inquisitorMaster Ship oneshot...


8K 64 95

This is mostly Soraxx. I will warn you I do angst, fluff, and I take requests! ships to NOT request: Luca x a... Mai multe

upsetting [luclight]
Alcohol? [soraxx]
Cheerleader killer..? [soraxx]
cheerleader killer 2
suggestions here// picture stash
A playdate [multiple ships]
apocalypse [charlight]
wedding day [Soraxx+Alevi]
Locked in a room [Soraxx]
middleschool love [drade]
cheerleader killer pt. 3
Sirens [Soraxx+Alevi]
Murder mystery. [♥️💙+🖤💝]
Murder mystery 2
Announcement /poll
childhood friendship [Luclight]
forbidden love Alevi
Squid game AU
criminal duo [🧡🤍]
squid game pt. 2
announcement 2

1K celebration chapter

150 2 2

Ships;the usual Soraxx, it takes part around Sora's birthday.

It was yet a usual day for Jaxx, doing the dishes, and cooking food for him and Sora.
Jaxx was begging to make a cake for Sora's Birthday, it was chocolate, and was decorated neatly, unlike how Sora would have overloaded it with a bunch of sweets .
Jaxx made sure the cake was perfect for Sora's birthday .
He began to decorate the house for his birthday, making sure every inch of the place was perfect.
Once Jaxx had finished decorating the house, he walked into his and Sora's room, and began to try and awaken Sora.
Sora didn't budge, so Jaxx tried again.

"Sora, baby wake up."

Once again, the cyan haired boy did not once move during Jaxx's attempt at awakening him.

Jaxx said to Sora, sweetly.

To his surprise , Sora woke up .
Jaxx smiled, as he offered Sora his hand.
When the cyan haired boy grabbed Jaxx's hand, he pulled him off the bed, and carried him into the kitchen where he sat him down in a chair.

"Baby ... What's with all the decorations?"

"Did you forget your own birthday?"

"Wait..? It's my birthday?!"

"Of course! Come on, I made you some cake!"

Sora rushed over , about to reach for a chunk of cake to eat by hand.
Jaxx grabbed Sora's hand, and glared down at him .

" You're not eating it like that this time. You're going to eat like a proper person. "

" Fine.. "

Jaxx cut a large slice, and placed it gently on a plate.

"Icecream too!"
Sora demanded.

"Excuse me?"

Jaxx looked down at Sora with a glare.
Sora looked back up at his beloved fiancée.

"Whatever, I'm sorry. Can I PlEaSe have some icecream?"

" Yes you can , baby. "

Jaxx smiled, then proceeded to pat Sora's head.
Jaxx put some icecream on the plate, then proceeded to grab two forks.
He sat the plate on the table, and the two lovers began to eat.

"Hey darling, open your mouth"

Sora did as Jaxx requested, and opened his mouth.
Jaxx fed Sora some cake, then smiled at him.
Sora also smiled back up at Jaxx, as he ran off with the plate of food .
Jaxx bothered to chase after him, just for fun.
Once Jaxx had managed to catch up to his fiancèe, he grabbed the plate, and put it up in the nearest highest place so Sora would be unable to reach it.

"Hey! Give me back my food!!"

"How about instead of eating cake, and icecream all day, we go to a buffet, where you can eat anything."

" Really? Okay! "

Sora put his coat, and shoes on, and so did Jaxx. The two walked out to the car, walking through the snow , which had been melting a lot recently.

The lovers arrived at the buffet, they found their booth, and began to get some food.
They took a seat and began to eat.

"Babe, look at me."

Sora looked at Jaxx, the next thing he knew, Jaxx was lifting his head slightly upwards, and lightly kissing just below his jaw.

"More kisses, now!"

Jaxx did as Sora commanded and continued to give him little kisses all over his face, and neck.
Sora's head was being held by Jaxx's finger, as he continued to kiss him.
Jaxx stopped kissing him after about two minutes, and continued to eat his food.
Time passed, and the two eventually left, only for Jaxx to take Sora on another date to the park.

"Jaxx, do we seriously have to go to a whole bunch of places , why not just stay home ?"

" Because it's your birthday, and I'm going to make it special for my special boy! "

Jaxx hugged Sora, and gave him a kiss on the head. Sora hugged Jaxx bag, burying his face in Jaxx's chest for warmth.

"Are you warm? Do you need another hoodie? I have an extra one in the car"

"I'm fine just the way I am."

Sora yawned, and continued to hug Jaxx.
Jaxx lifted Sora, and took him into the car so he could warm up.

"How about we find a nice place, and we can camp in the car, how about that?"

"Oohh.. okay!"

Jaxx began to drive the car back to the house so the two could get what they had needed.
The two grabbed some snacks, water, pillows, and blankets... Lots of blankets.
They loaded the trunk with the things, and began to drive off to a mountain.
They arrived, parking not far from the peak.
The two climbed up on the car, and set up blankets, and some pillows.
They laid down, looking at the setting sun in the very far distance. It was such a gorgeous sight, especially one for sore eyes.
Jaxx turned his head to Face his dear fiancè .

"Hey baby, doesn't this remind you of something?"

"Hm.. I do get nostalgia from this place.."

"Doesn't it remind you of our first.."

"Our first date!"


Sora and Jaxx smiled, as they began to talk about their first date .

"Remember that awful shirt you wore? "

"Hey! It wasn't that bad."

The two shared a laugh , as the sun continued to set infront of them.

"It's getting cold .. come here!"

Jaxx grabbed Sora, even though he wanted Jaxx to come over to him, not the other way around.
Jaxx wrapped his arms, and legs around the smaller, to make sure warmth, and protection was provided for him.

"Hey, let me go! Can't we just go in the car?!"

"I will protect you."

Sora tried for a little while to break free from Jaxx's grasp, but eventually just gave him, and accepted his fate .
Jaxx lightly kissed Sora's head, and fell asleep with him in his arms.
Rain, wind, snow , no matter what weather would have prepared through that night, Jaxx kept protecting his beloved.
Thankfully, it was only the sun's reflection upon the moon that beamed upon the lovers .

The morning sun rose once more, and Jaxx was the first of the two to wake up.
Jaxx swaddled Sora, and began to set up a little eating tray with some snacks, and even some cereal for the two to share.
Sora's eyes opened, as he smelled the food from the car's roof.
Jaxx helped him down, and the two began to eat while listening to the early birds chirping.

Jaxx wrapped his arms around Sora's waist, and the two finished their food.
Jaxx gently kissed Sora's neck, and played with his soft blue hair, both enjoyed it.

"Can.. can we stay out here for one more night? It's so beautiful.."

"I told you, you can live without the TV."

" Shut up, Jaxx. "

" Excuse me? "

Jaxx grabbed Sora's hair tightly, pulling Sora back, and down, so he could hold Sora still.

"Just kiss me already."

Jaxx smirked before pinning Sora down, and kissing him.
He continued to kiss Sora, until a few minutes later, when Sora got thirsty.

"Let me get some water."

"No, ask nicely."

" Can I please get some water. "

"What's my name, baby? "


" fine, but at least you tried."

Jaxx kissed Sora, before letting him get up so he could quench his thirst .
Jaxx also grabbed some water, since he also was a little thirsty.

Jaxx looked at Sora, and softly smiled at him, lightly patting his head.

"You're so cute, like a pet. "

"Well I'm not a pet."

" You are, you've just not noticed how yet. "

Sora huffed, before crossing his arms, and closing his eyes in a sassy manner.

"You're my pet, not the other way around, got that, Jaxx?"

" No . "

Sora smiled , walking over to Jaxx and yanking him down so he was on his hands and knees.
Sora climbed on his back, and began to treat him as if he was a horse.

"HE-.. I hate you Sora."

Sora whined, trying to convince Jaxx to apologize for saying he hated Sora, even if he hadn't meant it.

"No Sora, I'm not falling for it, not this time."

Sora got mad, and rolled Jaxx over forcefully; before sitting on his lower stomach, not allowing him to get up .

"Baby.. is this supposed to be you punishing me for saying I hated you? It seems more like a reward .. you look hot up there.."

" Shut up, Jaxx. "

" I'm speaking the truth, just move down a bit, and both our worlds will shine brighter than the sky. "

" I'm not stupid, Jaxx. "

Jaxx managed to grab Sora off him; picking him up, and climbed on the car with him.
Jaxx cuddled Sora, protecting him the same way he did the previous night .
Sora fell asleep quickly, enjoying the body heat Jaxx gave off, aswell as being swaddled again.
They didn't fall asleep though, since it was still daylight.

"I changed my mind, I wanna go home now!"

"Seriously? You can barely live without that TV, Sora."

" Whatever, just let's go home, it's getting too cold . "

Jaxx carried Sora into the car, and loaded the trunk back up with everything they brought.
Then the two drove home.

When they arrived , Jaxx washed the blankets, and pillows.
Sora sat on the couch, turning on a movie as some popcorn popped in the microwave.
Jaxx grabbed the popcorn when it was finished, and sat on the couch with Sora.
Sora positioned himself between Jaxx's legs & allowed him to wrap his arms around him.
The two ate popcorn as the movie went on, Sora falling asleep before it could hit past the half done mark.
Jaxx fell asleep just after the movie ended, and the two slept on the couch together.

The next morning, Alex was knocking on the door. Jaxx answered, though the only thing he had on him was a hoddie and some shorts.

"He- yawn hello?"

"Hey Jaxx! I was wondering if you and Sora wanted to come to my house, so the squad could spend some time together!"

"Eh, I don't think Sora would go, plus we just woke up."

Alex sighed, before leaving in her car, and Jaxx closed to door only to find his fiancè right behind him with his hands on his hips.

"I didn't give you permission to speak to anyone."

"Excuse me?"

Jaxx grabbed both Soras hands, holding them together with his own.

" Repeat . "

" I said what I said. "

"Sigh you're lucky I love you."

Sora smiled as he managed to kiss Jaxx, who let his hands go.
Jaxx cupped Soras face in his hands, and kissed him all over the face, mostly on the cheeks.
Sora giggled, and hugged his beloved, as he continued to kiss him.
Jaxx picked up Sora, and carried him to their room.
He sat Sora down on the bed, wrapping his arms around the cyan boy.
Jaxx began to kiss Sora's neck, and eventually moved down to his shoulders.

"Jaxx, baby stop!"

Jaxx didn't listen, and began to give Sora hickies on his shoulders, and neck.
Sora kept trying to get Jaxx off of him, yet it was no use, so he just let Jaxx continue.
Eventually, he did stop, but he turned Sora over, laying on him.

"Get off! Let me go!"

"Mine, your staying here."

"Ugh, I hate when you do this. "

Sora squirmed, and wiggled until he was away from Jaxx.

"Hey, get back here!"

"Catch me if you can!"

Sora began to run around the house, as Jaxx chased him.
He must've underastimated Jaxx's agility, because he was caught not too long after he stared running.



Sora laughed, and so did Jaxx.
Jaxx carried him back into the room, setting him on the bed, and turning off the lights along with closing, and locking the door.
The next morning, Jaxx carried Sora into the kitchen the only thing they had on was a pair of boxers.
Jaxx sat Sora on a chair, and began to make food for himself, and Sora.

"You okay, babe?"

"It hurts.. "

"I'm sorry, I should have listened when you told me to slow down."

Jaxx finished making the food, and sat Sora on his lap. The two ate their food calmly.
When the food was finished, Sora leaned his head against Jaxx's chest.

"Let me take you back to bed okay? I can get you a hoodie so you won't be cold ."

"Thank you, I love you. "

" I love you too. "

Jaxx carried Sora into the bedroom, and grabbed a large hoodie from the closet for him.
He helped Sora put the hoodie on, as he could see he was a little weak from the previous night.

"Thank you, lay down with me! We are watching a movie ."

"You're welcome, and okay!"

Jaxx laid down next to Sora, and Sora turned on an interesting movie for them to watch .
After the movie passed, Sora had been cuddling Jaxx so tightly, he almost couldn't move .

"Sora, baby, it's okay now you can let go of me."


Sora pressed his face against Jaxx's chest, and wrapped his arms tightly around him.
Jaxx rested his hand on Sora's head, as he gently smiled at him.
Jaxx moved his other hand to Sora's waist, gently rubbing the area.
Sora lifted his head, looking into Jaxx's soft red eyes. Jaxx looked back down at him, giving him a small kiss on the head.

"Seriously, Jaxx? I already can't walk."

"I'm guessing you feel it?"


Sora could feel something poking him. He rolled over.

"This is all your gonna get."

"Fine by me, cutie ."

Sora grabbed Jaxx's hands, and started playing around with them. Jaxx didn't care, and just let him do whatever.
Randomly, Jaxx shoved Sora off, and sat up.


Jaxx shrugged, ignoring Sora.
Sora crossed his arms.

"I didn't like being up there anyway."

Sora turned his back towards Jaxx , trying to get his attention by acting like he hadn't cared.
It didn't work, because Jaxx continued to ignore Sora.

"Hm.. I think my dogs barking.."

"Jaxx we don't own a do-"

Jaxx grabbed Sora, and took him into the living room, where there had been a large cage meant for large dogs, with blankets, and a dog bed inside.

"Huh-? What are y-"

Before Sora could finish, he was put into the cage, and Jaxx locked it with a lock that needed a key, so he wouldn't escape so easily.

" Now, be quiet , dog. "

"Hey, let me out , Jaxx!! I'm not a dog!"

Jaxx reached his hand into the cage, Patting Sora.
He backed up to the back of the cage, glaring at Jaxx.

"Let me out, right now."

"What's that? I can't hear you~"

"I said let me out, right now!"

Sora grabbed onto the bars of the cage, and began to shake it.
Jaxx stopped Sora, and smiled at him.

"I love you, but you need to learn to behave, my love."

"I'm not behaving for sh[☕🍵]."

"You will if you want out ~"

Sora scoffed, and crossing his arms.
Jaxx continued to smile.

" Now, lay down. "

" WH- fine. "

Sora listened to Jaxx, laying down on the dog bed in the fetal position.
Jaxx clapped, and set a piece of chocolate in the cage, before walking off.
Sora grabbed the chocolate, eating it quickly.
He could hear Jaxx shouting, and asking if Sora wanted a bottle of water, or bowl. He obviously answered with a bottle of water.
Jaxx came back inz holding a bowl with regular food, and a bottle of water .
He opened the cage , and set them in .

"Good boy, Sora."

Jaxx smiled, keeping the cage door open to see Sora.
Sora seen that as an opportunity to try and escape.
He charged towards the exit , but Jaxx stopped him.

"Hey. Bad."

Sora swinged, but was unable to get free. Jaxx set him back in the cage, and locked it back.
Sora ate his food, glaring at Jaxx in the process.
Jaxx sat on the couch , watching TV .
Sora gave up on trying to give out, and fell asleep the cage .
The next thing he knew when he woke up, he was on the couch, is head in Jaxx's lap. Jaxx had been scratching Sora's head, while talking to Levi. Sora decided to try and run, but he quickly realized he had a collar on himself.

"ACK- HEY!!"

"Hey, be a good boy. You don't wanna go back in the cagez do you?"

"Ugh, fine."

Sora laid back down, hugging his knees .

"Well, I better get going, by Jaxx."

"Goodbye Levi."

Levi left the house, and drove back to his, and Alex's house. Jaxx looked down at Sora, continuing to pet him.

"Are you able to walk, cutie?"


"Good, how about I take you on a walk?"

"No, I'm not going in public like this."

" Fine then, we'll stay home. "

Sora hugged Jaxx , and rested his head on him . Jaxx continued to pet Sora , even playing with his hair .

"Baby, can I PLEASE stop being your " pet" "

"No, you have to be a good pet for the day."

" Ughh. "

" Now, sit . "

Sora sat up, crossing his arms .
Jaxx smiled, giving him head scratches.

" Good boy, baby! "

Sora huffed, as Jaxx began to kiss him .
The two shared a long kiss, and Jaxx was the one to break it.
Jaxx wrapped one of his arms around Sora's waist, pulling the leash down .
He kissed Sora again, letting go of the leash.
Despite Sora wanting to just run, he knew he'd be caught quickly, so he stayed still .

"You've been good recently, so you can walk around for a few minutes."

"No ."

"Alright then, cutie."

Sora yawned, hugging his beloved Jaxx.
Jaxx hugged him back, while giving him a kiss on the head.

"How come your so tall?!"

"Because, that's just the way I was made."


Jaxx kissed Sora on the head again.
Sora looked up at Jaxx, taking the collar off.

" Baby what are you doing? "

"It's your turn."


Before Jaxx could finish saying the word wait, Sora had already put the collar, and leash on him. Sora pulled the leash down, making Jaxx fall forward.
Sora smiled at his accomplishment.

"Now you get to buy MY pet."


Sora put Jaxx in the cage, and changed the lock on it . Sora went into his and Jaxx's room, changing into some proper clothes so he wasn't going around in a large hoodie, and some boxers. He walked back out only to see that Jaxx had been relaxing in the cage.
Sora walked up to the cage, and just stared at Jaxx. Jaxx looked over at Sora.

"Baby, I can tell your tired."

"No.. I'm not ..."

Sora let Jaxx out, and took him into their room, nearly passing out along the way.
He crawled into the bed, and laid on his back, spreading out his legs. Jaxx got in bed with him, laying his head on Sora's stomach, wrapping his arms around him aswell.
Sora fell asleep, then Jaxx. Hours later , Jaxx woke up; he took the collar off, and began to make some food for him, and Sora.
A few minutes later, Sora was walking out of the room, he seemed to be upset.

"What's wrong, baby?"

"You weren't in bed with me. Don't talk to me for the rest of the day ."

"Oh come on, I made you food!"

Sora ignored Jaxx, grabbed the plate, and went back into the room. The door was locked, so Jaxx wouldn't go in and "bother" Sora.
For most of the day, Sora stayed in the room, probably eating from their mini fridge rather than leaving. Meanwhile Jaxx had been taking a shower, getting dressed, doing his hair in a small ponytail .
Sora finally left the room, and took a shower. He didn't do nothing much, just put on a white long sleeved shirt with a black short sleeved shirt over. He also put on some sweatpants, and some blue, and red socks.
Jaxx had been waiting outside the bathroom for his fiancé. Sora looked up at him, and crossed his arms. Jaxx tried to give him a hug, but Sora just backed up.

"Seriously? You're still mad?"


"Well, I don't care if your still mad at me, get over here!"

Jaxx forced a playful hug upon Sora, giving him little kisses as well; he also slightly tickled Sora, just to make him stop being mad. Sora laughed, and giggled the whole time.

"Okay, okay! I'm not mad!"

Jaxx smiled, brushing a finger through Sora's hair.

"Good! Remember, cutie.. I love you~"

"I love you too."

Big big big timeskip</3
A few days later, Sora and Jaxx had been at the bar. They hadn't had any drinks yet, they were waiting for the perfect moment. Suddenly, Jaxx had to go.

" Hey baby, I'll be back, I'm going to the bathroom. "

" Okay, return quickly. "

" I will, I will"

Jaxx gave Sora a kiss on the cheek as he left to the bathroom. A random brunette, tall guy walked up to Sora.

"Hey, hottie. Mind if I get you a drink? My little gift."

Sora looked up at the guy, with a glare.

"You are so ugly, you look like a turd and a dumpster had a child, and then it was given rabies. Now, get away from me or I will kick you in your nuts."

"Playing hard to get , are we?"

The guy wrapped his arm around Sora, using his other hand to grab Sora's jaw.

"Well listen here. You're going to date me chuckle I don't f[☕]ing care what you say."

"Well, you'll care about not having any kids."

Sora raised his knee swiftly, and ended up kicking the dude in the jingle sack. The dude fell to the ground in pain, who knew Sora could be so bad[☕]ss? Jaxx walked back, seeing the dude on the floor.

"What happened to him?"

"He thinks he owns me."

Jaxx crossed his arms, staring down at the dude.

" Anyway, are you ready for our first shot of the night, babe? "

" Absolutely! "

After they ordered their drinks, Sora was the first to get drunk.

" Hey babyy? Can I get an order of.. hot red guy... "

Jaxx looked at Sora, softly smiling at what he said. He wrapped his arms around Sora, giving him a kiss.
Not long after, Jaxx had gotten drunk aswell.

"Nooo! I want icecreaamm!"

"Well it's too badzz.. your getting mchonald!"

The two seemed to be drunkenly arguing over... Icecream? Nobody could tell what they were saying.

"But baby, icecreeeem!"

"No, you have mE."

Jaxx kissed Sora, trying to keep him from getting away. Sora kept trying to push him away, though it didn't work.

"Let me love youu!"

" aaaa! "

"Hey, look at me!"


The drunk Sora looked at Jaxx, confused.
Jaxx started kissing Sora, and Sora followed along.

"So much tongue.. so much pleasure.."

"Hmph.. Shut up.., n just keep kissing me !"

The two made out for a while, before they left. Jaxx drove the car somewhere they could sleep in the car safely, so he wouldn't have to drive home.
The two went in the trunk, they were still very drunk, as they had a lot more alcohol before leaving.

"Hey cutie~ whas your name?"

"Mm... Syora..."

"Im Jaxx heh... You wanna make out??"


Jaxx pinned Sora down, and the two began to make out .

"I love how much tongue you use.."

"Mhh.. thanks"

Eventually, they did pass out randomly. In the morning, Jaxx woke up with Sora's legs wrapped around his waist, and his arms thrown over his neck. Jaxx looked down at the hung over Sora, smiling.
Jaxx felt fine, other than a slight headache.
Once Sora woke up, he looked at Jaxx, he looked confused.

"Why does my head hurt.. why does my whole body hurt..?"

"Baby.. baby we were drunk, remember?"

"No.. if we were drunk I won't remember."

Jaxx laughed a little, still laying on Sora, who could probably barely breathe. Sora sighed, pushing Jaxx off of himself.
Sora stretched, and looked over to Jaxx, realizing he hadn't had a shirt on.
His eyes lit up, and he pounced Jaxx, pushing his face against Jaxx's chest.

"Wh-... Okay then.."

Every time Sora wanted to, and had the chance to... He would push his face against Jaxx's chest, it was one of his ways of showing affection. Jaxx smiled, petting Sora's head.

"Fine, you can stay there for a little while until we have to leave."

Sora tightly wrapped his arms around Jaxx, refusing to ever let go.
Jaxx tried getting him off, yet it was no use.

" Sora, baby.. do you want to be able to walk or no? "

" Fine.. "

Sora pulled off Jaxx, and climbed into the passenger seat from the trunk. Jaxx watched, obviously staring at Sora's cake.
Jaxx went into the front as well, and began to drive back home .
While driving, Jaxx had one hand on the steering wheel, and one hand on Sora's thigh.
They arrived home after some time, and continued on with their day .

Annnddd that's a wrap.
hope y'all enjoyed.
Have some coffee ☕ or some tea 🍵 , and have a wonderful day/night.

Time spent: 6 Days

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