š“š”šž š…šØš«š›š¢šššžš§ | āœ“

By softnakd

2.2K 43 2

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authors note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 3

143 3 0
By softnakd

I only had time to pop in to the office for fifteen minutes before I had to get to my morning class, but I heard whispers of Killian Wolfe's return and question on everyone's faces all the way back out the door. I didn't know what he was up to by coming here but I didn't have time to find out or give explanations until I got back.

Suffice to say my morning class took longer to finish as usual, as I was anxious to get back to the office to sort things out and see what my nosy step brother was up to.

I had barley dropped my bag on my desk when Valene, my assistant, burst through the door, hearts in her eyes. Valene was older by a year and never let me forget it. She looked like she belonged on a runway and not behind a desk typing my letters and fetching me lattes.

"Two words, Killian Wolfe." Her blond hair shook around her shoulders as she sat in one of the chairs in front my desk and pretended to swoon.

I rolled my eyes and took my chair as I powered on my laptop.

"So is it true? Is he back? Is he in charge?" Valene fired questions at me so fast I had to put up a hand to stop her.

"Is that what he's telling people?"

"No, actually he's been asking about you."

I paused in the act of typing in my password and started at Valene.


"Yup, he wanted to know how you've been doing as acting CEO." Valene pretended to look at her nails, "he called a meeting with the board this morning."

I froze.

"He did what?"

"It wasn't a long meeting-" Valene rushed out sensing how upset I was becoming.

"Without me?" I cut her off.

"I told him you had class until noon so-"

"You spoke to that pompous ass?"

Valene grimaced.

"He came looking for you this morning." She explained, "I had to tell him."

I closed my eyes and shoved a hand through my side swept bangs.

"He seemed nice." Valene's words pricked my temper.

"Well he's not." I said, voice gone hard. "He wants to take this company away from me. Randall left me fifty one percent. He gets the rest."


"Yes." I agreed with Valene's assessment, "he's just playing nice until he gets his way. I'm not going to give in to him."

"How are you planning to resist that man?" Valene asked skeptically, "have you seen those dimples?"

I tried not to notice. But then again, he hadn't been smiling a lot since we met.

"I did some research on him." Valene continued not waiting for my answer, "he's like one of the most eligible bachelors in the world, Nila. Maybe you two could-"

"No!" I cut her off abruptly and jumped up from my desk and stared to pace the large expanse of my office, "absolutely not."

Valene eyed me like I was crazy.

"Tell me you don't think he's gorgeous?"

"He is, that's not the point." I admitted. This was a safe space, I could say anything to Valene and she had my confidence.

"You haven't dated anyone seriously for a while." She pointed out.

"I've been busy running a company, Val." I responded in exasperation.

"And in any other situation you would be attracted to him?" She asked.

"I'm attracted to him now!" I wanted to pull my hair out.

When she didn't say anything I faced her and saw her stupid grin.

"Oh shut up." I continued pacing.

"Maybe you two can come to some sort of truce." She suggested, "he can't really want this company, he has so many of his own."

"I think he just doesn't want me to have it."

"Well he hasn't been around now has he?" Valene pointed out. "What did he expect would happen? besides, you're doing a great job and I'm sure the board let him know that."

They had better.

"Just convince him you can Handke it and I'm sure he'll go back to wherever it is he came from." Valene said.

"You've got a point." I said, turning the thought over in my head, I just needed to convince Killian that this company was my life. Just like his father's and I would do my best by it. It was the only way he would go away.

I sat back down at my desk and accessed the company's spreadsheets.

❦ ❦

I had a summarized report ready to go over with Killian by the end of the work day but then an impromptu meeting came up and I didn't get back to the estate until almost ten that night.

I found Killian in what I was quickly realizing was his favorite place, the kitchen. He was in running shorts and a black t-shirt as if he'd just finished working out.

The kitchen smelled amazing, no doubt due to another Lenora scrumptious creation, but it was Killian that made my mouth water. I could see the hard ridges of his chest muscles through the dampness of the t-shirt and the way his biceps bulged as he moved made me want to take a bite.

Get it together, Nila. I chastised myself.

Killian was standing at the large island, a plate in his hand as he chowed down on whatever it was Lenora made that evening, oblivious to the effect he was having on me.

"Long day?" he asked by way of greeting.

i plopped my bag and the file on the counter and nodded, brushing passed him to get to the fridge for a bottle of water. I could feel his eyes on me, following my every move. It was unsettling.

"Lenora made my favorite lasagna.' He said as if trying to make conversation and I saw the dimples make a quick appearance making my heart flutter. "Try some."

Lenora had worked for the Wolfe family since Killian was little so of course they had their own relationship. I finished guzzling my water and eyed him dubiously, trying not to feel jealous that he could just come back in here as if nothing had changed all these years.

"Lenora never makes lasagna." I said finally speaking up, "she said all that cheer would kill me."

Killian laughed, surprising me. It was a happy, booming sound that created a stirring heat inside me. What the hell?

"What can I say? She loves me." He took another mouthful and shewed, then forked another bite, walked over to me and placed it at my mouth. "Take a bite. I won't tell."

Maybe it was the husky command in his voice or the intensity in the way he was looking at me in that moment that made me open my mouth and accept the bite before I could acknowledge what I was doing.

He watched, captivated, as I licked source off my lips and then groan in sheer pleasure as the spices exploded on my taste buds. His eyes darkened and awareness shimmered in the room.

"You're right, it's amazing." I said nodding my head.

I watched, as if in slow motion, as he set his plate aside and then take a step towards me, eyes locked on mine as if sensing I would run if he wasn't careful.

"Killian.." My protest was only halfheartedly spoken as my heart sped up and my breathing got shallow at the intent in his gaze.

His hands settled on my hips, pulling my body against his so that I could feel how turned on he was. I braced my hands on his chest to either push him away or pull him closer- I wasn't sure.

He lowered his head slowly, as if allowing me retreat of I wanted it. But the feel of him, the scent of him, drew me like a moth to a flame so that my hands slid up his chest to curl around his neck. I went up to my toes and met his lips halfway and the contact was explosive.

His lips didn't crush mine, as I'd expected. Instead he coaxed a response in me. With lips, with tongue until I opened for him and his tongue thrust inside to slip against mine in an erotic slide. I moaned as his tongue slid deeper and I tilted my head to give him better access.

His grip on my hips tightened and then his hands slid up my body, molding my curves, leaving sparks in its wake. One hand thrust into my hair to hold my head still for the invasion of his tongue while the other cupped a now swollen breast, his thumb stroking the nipple, making is peak and throb. I gasped as sensation shot through my body all the way to my loins.

Killian gripped my hips again and spun me around to set me on the island, his mouth never leaving mine. He parted my legs with his hips, making my dress ride up high on my thighs and then he settled between them so that we were now eye level.

I was so open, spread so wide, I could feel the hard length of him pushing against my core separated by only my panties and his thin pants. He slid deliciously against my clit with every rock of his hips making me arch into him.

I'd never felt this kind of pleasure before. Never been taken with such an intensity that my body heated up instantly and demanded more.

His lips had moved down my neck, with gentle kisses and nips, but I wanted- no I needed more. It had been so long since I'd been touched like this, that I couldn't resist taking more form him.

I pushed my hands through that dark hair like I'd always imaging doing and brought those sinful lips back to mine and took his tongue once again, sucking hard.

He growled against my lips and I felt him harden further against me, making my clit swell even more. I was so close that I knew a few more thrusts of his hips against mine would have me coming instantly.

But I didn't give him a chance. I rocked my hips against his and then groaned as the pleasure shed through me hard and then I rocked and rocked and then my body jerked against his as I hit the edge. Killian's eyes widened in surprise. He gripped my hips again, taking over and rubbed his haft against me toppling me over the edge. I cried out against his lips, my eyes closed so I missed the look of utter possession cross his face before it was gone in an instant.

I heard Killian's harsh curse and then I was released abruptly, my body still humming in release.

I opened my eyes just in time to see his back leaving the kitchen and then I heard the front door slam closed.

❦ ❦

PINTEREST: @badglam
TIKTOK: @softnakd

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