In-Between (AVATAR One-shots)

By fadingvoices

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This book is an extension to my first story (Eywa's Will) and is a book made for the 3 months you have spent... More

Restless (Jake๐ŸŒฟ)
Skxawng (Jake๐Ÿซง)
May the Best Win (Jake, Neytiri ๐Ÿซง)
Bound (Jake๐Ÿ•ฏ๏ธ๐ŸŒฟ)
Little One (Miles Quartich ๐Ÿซง)
Blind (Neytiri ๐ŸŒ˜)
She's Mine (Neytiri ๐Ÿซง)
Irritation (Jake๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ)
Till Death (Graceโšฐ๏ธ)
Trust Me (Jake๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ)

Air Pandora (Trudy๐Ÿซง)

1.8K 37 15
By fadingvoices

Trudy Chacón x Reader

You couldn't help but feel excited as you packed your things, grabbing the essentials. Grace had informed you that you would be headed to the Hallelujah mountains, not only that. Trudy would be taking you up there, and staying with you!

You would rarely see Trudy any other day, especially with how much you had to rain with your avatar. But now, you would actually be able to have a conversation with her.

She was always kind to you, you rember one morning she strode into the Cafeteria. Glasses on, and that effortless stride of hers, she approched you with a smirk on her lips and the last of your favorite muffins in hand.

She gave a cool "swiped this for ya chica, you can thank me later."

You smiled at the memory, heart pounding in your chest.

You walked back to the science room, watching as Norm did a funny dance.

"We're going to the mountains, we're going to the mountains." He laughed pointing at the others "your not going to the mountains!"

You smiled, rolling your eyes as you walked past him.

Jake rose a brow, looking between you and Norm for any information.

"The legendary floating mountains of Pandora, ever heard of them" Norm said I'm a degrading tone, almost mocking Jake.

Jake gave a look of distaste at his crude comment, but shook his head silently.

You felt bad for Jake, ever since he's got here people have had high expectations of him or just treated him like shit, he always sat alone during breakfast. That was up until he actually was able to enter the Omatikaya, then everyone suddenly was team Jake.

You slung your bag over your shoulder, waiting for Grace and Norm to hurry up. She packed a few things from the lab before motioning everyone to move out.

Grace lead you down the hall towards the hanger, you quickly moved ahead and held the door open for the four avatar drivers, earning a thanks from Norm and Jake. Grace put out her cigarette and shit you a smile and a nod, you looked over watching as Trudy walked around Maya, moving some stuff around.

She turned her head, a small smirk coming to her lips. "Morning guys," she stated, leaning against the aircraft. You knew how much she adored her aircraft, anytime you two engaged in conversation she went on and on about Maya and how well she flys.

"Morning," Grace and Jake mumbled, Grace climbed into the rotercraft, setting her things down and stealing them in.

Your avatar sat I'm the rotercraft, lips parted slightly. It always felt weird to see yourself, so tall and... Well blue. You smiled slightly, watching for a second.

Trudy made her way to you, a smile on her face. She stood next to you and shifted her weight to one leg.

"Your Avatar is a sight, not as much of a sight as their driver though." She smirked, bumping your hip lightly.

Your heart skipped a beat and you chuckled, tucking your hair behind your ear bashfully.

"You flatter me" you giggled, rolling your eyes playfully.

"Come on, your riding up front with me" Trudy smiled, nudging you with her elbow she slipped your duffle bag from your grasp taking it to the back of her rotercraft quickly before dining over to the side door and opening it for you.

You gasped playful "for me?"

She chuckled, leaning on the door.

"All of it" she teased.

"Can we get going?" Grace asked annoyed.

"Settle down I'm going," Trudy laughed, shaking her head as she walked around to the driver's seat.

You climbed into the passenger, quickly buckling up and putting on a headset.

Trudy flew the aircraft with ease, a smile coming to her face as she glided the Rotercraft through the sky.

Trudy adored flying, the feeling of being so high took her mind off many things that worried her. It was truly a way of escaping, especially with how beautiful Pandora was.

You watched in amazement as Ikran soared above tree lines, the world below you was so pretty, Trudy chuckled lightly.

You looked to her a small smile coming to your face, Trudy smirked at you, her eyes glancing to you.

"It's a sight huh? Really pretty up here, I'll never get used to it" she stated, looking back to the sky's above.

"It really is, I don't know how you do it. All this looks so complicated" you said, motioning to all the buttons before you.

Trudy smirked, shaking her head "nah it's easy, look" she said, reaching for your hand.

Your heart skipped a beat at how soft her hands were, warmth came up your cheeks. You swear you felt electricity, as Trudy brought your hand over to the cyclic.

"It only takes small inputs, watch" she said softly, her thighs squeezing slightly as she lead your hand in the direction she was attempting to fly. The aircraft leisurely glided over, it was a smooth glide. Youe eyes widen in awe, it was really that simple. Your cheeks turned red as you watched the way Trudy's thighs squeezed at the cyclic, oh my god.

"Feel how small the moves are?" She asked softly, her hand moving slightly so that she was holding your wrist. You looked up to her, watching as a light pink formed under her shades.

"Y-yeah" you stuttered, heart pounding.

"You barely have to think, and she reacts." Trudy said, glancing to you a small smile forming on her lips. She looked down to where your hand was, as she slowly let go of your wrist.

You blushed, slowly moving your hand away. Trudy took back over, placing her hand on the cyclic.

"If you like I could, show you more?" She asked, looking to you quickly.

"I would love that!" you smiled, nodding your head. A small smirk formed on Trudy's lips before we hit a bit of turbulence.

"It's gonna get a bit bumpy guys" she said lightly, flipping some switches above her. Her instruments seemed to glitch, and fade.

"See these magnetic formations?" Grace said, pointing over your shoulder "the arches?" She asked looking to Jake, making sure he was paying attention "yeah, we're getting close."

"Yeah look at my instruments." Trudy chuckled.

"Yup, we're in the flux vortex." Grace stated, looking out the window.

"No VFR from here" Trudy explained, eyes trained on the skies ahead.

"What's vfr?" You questioned, looking over to her.

"Means you gotta see where it's going" she explained in amusement, nodding her head over to you.

You looked outside raising a brow, you couldn't really see anything anymore. The trees, the arches, and the Ikran. All covered by a thick fog, how was she able to even fly like this? Trudy is a fucking legend.

"You can't see anything" Norm said from in-between Jake and Grace.

"Exactly, ain't that a bitch?" Trudy chuckled, manoeuvring through the fog with ease.

Soon the fog cleared, and that's when you saw it. The legendary mountains. Your mouth hung open in awe, the foliage that covered the mountains was beautiful, waterfalls hidden fell from the side.

"Oh my god" Norm said a loud.

The mountains we're breathtaking, how they floated so high and beautifully, bound togather by vines to keep from floating away.

Trudy chuckled, glancing at you with a slight smirk.

"You should see the look on your faces." Trudy laughed lightly, moving the rotercraft around a particular large floating piece of rock.

The flight to the "love shack" went on without a hitch, Trudy safely landing Maya with no issue.

"Thank you for flying air Pandora" Trudy smirked, flipping some switches and pressing some buttons. You watched in amazement, how she could memorize every single thing is insane, this aircraft was full of switches, dials and buttons.

You took off your headphones, quickly grabbing your mask.

"Here let me" Trudy said, unbuckling her seatbelt and leaning over. She turned the small dial on the side, the mask let out a hiss, audibly letting the both of your know it was locked in.

Trudy smiled lightly, her hand grazing your neck. You felt your cheeks grow hot at the touch, it was like electricity.

"Thanks" you smiled, Trudy chuckled lightly pulling away. You got down from the rotercraft, helping Jake and Norm with their duffle bags.

You entered the love shack, lights humming as Grace fiddled with the breaker box.

"Welcome to camp," Grace said, pulling the cigarette from her lips, letting the thick smoke leave her lungs.

You felt a small frown work it way onto your lips, it was small. To small, just the 3 of you standing by the door had you standing shoulder to shoulder with Norm. You glanced, feeling yourself inwardly cringe at the bunk beds. Man, you were gonna miss your room.

You shifted away to let Trudy in who made the same look, Norm and Jake moved away slightly but it was still a little to tight.

Grace moved to the first bunk "this bunks mine," she said, throwing her bag on the bed. " Trudy moved, automatically going to the fridge. Trudy moved some of the preped meals to the side, a small frown coming to her lips.

"Yuck, this stuff is nasty." She grumbled, moving more of the preped meals around hoping for something better to show up.

"Norm your under" Grace said, moving towards the next bunk bed.

"(Y/n) your bottom, Trudy your on top" she stated, painting before moving to the next bed.

"Sounds about right" Trudy chuckled, her glasses low enough for you to see her teasing gaze as she stood up straight.

"Yeah yeah" you said, rolling your eyes a small smile coming to your face as your heart lurched with joy. You were so glad to be bunking with her.

"If you get lonely there's always room in mine" she smirked, removing her glasses.

"Get to your bunk" you laughed, playful nudging her shoulder as you walked past her.

The day was slow, Jake was already in a pod, and Grace and Norm Eventually heading outside to study the plants. Leaving you and Trudy to your own devices.

She chewed her gum laying at the top of her bunk, as she flipped through an old magazine. While you sat at one of the computers, reading over Grace's research. You took notes, mumbling to yourself as you tried to retain the information.

God did Grace love using big words.

"You doing homework down there?" Trudy's voice snapped you it of your trance, you turned your head to look at her a small blush coming to your face.

"Not exactly, I'm going over Grace's research. Then I'm gonna cross-reference with mine and Norm's to see if we are getting the same thing" you said, watching as she slid down from her bunk.

She strode over and leaned over your shoulder, your heart skipped a beat at how close she was.

"God, this is a lot of words" she mumbled, hand coming down the table as she almost kind of caged you in. "What does half this mean?" She laughed lightly, pointing to the screen.

You looked to the screen, chuckling a bit.

"Phenotype? It's like a set of observable characteristics or traits of an organism." You smiled, looking to her.

She rose a brow, a smile coming to her lips as she looked down to you.

"Why not let geek boy to it" she chuckled, eyes softening as she watched you turn back to your work.

"Cause, geek boy likes to drool on our samples and our papers" you laughed, clicking through Norms file. His was seemingly less organized than what you would have hoped. You pouted slightly, but a surprised gasp escaped you as you were rolled away from your desk.

Trudy smirked "alright I've seen enough, let's go you need a break" she said, pulling you up and out of your seat.

"Trudy! I just started!" You laughed, heat coming to your cheeks as she held your hand. Leading you to the door, Trudy let go quickly grabbing two masks.

"You mean you just finished?" She smirked, placing the mask over her face. "Come on, you can finish later chica. Fly with me" Trudy said, a smile coming to her face.

You would be a fool to say no to her, a smile came to your lips and you sighed, playfully rolling your eyes. "I guess" you grumbled playful.

Trudy smirked, playfully nudging your shoulder "that's my girl." She pulled uper her jumpsuit, zipping it with ease before opening the door.

You headed towards her Rotercraft, and let Grace and Norm know you were headed back for something Trudy forgot.

"Alright, get back soon I need those reports sent tonight!" Grace yelled, as you opened the side door.

"Will do!"

Trudy smiled, buckling up quickly before taking off.

You don't rember how long you were gone as Trudy gave you an air tour of Pandora, you could hardly believe this planet was real some of the time.

You spent the flight talking, explaing to her the scientific side of things.

"So they use song cords? Instead of writing things down?" She asked, eyes focused on the sky above.

"Yeah! It's crazy isn't it? That's how they recall history, stories and such." You smiled, watching as the sun was close to being eclipsed by the giant planet.

"What do you think yours would look like?" She asked, glancing to you.

"I'm not sure honestly." You smiled, "but I know what it would say, 'young scientist who was buried in paperwork by her mentor'"

Trudy let out a laugh, shaking her head. "No kidding, I can't believe you said you just started on all of that."

You chuckled, eyes coming back up, looking to the sky.

"What would yours say?" You asked, looking over to her with a smile.

"Well, maybe..." She stopped for a moment thinking, then shook her head "honestly I'm not sure, but it definitely has to involve my baby." She said patting the dashboard of the rotercraft.

"What made you want to name her Maya?" You asked, admiring Trudy's face. She was such a beautiful woman.

"Mmm, donno just felt right you know?" She smiled, glancing at you.

You smiled back "we it's perfect."

Trudy headed back, the two of you making it before dark, as she landed neither of you really made and moves to get down. Rather you sat there, basking in the company of one another.

Trudy chuckled, eyes glued to yours as she listened to you talk. Her eyes occasionally bouncing down to your lips then right back to your eyes.

She bit her lip, nodding her head as she listened.

"But I don't know, Grace honestly scares me." Trudy chuckled, shaking her head.

"I don't blame you, she does not give a fuck" she smiled, rembering how Grace always yelled at Quaritch or even Selfridge.

You looked to Trudy's eyes, heart speeding up a bit. It felt as thought you were being drawn to her, her chocolate brown eyes seemed to draw you in.

"You know, you scare me too" you said softly, eyes tracing her face. Trudy chuckled, leaning forward to hear you better.

"And why is that" she said almost seductively, eyes starting to linger on your lips.

"We for one, your cool as shit" you smiled as she laughed lightly. "And your personality is just so raw and honest." Trudy smirked, as you leaned in.

"Oh yeah? I could say the same for you"

"Your scared of me?" You asked raising a brow, your heart pounding in your chest realizing how close the two of you were becoming.

"Not scared" she said softly, hand coming up to brush your hair behind your ear before staying on your cheek "attractive," she almost whispered, her lips slowly colliding with yours.

You kissed back quickly, hand moving to Trudy's cheek.

The kiss was soft and sweet as Trudy continued to lay kiss after kiss on your lips.

Your heart had to have been in your throat, you almost wondered if she could hear how wild your heart was beating against your rib cage.

Trudy's hand slowly fell to your neck, before she finnally pulled away.

The licked her lips, her chest heaving slightly.

"Man I wish it was just us out her" she grumbled.

You laughed lightly "you act like we won't get another chance to be alone."

Trudy smirked lightly, nodding her head.

"Let's get inside m before Grace buries you." You groaned slight, remembering all the paperwork you had to get done, looks like you were staying up late.

Trudy leaned in giving you one last chast kiss before preparing to get down.

"You know," you started, unclipping your seatbelt and taking off your helmet "I'm growing really fond of flying air Pandora."

You smirked looking to Trudy who had a smirk growing on her lips.

"Oh yeah? Then your gonna like the special services I offer to pretty scientist." She smirked, sending a wink your way.

You would have never in a million years guessed you would have bagged the sexiest woman in all Pandora.

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