
By Kaito5382084

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Kenji's friends and family along with Union will be reacting Kenji and his aus. They'll see what kind of Kenj... More

Kenji's Death
The Sparda Brothers
In The End
Across the Kenjiverse
Funny Shit
I got no time
King of Monsters & King of Primates vs The Ultimate Destroyer
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Kenji vs Kurayami Part 1

350 10 1
By Kaito5382084

3rd person's POV

Everyone were in their seats and of course Kenji's friends and St.Freya had 1st class seats away from Union and the screen began to play.

Kenji was currently getting for his match against Kurayami and he was about to go until he heard someone call him.

???: Kenji!

He looked to see Kaori running up to him.

Kenji: Oh, hey, Kaori. What's- Woah!

She hugged him tightly which made him confused but he hugged her back.

Kaori:*hugs him tightly*

Kenji: Hey, hey, relax. I'm not going anywhere.

Kaori: I know........But I have a feeling something terrible will happen........So promise please be careful when you fight him and don't be so reckless.

Kenji: I promise I won't.

Kaori: Do you promise?

Kenji: I promise.

Kaori: Pinky swear?

She holds out her pinky which made Kenji chuckle as he wrapped his pinky around her as a flashback of them when they were kids doing a pinky swear.

Kenji: This brings back some memories.

Kaori: Yeah........We've always made promises to each.

Kenji: And we couldn't keep some of those promises because of the foes we fought.

Kaori: But there was one promise that meant more to us than all those other promises. Do you remember?

Kenji: Yeah, I remember. We promised each other.........

Both: To stay together, love each other and be at each other's sides no matter where we are and if we're lost one of us will save each other.

Kenji: Hehe, that's one promise I'm never breaking.

Kaori: Me too.

The two shared a passionate kiss and hugged each other until they separated.

Kenji: Well, I better get going. Cheer me on with the others?

Kaori: You know it.

Kenji smiled and walked towards the Arena as Kaori held her chest looking at Kenji with a worried look.

Kaori: 'Please.......Be careful, Kenji. Uncle Niko, please keep Kenji safe.'

Andrea: "Kenji......."

Shaiver: "I remember this......"

In the arena the audience were cheering pumped up for the fight.

Sayaka: And now the next match of the third stage begins! The fighters are entering!

Purple highlights glowed in the arena as Kurayami's face was shown.

Sayaka: This fighter is a savage machine who perfectly destroyed/beaten in his last matches! He's unparalleled in cruelty! He won't expecting no mercy from this man! What's his aim you ask? To trample you! The more important question is will he sink Ganryu Island into a sea of blood? Standing at 7'4 and weighing 459lbs. With a kengan matches 178 wins, 167 losses and has won the Kengan Tournament 155 times. Presenting under the Purple Rose Corporation, The Taboo Descendant, KURAYAMI CRIMSON CHAOS SIEGHART!!!!!!

Purple smoke exploded and Kurayami walked in the arena with a grin stretching his arms and neck.

The arena glowed red highlights as Kenji's face was shown.

Sayaka: The student of the previous Ashura Ohma Tokita and has fought many opponents. A dark horse who has overcomes the dotting odds. What is his desire?! Or for what reason does he fight for?! What hopes for this beast set on his fists?! Standing at 7'4 and weighing 459lbs. With a kengan matches 178 wins, 167 losses and has won the Kengan Tournament 155 times. From the Crimson Flame Corporation is The Ashura! KENJI CRIMSON CHAOS SIEGHART!!!!!!

Red smoke exploded as Kenji walked in the arena cracking his knuckles.

Kyra was currently watching in the entrance that Kurayami walked out of and she had a worried expression for her husband.

Kyra: 'Kurayami........Don't do anything stupid please........'

Satori:........She's worried about him isn't she?

Kaito: Mhm......

Kenji and Kurayami were currently standing face to face in the Kengan Arena.

Kurayami: Yo, cut-rate! You ready for me to kill you dead yet?

Kenji: Heh.......You really love to talk don't you, you freak?

Erioh was currently watching the match with a grin.

Erioh: 'Kurayami, there's no need for you to hold back this time. Kenji, this is your punishment for laying a hand on Karura. This is where you die.'

Shaiver: O_O Overprotective much?

Spiral: Note to self: Never piss off the old geezer of the Kure Clan.

In the medical room everyone was watching the match on TV.

Karura: 'Kenji........Kurayami is strong.'

Connor: Damn that Kurayami.......That's a cocky face he's making.

Hanafusa was looking at Kenji with concerned and he looked at Zero.

Hanafusa: Hey.

Zero: Hm?

Hanafusa: Is he gonna be alright?

Zero: Huh? Are you really trying to tell me that Kenji is gonna lose?

Hanafusa: It's always been possible. However, you should be more concerned about him losing against himself.

Zero: Huh?

Zero: I knew what he meant by that, that day......

Back at the arena the two were still looking at each other.

Referee: Okay, fighters! Are you ready?!

Kenji and Kurayami stretched their bodies, necks, cracked their knuckles and jumped a little.

Kurayami: Hehehehehehe.

Referee: Fighters, ready?!

The two got in their fighting stance as Kenji smirked and Kurayami grinned and cackled and everyone watched intensely while Kenji's friends and family were worried.

Ohma: 'Kenji.........Whatever you do, do not use Chaos Advance.'

Referee: BEGIN!

Veins popped out of Kurayami's body as he was growling and grunting as he grinned and everyone felt this dangerous killer intent.

Tristan: 'This killer Intent.........'

Irene: 'I never felt anything like this.........'

Alice: 'Kurayami.......'

Kurayami: I couldn't care less......It doesn't matter who lives or who dies! I'll destroy them all! And your first on that list cut-rate!

Kurayami charged at Kenji and attempted to punch him but Kenji dodged and used IronBreaker to straight punch Kurayami on the face sending him back a bit. Kenji then charged at him and used Ironbreaker again. Kurayami used his arms to block Kenji's punches.

Koneko: "Those are fast strikes, I don't think I can block or counter them."

Yang: "His fighting style....."

Anna: Kenji's rushing in already?

Shaiver: He's fast even more than his first match.

Yara: He wants to end this fight right away.

Sayaka: Incredible! It's a hail of blows!

Jerry: How strange. There's no pattern to his strikes which makes it difficult to read.

Kenji was about to punch him again but Kurayami grabbed his arms.

Kurayami: What's going on with you, huh? You seem oddly fired up today. Hahaha!

Kenji was struggling until he kicked Kurayami in the nuts which made him let go and Kenji kneed his face and grab his face.

Kenji: Niko Style: Adamantine Kata, Weeping Willow!

He grabbed Kurayami by the neck and threw him on the ground.

Kurayami was about to get up but Kenji kicked him on the face sending him flying which shocked everyone.

Yang; Oh crap!

Ruby: That kick must have been very, very, very painful!

Bakugo: Tch.....I can do that.

Kaito: -_- You wish.

Bakugo: WHAT DID-

Bakugo's mouth disappeared.

Everyone was shocked how much power and force Kenji used to send his brother flying.

Everyone: 'He's strong!'

Kenji began to repeatedly punch Kurayami's face and he used IronBreaker to punch his face two times, punch his chest and upper cut him. Kurayami was about to attack Kenji who used Phantom Pace to dodge and use IronBreaker to punch his side.

Ojiro: "I swear I recognise that fighting style."

Shaiver: 'So strong........Clearly, way more than in the first three matches.'

Kenji then used Flashing Steel Smash to punch Kurayami on the face and began to punch his face and body.

Henzo: This is bad! This is very, very bad! Seems like a one very slaughter right now!

Kurayami grinned and his eyes glowed purple.

Kurayami: Dumbass as always~

Kurayami straight punched him on the face and Kenji fell.

Henzo: Oh, nevermind.

Kenji got up and spit some blood.

Kurayami: You really shouldn't get so worked up about a promise, brother.

Kenji wiped the blood off his mouth and glared at Kurayami.

Kurayami: This is between the two of us so stand your ass up. I'm gonna show you *grins and looks down at Kenji* Strength, you won't be able to overcome.

Spiral: This can't be! He barely has a scratch on him after taking all those attacks!

Searon: What sort of trick is this?!

Meanwhile Metsudo was the watching the Match with Rama XIII, the ruler of the Kingdom Thailand.

Everyone minus Kenji's friends were in fear because they remember when they started a war against Thailand and they lost half of their soldiers, weapons and students.

Metsudo: Do you understand now, Mr.Rama? This is the true power of the Kure Family.

Rama: Oh, how truly fascinating. One would think no matter how durable the fighter maybe taken that fierce attacks. I'd leave him to stand him so compose.

Metsudo: Well, you see the secret lies in their blood selective breeding over the course of 13,000,000,000 years in fact. Their body functions far surpassed the modern day human is capable of. Thanks to the stamina of their bodies and the abnormal secretion of 20 different kinds of neon transmitters. They can withstand even with a grievous wound. Those fighters that take pride in their durability acquired that strength through their gruelling efforts. However, the Kure Family are already born with the stamina to outlast any man. You could actually call the Kure Family a new race of human specialised for battle.

Rama: I understand.*looks at Kurayami* He is a true living weapon.

Kurayami spit blood and wiped his face then chuckled and Kenji was doing a few jumps.

Kurayami: Disappointed now are you? Your little techniques and Niko Style aren't shit to me. You got that?!

Ojiro: !!!! "THE NIKO STYLE?!"

I will say that nut shot did some work though. I'm done with all these warm up moves. What I want to see is that form you used back then in our previous battle.

Ironwood: What form is he talking about?

Kaito just ignored him as he looked at the screen.

Kurayami: If you don't hurry up and transform I'll bash your brains in this instant.

Kenji:*stretches his neck and gets into a stance* Don't get ahead of yourself, you freak.

Kenji charged at him and punched him on the face chest sending Kurayami away but it didn't harm Kurayami.

Kurayami: Hey, hey. Did you even hear me just now?

Kenji used Flashing Steel: Smash to uppercut Kurayami sending him staggering back.

Kenji punched him again and was about to plunge his hand into him but Kurayami grabbed it.

Kurayami: I told you they won't work. Haven't you realised it? Fighting techniques aren't exactly your thing that's why they lack precision!

Kurayami threw Kenji on the ground making him vomit blood and Kurayami was about to stomp on him but Kenji rolled away. Kenji got up and Kurayami grabbed him by the hair and grinned.

Kurayami: Heh! Hahaha! I'm not letting you get away.

Kurayami slammed his head on the ground and lifted him up and punched him and Kenji walked back and Kurayami grabbed him by the hair again and kneed his gut and elbowed his head then slammed him on the ground a few times.

Riley: Kenji!

Liang: Oh no!

Kurayami kept slamming against the ground repeatedly. Katsuro was currently watching the fight in the stands by himself with his arms crossed.

Agito: 'Have you noticed, Kenji? Kurayami hasn't used a single Kure family Technique yet.'

Kurayami kicked Kenji again and laughed.

Agito: 'He is currently overpowering you and he's doing with his own strength alone. As you are now you can't even manage to draw out his true strength and power.'

Kenji was about to get up but Kurayami put his foot on his head.

Kurayami: You understand the difference of strength now? If you don't hurry up and transform I'll kill you.

Kurayami grabbed him by the head and lifted him up.

Kurayami: I'm telling you, dumb ass. It's pointless.

Kurayami gave Kenji a heavy punch sending him back.

Liang: Kenji!

Kenji: 'They're not working.....Niko.....Your techniques aren't working if I want to beat this guy I have to use IT.'

He then remembered his family and friends smiling at him.

Kenji: 'If it means winning then my life is a price I can pay!'

Conner: He would go that FAR to protect us......

Shaiver: Yeah......

K.Katsuro: That absolute idiot.......

Kenji's heart gave heavy beat and everyone heard it.

Kurayami: Huh?

Kimiko: What?

Ryuki: Did he........?

Ohma: He did........

Everyone: "What did he do?"

Ddraig: Son........

Armageddon: Nephew........

Garayann: Kid........

Dark Blood Crimson smoke started to come out of Kenji until it bursted and Kenji began to transform with his skin turned crimson blood red. Kenji slowly growled and looked at Kurayami.

Kurayami: Hahahahahaha! So you finally transformed?! You should have done that from the start!

In an instant Kenji leaped towards at Kurayami and punched his gut making him cough out blood.

Kurayami: 'Damn! That was fast! Hell, a lot faster than during the first stage!'

Izuku: What does he-

Shaiver: NO ONE CARES DEKU!!!!

Izuku; I just wanted-

Spiral: SHUT UP, DEKU!

Kenji began to punch and kicked everywhere on his body until Kenji used both his fists and punched Kurayami's chest making him cough out blood and Kurayami punched Kenji's face.

Kurayami: This can't be all you got right?! Come at me like you're gonna die!

Kenji stood still and Kurayami charged at Kenji and attempted to punch him but Kenji grabbed it.

Kurayami: Huh?!

Kenji(C.A.): What's wrong, little bro......? *grins and looks at him* Don't tell me you that you gotten slower.

Kenji pulled Kurayami towards him and kicked him making him cough blood.

Kurayami: 'He got faster again!'

Kenji punched Kurayami everywhere not giving him the chance to attack back meanwhile Kiria was watching and had tears in her eyes.

Kiria: Aw~....I've been waiting so long for this. Hundred Eons years and the spell on you is finally broken~ The wait was long~ It was too long~ That day~

Kiria had a flashback of herself back then looking at the Tyrannical and Cruel God version of Kenji while falling in love.

Kiria: I saw it~......I saw the God inside you~

Kenji and Kurayami were landing blows on each other showing no mercy.

Audience member 1: What a furious fist fight!

Audience Member 2: GIVE US MORE!

The two kept fighting until Kenji and Kurayami crossed punched each other in their faces and the two grinned.

Kurayami: I see.......Alright.

A dark purple surrounded Kurayami as he grinned.

Kurayami: You should be able to keep up with this then.

Erioh: Making the call on his own? What a damn idiot.

Ancalagon: Things have gotten interesting now~

Kyra: There it is......

Kurayami was growling while his skin and eyes turned purple as he activated Shadow Removal and grinned.

Kenji(C.A.): I don't know you........So I couldn't care less of having to kill you.

Shaiver looked closely and saw Kenji's eyes were completely red along with the sclera.

Everyone felt scared and shivered by that terrifying grin Kenji gave off.

Shaiver: His eyes.......He looks like the Kure Family.

Kurayami(S.R.): I see......*grins* You gave up your humanity but not exactly the way I have!

Gasper: Huh? What does he mean by that?

Kaito:......That's tough to explain.

Kenji(C.A.): Shut up and die already!

The two charged at each other and violently landed blows on each other.

Kimiko: Kenji........

Liang: He's getting stronger.......

Agata: But a fighting style like that......His body.......

Hanafusa: So you noticed it as well then?

They turned to see Hanafusa standing there watching the battle.

Liang: Hanafusa?

Hanafusa: I was curious about the source of his power and it seems it was just as I suspected. The bases of Kenji's mysterious his heart.

Connor: His heart?

Hanafusa: The heart is an organ comparable to an engine of organism.

Kenji and Kurayami kept landing violent blows on each other and they showed no mercy.

Hanafusa: It seems Kenji is able to control the rate of his heart beat which means it increases the speed of the blood circulation the energy generated within which he converts into motion. That is the truth of his power. It differs to the Kure's family Removal which unleashes their dormant strength. It's really quite fascinating.

Tristan: But why is he so reckless?

Irene: If he does that will his body be alright under the burden?

Hanafusa: There's no way he'll be alright. First there's the damage in the blood vessels, the bleeding to the brain will lead to memory loss and hallucinations will be begin visual and auditory then his heart will ultimately reach it's limit.

Anna: And by limit do you mean that?!

Hanafusa: From here, it's mere speculation of course but when I heard his heart beat......Kenji's heart is under four to five times the normal burden.......Considering the damage to his body now.......His life is currently hanging in the balance.

Amy: K-Kenji will......Die?!

Regina: What?!

Searon: No, way!

Andrea:*eyes widen and looks at the match* "Kenji.......You promised me, you wouldn't use it anymore......"

The two kept hitting each other until Kurayami punched his face and Kenji grinned and violently punched Kurayami and punched him on the chest.

Kurayami(S.R.): That hurts, dumbass!

Kurayami kicked Kenji in the gut.

Horio: Moron! Why won't he use Kure techniques?

Hollis: That's because he's enjoying the match. Just like Raian, Kurayami loves the sense of dominance of hurting others. I never seen him like this.

Raian: Haha! That's my star pupil!

Back at the fight, the two fighters kept exchanging blows.

Kurayami(S.R.): 'If I use the Kure Techniques, this match will be over in an instant! And yet! You still got more in you!'

Kurayami straight punched Kenji on the face sending him away.

Kurayami(S.R.): Don't stop now! Entertain me! Is that all you got?!

Kenji charged at him and pushed him back but Kurayami stopped it with his feet and threw Kenji back. The two grinned and growled like savage beasts and the two began to clash violent blows on each again.

Kenji(C.A.): 'I can see it now.......I can see his movements!'

Kurayami tried to punch Kenji who dodged and elbowed his opponent's face.

Kenji(C.A.): DIE!

Kenji attempted to punch him but Kurayami punched his gut before Kenji could land his attack.

Kurayami(S.R.): This was a lot of fun, brother. You gave me plenty of entertainment. Now......Time to die!

Kenji coughed out blood and held his chest and tried to lift his arm but struggled.

Kenji(C.A.): 'What the.....? My body feels heavy. This is bullshit.......No, I can still.....'

Kurayami grabbed him by the neck and grinned.

Kurayami(S.R.): AHAHAHAHAHA!

The Taboo Descendant that is the nickname that is given to all the members of the Kure Family. However.....Kurayami's true nickname is......"Shadow." The Shadow lays waste to all.

Kurayami(S.R.): DIE!

Kurayami punched Kenji on the face sending him flying and Kenji landed on the ground and everyone was shocked what they saw.

Yara: N-No way.......

Kaori: Kenji........

Kimiko: Kenji can't be........

Kenji's body reverted back to normal as the screen slowly turned black.

Mina: What happened?!

Kirishima: Things were getting interesting!

Kaito: I'm afraid we're gonna have to stop for awhile but don't worry they'll be a second one to show what happens but until then we're going to react to other universes.

Kaito pressed the button and it began to load the next video.

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Universe found!



End of chapter

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