Don't Baby Me (Age-Regression...

By UghSt00pid

461K 11.3K 2.3K

When a test you take in high school determines your classification as Pet, Little, Submissive, Handler, Careg... More

Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six


16.6K 434 91
By UghSt00pid

"Alright, sweetheart. Can you jump up onto this scale for me? I need to get your height and weight." The nice nurse points to the scale and I happily hop up.

There's butterfly stickers stuck to it, making me suddenly want one. It would look so cool with my outfit. Maybe I could even share it with Henry, Ethan, Otto, and Lyle. They could take turns with the sticker.

As long as I get it back I'll share.

"Look at you, pretty girl! You've gained a little bit of weight. One pound to be exact! The doctor is going to be so proud of you." The pretty nurse with brown hair tickles my belly, then asks if she can pick me up.

I nod and lift my arms. She grabs me and sets me on her hip, letting me play with her shiny hair while she carries me into a room.

"Can I haves a sticker, pease?" I ask nicely, using my manners.

She taps her chin like she's thinking, then says, "If you're really, really good for the doctor, I'll make sure you get a sticker when you leave."

Well that's easy. I'll just be extra good while the doctor does whatever he has to do. As long as he doesn't poke me or give me owies. That would not be good.

I'm carried into a room that's brightly decorated. There's yellow paint with butterflies and little animals. I love it. In the middle of the room is a table that's bright pink.

"Why don't you sit here while I grab the magic cuff that tells us how your heart is doing?" The nice nurse sets me on the table while she goes to get her magic cuff.

Maybe she's a witch like Mama. That would be kinda cool. She can use her witch magic to get my blood without having to poke me.

Just thinking about it makes me jealous that Mama's a witch and I'm not. It is possible that I'm just not grown enough to have my powers yet. I'm just three after all.

"Can I wrap this around your arm?" Nurse lady asks.

I nod, holding out my arm while the guys stand around the room. Lyle is smiling at me, and when he sees me looking, he gives me a big thumbs up.

"Now I need you to be really still so that my magic cuff can work. It's going to give you a big squeeze and then let you go. Alright?"

I nod my head and hold out my arm so she can wrap the magic doo da thingy around my upper arm. It squeezes me tightly, almost to the point where it's owie. My face scrunches up as it holds me for a long time.

"I want it off! It's owie!" I whine, trying not to move so it can be over with quicker.

"Just a few more second, baby girl. Be brave for just a little bit longer." Lyle comes over as he's talking, rubbing my back to try and comfort me.

My eyes fill with tears and I sniffle. Before my tears can fall, the stupid magic cuff finally lets me go. Lyle lifts me up and sets me on his lap, facing him.

He kisses my cheeks and rubs my back until I stop sniffling. I snuggle into his chest and put my thumb in my mouth. The meanie nurse used her witch magic to hurt me. I don't think I like her anymore.

"I'm sorry about that, Ayla. I know the cuff can sometimes hurt. When you're ready, I need you to go potty so I can have some of your pee pee." The nurse hands Lyle a cup.

Why does she want me to go potty in a cup? Is she going to use my pee pee to make some witchy spells on me? If so, I don't think I'll go potty for her.

"Come on, little lady. I'll help you in the potty." Henry tries to take me from Lyle, making me shake my head.

"She's gonna use my pee pee to make witchy potions to give me more owies." I whine, clinging to Lyle.

He'll save me from the meanie witch. I'm his favorite; he has to save me.

"Nurse Macy isn't going to hurt you, little one. She's not a witch. They need your pee to make sure everything is going okay in your body. Can you trust me on this?" Otto chips in, coming forward and crouching in front of me.

I look at everybody, thinking about whether or not to trust them. Eventually, I nod and hold my arms out to Henry.

He lifts me and I wrap my legs around his tummy. "Where's your restroom?" He asks possible witch nurse.

"Down the hall to the left. We don't need it all the way full. Just a little under halfway."

Henry grabs the cup from Lyle and takes me to the bathroom. There's two potties in here. One is normal and the other is attached to the wall without a base. It doesn't have a seat, just a drain in the middle.

"Why is dat potty weird?" I question, tilting my head to the side while Henry helps me pull my panties down.

He turns to see what I'm looking at and chuckles saying, "That is a potty for boys. We stand when we use the bathroom, so we get special potties."

"I wanna use dat one." I point to it and shuffle there, almost tripping over my panties that are around my ankles.

Henry keeps laughing and grabs me before I can try to use that toilet, carrying me over to the normal one. He sits me down and opens the cup, putting it between my legs.

"Can you try and potty now? We can tackle standing up while peeing another time." He's still laughing, making me frown.

"I don't gotta go pee pee." I whine.

"Can you try for me? We just need a little bit."

Sighing, I hold my dress up while I scrunch my face to focus. I only manage to go a little bit. Henry tells me I did a good job and helps me wipe myself, helping me wash my hands.

Instead of carrying me back, he let's me skip back to the room. The few people I pass tell me how adorable I am. Henry thanks each of them and tells them how proud he is of me.

I dunno why he would be proud of me. I'm just skipping along. Nevertheless, I find them room and climb my way back up onto the table.

"Sorry, there isn't much." Henry tells the nurse while handing the cup over.

"This is more than enough. Thank you. The doctor will be in shortly." The nurse waves goodbye to me, making me turn my head away.

I'm still not sure about her after learning she's a witch.

"That was rude, little duck. She was very nice and you couldn't use your manners to say goodbye." Ethan says gently.

"She's gonna use my pee pee to do a spell." I complain.

Otto turns his face away and makes a funny sound. When he turns back to me, his face is back to normal.

"The nurse is not trying to make a spell with your urine. She's also not a witch. Why don't you sit on my lap and you can play on my phone while we wait?" Ethan suggests, making me bounce with excitement.

I hope it's a coloring game. I love to color.

He lifts me from the table and sits down in my spot, setting me back down on his lap. Pulling out his phone, Ethan scrolls through the apps until he picks out a coloring one.

I swing my legs and hum a song while I pick out something to draw, eventually picking out a pretty flower. Ethan helps me pick out colors, giving me good suggestions.

The door to the room opens while I'm coloring a petal purple. Ethan takes his phone back and I whine. He nudges my side and says, "The doctors here. It's time to put the phone away."

"I was colorin'!" Huffing, I cross my arms over my chest.

The doctor man stands in front of me, wearing a white coat. He has shiny black hair and nice blue eyes. Too bad he's interrupting my fun time.

"It's nice to see you while you're awake, Ayla. The last time I saw you, you were sleeping in a crib with scrapes and bruises on your arms in legs. You're looking much better now."

Yeah, I know I'm looking much better. I got my pretty dress on and Otto made my hair pretty.

"Are you not feeling talkative today? That's okay. We'll be best friends before you leave today. I just have one question?"

I doubt we're going to be best friends. He's the meanie doctor that made Ethan take back his phone. No way can I be friends with him.

"Can you tell me how old you are?" He inquires.

Holding up three fingers, I hold them out to him. He smiles and reaches up, trying to tap my head. I'm quick to move away before he can mess up Otto's hairstyle. No way, stinky man.

Doctor man stands and turns to the guys saying, "Ayla's weight is looking a tiny bit better. It said in her chart that she's finishing most of her meals. I think we can take the tube out today. A pound gained is a small amount, but it happened within a week.

"That let's me know that she's eating. I am going to recommend a protein shake that she'll have to drink with each meal. It's a supplement."

Henry pays close attention to everything evil doctor says. He even takes notes on his phone.

"I also want to discuss something important. Is Mae coming today?"

Ethan starts bouncing me on his knee when I start to get bored of the talk going on around me. I want to go home and play. It's no fun here.

"She should be here. I got a text from her saying that traffic was bad this morning. She'll be here soon." Lyle tells them.

"Just report this message back to her. Caregiver rules state that their Little's should nurse with at least one of their caregivers depending on the size of the group. Yours is rather large, with five people.

"That means Ayla will have to nurse with at least two of you. I'm sure you've read the rule books for your designation, and know that this helps get the little into the correct headspace and creates a bond.

"With five people in your group, it's recommend that at least two take on that nursing role. I know Mae has already voiced her willingness. Have any of you guys chosen who would take on that other role?"

I have no idea what this man is talking about. What's nursing and why do two people have to do that?

"Lyle is the most willing out of all of us." Henry nods towards the person he's talking about.

"The medicine we'll start you on to induce lactation is slightly different than the one we offer to women. Before you agree to this, it's wise to know what you're going to experience.

"You won't develop breasts or anything of that sort. Your pecs may swell and be tender for a bit after receiving the shot. Your testosterone levels won't increase or decrease, but we've had other patients realize they're moodier at first.

"Your nipples will grow slightly bigger along with your areoles. There's more positives than negatives. All to help Ayla, of course."

Lyle waves his hand through the air and says, "I know. I've already looked into this. If it is possible, Ethan wants to try too. Otto and Henry aren't as sure about it as we are."

"That's doable. Three out of five. That's a good number. I'm going to put a note in my chart about this and you'll receive a call from your doctor about the shot. Now, I'm going to remove Ayla's tube."

The doctor turns to me while I stare at him with wide eyes. I just know that he's going to give me big owies.

I'm probably not going to get that sticker...

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