Ducktales in: ZOO

By BiancaSantana880

576 28 14

drake and Launchpad investigate the mysterious outbreak of violent animal attacks all over the world. Violent... More

First blood
Fight or flight
The silence of the cicadas
Pack mentality
Hunt the pack
Blame it on Leo
The cheese stands alone

This is what it sounds like

15 2 0
By BiancaSantana880

Now Rebecca, baloo and Abigail are taken hostage by terrorist ferrets.

"Please, let me explain" Rebecca asked.

"An intelligence agent tries to bug my cell antenna, the explanation is obvious: Interpol" the German Shepard growled.

"We have no interest in your business" Abigail says, "We just needed your antenna to get rid of the bats"

"She's telling you the truth" Rebecca says.

She and baloo hold on to Abigail to keep her safe from them.

"Says the American from the DEA" he growled

"I'm a veterinary animal expert" baloo says but they all laughed.

"You don't believe me? I been working with animals for so many years"

"Yeah and we're scientist" Abigail points out to her and Rebecca.

"You want to hear me talk about experimental mycoplasmosis in alligators?" Abigail says, "or How about gallbladder adenocarcinoma in African lions?"

"We're not a DEA agent" Rebecca says, "we don't know anything about drugs or been exposed to them"

"To the apartment" the Shepard says in Portuguese"

Then Launchpad and morgana went to see the toucan, "we need to speak to Gabriela Machado. Now" Morgana shouted.

"Morgana i think we should lower our voices"

"Senhorita Machado" the toucan say they were distraught about something.

"You were with Rebecca, look We're about to drop the Endrin, the chemical to get rid of the bats. Now, I know Rebecca wanted me to delay, but everything is falling apart..."

"That's not why I'm here" Morgana interrupted.

"Rebecca and another daughter of mine have been taken by a man named Silva" launchpad spat out.


"Yes, do you know him?" Launchpad asked.

"Gustavo Silva. He controls half the favelas.
Drugs, weapon..."

"We need your help" Morgana asked.

"We have power outages in most of the city.
Lootings, fires..."

" daughter is out there and she's just a kid" lauchpad begged.

"Yeah and we dealt with men like Silva before" Morgana added.

"I know this does not end well" launchpad says.

"Sargento" the toucan called for one of her guards.

"Gustavo Silva... he's taken a DGSE agent, Rebecca Cunningham, mr. Baloo and a child Abigail"

"Where'd you last see them?" He added.

"At the Complexo do Alemao" morgana answered.

"Please, we need to find them" launchpad begged again.

"I'll send a squad"

But suddenly the lights went out, "The bats must have hit our transformer"

"Excuse me"

"He's not even going to pass it on, is he?" Morgana rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"I'm sorry. I will do what I can, but..."

Then they heard a plane buzzing past,

"They're dropping the Endrin, According to the scientists, it should work almost immediately"

They looked outside to see the planes dropping the endrin, but it had no effect.

"Is that what it's supposed to do?"

"Mm. Mm-mm"

Morgana storms away angry with Launchpad following her behind.

"Come on Launchpad, if they won't help us, we'll just have to do things ourselves"

Agent bonkers were outside, kit and Ty tagged along, Ty carried icelynn as they see the car wreckage.

Kit's blood ran cold, he promised he would protect gosalyn and she was nowhere to be seen.

But they see a EMT unit with a washed up gosalyn, she had a small cut on her forehead, wrapped in a blanket.

"KID" kit was relived to see she was ok.

"FBI" bonkers held his badge up to let him and kit through.

Gosalyn was having her head stitched

"Give us a minute" bonkers asked.

"Hey" gosalyn says softly.

"Are You okay?"

"No, I'm not okay. I lost it" gosalyn looked down.

"You lost what?" Ty asked.

"Dr. Debolts and I were driving back" He had the Mother Cell out in the woods somewhere. It took forever, but...He was telling me about his family, he was a good men, he just wanted to help his family, he thought icelynn was my daughter And, uh...Something just rammed into us. The last thing I remember seeing is someone's face"

"Whoa..." kit felt his fur sticking up

"Do you know who it was, what did this person looked like"

" No I got washed up on shore but it was dark...He or she took it. They took the Mother Cell"

Agent bonkers was concerned, "Okay. We'll deal with it. It's gonna be all right"

"On what planet is it gonna be all right?"

"I'm gonna call this in to the marshal's office"

Kit sat next to gosalyn to comfort her when agent bonkers walked off, "It's not your fault kid, All right? You're okay. That's the most important thing"

"No, it's not, a innocent man died because of chlorogene but before he died he told me he helped with mother cell because of fowl, he was about to tell me who the new director of fowl was...but now they have the Mother Cell...And we have no idea what he's gonna do with's going to be disappointed"

"I think he would be more disappointed if finding out something happened to you"

Then somewhere in Paris, a female tan feather blonde hair duck in a fashionable style was heading inside her home.

She put her coat and gloves down in the dinning room table but as she checked her mail.

But coming out of her living room was a big brown bear.

And without noticed it, she head to her living room with the bear following her.

Then she lead the bear to her kitchen, she puts the nail and bag of groceries down.

Then with Silva, he takes them to a dark room.

"If you are who you say you are, explain this to me" Silva pointed his flashlight in the dark

In the dark, they see rats, it made Rebecca's skin crawl.

"So, until yesterday, the mice would run when people came in through the door"

"Well... that, Mr. Silva, is a clear sign that things are working their way down the food chain" Abigail says.

"Is that the best that you can do, Little missy are did you skip school so you can try sneak in collage?"

Then baloo gets in his face, "DON'T YOU THREATEN HER"

"Whoa whoa, baloo calm down" Rebecca pulls him back.

"The bats have developed some kind of biological imperative to attack technology. That's why they were going after the transformers. But they still have to eat, and what they eat is street mice" Abigail says as Rebecca looks closer.

"So these little guys... they probably think they're better off with us than with the bats" Rebecca added.

"Hey becca" but baloo looks outside to see the bats still swarming, "The Endrin's not working.
It's just getting worse"

Then Rebecca spoke to Silva In Portuguese, "Please, you need to let us go, we need to speak to the authorities"

"So you can help the rich people downtown?
In Complexo do Alemao, I am the authority.
I collect the garbage, provide the power, cell service. If there's a problem, I take care of it"

"Not if the boats take care of you first" Baloo insulted him.

It made Silva glared at him with a deadly look.

"But we're trying to help you with this problem.
Getting rid of the bats is what we were attempting to do before you kidnapped us and took a little girl hostage" baloo pulls Abigail closer when silva's men close too close.

"We may be able to draw them away if we can take your antenna" Rebecca asked.

"I lose cell service, it costs me 200,000 reais a day, Are you gonna make that up to me?" He threatened.

"Well, do you want us to do something or not?" Abigail asked.

"The antenna is not an acceptable option" Silva says.

He spoke to her in Portuguese to lock them in as prisoners.

"What did he say?" Abigail asked.

"If we don't find an answer, he'll kill us" Rebecca answered.

Abigail gulped and she shivered, "but she is a child Becca" baloo pointed out.

"I know I know, we'll figure something out"

Then back with the women in Paris, she was listening to her messages that someone let in her voice box, pours herself a glass of wine then she noticed her door was open, she closed it and she gets ready to cook diner.

Then she went to get a cutting board but when she turned around, her mouth dropped when she sees the bear.

Then bear roared at her then she dropped and shattered a glass plate and screamed.

"It's Silva... he's coming" Rebecca was looking outside the window

Baloo was trying to pick the lock so they could escape then Rebecca screams when one of the bats hit the window.

"If we don't find a way to get rid of the bats, he's gonna kills us"

"In case you haven't noticed, there is a little girl here who came with us"

He pointed out to Abigail who was trying to figure something out.

"Genius idea, trying to steal Don Corleone's antenna, We should have insulted his mother while we were at it. I made a promise to Launchpad that I would protect Abigail and what about Darkwing, he's not going to be happy when he finds out his daughter has been abducted by a crime lord"

Then Silva came through the door, "Well, you have a solution for me?"

Abigail sees how frightened baloo and Rebecca she steps up.

"Look, we can't do anything about the bats...Because we don't have any supplies. But if we did, we could build an electromagnetic pulse.

"What kind of supplies?" Silva asked.

"Oh just the usually science project: an old PC, some copper wire, um, a speaker, and a steel rod or pole... about six, seven feet, maybe... and a couple of batteries...Big ones. Like out of a car. And... and a soldering iron" Abigail listed it out.

But Silva just stared at them, "Do you want us to fix this or not?" Rebecca blurred out as she was getting angry.

"Flavio will get you your supplies And then he will watch you"

"Good. Maybe he'll learn something" baloo splatted out.

Only to get on Silva's nerves, "You should keep him on a tighter leash, your veterinário"

Then baloo gets in his face, "and you should watch where you're stepping you could get hurt"

"What the heck were you thinking?" Baloo asked the girls.

"Look, We just stay alive long enough for the others to find us, they'll realized we been taken and find us, besides Abigail's intelligence is the IQ of a super genius"

"Yeah...I'm sure I can make something up"

Then back with kit he was driving gosalyn icelynn and ty, ty fell asleep in the back along with gosalyn, after he was up all night keeping an eye on icelynn like he promised gosalyn...he needed it.

But during the ride, kit could see the traumatized look on her face, as he takes them back to the plane.

"Hey are you ok?" He asked.

"All I remember were his eyes. I couldn't stop staring at them because they were the same ones I had"

"Come on, kid it couldn't be that bad"

"All he wanted was to come home to his family...but now that fowl is behind this I think they might have something to do with chlorogene, how are they connected to this, there must be a piece I'm missing Something. And why didn't the corporate or CEO didn't do something about it"

"Maybe they wanted to save money...wait I thought Scrooge mcduck was the CEO" kit says.

"He was being played"

" I see create a weapon of massive destruction and let someone take the fall"

"I need to do some research"

"Great kid, keep your spirits up, atta girl" kit says.

"Yeah. But what now" Gosalyn asked.

"We wait here and hear back from the others"

"The others? But I thought it was a fast mission"

"It was But things got complicated"

Back in the women in Paris, she's been attacked by the bear, a scratch on her side was bleeding.

she crawled while the bear was distracted hoping to get away and hides in the closet.

But the bear could sense her fear, so she wedges a broom underneath the door in hopes to keep the bear from coming in.

But the bear was making a mess in her kitchen, pulling her fridge down.

She shaking terrified of the bear then silva's men were moving down boxeos in broad daylight.

"Everything to the warehouse, Rápido" the weasel says as he was sitting down.and right behind him was morgana and Launchpad.

"Are you Sure about this morgana?" Launchpad asked.

"Look Launchpad we aren't gonna get anywhere with the others"

Morgana morphs a giant hand with her magic and slams the weasel into the wall.

"Where is my sister? What did you do with the others?"

"Nothing" he grunts

"Where are they?"

Launchpad was terrified by Morgana's rage, then she slammed the weasel into the wall again but harder.

"Where are they?!"

"Silva has them"

"Then take us to Silva. Rápido"

"Silva is not gonna wait much longer" baloo says as Abigail tries to work on a diversion, but he could see the other henchmen were getting impatient.

" doing the best I can" Abigail says. "But this music isn't helping me"

"Hey, buddy, any chance we can get a little less Lambada, a lot more quiet?" Baloo asked.

But the guarded male duck just looks up and stares at him.

"He doesn't speak English" Abigail says.

"Two weeks ago, my idea of danger was... rush hour on the 405"

"You sound like my sister"

"Maybe that's because we're spending the last hours of our life with a kid who's building a $20 machine that's not gonna do a thing" baloo says.

Then Abigail looks up at him, "hey, That $20 machine is the reason why we're not dead already"

"We stay alive until the others come and find us can find us" Rebecca says.

"And my powers are behind then any other phenomena magic anyone has ever seen" Abigail says.

"What power?" Baloo asked.

But then they both see She levitates the equipment with her hands and mind trying to create something, baloo and Rebecca were amazed by it.

"See, I'm weapon manipulation"

"That's a great idea" baloo says.

"Yeah we keep him busy long enough-" Abigail says but something hits her mind.

"What?" Rebecca asked.

"Well, I've been looking at this backwards. Instead of a carrot, we need a stick"

"A stick?" Baloo and Rebecca were puzzled.

"Instead of luring them away, we need to... we need to chase them out, I love animals especially reptilian so I been studying them, high-pitched frequencies repel bats. If this thing has a joystick control board instead of an EMP, I can... I can...I can build an oscillator"

Abigail explains. Then baloo tilted his head in confusion.

"It's a... it's a device that puts out a continual sound frequency" she looks around and finds a chip, "there it is"

Then Flavio spoke "Uma hora"

"He says we got One hour" Abigail explained.

Then with Launchpad and Morgana the weasel takes them to an abandoned ware house where they see bats hanging up above them.

"Where is Silva? Where is your boss?" Morgana gets impatient as she threatened him.

"You think I would take you to Silva?"

"If you don't take me now, I swear you are gonna regret this and nice" she grunts.

"I see your eyes, senora. I know Silva will kill me if I betray him. But you?"

They look around to see they get surrounded, Launchpad stands close to morgana grabbing her shoulders as she welds up a black manipulation of a sword.

"I don't think so. Senora"

A German Shepard points a gun at her, telling morgana to lower her sword in Spanish.

Meanwhile with Darkwing, he was patrolling the city when he gets a call from kit.

"They been caught by Silva and they are in deep trouble if we don't get them"

Darkwing was running when in the shadows, the owl mask assassin was watching him.

"Ok hang tight I'm on my way to them now-Ugh"

He was kicked into a building, he looks up to see the owl mask assassin looking down at him.

"Darkwing are you ok?" Kit asked.

"Yeah...i got to go"

He hangs up and gets in lock in combat with the owl mask assassin.

Then back with Morgana and Launchpad.

"This doesn't have to happen" launchpad says.

"Yes Launchpad" she jumps blasting a huge ultra violet fireball, it caused the aggressive men to bounce back.

Then as she ran, they stared grabbing her, "ah! Let me go"

"Morgana!" Launchpad stands back but he panicked when he sees them threatening morgana, one held a knife against her throat.

But then something inside Launchpad snapped, like he couldn't deal with it anymore, he takes a gun from one of them, shoots at them, they try to attack him but he punched back the rude ferret was terrified as he watch his friends getting beaten by the hands of Launchpad.

Then Launchpad aims his gun at him and he lets go of morgana.

"Now! Take us to Silva"

Kit tries calling drake, "Hey. This is drake mallard I'm not at the phone but please leave a message"

"Ugh, hey look I don't know if you are ok but he haven't heard back from you in awhile, listen if we don't stop these bats we be starting a war here do call me back"

After he hangs up, gosalyn walks out, "whoa Where are you going?"

"I'm going to Finding who's responsible for taking the mother cell Or at least try"

"How? We don't even know where to begin or how to start"

"The FBI can't, but i can"

"You know how many law enforcement officers there are in this country?"

"About a million, You know how many dog lovers there are?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about"

"85 million, Look I posted this to every social media site and local app I could find" she shows him his phone.

"Looking for the man who kill my golden retriever and drove off in a green pickup. Louisiana plates start with KLL. Last seen: Mobile, Alabama. I'm not waiting for the FBI to find that truck. Whoever it was, they nearly kill me"

"You are one clever cookie but you're dad would kill me if I let anything happen to you"

"Did You find anything in dr. debolt's ledger?"

"Yeah, the dates and locations where Reiden's Mother Cell product were used are consistent with pretty much all the infected animals we've seen. Louisiana, L.A., Slovenia... Brazil.

"What if there's nothing we can do about it?"


"If there's nothing that we can do about it, then, uh, there's nothing that anyone can do about it... and Abigail's grandfather was right, and the whole world is doomed"

But then her phone ring, "hey come on now don't worry about the past what matters is that everything will be ok"

But when she checked her phone, he face dropped, "Oh, my God"


"They know who it was"


"Taurus bulba"

They meet detective bonkers downstairs in the lobby, Ty stayed behind to watch icylynn.

"Hey, there's detective bonkers" gosalyn pointed.

"Hey. Hey.Why didn't you return my text?"

"Oh, sorry, there's nothing to report yet. We haven't found who it was that hurt you"

"We did"

They head to a pork stop shop, "That's it. That's the truck Taurus stole"

"All right, I want the two of you to go back to the hotel"

"What! No"

"I want you to Stay back. Both of you"

"Taurus has every cop in the country after him"

"What would he be doing here in the middle of town?" Gosalyn asked.

"Don't know but we should get you back before your dad worries"

"he wrote in his bible that he was looking for a cure. But in Mobile?"

"Ok kid what do we know?" Kit tries to think.

"We know that he worked for fowl and for some reason Abigail's grandfather is connected to this, he cut out the eyes of infected animals"

" Wait, you don't think he's gonna cut his eyes out, do you?"

"I don't know, but I'm sure gonna find out"

Back with darkwing, the masked assassin took out two katana swords when she kicked darkwing to the ground.

"Ah" he looks up at the assassin as she tries to gut him, he turns to see a broom, he rolls on his back when her sword swings down then he fights her off using the broom as a bo staff.

Then inside a health care, Taurus was strapped in a chair as a doctor was injecting his arm.

"AH!" He grunts to try to withstand the pain but something inside his veins grew.

"Hold on. I'm almost done" but Taurus pushes him away when he felt a painful numbness in his arm.

"Oh, my... oh, my..."

Kit tries to open the door but it was locked from the inside.

"Ok stand back kid" he backs up and rams the door down with his body.

"Hey!"detective bonkers follows them, he aimed at the doctor when they sees Taurus trying to break free.

"He made me do it, He made me do it!" The doctor points at Taurus.

"FBI. Back up"

Gosalyn rushes to Taurus, "Taurus"

He turns to see her and smiles, "hello...little gosalyn"

"Taurus Where is the cure?" He points to on counter, but then he chuckles.

"You're still in trouble"

"Not as in trouble as you are" bonkers aimed his gun at him.

"Oh you're in big trouble but not be me, they'll becoming for the cure"

"Who is? Taurus, who's coming?" She leans in closer as he chuckles.

Then he whispered: "fowl"

As he continues to laughs, he breaks free, knocking out bonkers to the wall.


Then he broke a window escaping, "ah!" Gosalyn panicked then kit covers her.

They look out to see Taurus saying with his last words: "you can't stop what fowl has planned"

"He's gone" bonkers gets up and looks out to see Taurus was too far away.

"I'm sorry kid" kit says to gosalyn then she shows him the cure.

"It's ok But we got it.This could be the answer"

"I got to call this into the field office"

"What do you think that is?" Kit asked.

"The mother cell"

"You two should go now, Go. Go! I got this. Go!"

Kit and gosalyn ran out, "now we know who else is apart of this" gosalyn says.

Then back with baloo Abigail and Rebecca, "kid If your machine doesn't work, he's gonna kill us" baloo says.

"Baloo!" Rebecca scolds him, "that's not being helpful"

"It will work, I'm hoping, if this will do anything but fizzle"

"And if not?" Baloo asked.

"Then we are as good as toast, the bats are dead and the world will come to an end"

"Try looking at the positive side" Rebecca encourages her.

Then they hear one of the guards talking on a phone.

"Ola. Silva. Sim. Okay. Fechado" the ferret guard walks up to them then motions then to leave.

"It must have worked. Wow sorry a doubted you kid" baloo says.

"No, something else is up, something's wrong" Abigail says.

"If the machines your friend had built would work, it wouldn't have come to this"

But when Silva called he turned to Launchpad and morgana, Launchpad aimed a gun at him which was something he would never do, he shook too.

"If it had worked, you would have murder them anyway" morgana says, "Our business is over. The man you are is not worth the man Ito be to killed" morgana lows Launchpad's arm down and takes the gun.

"Don't come back to Rio"

"Don't worry, we're never coming back to rio, come on Launchpad let's go"

"I tried to stop him, chefe" but Silva started to beat up his own men, but then morgana knocks him out with the gun.

"Let this be a reminder to you Launchpad" morgana says as she and Launchpad look down at the scared ferret.

"Let this be a reminder to you Launchpad, the world is a doing environment that will take advantage of you it's best if you let the demon"

"Does it have to be like this?" Launchpad quivered.

"That's the way it has to be Launchpad"

But suddenly they heard a high pitch sound, they turned around to see Abigail's invention was working.

"What's that?" Morgana asked

"We need to find to find the others, get to a hotel and get the heck out of here" Rebecca says.

But suddenly they heard the dogs barking, and howling.

"Why are the dogs howling?" Baloo asked

"it's working?" Abigail says.

"What?" Baloo and Rebecca turn to her.

"They're reacting to the ultrasound frequency of the oscillator"

The swarm of bats are now leaving Brazil.

"It worked?" Baloo was surprised. "I can't believe it worked"

"I told you my powers are extraordinary" Abigail says.

"I should have never doubted you kid"

They all ran meanwhile with darkwing fell to the ground the assassin had him pushed to the ground.

"AH!" Then the assassin gets on top of him and tries to strangle him with the broom.

"Ah" he tries to reach out for a rock then he grabs it then he knocks the assassin out.

"Ugh" he gets up to catch his breath when his phone rang.


"Hey dw where are you" it was Launchpad

"Oh, it's a long story"

"We might've solved our bat problem"

"Ok what about kit and gosalyn, have you heard anything from them"

"No, not yet, we're gonna head to a hotel"

"Ok I'll meet you guys" but then he gets a call from kit.

"Hang on Launchpad I'll call you back, hello"

"Oh gosh darkwing it's a about time what happened"

"I was attack, is everything ok"

"Yeah we found who killed dr. Debolt"


"It was a guy named Taurus bulba"

"Ugh, of course it's always him"

"We got this thing called a mother cell, we thing it might be the cure"

"Uh huh, how's gosalyn?"

"She's taking a shower, we're in a hotel"

"Good any thing new to report"

"Yeah, we think we know why fowl is after us"

"Well we can worry about that later, look we solved the bat problem we're heading back ok"

"Ok we'll see you soon bye"

They both hanged up but when darkwing left, the assassin's body disappeared.

Kit was having some coffee when he saw the tv was on.

" at the crime scene Police refuse to comment, but the possibility of murder-suicide has not been ruled out"

"Huh? Hey, excuse me. Excuse me. Can you, uh, do me a favor and flip through the other local stations? Quickly, please?"

" week in Manila has canceled their trip?
Because of the Mt. Hana volcano..."

"Help yourself"

"Authorities have yet to identify the body of one man, but the second is confirmed to be Dr. Humbolt Swinney. Apparently, the bodies were discovered when a customer noticed broken glass outside of Dr. Swinney's door and called 911 and police put up amber alerts to be aware and watch out for a madman who escaped prison"

"Oh no" kit gets up then he pulls out his phone and ran.

Gosalyn was dressed, she looked up chlorogene on the computer, trying to find anything about the CEO, but all she saw was Scrooge mcduck.

"What are you hiding chlorogene"

She heard a knock on the door, "huh?" She opens it to see detective falcon graves.

"Oh hi"

"Hello, is this a bad time" he holds the door pushing it open then he comes in, she backs away

"Oh No come in" but there was something about his presence that sent a shiver through her body.

But then her phone rang, "hold on, Uh, kit, hey.
Now's not really a good time"

"No kid, listen to me, bonkers killed the doctor, Okay? He didn't call it into the field office. He killed him"

"What..." she was terrified.

"I think he's on to us it something, listen get Ty and your sister and get the heck out of there"

"I'm with detective falcon graves right now, actually"

"What! Oh no, this isn't good, look get out of there right now"

"Maybe, uh... maybe we could all meet up later or..." but then falcon graves takes her phone.

"AH!" He pinned her to the wall.

"You are a terrible liar"

Then Ty comes out of bathroom with icylynn, gosalyn and Falcon turn to him, he holds on tight to icylynn as she started to cry, then Ty eyes for the phone.

But falcon smash the phone, terrified Ty stays as far away from the demented falcon then he turns to gosalyn who looked scared.

"Look here kid I have no time to play games I know what you and your friends are doing and you won't be able to save the day so why don't you save me the trouble and hand it over...and don't even think about calling that hero darkwing because he's already getting taken care of...Just give me the Mother Cell....I don't want to hurt you. Do I?"

"No but I might"

"Huh?" He turns around and sees darkwing, he punches him to the ground.

"AH!" He rubs his beak then he sees the mother cell, he grabs it.

"Hey!" Darkwing tries to stop him

But then a sword gets in front of him, blocking darkwing.

"I'll be taking that, let's go" falcon and the assassin ran.

Darkwing and gosalyn ran to each other, "are you ok?" Darkwing asked.

"Yes, I'm fine, how did you get here?" Gosalyn asked.

"It's a long story"

"You need to get the mother cell"

"Don't worry I'm on it" he ran out, "get Ty and your sister then meet me outside kit should be here soon"

After he left, kit came in, "oh good you're here, look we need to go. Now"

He tries to grab gosalyn but she stared at Where darkwing ran, worrying.

"Come on kid, we got to go"Darkwing sees falcon running down the stairs, "HEY!"

Falcon looks back but continues to run, "You son of a-AH!" Darkwing jumps on him and they both fall down the stairs.

When they landed, darkwing takes the mother cell, falcon glared at him then he pulls out his gun as darkwing runs with the mother cell he Dodgers the bullets.

But then up the stairs, a door opened, it was detective bonkers.

"What's going on?"

But then when falcon shoots his bullets, darkwing ducked and it ended up hitting bonkers right in his heart.

"AH!" He hits the wall, he coved his chest to see blood oozing out.

Falcon gasped then he glared at darkwing, they both get up, the gosalyn came in, she saw bonkers gasping for air, he turns to her then he was gone, he gasped in horror.

"Chlorogene paid you off, didn't they?" She asked falcon.

But he smiled all cocky, "chlorogene? Oh no kid, I'm working for fowl"

The two gasped, "I knew they were behind this" darkwing says

"And you two won't live to expose them" falcon aims his gun darkwing then right behind gosalyn was the assassin, she took out her katana swords.

And in a panicked, gosalyn pushed darkwing down, but as falcon shoots, the assassin ran but she tripped over them and crashed through a window.

"NO!" Falcon graves was horrified, he looks outside to see the assassin landed on top of a car, but her mask fell off revealing she was a burrowing owl brunette, her mouth drooling blood.

Falcon was very angry, he scrunched his face, gosalyn and darkwing watched then they turned to each other then they get up and ran.

Falcon turns around to see them immediately gone, he glared.

Then somewhere in Paris, paramedics and animal came in, after a battle with the bear, the women grabbed her phone and called for help, animal control put the bear to sleep after when the women gets sent to the hospital one of the zoologist made a quick discovery.

"This bear is hibernating"

"In the middle of summer? How is that impossible?"

Then at the airport, after a battle in Brazil, the rest of the team needed a break.

"I get a double vodka, please?" Baloo asked the bar for a drink then he joins the rest, Launchpad and the two girls had sodas"

"Double vodka, coming right up" baloo takes his two glasses and sits next to Rebecca and hangs her a drink.

"Drink now, 'cause who knows where we'll be tomorrow?" Baloo says.


"After a battle in Brazil, I need a drink" morgana says but she could see on Launchpad's face that he was still startled by what he's become.

"So... what's next?" Abigail asked.

"Well I'm not sure about you, but I'm feeling kind of cocky after beat a bat plague with $20 worth of used hardware" baloo says.

"You didn't do anything, it was Abigail did most of the work" Rebecca says.

"Ok fine so I had a little doubt in the kid, what matters is that we made it out alive"

Then they see drake kit and the other kids coming in, but they see his left arm was bandage.

"Dw" Launchpad gets up.

"Red?" Morgana gets up.

"Gosalyn" Abigail says.

"Who did this to you?" Rebecca asked

Drake and kit looked at each other worried.

"It's, uh... it's a very long story, huh?" Kit says

"We'll tell you later" drake touches Launchpad shoulders.

"Hey...we might've found something" gosalyn pulls out

"What is it?" Rebecca asked.

"They call it the Mother Cell"

"What the heck is a Mother Cell?" Baloo asked.

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