Rise From The Ashes (A Pokemo...

By LucarioTheOne777

104K 2.1K 1.2K

On the first day of his journey with his rebellious starter, Ash befriends two foreign Pokemon; a Riolu and a... More

New Pains, Brand New Start
Gain And Loss
Out With The Mellow, Through The Woods
Trial By Stone
Psi Me To The Moon
Cerulean Splashdown
A Haunting First Loss
Sanctuary Of The Forsaken Mons
How Charmander Got His Blaze Back
Hoodlums In A Half-Shell
Trauma Shock Showdown
Surprise On The St. Anne
Into The Depths
Lost In The Tropics
Beauty And The Bully
Tentacruel And Unsual Punishment
Psychic Squabble
Psi Of The Beholder
Kindred Spirits
Mankey Business
Of Perfumes And Prejudice
Hypno Havoc
A Grand Prix Of Mega Proportions
Venom Of The Ninja
Little Blob Of Horrors
The Next Eevee-Lution
Thunderous Ambush
Unholy Matrimony
Trials Of The Forest King
Aiden's Prehistoric Panic
The Ultimate Test
The Egg Of Joy
Mystery Of The Lighthouse
The Burning Question
Volcanic Panic
Blast Off For The Earth Badge
An Overgrown Reunion
The Champion Returns
Crisis At The Corral
The Origin
A Storming Tragedy
Saving Private Green
The Rise Of Mewtwo
League Battle By Fire
Taking It By The Horn
Villain Village Squabble
Four's A Crowd
Homefield Advantage
All In
The New Frontier
A Bone To Pick
The Silph Situation
The Symbol Life
Let The Flames Begin
Fossil Fools
A Bare-Knuckled Brawl
The Little Drummer Ape
Oliver And The Gang
Maxing Out And Meeting The Monarch
Double Battle, Double Victory
Rocking It At The Virbank Contest
The Wandering Champion
The Imitation Confrontation

The Dynamo Tynamo

548 12 15
By LucarioTheOne777

After winning his third battle in the Battle Frontier against Tucker, our heroes stop to rest at Driftveil City before making their way to Virbank City, home to Serena's third Pokemon Contest in the Pokemon Contest World Tour. However, after leaving Driftveil, they suddenly found themselves lost in the forest near what seemed to be a cave system.

Gary: Yeah..... I think we're lost.

Green: *sarcastic* Wow, interesting revelation, Professor. Tell us something we don't know!

Serena: *checks PokeNav* Well, we shouldn't be too far from the road. If we pass by this cave and keep heading North, we'll hit Mistralton City and eventually Virbank.

Ash: At least we have a sound direction to head. Let's just keep going until we find the road.

???: *snide tone* Well, if it isn't the Loser Lover.

The group turned in the direction of the voice, which immediately soured the mood as the voice is revealed to belong to Evelyn, the same girl that abandoned Oliver in Olivine City.

Serena: *bitter* Evelyn. Why are you here?

Evelyn: Just out here training the new Pokemon Daddy bought me. This one's a lot better than the ugly little Oshawott I was stuck with. Now tell em this, losers. Have any of you seen any Tynamo around here?

Ash: Tynamo?

Gary: Last I checked, Tynamo are a type of rare Pokemon that live in Unova. You've seen Tynamo around here?

Evelyn: Beats me, I've heard they're all over the place since they've been leaving Chargestone Cave. For some reason, a bunch of Pokemon have been leaving that place in droves.

Ash grew worried at the comment made by Evelyn, as to him, it seemed like the native Pokemon were being kicked out of their own home.

Ash: This doesn;t seem right. If Tynamo are so rare, why are they just leaving their home?

Gary: We better investigate.

Evelyn: Oh no you don't! Those Tynamo are mine, so you stay away from Chargestone Cave!

Gary: Hey, what gives you the right to tell people what to do?

Serena: Yeah, whoever finds the Tynamo first has the right to catch it fair and square.

Evelyn: Says who? Normally I would abide by such guidance, but since you wanted to keep a loser Pokemon, who the hell cares?! Just stay out of my way and stay away from any Tynamo!

The bratty girl stormed off with a red face, leaving the group soured up and frustrated, especially Serena since she remembered what her Oshawott's previous trainer did to him.

Serena: *growls* That no-good, self centered... Sometimes, I just can't believe people like her can become trainers!

Gary: It really sucks that people like that can get away with such behaviour, huh Ash?

However, Gary didn't get a response, causing him to turn and look to his side, only to find Ash, Cobalt, and Green missing.

Gary: Ash?...... *angry* AAAASSSHHHHH!!!!!!


In the forest, Ash was walking away with a frustrated expression with his starters, still fuming over Evelyn's demeanour towards them and her insensitivity to what could possibly be a greater picture.

Ash: That Evelyn... She makes Damian look like an angel.

Cobalt: I'd feel sorry for any Tynamo she catches.

Green: Yeah. You know what? We should go find them! We should find them to make sure that poor thing isn't caught by someone like Evelyn.

Ash: But shouldn't we be more focused on solving the problem at Chargestone Cave?

Cobalt: Ash, Evelyn said Tynamo are native to Chargestone Cave. If we find one, maybe we can be able to get a lead on the problem.

Ash: Hmm, you raise a fair point. But how do we find a Tynamo if they're rare?

Green: Well, we have no idea how a Tynamo behaves, what they eat, what they're attracted to, and we didn;t even know it existed until a few minutes ago. Cobalt... We need the old fashion way.

Cobalt: The old fashion way, are you sure?

Green nodded in agreement as Cobalt got to work. Before Ash could question what he meant by "the old fashion way", his Lucario suddenly began yelling out before jumping and spazzing while chanting some sort of odd gibberish, which honestly kind of distrubed him.

Ash: Cobalt, what are you doing?

Cobalt: Old fashion way. We do this dance and hollar to appease Lord Arceus and turn things to our favor.

Ash: No offense, but... I don't think that's going to work-

Suddenly, a young feminine scream sounds off in the distance, only to slowly get louder as a form crashes out from the bushes and barrels into Ash.

Green: See? What did I tell you?

Ash stepped back to see what barrelled into him, oly to be met with a short, white, eel-like Pokémon with dark, oval eyes and a red, four-point star-shaped mouth. A wavy, yellow stripe ran along its body, which also had a long fin membrane.

???: Help. Please... I need help!

Cobalt: Woah, woah, calm down now. What's going on? Who are you?

???: Cave.... People... Machines... Ga- *yelps*

Suddenly, a string of silk catches the Pokemon's back, reeling her back against her will.

???: Help me!

Ash: Cobalt, Metal Claw!

Cobalt used his paw spike to cut the web, freeing the Pokemon before another Pokemon crawls out. This one happened to be a large yellow hairy spider with blue eyes and dark blue fuzz behind it. It seemed to give off an intimidating demeanour as it raised its front limbs threateningly as Ash got out his Pokedex.

Green: What the hell is that?!

Pokedex: Galvantula, the EleSpider Pokémon. A Bug and Electric type. Galvantula attacks its prey by shooting electrically-charged silk threads. It lays traps of electrified threads near the nests of bird Pokémon, aiming to snare chicks that are not yet good at flying.

With a mixture of a chirp and snarl, the EleSpider reels back before jumping into the air towards the group.

???: Look out, it's gonna use Pounce!

The group jumps out of the way just as the Galvantula lands.

Ash: Cobalt, use Aura Sphere! Green, use Dragon Pulse!

Both attacks land on the arachnid, causing it to yelp and scurry off, possibly to "lick" its wounds before everyone pants and calms down.

Ash: Everyone okay?

Green: Just fine.

Cobalt: I just stubbed my toe... Ow.

???: I..... I'm okay. Thank you for helping me.

Ash: Don't worry about it.

The mysterious Pokemon tilted as she became confused before Cobalt piped up.

Cobalt: Ash can understand Pokémon.

???: Woah, really?!

Ash: It's true. I can hear everything you're saying.

???: Wow! I've heard of Speakers, but I never thought I'd meet one. What're you guys doing out here?

Green: We're looking for Tynamo since we heard there are a bunch of wild ones around here.

???: You're looking for Tynamo? Well... Look no further!

Cobalt: Wait, you're-?

???: Yep! You're looking at a real deal Tynamo. I'm Membra.

Curious to see if Membra's statement was true, Ash then scanned Membra with his Pokedex.

Pokedex: Tynamo, the EleFish Pokemon. An Electric type. Tynamo are able to live underwater, but can use their electricity generating organ to be able to float on and. Though their power isn't strong alone, their Thunderbolt has the power of a lightning strike when in a school.

Ash: She's not lying. She must be the Tynamo Evelyn was talking about.

Membra: Not sure who that is, but yep. I sure am.

Cobalt: Wait... You said something about needing help earlier. And I have a hunch it was more than the Galvantula.

Membra: You'd be right on that hunch. Just recently, some weird people showed up in my home at Chargestone Cave and they've been taking all the Ore there.

Green: The ore? Why do you need the ore?

Membra: The Pokemon that live need that ore to keep our home balanced. And because of that, most of the Pokemon, including my school, had to leave in order to find a new home.

Ash: *angry* Someone's messing with your home?

Membra: Yeah. I separated from my school to find help when I got ambushed by that Galvantula and rammed into you guys.

Cobalt: That would explain the rumored increase of Tynamo encounters. With them being driven from their home, the Tynamo are stuck out in the open with nowhere to go.

Ash: This isn;t good. If the Tynamo remain like this and all get captured, the balance of the cave could be thrown off just as bad as it would with these people's influence. *to Membra* Membra, we'd be happy to help. Would you take us to your home?

Membra: Of course. Just follow me, I know a secret passage since the main opening's been sealed off.

The Tynamo then flew off at a moderate speed, Ash, Cobalt, and Green following behind her as they set out to stop whatever could be causing the instability of their home.


Later on, Membra is seen slipping through a small opening in a cave wall, followed by Ash and his starters as they look around.

Membra: We're here, guys. Welcome to Chargestone Cave!

The small group is amazed by the sights of the stone walls, which are glowing with a blue sheen and small sparks. But what really caught their eyes were the small stones floating in the air around them.

Cobalt: Woah... This place is beautiful.

Green: We should make a new lab here.

Ash rolled his eyes at Green's antics as suddenly, the caves echo out a ring coming from Ash's wrist, coming from his Xtranciever. Pressing the call button, the screen flicers on to reveal Gary.

Gary: Ash, Ash, you there?

Serena: Ash?

Ash: Gary, Serena, hey.

Gary: *sighs* Thank Palkia. You just disappeared out of the blue, Serena and I have been trying to find you guys for a while. Where are you?

Ash: We're in Chargestone Cave, we found a Tynamo that told us that there are so many Tynamo sightings because some odd people are messing with the rocks.... Which are apparently floating, for some reason.

Gary: According to the guide I have here, the stones in Chargestone Cave are full of magnetite.

Cobalt: There are Magnamite in the rocks?

Ash: No, not Magnamite, Cobalt. It's a type of metal.

Gary: Exactly. And the electrical charges from the geothermal pools under the cave are causing a sort of magnetic field, allowing the stones to float about.

Ash: Well, that's cool. But I better go see what's causing the situation here in the cave.

Serena: We'll make our way over to you, just don;t get out *starts fizzling* of... cave..... Get..... sh?...

Ash: Serena?

Suddenly, Ash's screen fizzles to static and white noise, forcing Ash to end the call.

Green: What happened?

Ash: Something cut my Xtranciever's signal. Might have somethin to do with those people messing with the cave.

Membra: Come on, we better get moving.

The three followed Membra as she led the way, noticing several stone floating closer to the ground than others as they then came across smaller, fuzzy yellow Pokemon that seemed to be lazing about tiredly on the ground.

Cobalt: What are those?

Membra: Joltik. They actually evolve into Galvantula.

Ash: *takes out pokedex* Joltik...

Pokedex: Joltik, the Attaching Pokémon. The Bug and Electric type. Joltik is far too small to generate its own electricity, so it attaches itself to larger Pokémon and feeds off their static electricity. It then stores this electricity in a pouch for future use.

Green: They don't look too good, Membra.

Membra: It's obvious due to the stuff in the cave. Joltik feed on the electricity on the cave walls and other Electric-type Pokemon. Since all this began, the energy has been fluctuating randomly and the Joltik can get a proper fill, basically bringing them to the brink of starvation.

Feeling sympathy for the poor little guys, Ash leaned down and offered one of the Joltik his wrist holding his Xtransciever. Seeing the watch, the Attaching Pokemon weakly climbed onto his wrist and latched onto the watch, draining the rest of its energy before hopping off. It wasn;t a lot, but enough for it to not die and shakily walk away.

Joltik: *weakly* Thank you......

As they kept forward, Cobalt picked up some sort of sound, which resembled the workings of machinery.

Green: Pee-yew! What smells like big business?

As they kept walking, the group discovered a most disturbing sight; some sort of digging machine is hooked up to a conveyor belt, which is drilling into the wall and taking the stones to a large bin.

Cobalt: That's the problem! Someone's been mining the cave's electric stones!

Membra: No wonder the electricity in the air around is so sparse. It's being stolen!

Ash: What kind of monster is responsible for this horror?

As they sneak closer, they gasp at the sight before them. Cassidy and Butch of Team Rocket were behind the mining of the stones, with Butch on a laptop and Sableye operating the digger.

Butch: Alright, says here we'll be done in about a few minutes.

Cassidy: Perfect, we'll be able to get more stones than what the doctor requested.

Sableye: Who knew that these weird rocks can be used as an energy source? Pretty environmentally friendly and advanced at the same time. Talk about taking out 2 Pidgets with one Rock Throw.

Ash: Team Rocket!

The three look towards the corner, seeing Ash, Cobalt, Green, and Membra glaring at them.

Cassidy: Oh great, the brat. Do you always put your nose in other people's business?

Ash: It was you! You're the ones driving the Tynamo out of Chargestone Cave and starving the Joltik!

Butch: Don;t be overdramatic, we put them all on cva eleave while we mine for these rocks.

Ash: You're not getting away with this, you creeps!

Cassidy: Oh, silly silly little boy. We already are. Sableye!

The Darkness Pokemon giggles and nods before jumping out of the machine and hopping onto a hidden Prize Master, where he does his thing and ejects two Pokeballs from the machine, which the two grunts grab.

Cassidy: Now, get ready to fall by what we unleash!

From Cassidy's Pokeball came forth a blue, quadrupedal Pokémon that was made of stome with various spiny, red crystals jutting out of its body.and yellow and red eyes.

Cassidy: It's the Compressed Pokemon, Gigalith!

Ash took out his Pokedex, scanning the large, crystalline Pokemon.

Pokedex: Gigalith, the Compressed Pokemon and the evolved form of Boldore. A Rock type. Gigalith compresses energy in the core inside its body, allowing it to fire attacks powerful enough to blow away mountains. When it fires these attacks at full power, the sheer force of the blast creates multiple cracks on its body.

Butch: And for me....

The man then released an upside-down purple squid Pokemon with yellow eyes, a dark pink beak-like mouth, and large yellow glowing spots in front of its translucent magenta body.

Butch: The Overturning Pokemon, Malamar!

Pokedex: Malamar, the Overturning Pokémon and the evolved form of Inkay. A Dark and Psychic type. Malamar possesses strong hypnotic powers, which is said to be the most powerful of any Pokémon. Malamar uses its hypnotic power to force others to do its bidding. It is said that this Pokemon has played a role in several history-changing events.

Ash: It doesn't matter what you unleash, I'm gonna stop you! *throws Pokeball* Jaws, I choose you! You get in there too, Cobalt!

Ash's Dracovish was released and stepped forth, waving its fins joviously as Cobalt steps forth.

Cassidy: Gigalith, Rock Blast on that freakish fish!

Butch: Malamar, use Psychock on Lucario!

Ash: Cobalt, use Metal Claw on Malamar! Jaws, Fishious Rend on Gigalith!

Cobalt leapt over the Psyshock from Malamar and swipes his paw spikes at it, with Malamar dodging one but getting struck by the other. Gigalith then sent out multiple smaller rocks from the large crystal on its head, which Jaws managed to push through and bite down on the Compressed Pokemon before throwing it into a wall.

Cassidy: *growls* Flash Cannon now!

Butch: Use Night Slash!

Ash: Hydro Pump and Metal Claw now!

Jaws fought back the silver beam from Gigalith with Hydro Pump, causing them both to fall on their backs as both Cobalt and Malamar got into a sort of sword clash of Metal Claw and Night Slash. However, the Lucario was growing more anxious as the Night Slashes only seemed to go faster and faster.

Cassidy: Gigalith, Heavy Slam!

Gigalith managed to get up onto its feet and charged, jumping as it was about to land on the now struggling Jaws.

Ash: Jaws, get up!

Jaws: I-I can't, Ash!

Just as the Rock type was about to land, a small sparking mass rammed into Gigalith and sent it back, revealing itself to be Membra.

Green: Membra?

Membra: I might not be too strong by myself, but I can still at least help fight.

Seeing Membra stand up to the people tormenting her home, Cobalt became slightly more re-energized and kept up his work. However, as he kept going, Cobalt's fists egan moving faster and faster as his spikes eventually returned to normal, though his fists became coated in silver energy as he punched with the same speed, another clash causing the two to knock back and skid.

Ash: What was that?

Green: I-I think Cobalt just learned Bullet Punch!

Sableye: Yeah, well it don't matter what he learns and don't learns! *runs forward* Let's see how you all deal with my Shadow Claw!

Cassidy: Rock Blast, Gigalith!

Butch: Malamar, Liquidation!

Both Pokemon began their attacks as Malamar charged forth with water-covered tentacles.

Ash: Not this time! Jaws, use Ice Fang on Malamar! Cobalt, charge head on to Gigalith and use Bullet Punch!

Though they were hit by Liquidation, Jaws snapped their ice-covered fangs into Malamar, sending it to the ground as Cobalt rapidly punched away the rocks Gigalith blasted as he then punched it in the stomach, sending it back right as the laptop Butch was typing on chimed.

Butch: We got the data. *grabs laptop* Let's vamoose.

Membra: Oh no, you don't! You're not getting away!

The Tynamo then charged towards the Rocket squadron, coating herself in electricity as she did. However, this only caused Cassidy to smirk as she let out one last command to her borrowed Pokemon.

Cassidy: Use Self-Destruct.

Membra: Huh?!

Ash: No, Membra, get out of there!

Cobalt: *nervous* Uh, guys, something tells me Tynamo doesn't have good defense.

Green: It's too late now! We need to shield Membra from the blast before she gets seriously hurt!

Ash wagered his options, trying to find a quick enough way to shield the Tynamo from the Self-Destruct. He had managed to think of a way... Though he wasn't sure it was a good one.

Ash: Sorry, Membra. But this is for your own good!

Before the Tynamo could ask what Ash meant, she was knocked in the side by a Pokeball, sucking her in just as Gigalith exploded. Cobalt jumped to his friends as Jaws shielded them from the blast with their body. As the smoke simmered down, Ash and his starters got up as Jaws stepped back.

Ash: That was intense. Are you guys okay?

After his Pokemon confirmed they were unharmed, AAsh looked to his chagrin to see Team Rocket had gotten away with the stones they mined, along with a lone, steaming Pokeball on the ground. Ash blew the warm Pokeball as he picked it up and then opened it, releasing Membra, who hastily looked around her surroundings in a panic.

Ash: You really had us worried. Are you okay, Membra?

Membra: I.... Yeah, I'm okay.

Ash: That's good. Sorry about catching you, it was the only plan I could think up on the fly. I hope you're not too mad at me.

Membra: "Mad"? You think I'm mad? Ash, you saved my life! Taht's the best thing anyone could do for me... Well, besides asking to be my girlfriend.

Cobalt: They got away with the rocks, but at least now the cave can heal.

Membra: Well, at least my school will be happy that they can go home. It's gonna be hard to say goodbye.

Cobalt: Yeah. But it's been fun, Membra. Don;t forget about u-

Membra: What are you talking about? I meant ME saying goodbye to THEM.

Ash: Wait, you mean..... *small smile* You're staying as my Pokemon?

Membra: *nods* Mm-hmm. I'm staying!

Jaws: Yay, new friend~!

Membra: Thanks, guys. Though, would it be okay if we stuck around so I could say goodbye to my school? They're actually almost here.

Ash: Of course not. Now *takes out Pokedex* let's see what we got here.

Pokedex: This Tynamo is level 38, Female, and has the ability, Levitate. It knows the moves Thunder Wave, Spark, Charge Beam, and Tackle.

Ash: ....Okay, not the best moveset, but we'll work on it. But for now, let's get out of this cave.

Ash then recalled his Dracovish before the small group then exited the cave, following what seemed to be dirt tracks to a large metal door, which was opened from the inside. As soon as they stepped into the light, Gary and Serena came running out from the forest.

Gary: Ash! Guys!

Ash: Gary, Serena, you found us!

Serena: Hey, you found the Tynamo!

Gary: Did you catch it already?

Ash: Yeah. But in all actuality, I was only trying to help Membra save her home from Team Rocket, but their Pokemon used Self-Destruct and throwing a Pokeball was the only option I thought of in order to keep her from getting hurt.

Gary: Team Rocket?

Ash: Don't bother, they're already gone. But we at least managed to drive them out of the cave.

???: There you are!

The group looked towards the brush once more, spotting Evelyn as she came out from the brush.

Evelyn: I finally found you, my Tynamo! Now, go!

The bratty girl threw a Pokeball at Membra, only to have it bounce off of her and land in the dirt.


Evelyn: What?! Why didn't it work?!

Ash: I'll have you know I've already caught this Tynamo! So go away, leave us alone!

Evelyn: But that's mine! *growls, sneers* ....Okay, you want me to go? Fine. Let;s have a Pokemon battle to decide who gets the stupid fish. If you win while using Tynamo, I'll leave you alone. But if I win, Tynamo's mine.

Serena: What?! Evelyn, be serious! Why would Ash battle you for a Pokemon he caught fairly!?

Gary: You can't do that!

Cobalt: Ash, you seriously can't be considering this.

Ash: I know, I know. But we don't have much choice. *to Membra* Membra, I know this is sudden, but will you-?

Membra: If it'll make her get lost. I'll do it.

Ash: *nods* Hm. Alright, Evelyn, you have a deal!

Evelyn: Great. And since you're using that teeny weeny little Tynamo... *throws Pokeball* Hattrem, get out here!

From the girl's Pokeball came a small, vaguely humanoid Pokémon with a pink body and a large, light blue mass of hair surrounding its head which had a conical point on top of its hair resembling a witch hat and small ponytails behind it. Seeing this, Serena scans the Pokemon.

Pokedex: Hattrem, the Serene Pokemon. A Psychic type. Hattrem makes use of its ponytails as hands, pummeling its foes with them with the strength of a professional boxer. Hattrem perceives strong emotions, including positive ones, as if they're really loud noises and thus will violently silence anything nearby expressing or feeling such emotions.

Gary: Alright, I'll be ref then. This'll be a one on one Pokemon battle that'll end when one side's Pokemon is unable to continue. Battle... START!

Ash: Alright, we're going first. Membra, use Thunder Wave!

Membra then released a small yellow wave at Hattrem, where it stiffened harshly due to paralysis hitting.

Cobalt: Alright, now Hattrem's paralyzed!

Ash: Great job, Membra. Now, Spark!

Evelyn: Hattrem, Brutal Swing!

The Serene Pokemon manages to push through its paralysis enough to spin around, its ponytails gaining a pink hue as it spun towards Membra, who charged with an electricity coated body. The two clashed and knocked each other back, the Tynamo hitting the ground hard.

Ash: *worried* Are you okay, Membra?

Membra: *groans, gets up* I'll be fine, Ash.

Ash: Okay, then. Use Tackle!

Evelyn: Double-slap!

The Hattrem tried to use Double-slap, but due to its paralysis and the speed of its opponent's move, it couldn't even spin to use its supposed move. Hattrem was sent into a tree, groaning as it tried to get up.

Ash: Now, Membra, finish with Charge Beam!

Evelyn: Hattrem, Confusion now!

Hattrem created a blue mass in front of it as Membra's yellow stripe glowed, unleashed a beeam of energy that cut through the Confusion and hit Hattrem, causing a small explosion. The smoke dissipated, revealing a now fainted Hattrem.

Gary: Hattrem's unable to battle, the winner is Membra! And that means the winner is Ash!

Ash: Alright! Way to go, Membra!

Serena: Ash did it, he won!

Cobalt: I knew he could do it all along.

Green: *sarcastic* Uh huh. Sure, bro.

Membra: Our first battle together and we won it like pros! I can tell this is gonna be a great partnership!

With a growl, Evelyn recalled her Hattrem before reaching into her bag, pulling out a large hunting net.

Evelyn: That's it! I'm getting that Tynamo, even if I have to dig into your pocket and smash that ball to bits!

The girl then ran crazily towards Membra, who flew back to dodge the swipes from her net and back to Ash.

Ash: Hey, you can't try to steal my Pokemon after I won, that's against the rules!

Evelyn: Who asked you, you no-good plebeian! THAT'S MY FUCKING TYNAMO!!!

As Ash's Pokemon growled at the girl for insulting their trainer, Membra glared before unleashing another Charge Beam right at Evelyn. Not at the scale of Pikachu's Thunderbolt o Ash, mind you, but enough to ashen her clothes and face and burn the inside of her net. With the nt burned to bits, Evelyn ran off, crying like a spoiled little kid.

Serena: Let that be a lesson for being a cheater!

Gary: Uh, guys? Something's going on with Membra...

The group turned around, spotting Membra glowing as she then proceeded to lengthen and transform.

Green: Huh. That was fast.

Finally, the light died down, revealing Membra to now be a blue-black eel-like Pokémon with a beige underbelly, a round, toothy, leech-like mouth with red lips, and eyes with yellow circle patterning around them. Beige fins extend from above and below her head, her body has three yellow circular electricity-generating organs on either side, along with a red tail fin.

Membra: What the... I evolved?! But how?

Ash: Looks like the battle with Hattrem and frying Evelyn was the spark you needed to get to your next stage. *takes out Pokedex* And now you're a....

Pokedex: Eelektrik, the EleFish Pokemon and the evolved form of Tynamo. An Electric type. Upon spotting prey, Eelektrik immediately coils around it and shocks it using its electricity-generating organs to paralyze it before eating it. It dwells mostly within caves in marine environments. This Eelektrik is level 39, Female, and has the ability, Levitate. It knows the moves Spark, Acid, Headbutt, and Thunder Wave.

Cobalt: Nonetheless, congratulations on evolving, Membra.

Membra: Thanks. And just in time too, the school's right around the corner. Lucky for us, when Tynamo evolve, they usually leave to fend for themselves.

Ash then allowed Membra to approach her rapidly approaching school, giving her a few minutes to say her goodbyes. After she seemed to nuzzle the leader, Membra slithered her way over to the group.

Membra: Alright, I'm all your's.

Ash: Well then, welcome to the family, Mem- *alerted* BRA!

This tone had come from the Eelektrik constricitng herself around Ash, beginning him into a very tight hug. As Serena and Gary chuckle at the sight, our heroes will now be able to continu their journey to Virbank City as they're joined by a new electrifying friend. And soon, possibly to Liliycove City for the next step in the Battle Frontier as their journey continues.



Ash's Team

Lucario: Cobalt

Sceptile: Green

Alakazam: Psi

Gengar: Yami

Charizard: Aidan

Inteleon: Azula

Togekiss: Kestrel

Lycanroc *Dusk form*: Hunter

Marowak: Kabu

Dracovish: Jaws

Eelektrik: Membra

Rotom: Sparky (at Oak's lab)

Umbreon *shiny*: Blacky (at home)

Serena's Team

Fennekin: Kyubi

Murkrow: Lucky

Oshawott: Oliver

Gary's Team





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Now complete short fantasy novel featuring lots of Pokeshipping! Ash receives news that The Sensational Sisters have lost their rights to running th...
31.6K 341 13
Ash has just lost in the Indigo League, due to his Charizard's disobedience. As he and Pikachu are thinking things over by a lake, they are sure in f...
799 28 11
A rewrite of the first Pokemon movie with lots of new exciting twists. An alternate ending to the anime over 20 years in the making.