In The End

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3rd person's POV

Shaiver, his siblings, Conner, Anna, Pneuma, Alice, Diana, Tristan, Irene, Arthias, Arianna, Haruka and Union entered the theatre to see Kaito.

Kaito: Welcome back! How was your break?

Shaiver: It was fine.

Kaito: ! Wait, where's Zero and Amy?

Andrea; They had to leave because the Gods of Olympus are at it again.

Kaito: -_- Those fools cannot accept defeat, can they?

Conner: nope

Anna: their idiots what do you expect?

Shaiver: That's why I hate Gods of Olympus so much

Andrea: -_-

Kaito: All of us do.

Ruby: What are we reacting to next?

Kaito; This is a music video that Kenji made.

Leona: ??? Which one?

Kaito: You know this one......In The End.

Leona and Mikasa's eyes widen.

Leona: Wait, you mean......

Mikasa: The song that Kenji made about his problems?

Kaito; Yep.

Shaiver: I see

Conner: .... this is gonna be something

Anna: mhm *crosses her arms*

Kaito: Now.....Take a seat.

They all nodded and the screen began to play along with a piano as it showed a young Kenji wearing a cloak and was standing on a building looking down at the chaos happening in the "Inside" of the Tokita Ward before he looked at the distance.

Past Kenji: It starts with....

Screen changes to Adult Kenji walking in the chaos of the Tokita Ward.

Future Kenji: One thing. I don't know why, It doesn't even matter how hard you try.

Yang: What does he mean by that?

Mikasa: He's basically saying he tries to escape or solve all his problems with his enemies but he kept failing and failing repeatedly so he just gave up and is saying nothing matters to him anymore

Anna: ......

Conner: jesus...

Leona: Yeah...

Adult Kenji: Keep that in mind
I designed this rhyme to explain in due time.

Future & Past; All I know.

Future Kenji: Time is a valuable thing. Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings. Watch it count down to the end of the day the clock ticks life away.

Future/Past: It's so unreal.

Black chains began to come out of the ground and follow Past Kenji who was walking on the streets of the crimes in the Tokita Ward.

Anna: oh my..

Future Kenji; Didn't look out below. Watch the time go right out the window.

Shackle bracelets and a shackle collar appeared on Past Kenji's arms, legs and neck as the chains attached themselves on to bracelets and collar.

Mirko: What the hell....?

Conner: Kenji.... hes been through absolute hell mentally....

Kaito: Exactly.....Due to losing his master, his unintentional actions, people calling him a monster, his friends abandoning him, being treated like an outcast, running away from his problems, failing to reason with his enemies, losing the people he loves and losing so many times those shackles are reminders of his failures, regrets, loss, guilt, sorrow, wrath, fear, depression, sins and autophobia/monophobia.

KenjiverseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora