☆ Alone in this world ☆ Book 2

By Hellgirl4700

1.3K 62 564

This is Book 2 of 'Alone in this world' Bill and Nardole season!! Find out what lies ahead for {Y/n} and the... More

☆ The Pilot ☆
☆ The Pilot ☆ Part 2
☆ Smile ☆
☆ Smile ☆ Part 2
☆ Thin ice ☆
☆ The Wedding Memory ☆
☆ Knock Knock ☆
☆ Knock Knock ☆ Part 2
☆ Oxygen ☆
☆ Oxygen ☆ Part 2

☆ Thin Ice ☆ Part 2

58 3 89
By Hellgirl4700

"Why did you only grab two suits?" Bill asks, looking at the Doctor.

"{Y/n} has a fear of deep water," he casually replies, not looking back at her. {Y/n} clears her throat.

"Oh. Why do we need diving suits on top of the ice?" Bill asks.

"If we're lucky, the lights will come and take us under. Whatever they are, they're clever. When they went after the boy, they waited until he was away from the crowds, by himself," the Doctor moved away from Bill to look around.

"What? Did you say something?"

"The question is, how?" He asks. Bill spots the green lights starting to surround her.

"Oh dear," {Y/n} says, slowly backing away knowing what was to come.

"Doctor? Oh. Ah. Doctor! Doctor!" Bill throws her lantern and it hits the Doctors back. He turns around just in time to see her fall through the ice. The air hose is uncoiling rapidly.

"Bingo!" He runs and jumps into the hole just before it closed. The place went ghost-quiet. {Y/n} being left up on the ice herself, looks around.

"I'll just em...wait here," she says, not to anyone In particularly.

Meanwhile, under the ice, the two sink to the bottom and the Doctor uses his sonic screwdriver as a torch. He turns to Bill waving and mouthing at him. She points at the angler fish circling above, then something large growls nearby. The screwdriver illuminates a set of heavy chains holding down an enormous creature. It belches, bits and pieces float out of its mouth, including a red hat. Spiders. Bill shows it to the Doctor.

A giant eye opens and looks at them. The pie-man is fishing for his wares through a hole cut in the ice, when the Doctor and Bill climb out of it, scaring him. He drops his catch. 

"What?" The man flees. The Doctor takes his driver's helmet off and Bill follows.

"I know you! You're the cheat! I love your work!" The Doctor shouts.

"The sound it made. I couldn't hear you, but that noise, it's like I felt it in my bones, you know? It sounded like, like..." Bill trails off.

"Despair. Loneliness. A prisoner in chains," the Doctor replies.

"That guy. He said he caught the fish himself. I bought pie off that guy. Fish pie!" Bill says as the Doctor picks up an angler fish.

"Oh, hello. Aren't you magnificent?"

"I ate that pie. I liked that pie," Bill mumbles.

"Definitely not carnivores. Which means you're cooperating with the creature, providing for it. What do you get in return, hmm? What did it take for you to evolve into that?" The Doctor studies the fish.

"The creature, do you reckon that's what's making London so cold?"

"Very possibly,"

"What kind of alien messes with the weather?"

"Ha, ha! You assume it's alien?" The Doctor says.

"Of course, it's alien," Bill replies.

"Alien, terrestrial, it's irrelevant. The real question is, who's keeping it in those chains? And perhaps our friend here can answer that," the Doctor says pointing to the Pie-Man who's hiding behind a barrel.

"Who are you? What do you want with me?"

"The coin trick. Just tell me how to do it, please!" The Doctor begs.

{Y/n} spots them after a while and walks over to them, trying not to fall on the ice or slip like the Doctor had done earlier.

"Ok. Not the time. Have you ever seen a man around here with a tattoo of a ship? What's that face? Is that a no or are you against tattoos? I'm against tattoos, too, I think that we are bonding," the Doctor says, smiling.

"We're stood by the docks, and you just asked me if I've ever seen a man with a tattoo of a ship,"


"Fair point," Bill says.

"What point?" The Doctor asks.

"Look, forget the tattoos. Have you seen anyone acting suspiciously since the freeze?" {Y/n} asks.

"Well, there's the dredgers," the man replies.

"The dredgers?"

"There's a workhouse upriver. They have men out there patrolling all hours,"

Time Skip

"Hurry up! Be quick about it!" The Doctor, {Y/n} and Bill watch the activity from over a spiked wall.

"What are they dredging for?" Bill asks.

"Let's find out," the Doctor says.

"How are we getting in?" The Doctor holds up the psychic paper.

"You work for the palace?"

"Haven't had that one in a while,"


"Let's be having you,"

"Oi. How'd you get through here?"

"Ah ha! At last, someone in authority," the Doctor shows the man the psychic paper.

"Oh, I do apologise, sir. Does Lord Sutcliffe know you're here?"

"Does Lord Sutcliffe know we're here," the Doctor looks at Bill then {Y/n} "does Lord Sutcliffe know we're here?"

"Lord Sutcliffe insisted we come," Bill says.

"Hmm. Oh, that Lord Sutcliffe, yes. There's no arguing with Sutcliffe when he puts his foot down. You'd better show us around," the Doctor says.

"Follow me,"

"Take it inside! Same as the last batch" the workers have kerchiefs over their mouths and are paddling mud into brick moulds.

"Why all the fuss? It's just mud from the river, isn't it?" Bill asks.

"Mud is one word for it," the Doctor replies.

"Is this even the right place? The creatures almost a mile away,"

"The creatures head is almost a mile away" Bill picks up a brick and sniffs "I assume we're now at the other end" Bill drops the brick and it splats on the ground.

"These men, why do we trust them?" The Doctor asks.

"Hired them all myself, sir," the man replies.

"Ah. Why do I trust you?"


"You understand how important this is, yes? It is imperative that no one discovers where the stuff goes when it leaves here,"

"Oh, I know that, sir. We use unmarked carts,"

"Are they followed?"

"Oh no, sir,"

"Have you checked this personally?"

"Oh yes, sir,"

"All the way to Hampton?"

"No, to the steel mill, sir,"

"Hampton is code for the steel mill," {Y/n} says.

"Code, ma'am?"

"Yes. Yes, we need to use code otherwise anyone could walk in here and get you blabbing like a fool,"

"That's a good point, ma'am,"

"I know," {Y/n} smirks, looking at the Doctor then back at the man.

"Now, these men, what do they know of this material?"

"No more than I do, sir,"

"Yes, but you are someone who knows more than he tells,"

"I'm not one to speculate,"

"But you can't help it because you're a man of intelligence,"

"They won't let us smoke in here, so I assume it's fuel. Fuel for the furnaces, sir,"

"Excellent reasoning. Lord Sutcliffe appreciates an enquiring mind," the Doctor says.

"Well, I keep my ear on the ground, you know,"

"And what is the ground saying these days?"

"That this stuff burns a thousand times longer than coal?"

"Very good,"

"Hotter, too. Hotter than they can measure,"

"Excellent! First class,"

"I'm right aren't I, sir?"

"Oh, there's no stopping you. You keep this up, you won't be working in this yard  for very long,"

"Oh, you think not?"

"I can almost guarantee it,"

"You know what else they say? They say it even burns under water,"

"No sh..." Bill is cut off by a horse neighing.

Time Skip

"So. This guy has a pet monster that turns people into fuel and we're just rocking up at his door?" Bill asks.

"That's his door, this is us rocking," the Doctor rings the bell.

"If we're going to stop him, we need to know where he started," the Doctor says.


"Which planet,"

"Which planet?" The door opens revealing a man. The Doctor flashes his psychic paper at him.

Time Skip

The Doctor is playing with a orrery, adjusting the positions of the satellites relative to their planet.

"So, you think Sutcliffe is an alien?" Bill asks.

"Possibly," the Doctor replies.

"They usually are in these cases," {Y/n} adds.

"What, because the creature is alien?"

"It certainly appears to be producing fuel suitable for interstellar travel,"

"Either way, Bill, I need you to leave the talking to me," the Doctor adds on a serious note.


"Because you have a temper,"

"Oh ok, well, I lost it for a bit,"

"You're about to meet a man, alien or otherwise, for whom human beings are raw material. Who grinds up children for profit. What we are here for is one thing. Information. We get that with diplomacy, and tact. Charm, if necessary," the Doctor explains.

"Ok. I get it," Bill sits down in an armchair.

"Always remember, Bill. Passion fights, but reason wins," Lord Sutcliffe enters the room with the psychic paper in hand.

"Doctor Disco, from the fairford club! Obviously, one aspires to membership, but to actually be considered for-" Sutcliffe glances down at Bill, his face turns sour "who, who let this creature in here? On your feet, girl, in the presence of your betters,"

"Is that anyway to talk to a lady?" {Y/n} gasps, standing in front of Bill defensively.

"A lady such as yourself shouldn't be hanging around with someone of their kind," he babbles.

"Beg your pardon?"

The Doctor lightly moves her out the way before punching the man right across his jaw, using all his strength.

"He's human. Thirty-one years of age. Low on iron," he says, looking down at Sutcliffe who was unconscious on the floor. {Y/n} walks over to him, taking a look at his knuckles.

"You have some swing on you," she comments, smirking a little.

"Well, I don't like to brag about it," he smirks back watching as she lifts his hand to her lips, pecking them.

"That was pretty convincing racism for an extra-terrestrial," Bill says.

"My thoughts exactly," a few other men enter the room looking at the body on the ground.

"Oh, hello. Can i just say, this is very unlike me. I don't normally do this," the Doctor says.

"Yeah, he was aiming for charming," Bill adds.

"Charmed I'm sure," {Y/n} giggles under her breath.

The men grab the three and tie their hands behind their backs.

Time skip

"Well, your not from the fairford club," Sutcliffe says.

"The creature in the river, where did it come from?" The Doctor asks.

"Who the devil are you people?"

"Your worst nightmare in a minute," {Y/n} says, Bill and the Doctor turn to her.

"Sorry, got a little carried away," she says, sheepishly looking at the ground.

"Where did it come from?"

"Nowhere! It's always been there. The secrets been passed down in the family since I don't know when. As far back as records go,"

"Then tell me, do you also keep a record of how many its killed?"

"Please. People know the ice is dangerous, yet they will insist on their festivities. That's hardly my fault,"

"Don't sell yourself short. This is the biggest Frost fair in decades, and that's down to you,"

"Is is?" Bill asks.

"The man holding me has a tattoo on his left hand. And that's not all, is it? The circus performers, the elephant, that's all you," the Doctor says.

"I made the most of the situation. It's the first proper freeze it's caused in years,"

"Why? Production down, huh? Not enough people dying?" Bill asks.

"Girl, you show your ignorance of all your kind. Without that beast, my mills would rely on coal mines, and men die in coal mines all the time,"

"I preferred it when you were alien," the Doctor says.

"When I was?"

"Well, that explained the lack of humanity. What makes you so sure that your life is worth more than those people out there on the ice? Is it the money? The accident of birth that put you inside the big, fancy house?"

"I help move this country forward. I move this Empire forward,"

"Human progress isn't measured by industry, it's measured by the value you place on a life. An unimportant life. A life without privilege. The boy who died on the river, that boys value is your value. That's what defines an age. That's what defines a species," the Doctor rants.

"What a beautiful speech. The rhythm and, and vocabulary, quite outstanding. It's enough to move anyone with an ounce of compassion. So, it's really not your day, is it? If they know about the beast, then others must, too. We bring the plan forward,"

"When, sir?"

"Now! In daylight,"

Time Skip

The henchmen take the Doctor, {Y/n} and Bill outside and put them in a carriage with the blinds pulled down.

"No time for outrage. You've never had time for anything else, right?" Bill asks.

"Don't be smug. Smug belongs to me," the Doctor says.

"Are you really over two thousand years old?" She asks looking at the Time Lord.


"I just wanted to know how long it takes before you can make a speech like the one you just made. It was worth the wait,"

Time Skip

There are wires leading from a long panel to many barrels.

"It could be rum. Rum came in barrels," Bill tries lightening up the mood.

The three sit tied to a poll, where the wire panel is also seen hanging.

"Nah, smell that. It's their home-made rocket fuel, redeployed as explosive. It's a little reckless, don't you think? Half the fair disappears into the river, the secret of your success won't be a secret anymore," the Doctor says.

"Hardly. The city will pause to mourn a fireworks display gone tragically awry, and the creature will be fed. By spring, this will be a footnote in history. That is progress. They're bringing the elephant out presently. We won't get bigger crowds than that, so make sure you're off the ice by noon," Sutcliffe says.

"Noon? There's no way you can keep us here that long. We'll just scream our heads off," Bill says.

"Please, don't," {Y/n} cries.

"No, no. Please, please, please..."

"Help!" Bill screams but is drowned out with all the noise created outside from the events taking place.

"Sixpence to the Waterman," the henchmen leave. Bill starts coughing, catching her breath.

"If your quite finished, I could use some help," the Doctor says.


"Sonic screwdriver, inside pocket,"

"Why you asking me and not your wife?" Bill questions.

"Last time I helped, it didn't go well," {Y/n} interjects, making the Doctors face burn up bright red at the memory.

"I'm not even gonna ask," Bill says before nudging the Doctor on his elbow. The screwdriver slides out onto the ice. Bill edges back to reach it with her foot.

"Yeah, bit more,"

"Kick it!"

"Ah, ok,"

"Loving this teamwork," {Y/n} smiles.

"Can you..." Bill gets it in his reach.

"Yes, yes," he turns the screwdriver and points it to free them.

"Em, Doctor?" Bill calls. Green lights are moving towards them.

"Huh? Oh, hello!"

"How are you doing that?"

"Er, sonic screwdriver. It makes a noise. That's how the fish choose a victim. That's how they know they've isolated someone on the ice," the Doctor explains.

"Just, just a little more,"

"What are you? Give me that," the man snatches the sonic screwdriver from his hands and the green lights start circling him.

"Turn it off. There's a button on the side. Here! Give it here!" The man throws the screwdriver back to the Doctor, whose hands are free, then falls through the ice.

"Afraid it has a knack to it," Bill watches the hole seal back up.

"Bill. Miss Potts. I need you with me,"

"I, I..."

"Things to do, Bill. Decisions to make. What do you two want to do about tiny?" The Doctor asks.

"Tiny?" The two question.

"The creature. The loch-ness monster. The not-so-little mermaid. Are we just going to leave her down there?"

"We can't set her free. She can burst up out of the water and eat a hundred people right off of southbank! She could eat half of London!"

"She might. It's a risk. So, what do you want to do?"

"You already know the answer. Why are you even asking us?"

"I don't know the answer. Only idiots know the answers. But if your future is built on the suffering of that creature, what's your future worth?"

"Why is it up to us?"

"Because it can't be up to me. Your people, your planet. I serve at the pleasure of the human race, and right now that's you two. Give me an order. Not long till noon. I need an order,"

Bill looks at {Y/n} who gives her a reassuring nod. They look at the Doctor.

"Save her," Bill says.

"I'll take care of this. You two get everyone off the ice,"

The urchins are doing their lost dog piece. Kitty is about to pick a pocket when Bill taps her on the shoulder.

"Need help, need it now. Are you in?" Bill asks, {Y/n} standing beside her.

"Where's the fella yous were with?"

"Not here,"

"What is he doing?"

"Not sure. But whatever it is, I don't think we're gonna miss it," a few minutes later, the urchins are running through the crowds.

"The thaw! The thaw is here!"

"A lady fell through the ice!" People start fleeing.

"The ice is melting!"

"Quick! Get to the shore!" Bill shouts.

"Keep a hold of your children and run to the shore!" {Y/n} adds.

"It's a mistake! The ice isn't melting. I swear to you, there is no thaw!" Sutcliffe shouts out as the people flee.

"The ice is melting!"

"Quickly, quickly, that's it," Bill says.

Another henchmen is laying out the fuse wire across the ice as Sutcliffe checks on his electrostatic detonator.

"Come on! Hurry! Something's happend. They've got the word out. We blow it now," Sutcliffe says.

"No! Not yet. Harriet, run!" Bill shouts.

"But there's still people..."

"Forget them. There's no time. Kitty? Run! Now!"

The soldiers gambling on top of a barrel wave her way.  Sutcliffe primes his generator and pushes the lever. His henchmen cringe, expecting a boom, but nothing happens. Inside the fireworks tent, the sonic screwdriver is whirling away, but the barrels have gone. They are attached to the creatures chains, freeing her.

"What?" Sutcliffe pushes the plunger again only to hear distant explosions.

"Argh! Out of the way!" He runs across the ice towards the tent.

"Quick! Get to the shore!" Bill shouts.

The Doctor, in a diving suit, climbs out of a well at the workhouse with the help of {Y/n}. The creature is loose. Sutcliffe enters the tent to see the screwdriver then hears ice cracking and goes back out. A scaly dorsal fin breaks out in front of him, then a creature runs between his legs and he falls into the water.

"Doctor! {Y/n}!" Bill shouts.

"Bill! Bill!" The Doctor returned from the workhouse. Bill is running across the ice towards him, just ahead of the cracks.

"You did it! She's free!" Bill jumps, {Y/n} helps her up onto the dockside as the Doctor pulls at the wire to retrieve his sonic screwdriver. The creature swims past them.

"Go! Where will she go?" Bill asks.

"Somewhere cold, I imagine. Hopefully, she's smart enough to avoid you lot now," the Doctor comments.

"What if she isn't? What if we just like, doomed Greenland?"

"We'll check in on Greenland,"

"How long is she?" Bill questions, the creatures splashes the three making {Y/n} gasp at how cold the water was.

"Ah. Can you hear that?"

Time skip

The urchins get off the carriage. The door opens for the lot.

"Get a load of you lot! Cute as! Come in," Bill says. They walk through the empty space, old portraits hanging on the wall.

Dot runs over to {Y/n} who picks her up, giving a big squeeze making the girl giggle.

"You going to tell us what we're here for then?" Kitty asks.

"A very long time, I hope,"

The table is laden with food. The Doctor is scraping off ink off a Last will.

"Go on, eat as much as you like," Bill smiles.

After signing Perry as the next heir, the three go back to the TARDIS which dematerialises and returns to the corner of the office.

"We must have changed something, right? I mean, people saw a monster in the Thames," Bill says as the three exit the TARDIS.

"Well, it doesn't look any different,"

Nardole enters with the tea tray. The Doctor picks up papers from his desk.

"Alright. There you go. There's your tea. I put a bit of coffee in it, as well, just to give it some flavour. See, it's much better when you stick to your oath," Nardole smiles until noticing their change in clothing..

"Oh, sir, no. This is unacceptable. This is beyond unacceptable. This is naughty,"

"Language," the Doctor tells.

Bill is doing internet searches on her phone.

"I don't get it. London, 1814. Monster, sea creature, serpent, really, really big fish. Nothing," Bill says.

"Sir, you said you wouldn't be going off-world," Nardole frowns.

"Do these look like off world clothes to you?"

"But, sir, you said you'd be coming back to your office!"

"Look, I am. I'm in my office. I'm drinking my tea in my specially chosen tea clothes,"

"I don't understand. How could it not have been headline news?" Bill ponders.

"Never underestimate the collective human ability to overlook the inexplicable. Also, the Frost fair involved a lot of day drinking. May I?" The Doctor asks. He soon finds something useful on Bills phone instead and hands it back.

"You can always rely upon the papers to miss a headline,"

"Sir. We need to talk. Your oath," Nardole says.

"Give me a coin,"


"Oh my god, it worked! You did it. You saved them," Bill says.

"You did. You gave the order, boss," the Doctor replies.


"Give me a coin. I'll toss for it. Heads, the TARDIS stays put. Tails, you leave me alone,"

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