She's Mine (Neytiri 🫧)

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Neytiri is absolutely infatuated with you, she is ways trying to be near you or around you. But the presence of Jake makes her realize she needs to make a move of she wants you to be hers.

Fingers worked quickly, weaving the twine around your bow. Your ears twitched at the shuffling around you, you looked up from your weaving. Watching as the dreamwalker became victim of Neytiri's slaps, a small smile formed on your lips as you watched in interest.

The dreamwalker rubbed his shoulder, lips moving perhaps in a form of apology? Neytiri rolled her eyes, but soon they locked on yours.

She was so beautiful, completely ethereal. A true goddess in disguise, but she was not yours. She didn't belong to you..

Her path belonged to another.

Neytiri gave a small smile and bowed her head in greeting, you smiled back doing the same, you let your eyes travel to the Dreamwalker only to see his eyes were already on you.

A small smirk came to his lips as he bowed his head, heat bubbled up and you smiled bashfully getting back to your work.

Sure he didn't look like the average Na'vi male, his body was slightly bulker, he had an extra finger, and of course he had eyebrow hair. And his face was just so... Different. But he was still incredibly handsome.

You sat down, garbing the large leave wrap then settling down the fire. You unraveled the spartan leaf, revealing your lest favorite. Octoshroom. You made a face, singering the offensive shrooms to the side to reveal some lepord palm fruit and teylu.

"What's that face for" you jumped slightly, watching as the dreamwaler settled next to you.

You looked up watching as Neytiri moved him to the side coming between the two of you.

The dreamwalker gave her a look of distress making you chuckle.

"Eat your Teylu Jake" Neytiri hissed, glaring at him slightly. She looked to you, gaze automatically softening.

She bowed her head in greeting, slowly unraveling her leaf.

"Here, trade the fruit, I will eat your octoshrooms." Neytiri suggested, plucking the fruit from her leaf and placing it on yours.

You felt warmth in your heart at her kindness, she really remembered you didn't like octoshrooms?

You shot Neytiri a smile "thank you Neytiri." You beamed, moving to place the octoshrooms on her leaf.

She looked to you, gaze soft, her smile seeming to grow. Oh Eywa how she adored you, she tilted her head watching as you ate the fruit. Shamelessly watching the juice of your fruit ride down your arm as you ate the juicy fruit.

"So what's your name?" The dreamwalker asked, your ears twitched and you tilted your head to look at him.

He smiled, eyes softening.

"I am (y/n) (m/n) (l/n)" you said, picking up some teylu. Neytiri glanced at Jake, irritation bubbling up in her chest.

"Again a whole lot slower?" He asked, a smile growing into his lips.

You smiled "(y/n)"

"(Y/n)?" He whispered, tasting the way your name rode off his lips. He seemed to like the taste cause a smirk slowly formed, Neytiri caught this, her ears lowering.

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