Trust Me (Jake🗡️)

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(Jake Sully x Outcast!Reader)

You used to be a proud Omatikaya, but when you chose to save Grace after the events of the school, Olo'eyktan decided to outcast you, claimg you were a traitor, and accused you of working with the sky people.


The sky was clouded and heavy as you moved vines away from your view, your heart broke at the sight of the run down shack. You weren't expecting to come back to the old school, it honestly threw you for a loop.

You debated on if you should enter it, your tail swished as you sighed.

You swung down tree to tree, landing perfectly on the ground, tail flicking as you listened to the noises around you. Small chatters of Syaksyuk filled the air along with the anoying buzz of bugs.

You walked to the entrance of the school, looking at the slanted railing of the wooden staircase. You smiled sadly, your hand falling to the wood, gliding up every step you took.

Memories of your younger self doing the same, giggling when you would come to school with Neytiri and Sylwanin. The girls would always come early with you, hoping to beat Grace. But she was always there reading or preparing for a lesson.

You walked through the door, the bullet holes rittled throught the building. You pushed the traumatic memories to the side, attempting to focus on the good ones.

Your tail flicked as you walked straight to the book shelf, you smiled picking up a book with a strange blue looking tree, large white letters red 'Lorax' Your English was good, but you were a bit slow when it came to reading. You always found it strange that they scribbled symbols on paper and read it, your people always used song cords to remember information, stories and mythology.

Sky people were strange.

You flipped through the book, looking at the colors on each page.

Your ear twitched as a foreign noise caught your attention, it wasn't something you would usually hear in the forest.

"I'm sure they are watching us Right now" your ears flicked, you knew that voice. You took a moment, wondering if your mind was playing tricks on you.

You turned your head peering out the window, you saw 3 figures. You almost cried, it was Grace. She lead the group, laughing as one of the men tripped.

"Come on keep your eyes open" she said moving to help him up, another man turned slightly and you got a good view of a gun.

You took a sharp breath as fear ripped through your body, you dropped the book and quickly ran out, ducking under one of the broken wooden blinds of a window.

"What was that?" A voice asked.

Grace looked to the building, ears twitching as she strained to listen.

"Relax marine, probably just a stingbat." She mumbled, walking closer to the building. She looked a bit sad, but quickly masked it with a smile.

You managed to get up a tree, heart pounding in your chest. The feeling of dying clutched at your heart, what if you were in there? Would they have shot you?

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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