Shadows Into Light (GxG)

By sheamichellee

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Book One in the Children of the Moon Chronicles Two sisters hunted down to the edges of the Earth, orphaned a... More

Authors Note


70 5 4
By sheamichellee

Do not cry wolf cub
For when the lights leave
The dark fears you

"I DID IT FATHER," Ember called, Oscar didn't turn to see her or acknowledge the girl. "Didn't you hear me? I did it, I killed her for you." She held her wounded shoulder as the man continued to ignore her, sparking her anger.

Ember craved her father's approval, to have him be proud of her. At the very least not to despise her existence. It drived her every action, drove her mad.  He only cared about her and she just killed his pain, all for him. He should be showering her with praise. Instead he ignores her still. Every silent second was tantalizing, her pain forgotten and replaced with disdain.

"It's about time," he spoke with aloofness, flicking his hand in dismissal. Ember's brow twitched. She looked at what was taking his attention, and sucked her teeth. Marching over to the man, who was bent over an ornate wooden box. "Can you stop pining over a dead woman and look at me!" She pleaded already feeling the fire growing in her chest. Placing her good hand on his shoulder, before ripping it away from his corpse like skin. Dread snaked her spine, and bile crept up her throat.

She wanted to stomp her feet and demand he give her the attention she deserved, to acknowledge her wounds. To be here father and tend to them, to demand to know who hurt her and send them to hell.

Oscar continued to ignore his daughter, and ran his fingers across the woman's sickly face. "She's not dead yet," he growled. Ember was taken aback, "Who?" She scoffed, throwing her hands in the air, causing small tendrils of fire to escape. "Who is she!" She cried.

She gripped her bleeding shoulder, wincing in pain. Her head felt fuzzy from the blood loss, it ran down her arm dripping to the floor, pooling at her feet.

He hummed, closing the box and locking it, twirling the key between his fingers. "She's her mother, the love of my life." He whispered, looking lost in thought, the softest he ever looked was with the sleeping woman.

Turning to face Ember, he glared at the young girl. "You are useless, wasting time frolicking with that Alpha causing me to lose my daughter." He pushed past her leaving her shocked and hurt.

Brows furrowed she followed him with her eyes and screamed, flames sprouting in front of the man, blocking his path. He stilled, and turned to face the girl teeth bared. "I am your daughter! Me!" She screeched.

He marched toward her, grabbing the girl by her throat, lifting her off the ground. She struggled, clawing at his hands, her flames dispersing. His expression was disinterested, "You are nothing more than a punishment, a mistake. You, are, nothing." He spat.

Ember dropped to the floor, holding her throat and gasping for breath. Tears burned her eyes, she held a flame in her hands and aimed it at the box thay preserved the woman he loved so deeply. "What do you want from me?" She called after him, "What more can I do to please you!" She cried.

He watched her from the threshold, his face turning sour, a crazed look in his eye. "I want you to have never existed along with your bitch of a mother!" He snarled, his words finalized Ember's decision, she lit the box ablaze and left, leaving a cloud of smog in her wake as he cried out running to the box to disperse the fire.

"No! Raine, my love," Oscar pried open the box, pulling the frail woman out. The fire spread, engulfing the woman, the man cried out and she burned in his arms. "Ember!" he screamed to the empty room. "Ember stop!" The flames didnt touch him, but covered the womans entire body.

He dropped the woman and crawled backward howling, when suddenly the fire went out, leaving the lifeless body crumpled on the floor.

Oscar screamed, hitting the floor. He stood, throwing the wooden box to the wall splintering it.

The room seemed to collapse around him, the air thick with emotion, his mouth agape, eyes cast to the ceiling. His hands bleed as his nails tore through the palms. His screams shaking the room.

Ember spoke behind him, "You can't blame me, you took her out, you killed her. Not me." She whispered. Begging him silently to forget the woman and see her, his daughter.

"Tell the wolves to attack, I want everyone dead." He stood in the center of the room shaking with fury.

Ember nodded, "yes, father."


The mountains trembled as the sky cast a purple hue on the landscape. Wolves howled from the darkness.

The stars glared in the sky, the wildlife was still, not making a sound.

The town was quiet, the moon rocking and lulling the women and children to sleep. Unbeknownst to them, the peace and tranquility was a lie, a cover for the demons creeping upon them.

Quietly, the wolves advance, snapping their bloody jaws. Their eyes glowing in the darkness, poisoning the ground with malice. Hunger and instinct driving them to kill and devour.

One by one, all over the continent, they attack. Leaving bodies for loved ones to wake and find, the howls erupted in the night, by dawn the mournful cries harmonized into one.

No one was safe from the monsters. There was no where to run, no where to hide. It was over in an instant, limbs scattered across the lands.

Blood soaked the ground, spilled into the rivers, hung in the air. It touched everything, the sky cried out, and a storm brewed. Warning those who had not been found.

War had begun.

AN: Sorry for the short chapter! Let me know if this chapter is confusing!

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