Nougat, in honor of her brother.

"Really? You're sure?" Dean asked.

Toby nodded.

"Okay, all right. Thanks, Toby. Appreciate it," Dean said.

Toby rolled away on his scooter. Sam walked over to Dean and Jayci.

"Seriously? We're questioning mascots now?" Sam asked.

"Smart kid," Dean said. "He's actually got a full ride to IU. Don't underestimate the mascot, man. The guy's got access. He knows a lot about cheerleaders. In a mostly non-creepy kind of way. Anyway, so, turns out Susie was in charge. Then with her gone, Tori was set to take over, except..."

"Not anymore."


"Okay. So, who's third in line to the throne?"

"Mm. Not the mascot, but he knows," Jayci said.


There were several photos of Susie. Veronica handed Billy a wrist band that said "Susie Forever" on it.

"I can't believe she's really..." Billy began.

"I know. It's just... It's like a piece of my heart is gone. Billy, I know you and Susie were close, but if there's anything you need..." Veronica offered.


"Billy!" Janet called.

Billy turned to see Janet Whitman standing in the gym. Billy turned back to Veronica. "I have to go."

"Yeah," Veronica said.

Billy walked over to his mom, Janet and they left the gym.

Veronica walked over to a podium in front of rows of empty seats. "We are here to celebrate the life of my friend, Susie... No. We are here to celebrate the life of my best friend, Susie... my best friend, Susie, who I miss like... like she was a part of me. And in many ways, she is still a part me. She'll always be a part of all of us. Susie Martin was as rare as a ghost orchid, and as unique as a snowflake. So beautiful inside and out. But as Robert Frost tell us, "nothing gold can stay". And that's what Susie was... pure gold."

Dean slow clapped sarcastically as he, Jayci, and Sam approached Veronica.

Dean spoke. "That's good stuff. Especially the part about the snowflake, and uh, getting choked up. I mean, if you're gonna milk it, really get in there and squeeze, you know?"

"I'm sorry. Who are you?" Veronica asked.

"FBI. We're here about Susie," Sam replied.

"Oh. Uh, you mean about who killed her?"

"Yeah. Yeah, now that's gone and then Tori, really kind of worked out for you, didn't it?"

Sam held a needle full of Dead Man's blood behind his back.

"We should talk. Outside," Sam suggested.

"Um, I... I think I should go," Veronica said.

"Wait, wait, wait. Veronica... do you have braces?" Jayci asked.

She looked at them strangely. "Yeah. So?"


Sam, Jayci and Dean exited the school.

"Friggin' braces?" Dean asked.

"Kinda makes it impossible to fang out," Sam told him.

"All right , so if she's not our vamp, then who is?" Dean wondered.

Sam looked around and saw a security camera.


Billy and Janet were in the kitchen.

"You weren't out front. I had to find you," Janet said.

"It was embarrassing, Mom. I just wanted to help. Susie would've wanted..." Billy was cut off.

"No. We do not say her name. Would you talk to your son, please?"

Henry entered the kitchen and started to wash his hands in the sink. "Just listen to your mother."

Billy and Janet looked at each other before he walked away.

"Really? I need wine."

Henry washed his hands in the sink. Blood washed off his hands and down the drain.


A girl was lying on a cot, tied up, gagged and blindfolded. It was Tori. She whimpered and screamed.


Chuck shook his glass around.

"You have anything stronger?" Chuck asked.

"We have cran-apple juice," Becky replied.

"Hmm. I'm good. It's just, things are different now, Becky. I mean, I used to be able to see Sam and Dean in my head, wherever they were, whatever they were doing. It was all just there, ripe for the picking. And now it's just gone."

"Because you lost your prophet powers?"

"Yeah. Something like that."

"Then write about something else."

"But this is it. I mean, this is my favorite story."

"Then write about them."

Chuck stood, as did Becky. "I-I... okay. I feel like we're going in circles now."

"No, you're going in circles. You're a writer, a writer who's not writing. And when a writer's not writing, they feel sad, and they get lost. And the writer asks themselves, "why do I feel this way?", "why am I so sad and lost?". And what does all this navel-gazing and hair-pulling amount to in the end? Procrastination. Distraction. Just one of a million ways the writer avoids doing the one thing that is all but guaranteed to make the writer feel better. Which is...?"

"Writing. But what if I can't?"

"You can. The only question is, will you?"

"How'd you learn all this?"

"I'm a writer, too, Chuck."

"Oh. I mean, fanfic... it's not really the same thing..."

"Writing's writing. The self-sabotage, the doubts, the struggle against time. So, whenever I have a spare minute, I write."

Becky and Chuck stared at each other.

"Yeah. Yeah!" Chuck cried.

Chuck ran out of the living room to Becky's office. He sat at the desk and in front of the open laptop.

"Wait! I didn't mean right now..." Becky began.

Chuck put on his glasses and held a finger up to Becky. "Shh, shh, shh!"

Chuck started typing.


Sam, Jayci, Dean and Mrs. Bailey were watching security footage from the parking lot.

"This is the security footage from last night," Mrs. Bailey told them.

"Do we have any idea who that might be?" Sam asked.

The footage showed Tori getting grabbed.

"No clue. He's wearing a mask," Mrs. Bailey replied.

"Well, crap," Dean muttered.

The footage showed a car driving past.

"Wait a second. Go back," Sam said.

Mrs. Bailey rewound and stopped the footage on the car.

"Uh, zoom into that," Sam instructed.

She zoomed in on the license plate.

"You got it?" Dean asked.



Janet stood in the kitchen, Billy sat at the counter, and Henry sat at the table behind him.

"You're worried about the game? I mean, this is insane!" Billy cried.

"This is what we've worked for, what we've sacrificed so much for," Janet replied.

"Well, I never asked you to."

"We're your parents. You don't need to ask. Everything that we have done has been for you. We just want you to be happy."

Janet cried as she left the kitchen.

"Son, we're trying our best. W-What do you want from us?" Henry asked.

"Listen to what I'm saying... I don't want anything. I never wanted any of this! That's the point!" Billy cried.

The doorbell rang. Billy walked to the front door and opened it to reveal Sam, Jayci and Dean on the other side.

"Hi," Sam greeted.

Jayci raised a hand. "Hello."

"Your dad home?" Dean asked.


Tori continued to whimper and struggle.


Billy walked into the living room. Sam, Jayci and Dean followed him.

"Uh, Dad?" Billy asked.

Henry stood and walked towards them. "Billy, get upstairs. Now."

Billy left the room. Henry looked between Sam, Jayci and Dean.

"Good thinking. You don't want the kid to see this part," Dean said.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yeah, sure you do. Those girls that went missing... that was you," Sam told him.


Tori continued to struggle.


Sam and Jayci heard a noise and Dean glanced to them. "On it."

Sam and Jayci left and headed for the garage.

"Look, arrest me. Fine. Just... just please leave my family out of it," Henry said.


Sam and Jayci entered the garage and flicked on the lights. They saw Tori lying on the cot.


Dean stood in front of Henry.

"Arrest you?" Dean asked, taking a machete from behind his back. "No, see? We're not FBI."


Sam crouched down in front of Tori. "Shh. I'm here to help, okay? Just hang in there. Hang in there."


Dean walked towards Henry with the machete pointed at him.

"And we know exactly what you are," Dean said.


Sam spotted a blood bag and tube attached to Tori. "I'm gonna get you out of here, okay? I got you."

Sam picked her up and cradled her in his arms. A gun cocked. Sam turned to the entrance and saw Janet pointing a gun at Jayci.

"You two shouldn't be here," Janet told them.

Sam subtly shook his head at Jayci whose eyes had started glowing.


Dean stood in front of Henry.

"Sammy, Jayci, how's it going back there?!" Dean asked.

Sam and Jayci walked in as he carried Tori. Janet followed them, pointing her gun.

"Okay. Was not expecting that. How's she doing?" Dean wondered.

Sam laid Tori on the couch. "Not good. She's lost a lot of blood. She needs a doctor."

"Janet, what are you doing?" Henry asked.

"I'm saving this family," Janet replied.

"No. Listen. It's over, okay? They... they caught me. You just need to get Billy and leave. Please."

She pointed her gun at Sam, Jayci and Dean.


Becky sat in front of the laptop, reading. Chuck stood in front of the desk.

"Well?" Chuck asked.

"It's so good! You did it. Congratulations!" Becky exclaimed, standing up from the desk.

"Yeah? I mean, the story..."

"I loved it. In fact, I'm feeling so inspired, I would love to just jump in and get back to my own work."

"No, no, no, you're shining me on."

"What? No, I'm not..."

"It's a rough draft, Becky. You've gotta have some notes."

Becky shook her head.

"Just, like, one note."

She sat down again. "Okay. If I had to give one note... the jeopardy, Chuck. It's feeling a little... thin? Low stakes? It's fun to hear the boys' voices, but a story is only as good as its villain, and these villains are just not feeling very... dangerous? Not to mention, there's no classic rock. No one even mentions Cas. The climax is a little stale. Boys tied up again while we get the villain's monologue, which, frankly, isn't one of your best. I mean, at least there's a new character. A little originality wouldn't..." she looked up at him and got scared as Chuck scowled at her, "...hurt."

"You want jeopardy? You want danger?" Chuck moved around the desk. "Move!"

Becky got up from the chair and he sat at the desk. He began typing.

"I'll give you danger," Chuck said.

"Chuck? Chuck? Chuck!" Becky called.

Chuck continued to type.


Janet was still pointing the gun at Sam, Jayci and Dean. Billy came down the stairs. "Dad, what's going... on..."

"Your dad's a vampire. That's what's going on," Dean said.

Billy and Henry looked at each other. Dean looked at Henry. "Let me guess... few weeks ago, maybe a month, you had a run-in with something big and mean. It turned you. You thought you could deal. But the cow's blood or whatever just wasn't cutting it, so you upgraded to humans. How am I doing? Am I right?"

Sam looked at Billy and said, "No, I don't think you're right, Dean. It's not the dad, it's the son."

"Shut your mouth!" Janet cried.

"Mom," Billy called.

"Billy, go!" Henry ordered.

"No. You're right, about all of it. Okay? But what happened with Susie, I didn't..." Billy began.

There was a flashback of Billy and Susie in his car.

"We were together."

They leaned in and kissed.

"We were kissing. I could hear her heart."

Billy bit Susie's neck.

"And her blood, and she..."


Billy continued. "It just tasted so good, I just..."

Billy's fangs extended and he jumped at Susie. She screamed.

"I couldn't stop."

"Then what?" Sam questioned.

"I told my mom and dad," Billy replied.

"So, you what? Chopped up the body? Made it look like some wannabe Bundy?" Dean asked.

"And then grabbed Tori and... and kept her as his own personal blood bag?" Sam added.

Tori was grabbed and put in the garage.

"Awesome parenting. Awesome," Sam retorted.

Dean frowned, horrified that Henry and Janet could do something like that.

"This is not Billy's fault. He was the victim. What were we supposed to do?" Henry wondered.

"You were gonna let one of us just cut off your head," Dean said.

"You don't have children, do you? Because if you did, you would know, that to see your child in pain rips your heart out. And you'd know that you'd do anything. You'd die for them. Or do you have a child?"

"Or kill for them," Janet added, pointing her gun at Sam, Jayci and Dean again.

"Mom, no," Billy said.

"We can bury them out back, under the peonies. Everything is going to be fine."

"There's no way you believe that," Dean told her.

Janet looked between Sam, Jayci and Dean. Billy reached for her gun. "Mom. Stop."

He lowered her hand and the gun to the kitchen counter.

"We just wanted him to have a normal life," Janet said.

"Mom, I can't. That's what I've been trying to tell you. I can't. I killed someone that I loved, and I'll do it again. I know I will. I can't control this!" Billy cried.

Billy and Veronica were in the gym.

"I'm a monster."

Everyone looked at Billy.

"So, here's what's gonna happen. You're gonna take Tori to the hospital, and you're gonna tell them that I kidnapped her," Billy instructed.

"What? No," Janet replied.

"Dad said he was wearing a mask when he grabbed her. Tori won't know. You tell them I took her... and I ran away."

"Billy. Don't do this," Henry said.

Billy turned to Sam, Jayci and Dean. "Then you and me... we're gonna go for a ride. That's how this works... right?"

Sam looked between Henry and Janet. Billy turned to Janet. "I'm sorry, Mom. But this is the best way. This is the only way."

Janet cried as she hugged Billy.

The Impala drove down the road. Dean and Sam stood in a forest, Billy knelt in front of them. Jayci opted to stay in the car. Police arrived at the Whitman home. Tori was carried out on a stretcher. Janet and Henry talked to the police. She showed the officer a picture of Billy. Dean stood behind Billy in the forest. He lifted the machete and swung.


Chuck smiled. His back was to Becky, who sat in front of the laptop. She was upset. "No. You can't."

"I did," Chuck answered.

"Y... this is just an ending."

"Yeah. I don't know how I'm gonna get there, but I know where I'm goin'."

"B-But it's so... dark."

"But great, right? I can see it now... "Supernatural: The End". And the cover is just a gravestone that says "Winchester". The fans are gonna love it. Well?"

"It's awful! Horrible. It's hopeless." Becky got up from the chair and walked around the desk to Chuck. "You can't do this to the fans. What you did to Dean? What you did to Sam? To this Jayci?"

"There, see? It's making you feel something. That's good, right?"


The front door opened. Rod and the kids were back.

"Babe! We're home! Babe!" Rod called.

Becky started walking out and turned to Chuck. "You have to leave."

"Nah, I kinda like it here," Chuck replied.

Rod entered the living room. "Babe, you wouldn't believe what happened."

Becky looked at Chuck. "Please."

"Junior was fine, but I puked everywhere."

Rod walked in and saw Chuck. He looked at Becky, confused. "Babe?"

"Hey," Chuck greeted, snapping his fingers. Rod disappeared in a puff of dust.

"Rod?! What happened? Where is he?" Becky asked.

"He's gone."


Rod Jr. entered. "Hey, Mom! We're back! Dad got sick! He threw up all over the side–"

Chuck snapped his fingers again. The kids disappeared.

"No!" Becky yelled. "The kids."

"Oh, don't worry. They're not dead. They're just away," Chuck told her.

Becky turned back to Chuck.

"Oh, yeah. I'm God," Chuck informed.

Becky looked horrified. "What are you... No. You bring them back. You bring them back!"

Chuck smiled.

"Please... you can't do this," Becky said.

"Oh, Becky. I can do anything."

Chuck stepped closer to Becky. He snapped his fingers. She disappeared in a puff of dust. "I'm writer."

Chuck grinned.


Dean, Jayci and Sam drove down the road.

"Well, that was an interesting one," Dean commented.

"Yeah. What Henry did... we'd have done the same thing. For Jack. If we had the chance," Sam said.

"Yeah. Yeah, we would. Look, man, I get it. I get it. We have lost way, way too much. And it's hard not to feel like just... cashing out. I felt like that. Jayci felt like that. After Chuck, back at the crypt. But you know what brought us back? You did. By sayin' that what we do still matters. I mean, that's why I wanted to drag us out here. That's why she and I wanted to... to work a case, to save lives, you know? 'Cause it is... it's a... it's crap job. We do the ugly thing so that people can live happy."

"Yeah. Yeah. Lucky them."

"Yeah, lucky them. But it doesn't change a thing. You know what I mean? We still do the job. But we don't do it for us. We do it for Jack, for Mom, for Rowena. We owe it to anybody who has ever given a damn about us to keep putting one foot in front of the other. No matter what. And hey, man, like you said, now that Chuck's gone, we're finally on our own. We are finally free to... move on, you know?"

"I don't know. Uh... I-I don't know if I can move on. You know, I-I-I... I can't forget about any of them. Dean, I still think about Jessica. I... I can't just let that go."

"No, that's not what I'm talking about."

"I know, I know, I know. I'm sorry. I know. But... but what I'm saying is that I don't feel free. What we've done, what we've lost, right now, that is what I'm feeling, and... and sometimes it's... it's like I-I-I can't even breathe. But maybe tomorrow. You know, maybe I'll... I'll feel better in the morning."

"And what if you don't?"

"I don't know," Sam admitted, looking out the Impala window, glancing back at Jayci whose head was on her window as silent tears fell down her face.


Chuck sat in front of the laptop, typing furiously. "Oh, yeah. This is gonna be good."

The Dean and Sam Pop Vinyl Bobble-heads sat on the table next to him, on top of a black piece of paper with a anti-possession symbol on it. The Funko Pops shook as Chuck typed.

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