The Sparda Brothers

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3rd person's POV

Kaito was seen coming back after teaching Hellsei a lesson for breaking his wall theatre.

Necro deadpanned at Kaito.

Necro: Did you have to? You know that its gonna be more difficult for the reboot if you damage him

Kaito: He shouldn't have broke my walls!

Necro: *Sighs* you are so lucky your my lil bro and student

Kaito grumbles as everyone came back into the theatre.

Necro: Ah, welcome back everyone. I hope you all enjoyed your break

Ruby: Where's Yang?

Necro: Wait, she's still with Ultima? Okay, either that woman isn't human or they are having too much of a good time together

Kaito shrugged his shoulders, not knowing either since he has no idea what Ultima Issei is like.

Kaito: I'm sure she's fine.

Issei: Um, should I be concerned since she's with....another me?

Necro: What makes you say that?

Issei pointed at Tai and Qrow who looked like they were gonna stab Issei at any moment.

Issei: Thats why!

Necro: Well, you shouldn't cause it wasn't you. But an alternative version of you

Issei: Tell that to them! They wont stop glaring at me!

Kaito: Relax you two, you're going after the wrong Issei.

Necro: Plus he is also a alternative version of Prime Issei

Tai grumbles and sat down next to Summer and Qrow sat down next Ruby with their arms crossed.

Kaito: Yeesh, and I thought I was overprotective.

Necro: You are, but of me!

Kaito: Oh, come on. How?

Necro: -_- do I have to get the list?

Kaito:......No, sir.

Necro: Thats what I thought

Ozpin soon raised his hand.

Kaito: Yes?

Ozpin: Forgive my intrusion, but what are we watching this time if you don't mind me asking?

Kaito: Let me see.

Kaito went towards the machine and his eyes widen because someone already pressed it.

Kaito; Okay, who pressed the machine?!

Necro: Dont look at me, I was busy

He saw Necro whistling innocently while sucking a lollipop.

Kaito: You didn't.

Necro: -_- I just said I didn't

A second Necro appeared next to Kaito.

Necro #2: I can vouch for Necro

A third one appeared.

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