By sukibenders

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"the weirdest things always happen in this town." tvd season one - tbd original story ocs x multiple pairings... More

graphic gallery
i. at the beginning
ii. welcome to mystic falls
iv. in the news
v. what a biting party
vi. the comet
vii. wasted time
viii. a dinner blast

iii. wannabe nancy drew

118 7 2
By sukibenders

III.        Wannabe Nancy Drew.

        WHEN BIANCA WAS IN her mandatory therapy session following a month into her mother's disappearance, her therapist-a woman in her thirties, Dr. Cristina Rudolph, had commented on a change that she had been recording since the day they first met. In beginning of attending therapy, Bianca would have replied how disturbing she had found the action, not overly pleased with the fact that someone, a complete stranger at that, had been able to obtain a read on her. However, after having been put through their session long enough, she had garnered the fact that this was simply a knack that most therapist had gained over years and years, patient to patient.

        What Dr. Rudolph had noticed was, when compared to their first meeting, not only had the young Amorettee been selectively communicative about her life following her mother's disappearance but also seemed to hold a new outlook on life. She had deducted it as a response to the traumatic experience of not only her mother's disappearance, but the reaction following, and concluded that, as a response, Bianca was more likely to deduce the worst in people, even upon a single meeting. It didn't matter what anyone had told her, if Bianca had felt a shift in the atmosphere surrounding the person in front of her, a sudden urge to discover every detail about them until there was no stone left unturned would present itself.

       Dr. Rudolph had said, as a defense mechanism had been built through the constant mistrust of others. To protect herself from any future harm, she found every flaw that she could until the preceived threat was no more. Sometimes to her benefit. Sometimes, a possibility presented to her during one session, to her detriment. And perhaps she had a point, with her psychoanalysis, but that didn't necessarily mean that Bianca was wrong. Adding into the superstition brought on by her newly discovered witch abilities, most of the time the teen had been proven right.

      Bianca didn't take Dr. Rudolph's words to heart.

      However, even with her knowing intuition, Bianca was smart enough to know that to build any case you first needed plausible evidence, especially when those around you didn't see the same things you did.

      Antonio had commented on the way that she had frozen in response to crossing paths with new kid, noting that she had seemed almost startled by him and was locked in a state of panic. Bianca laughed it off, deflecting it with the notion of a fake dream that had kept her up at night and the boy just so happened to appear. The Lockwood boy had contested to the lie, but Bianca had a feeling that it wouldn't last long if she kept lying so poorly.

      Dr. Rudolph would be proud.

      While the need for her particular set of evidence would be difficult to gather, as no one in their right mind would believe the notion of vampires, let alone any supernatural creatures existing in real life, Bianca was a patient young woman and knew that even the smallest details could lead to something bigger.

      One positive aspect of being friends with some of the most popular people in school-the only time the Amorettee girl would consider such a thing a prevalent quality-was the fact that information, even when in the form of gossip, could spread like wildfire. Strolling after her friends, Bianca wore a slightly amused masked expression as she listened to Caroline rattle off anecdotes that she garnered, simply from the first day, about the new student to grace their halls.

       "His name is Stefan Salvatore. He lives with his uncle up at the old Salvatore boarding house." Detailed the blonde, her eyes holding a dreamy glint to them the more she talked about the new guy. "He hasn't lived here since he was a kid. Military family, so they moved around a lot."

       Bianca hummed in response, mind already festering over the new information. Salvatore. The name held traction in the town of Mystic Falls with one of the other residents sharing that name, Zach Salvatore who had been a recluse, who came from one of the many founding families of the town. Bianca hadn't known much about them, but she did know that the boarding house had been built in 1914 and, even with its mansion style manner that most could only dream of living in one day, the house had gained a traction for being haunted.

       The rest of Caroline's statement held some ground. Zach had been the only Salvatore in the whole town for years, with hardly any mention of any other family so to speak. The aspect of military connections being the reason for constant mobility was, in hindsight, a decent enough lie to get someone off of your back. Bianca could even commented in as, unless someone was deeply interested, it wouldn't have gained much attention.

     "He's a Gemini, and his favorite color is blue."

      Bonnie raised a brow, her olive green eyes sparked with disbelief. "You got all of that in one day?" Bonnie Bennett, a short tawny skinned female who was the granddaughter of Sheila Bennett and a close friend to Bianca. Upon the discovery of her being a witch and a descendant from a long line of powerful magic users, Bianca didn't believe much anymore that her and Bonnie's friendship was happenstance as the Amorettee and Bennett bloodlines, she had learned, often had a way of meeting one another sooner or later in life.

      Bianca oftened wondered if maybe that had meant another witch was close by.

      Caroline scoffed. "Please, I got all of that between third and fourth period." She stared off dreamily in the distance before nodding with assurity. "We're planning a June wedding." With that she continued on her path, catching the attention of few others further down into the Grill, a common hangout spot for most of the Mystic Falls residents.

      "Wow," Bonnie watched after the blonde, eyes fluttering at the hysterics. "If I know Caroline, I know that I might as well take her word for it. Who do you think she'll make maid of honor?" When she didn't receive an immediate response, Bonnie raised a brow at her friend standing beside her. "Bi?"

      Bianca drew from her thoughts, mental lost of notes being scrapped for the shelves, focusing on her life at hand. "Knowing Care, she'd probably find a way to make each of us split the maid of honor duties, essentially orchestrating her whole wedding herself, just under disguise."

     Though falling into a giggle, Bonnie couldn't help but notice a shift in her friend's strides. "How are things holding up? For you and your dad, I mean."

      Bianca shrugged, falling way into a nearby seat. "Things are fine, we're fine." Her fingers toyed with the plastic straw floating around her drink, pushing against the ice chips and making a clicking sound occasionally as the objects friction moved against each other. "My dad's supposed to be getting some type of promotion in the next few weeks, which is great and all."

     "Yeah, it is. I'm sure that's exciting. Who wouldn't love to move up from typing five page research papers to having to work in the mud, under the hot sun, hoping to find buried treasures."

      Bianca narrowed her eyes at the slight poke. "Okay, he does more than just that. I mean, yes, everything you just said falls into  it, but without archeologist society wouldn't know much about its history today."

     Bonnie raised her hands in surrender. "Trust me, I'm not hating, I appreciate the work and all it's discoveries. But you can't tell me that it doesn't seem a little boring at times."

     Tracing through her brain, Bianca thought about the amount of times her father had been pried to a desk, working through mounds and mounds of research that it made her young mind spin. But in those memories, the young teen could always recount the bright smile on the man's face, never deterred when in the face of his work.

     Hearing the sound of a chair scrapping against the wood, Bianca caught the sight of blonde locks entering her line of vision. Matt Donavon, high school quarterback and Mystic Falls golden boy. Bianca had known the boy since middle school, but hadn't officially registered a connection to name until their sophomore year. However, the awkwardness exuding from everyone at the table was to present to ignore, and was easy to understand why.

     Nearing the end of freshman year and following the death of her parents, Elena Gilbert had found it best to call it quits with the eldest Donavon,  to which anyone including himself could understand given the situation. Even with though both had began leering to their separate ways, it was easy to see how Matt still held some for the two of them to return to where they once were.

     He was the only one who saw hope in that thought.

     It was obvious that he was trying to make way through formalities, his politeness there, but this was a routine that by the single looks both girls had given him, he had fest up.

    "H-how's Elena doing?" He asked.

      Bonnie sighed, a sense of tiredness bubbling at the surface at having to reiterate the same response over and over again. "Her mom and dad died. How do you think?" She grimaced but tried to ease the blonde gently. "She's putting on a good face, but it's only been four months."

      "Has she said anything about me?" Bianca couldn't help but shoot him a glance, while somewhat understanding his position, the question itself appeared at the wrong time.

      Easing herself out of the conversation, Bonnie stated firmly. "I am so not getting in the middle of this. You pick up the phone and call her."

     "I'd feel weird calling her. She broke up with me."

     Bianca patted his shoulder comfortingly. "Just...give it time, Matt." She said, her ears perking up at the sound of the Grill's front doorbell ringing in sign of new patrons. Following the sound, Bianca was met with the appearance of Elena Gilbert, a smile appearing on her face that was quickly erased when she took note of the person following behind her.

     Stefan Salvatore.

     IF BIANCA HAD ANY OTHER SET of questions pooling in her mind, she had originally thought that she would have stretch far and wide to gain them. However, it appeared, that some may lay closer within reach. After forming cordial greetings, Elena had informed her trio of friends that Stefan would be joining them. In hindsight, it made sense that the Gilbert girl would not only invite the Salvatore boy over, but also how quickly he seemed to gravitate towards her. If Bianca had to list the most outwardly kind person she had known, Elena would be the first name that came to mind. The chestnut haired, doe eyed Latina held a radiant smile and a welcoming personality similar to Caroline's, but where the blonde's was almost as exuberant as the sun itself, Elena's was more collected and relaxed, allowing for those to gravitate towards her at their own pace.

     The Gilbert girl would be the most likely to reach out and lend a hand to those in need, even without necessarily needing a reason behind it.

     Bianca had sat near Bonnie's left, situated between her and Caroline, who had eagerly taken the seat directly across from Stefan, an evident move of how much she wanted his full attention. To his left, Elena sat, smiling kindly at him even as Caroline peddled him with questions.

    "So, you were born in Mystic Falls?"

    Stefan nodded. "And moved when I was really young."


    "My parents passed away." He answered simply, his eyes skirting around the three girls before falling on Elena, who wore a look a sympathetic understanding.

    "I'm sorry," she said gently, quickly moving to direct the conversation. "Any siblings?"

    "None that I talk to." He continued. "I-I live with my uncle."

    Bianca pursed her lips in regard, taking note of not only how smoothly his responses were, but how short and to the point they were. Answering the question but not providing much details to go by. However, it was easy to note that this tactic was void when his gaze fell on Elena, the first stutter of the night falling from his lips as his eyes bore into hers.

   Bianca wasn't a fan, nor was she the only one who noticed.

   "So, Stefan, if you're new then you don't know about the party tomorrow."

   At the confused look in response, Bonnie explained. "It's a back to school thing at the Falls."

  Tilting his head, he looked at Elena. "Are you going?"

   As Elena moved to answer, Bonnie quickly interjected. "Of course she is." She stated with gentle firmness, shooting a pointed look at Stefan when Elena sent her a look.

   Sensing a perfect time, Bianca drummed her knuckles along the wood of the table. "So, Stefan, from what I've heard you're from a military family, correct?"

   If he was surprised by the question, as Bianca had hardly said a word the whole time, he didn't let it show. "Yes, my father served in the army so we had to move around a lot."

   "That kind of sounds cool, getting to travel I mean." Bianca didn't bat an eye at the shared looks she received from Bonnie and Elena. "So how many places have you been? I've...always had an interest in traveling, going out an seeing the world and all. Maybe you know a few places?"

   Stefan blinked, his expression distant as he seemed to think over the answer for the first time. "Uh, yeah, I know a few. I used to live in Portland but I don't remember to much about it. But I've always wanted to go back and see what it's like."

    "I hear it's a really nice place." Bonnie offered, receiving a small smile from the Salvatore.

   Bianca hummed. "So, are you liking Mystic Falls so far? I mean, how does it feel to be back?" Elena sent her look from across the table, watching as Stefan began to shift in his seat.

   "It's a nice place, truly. The town and the people are all lovely, I can see why my uncle decided to live here. Even if I left so young, it still feels like it's a part of me."

   Bianca watched as Elena and Caroline appeared to be swayed by the answer, the brunette more relaxed possibly at knowing that her friends prying questions didn't deterr their guest.

   "Because of the family connection, right?" At the look in regards she received, Bianca carried on. "I'm a bit of a history buff, so to speak. It's practically a family trait. So when I heard that your last name was Salvatore and all, one of the..."founding" families, so to speak." Founding was a large stretch, but Bianca didn't have the time to go into depth.

     Stefan furrowed his brows in curiosity. "You're into history?"

     Bianca smirked. "Yeah, I bet you wouldn't get that idea from first glance." As Stefan made a move to clarify, she waved him off. "I'm just messing with you. But yes, history holds some interest to me. I like learning about the parts of the world most try to keep...hidden. What about you?"

     Stefan ran his thumb over the smooth wood of the table, his eyes glancing from Elena before traveling back to Bianca. "Well, I would say that I was interested in history as well. I hear that the history teacher, Mr. Tanner, can be difficult-"

     "That's putting it lightly."

     "-but from what I've heard so far, I'm sure that maybe you and I could learn from one another. With our interest I'm history and all."

     "I could learn something from you-" Bianca began but was interrupted by Caroline as, seeking to direct the conversation to something else said.

    "Bianca's, like, the teacher's pet of history-"

    Bianca coughed awkwardly at the term, shifting rigidly in her seat as her teeth sunk into the inside of her cheeks. At the look of concern she received from Bonnie, the Amorettee teen quickly shook her head and hastily lied about an itch in her throat, reaching for her drink to make it more believable.

    While Bianca had obtained some answers, the night had lost its sense of discovery.


word count: 2751

author's note:

Bianca is going to catch Stefan slipping one of these days, my girl just knows (and she's not wrong).

Also, Bianca has been going to therapy for a while and I wanted to have this mentioned briefly before actually writing a session scene, to provide some background on her character and her life. I didn't want it to seem as though her mother's disappearance was something simple, because that alone can be traumatic and but anyone on edge, but there were a lot of other factors, being the reaction to it which, as everyone loves to make up theories and put their nose in places it doesn't belong, got out of hand quickly.

But as a result, as well as other events occurring in her life at the time, Bianca isn't trusting of a lot of people. This is why, even without her witch abilities, she is mistrustful of Stefan and soon others as well. And while, just because she is right most of the time, this will have its downsides.

With this in mind it brings up a plot that's been playing in my head, tying into Bianca's backstory more. However, due to the nature of said story I am a little unsure about it, because it is a complex and delicate situation to portray and I want to handle it with as much care as possible. And, while including how it is still traumatic for Bianca, it won't really be talked about or revealed in detail until much later. It's mainly going to be a lot of denial and avoidance of the topic altogether before even reaching the beginning of a healing process.

I'm really excited to continue working on this book, and it warms my heart that others are interested in reading it, so thank you so much.

I have also changed the faceclaims for Elena and Katherine, as well as Matt. I believe that the actor can be separated from the character, but since this is my book and I wanted to change things, I found new faceclaims. If anyone takes inspiration from them, at least credit me please.

__________ ELENA GILBERT
the eldest gilbert

____________ MATT DONAVON
the golden boy of mystic falls

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