Flashpoint (Season 3)

By Angela_Tillson

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(Book 3) Alex isn't the baby anymore. But with the team constantly watching her every move and making sure sh... More

Chapter 1: Unconditional Love
Chapter 2: Follow The Leader
Chapter 3: Jumping At Shadows
Chapter 4 - Acceptable Risk
Chapter 5 - Collateral Damage
Chapter 6: Thicker Than Blood
Chapter 7 - Terror
Chapter 9: Fault Lines

Chapter 8: I'd Do Anything

149 2 0
By Angela_Tillson

"Okay Alex. I have looked at the results from your tests" the doctor begins as she walks into the office and looks towards Alex sitting on the bed.

"And?" Alex questions curiously.

"I'm clearing you to go back to work" the doctor says, causing a smile to grow on Alex's lips.

"Thank you" Alex says cheerfully as she jumps off the bed and grabs her jacket from the chair.

"Alex" she hears the doctor call as she reaches for the door handle, ready to leave. Alex, then looks back towards her.

"You lost your baby only a few days ago. Don't over do it" the doctor warns and Alex nods slowly.

"I won't," she advises before opening the door and walking out of the office, ready to head to work.


Spike walks out of the change room of headquarters and down the hall to see Eddie staring intensely at the vending machine. "Quite the standoff. You using intimidation tactics to make the food come out, or are you waiting for back-up before you go in?" Spike jokes, causing Eddie to smile as he turns to look at him.

"There he is," Wordy says as he comes around the corner carrying a bag. He then hands it over to Eddie, who now looked confused.

"There you go, buddy. All yours" Wordy smiles.

"What's this?" Eddie questions.

"I told you. It's the stuff from the girls for the baby. Keep whatever you like, I don't think we're going for number four" Wordy smiles as Eddie nods his head.

"You guys got a name yet?" Wordy then asks as Eddie pulls out pieces of clothes to look at.

"No," Eddie sighs, holding up a pink onesie.

"That's a nice color" Alex's voice says as they all look up and see Alex and Greg standing at the top of the stairs.

"Briefing room" Greg then advises before turning around and walking back down the hall. Alex smiles as Eddie nods his head and puts the clothes back in the bag.

"Okay, all right. Thanks" Eddie says, looking towards Wordy.

"Yeah" Wordy says quietly as they all walk up the stairs towards Alex.

"Welcome back, Beautiful" Spike smiles as he wraps his arm around Alex's back and pulls her in for a side hug.

"It's funny. I was gonna say the same thing" Wordy jokes and Alex places a hand over her heart as they all begin to walk down the hall.

"Awe. I feel loved" Alex smiles, causing them all to laugh as they approach the briefing room and Spike's arm falls from Alex as they see someone sitting at the table.

"You remember Detective Mary Danner from Financial Crimes" Greg's voice says loudly as Jules and Sam walk in behind them.

"Mary, good to see you again" Eddie says as the woman stands up from the table and sighs.

"No, it's not. I'm springing this on you guys last minute" Mary explains as the Team take their seats.

"We take it how it comes," Greg nods.

"I appreciate that. Okay. We've had our electronic eye on this man, Alexander Carson, for some time. Mr. Carson is a clearing house for stolen credit card information" Mary begins as she uses the remote for the projector and pushes a button, causing many photos to appear on the screen.

"He's got a network of skimmers in several cities. Five star restaurants, clothing boutiques...And his people only skim the cream, Big spenders on high limit cards. When they've loaded a device with information from dozens of cards, they return it to Carson's network who upload the information - card number, holder's name, expiry date, everything in the magnetic strip. Then they either run blank stock through a card encoder to create a clone card, or... more recently, Mr. Carson has been packaging -- bundling data from thousands of cards and then auctioning the packet to the highest bidder at illegal web auctions" Mary continues.

"Wow, why didn't I think of that?" Alex says and the whole team and Mary look towards her.

"Alex" Greg warns quietly as he shakes his head.

"Joking" Alex advises as she then looks at Mary.

"How much money are we talking here?" Alex questions curiously.

"Typically, information from one card is worth ten, twenty dollars. Carson's been getting up to fifty. That difference is worth millions" Mary explains as she looks around at the team.

"Okay, so why the sudden move?" Eddie asks.

"Mr. Carson is stepping up to the next level. Meet the big fish -- Mark Griffin" Mary says as a picture of a different man appears on the screen next to Carson.

"Slippery fingers in every corner of data theft. Mr. Griffin is so impressed with Carson's product, he wants it all for himself. So they've agreed to a very rare face-to-face" Mary continues and Eddie looks at her questionably.

"Okay, let me ask you this. Who's the primary target? Is it Carson or is it Griffin?" Eddie questions as he gets up from his seat and walks towards the screen to look at the photos closer.

"Two birds with one stone. And the meet's in... Just under two hours" Mary explains, looking down at her watch.

"Oh we can handle any last-minute tac plans; Just tell us where" Greg advises and Mary quickly makes a picture of the top of a building appear on the screen.

"Subterranean Club, owned by Carson. Old shoe factory converted into a multi-level nightclub" Mary states quickly.

"Okay, how reliable is your intel here?" Eddie asks and Mary shows him a small smile.

"Very. We've got a CI inside close to Carson" Mary says and a picture of a blonde woman appears on the screen.

"Jackie Emery. We caught her skimming in the club a couple of months back. She explained to us that she loved him and stated that he changed her." Mary states.

"Wait a second. So she's in a relationship with this guy?" Alex questions curiously and Mary nods her head.

"You're sure we can trust her?" Eddie then asks.

"I had the same doubts, but she fed us good information, filling in a lot of gaps. And we wouldn't know about the Griffin meet without her" Mary advises calmly.

"Okay. How's it going down?" Greg asks.

"A face-to-face in the club's VIP lounge. Two entrances. The one from the back has two bouncers, one armed. We'll need to get to them before they can alert Carson" Mary states and Greg nods his head.

"It's Saturday night. There's gonna be a lot of civilians" Jules states.

"We've got that covered. Jackie's agreed to lock that door to the VIP lounge from inside the club" Mary says as she highlights a door on the club's blueprints.

"So we go in the back door, we got 'em trapped" Eddie says.

"And I don't want any chance of this spilling out into the club. So, Spike and Sam, you work from inside" Greg explains looking towards Spike and Sam.

"Plain club clothes?" Spike smiles.

"Just two guys out on the town, yeah" Greg snickers.

"Awe! Why do they get to have all the fun" Alex whines, jokingly.

"Don't worry. I still might have a plan for you and I. Also, we've got my people too," Mary laughs.

"Okay, your people need to stay invisible, till we are inside and secure" Eddie states seriously.

"Of course. But, I'd like to be close" Mary says.

"Yes. We can use your help" Greg nods looking towards a stressed out Eddie as footsteps could be heard approaching the briefing room.

"Sorry. Somebody's here from the AG's office" Winnie interrupts.

"My warrants. How's that for cutting it close?" Mary smiles as she walks out of the briefing room behind Winnie.

"That's what we do" Greg says following behind her.


Spike and Sam pretend to joke around in the loud nightclub as they notice Jackie walk by them carrying a tray of drinks towards the VIP lounge. "She's heading into the VIP" Spike says into the hidden earpiece.

Seconds later Alex and Mary walk around the outside of the nightclub as their high heels clicked against the sidewalk. Alex was wearing a tight red dress as Mary wore a tight black one. They both had their brown hair down and they smiled as they walked towards two bodyguards before trying to pass them and get into the door. "Hey boys" Mary smirks.

"Sorry. Private entrance. Private function" one of the guards say as they both hold their arms out to block their path.

"Come on. I'd make a great addition to any party" Alex smiles as she leans in closer towards the younger looking guard. He licks his lips and looks down at Alex's dress before she bites her lip and goes to walk into the club again.

"No, no, no" the younger guard says as he grabs ahold of Alex's arms and wraps them around her back. Alex could see Mary struggling with the taller guard across from her.

"Get your hands off me!" Alex says as she feels the guard face appear next to hers.

"That's no way to touch a woman!" Alex then says as she quickly pulls one of her arms free from behind her and grabs a hold of the guard's arm, before pulling him over her and slamming him onto the ground in front of her.

"Hey!" the other guard shouts, but is quickly stopped by the rest of the Team appearing behind Alex with their guns raised in the air.

"Right there, buddy," Greg says, holding his gun up. The older guard releases Mary before placing his hands behind his head and kneeling on the ground.

Alex smiles at the team before gently pulling down the bottom of her dress to fix it and throwing her hair over her shoulders. She then kneels down beside the guard she threw as he still moans in pain. "You should really brush up on your manners" Alex smiles before standing back up grabbing her hand gun from her father.

"You sure you can do this in that dress and heels?" he asks curiously as he hands Alex her earpiece.

"I would like to think I can do anything in a dress and heels. But, we'll find out" Alex snickers and Greg shakes his head and smiles.

"Take 'em to your people" Greg then says to Mary as her and some other officers grab the two guards.

"All right. Good luck" Mary says as she walks away with her officers.

"Loud and aggressive, Eddie?" Alex asks as she walks up towards Eddie near the door and noticed him staring intensely at it.

"Eddie?" she then questions concerned and he quickly looks towards her.

"Yeah. In position" he nods and Alex slowly nods her head as she takes a step back and holds her gun up in front of her.

"Spike, standing by. Awaiting confirmation at the locked door." Eddie then says.

Spike and Sam watch as Jackie walks out of the VIP lounge and locks the door behind her. "Okay, we got the door locked. Subjects are contained" Spikes voice says through the headset.

"On my go" Eddie says as the team gets ready to move behind him.

"Hold," Sam's voice quickly says through the headset.

"Hold it, hold it," Greg advises.

"What's going on? Did she lock the door?" Eddie questions, still holding his gun up ready to move.

"Did she or didn't she?" Eddie then questions louder.

"She did. Then she started talking to some guy" Spike explains through the headset.

"Okay, what does that mean?" Eddie questions confused.

"We saw her lock the door" Sam's voice says as Alex walks up towards Eddie who begins to breathe heavily.

"Ed..." she says softly and he turns to look at her.

"Your call, Sarge" Eddie says and Alex stares at him shocked before looking back at her father who nods his head.

"Okay. Do it" Alex whispers.

"Count it down" she then says as she walks back to her position.

"Three..." Eddie begins.


"One..." Eddie says as he quickly kicks open the large door in front of them and they run into the room screaming, with their guns raised.

Alex notices Carson quickly running past them towards the doors that are locked as everyone else in the room kneels down to the ground with their hands raised. Carson opens the door and runs out of the room as Alex chases after him. "Carson is at large in the club. Repeat, Carson is at large. We don't have Carson! The door wasn't locked, we don't have Carson!" Spike's voice says through the headset as Alex stands in the doorway looking towards the packed nightclub.

Alex pushes her way through the crowd of people dancing and drinking when suddenly she gets pushed and falls to the ground. "Hey!" Alex shouts loudly as a pair of hands grab her arms and help her up.

"You okay?" Spike's voice asks concern as he turns her to face him.

"Spike" she whispers as she looks at the white t-shirt and black leather jacket he is wearing and smiles.

"Did you find him?" Sam's voice questions as he walks up behind her.

"No. You?" she asks, turning to look at him.

"No. He has to be here somewhere" Sam states, frustrated.

"Unless he left" Spike then says as the power goes out and the club gets quiet.

"Oh, he's still here" Alex says before a loud gunshot echoes through the club and both Sam and Spike shield Alex as they all kneel down to the ground.

"Shots Fired! Shots Fired!" Greg's voice says through the headset as the crowd of people scream and run towards the exits.

"We have to go" Alex says, looking at both Sam and Spike and they both nod their heads.

"Spike. We need lights" Alex advises.

"Electrical room is in the basement. Southeast corner" Spike advises.

"Go" Alex demands and Spike quickly stands up and runs through the crowd of people.

"Sam. Guns raised. Look for the shooter. Obviously, don't shoot the innocent"

"Copy that" Sam says as he stands up and reaches for Alex's hand to help her up.

Alex looks over towards her father who looks relieved to see her before he shows her a small smile and nods. Alex keeps hold of Sam's hand as they walk through the stampede of people, and towards Greg and the other members of the team. "Hey, kiddo. You okay?" Greg questions as Alex lets go of Sam's hand and smiles.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Alex says.

"Where's Spike?" Wordy questions concerned.

"He went to try and turn the lights back on. Basement. Southeast corner" Alex states as she looks towards Eddie.

"Jules you're with me. Let's go" Eddie says before they both turn around and run towards the door to the basement.

"Careful, Eddie. Whoever threw that breaker could still be down there" Greg advises as he grabs the megaphone from Wordy.

"Lets get control of this" he then mumbles as he holds it up his mouth.

"This is the police. Everyone calm down...This is the police. Stay where you are! Stop moving, now!" he yells, and everyone slowly stops running and stops to look towards him.

"Everybody move away from the exits. Slow and steady, and everybody goes home" he continues to yell as Wordy stands beside him holding his gun towards the floor as they all watch everyone walking slowly past them.

"Wordy, you work with Danner. Create a containment area at the main exit. We can't let this guy slip away, okay? And hold onto the staff, too" Greg says, lowering the megaphone and leaning towards Wordy.

"Copy that" he says before he runs off towards the main doors.

Suddenly the bright lights and loud music once again fill the nightclub, causing everyone to quickly close their eyes. "Please turn the music off" Greg shouts into the Megaphone and the music immediately gets shut off.

"The shots were a diversion" Sam says as him and Alex walk back towards Greg.

"Shattered a light box" Alex says and Greg looks towards her shocked.


"We saw her lock the door, Boss" Sam states as the team gathers in the second floor lounge looking over at the main dance floor full of worried people.

"Yeah, or she pretended to" Eddie advises, annoyed.

"Well, I'd say Danner's CI isn't on our side after all" Jules adds as she watches the worried people.

"The guy she was talking to could've made her unlock it" Spike admits and Jules turns around.

"Well where is she? We've searched this place top to bottom." Jules explains.

"Okay, let's roll with it, guys. We don't know what happened" Greg sighs.

"Wordy? Wordy, any sign of Carson or Jackie yet?" he asks through his headset.

"Nothing yet. It looks like every exit was covered" Wordy advises.

"Okay, let the unis take care of the exits. Come back inside. Bring Danner with you. Let's go see what her big fish has to say" Alex demands as she begins to walk out of the lounge, followed by the rest of the team.

"Copy that" Wordy's voice says.


Spike types onto the keyboard of Carson's laptop that was left behind before he sits back annoyed and looks towards the female hacker that was cuffed and sitting on the couch. "You wrote a kill-switch macro, didn't you?" Spike questions, but she doesn't say anything. He then slams the laptop shut and stands up from the couch, taking it in his hands.

"She scrubbed the hard drive with a single keystroke" he states.

"Can you get anything out of it?" Alex questions curiously as he stands next to her.

"Maybe, with some time," Spike explains.

"We can" Mary's voice then says from behind them and they turn around to look at her.

"It's our investigation. It's our evidence" she continues to say and Eddie snickers.

"Give it to her, Spike" Eddie quickly says.

"Eddie..."Alex protests as she looks towards her father.

"Go ahead" Greg sighs, and Spike hands the laptop to Mary.

"All yours" Spike says, annoyed.

"Thank you" Mary smiles as she walks past him and towards the couches.

"Keep smiling, Mr. Griffin. You're on your way to jail" she says and the older man looks up towards her.

"I'd like you to speak to my lawyer" he simply says, emotionless.

"You can call him from the station" Mary states as two officers grab Griffin by the arms and stand him up.

"Gentleman. Pretty lady" Griffin smirks as he looks towards Alex.

"Keep walking," Eddie warns as he steps in front of Alex.

"Spike" Greg says, nodding towards the officers.

"Copy that" Spike says before he walks out after them.

"I stand by my CI, Sergeants" Mary states as Greg turns back around and faces them.

"She lost her nerve," Eddie quickly argues.

"I don't believe that!" Mary argues back.

"We might be more objective" Greg calmly says.

"Objectivity does not play here. Jackie told us about the meet. She gave up Carson" Mary explains.

"You think he's pegged her as the snitch?" Alex questions curiously.

"He knows someone's been talking and he'll be looking for payback" Mary states confidently.

"She could've run on her own, right after not locking the door" Eddie protests.

"We were watching the exits" Mary states.

"Look, at least two people breached your perimeter tonight" Eddie says loudly and Alex places a hand on his back.

"Okay, Eddie," Alex says quietly.

"Sarge, come on" Eddie argues.

"I am, and will be, responsible for my CI. And this bust" Mary admits and Eddie nods his head annoyed.

"All right" he sighs before walking away from them.

"So if she's with Carson..." Mary begins to say and Greg nods his head.

"Yeah, we need to find her" Greg agrees before him and Alex follow behind Eddie.


The team who were all now dressed in their uniforms, and Mary stand outside the club as flashing red and blue lights shine around them. "Whatever Jackie's motives were, whether she's working with us or against us?

We have to assume that Carson made her as a CI and her life is at risk" Greg explains as he looks towards Eddie.

"There's no card skimming equipment in that building, there's no computer trail?" Spike questions, as he looks towards Mary and she shakes her head.

"It's off site, we don't know where. Carson's mobile, or very well cloaked" Mary explains.

"How wide are your warrants?" Spike then asks.

"Any and all electronic surveillance, if that's what you mean" Mary says slowly.

"What do you need here, Spike?" Alex questions.

"Detective Danner, it's your investigation, but gimme a chance at the lawyer's laptop. I'll have to take it apart" Spike says and Mary takes a deep breath.

"He's good, right?" Mary questions and Greg nods his head.

"He's the best," he says and Mary smiles towards Spike who is smiling back at her. They both then walk away from the group and head into the Command Post Truck.

"Don't worry. I think you're still his favorite brunette" Jules jokes, quietly as she leans towards Alex.

"Shut up, Jules" Alex snickers.

"So what is this, love on the run type thing? Bonnie and Clyde?" Sam questions confused.

"Still a lot of unknowns" Greg states.

"So what do you guys think?" Eddie asks, looking towards Jules and Alex.

"I think that it's complicated," Jules admits as she crosses her arms over her chest.

"This girl, she's stuck in the middle, she's emotionally reacting while the whole thing snowballs. I don't even think that she knows what outcome she wants" Alex explains.

"She's flipping" Sam advises.

"So she still may end up on our side" Eddie says and Alex nods.

"She could," she agrees.


"Well I'll be damned" Mary smirks as she watches Spike type away on the computer and pull up the information they were looking for.

"See? Got a transaction with hits on two I.P. points. If I can access your database, and trace one more..." Spike begins to say and Mary places a hand on his shoulder and smiles.

"You can triangulate," she interrupts.

"Maybe" Spike nods. Mary then takes a deep breath and lens over in front of Spike to use her log in for the database.

"You're right. He's good" Mary admits as they both exit the truck and look back towards the team.

"Does she look a little flushed to you?" Jules questions quietly leaning back towards Alex.

"Jules, I swear to god" Alex laughs.

"Spike?" they hear Greg question.

"Boss, it was you that saved the bacon. You must've shut the screen on that computer right when the scrub started" Spike admits.

"He recovered seventy percent of the hard drive," Mary explains, impressed.

"Then I decrypted an old transaction between Griffin and Carson, following this wild I.P. spoofing trails, like Prague, Cambridge, England, Rio..." Spike begins.

"Fast forward" Greg quickly says.

"Then pinpointed him to an address in the east end" Spike quickly says.

"Let's go" Greg says as the team turns and make their way towards the SUV's.

"They even talk the same computer love language" Jules snickers and Alex hits her arm.

"Ow!" Jules says louder then anticipated, causing Eddie to look towards them.

"Are you guys good?" he questions as he opens the passenger side door to one of the SUVs.

"Absolutely" Alex says sarcastically as she fakes a smile and hears Jules chuckling.

"You are so lucky, you're my best friend" Alex whispers.

"You love me" Jules smiles.


"A greasy spoon's his front?" Greg questions as he stands next to Spike behind the SUV staring at a breakfast diner.

"Yeah, check out the roof" Spike states as he hands Greg a pair of binoculars. Greg then looks towards the roof and notices a whole lot of satellites.

"That's a lot of gear for a $3.99 breakfast" Spike advises.

"Okay, Eddie, it smells good. You're looking for an office, a dedicated room..." Greg states through the headset. Saying the safe word to send Eddie, Sam, and Wordy into the diner.

"Copy" Eddie's voice states.

"Police" Eddie says loudly as they all walk into the diner to see a few people sitting at tables.

"What do you want?" a waitress says bluntly.

"We're looking for Alex Carson" Sam says and the woman looks towards the kitchen area, but doesnt say anything.

"Wordy, you hang here" Eddie demands and Wordy nods his head.

"Got it" Wordy says as Sam and Eddie walk behind the counter and towards the kitchen.

They walk past the kitchen and towards a set of stairs leading towards a basement, before slowly making their way down them. When they do, they hear the sound of a safe being open and quickly round the corner with their guns in the air. "Police! Right there!" Eddie screams.

"Right there!" Eddie screams again walking towards the hooded man who quickly kneeled on the ground.

"Okay, okay! Don't shoot!" the man pleads, raising his hands in the air.

"Greg, we got an accomplice here, but Carson and Jackie are still at large" Eddie advises through the headset.


"I don't know any Carson," the male says nervously as he sits on a chair with his hands cuffed behind his back.

"You were packing up his cash and his computer, come on" Eddie advises.

"Which means you're either stealing them, or you're delivering them" Jules adds.

"So which is?" Eddie questions loudly.

"I don't know any Carson," the male repeats.

"He's got you doing all his heavy lifting, all his dirty work" Sam says.

"And, you know, cases like these, when you get your fingerprints everywhere? Guess who gets sold out in the end?" Jules questions.

"Guess who takes the fall for the brains of the operation?" Sam then asks as Eddie throws two stacks of money down on the table in front of him.

"So you either tell us where you're meeting Carson, or you will take the fall. I guarantee it" Eddie says leaning towards the nervous male.

Alex, Greg, and Spike notice the rest of the team running out of the diner. "Their down at the Leslie Spit" Eddie states as he runs towards the SUV as another officer is seen guiding the male towards a police car.


"Is that our guy?" Sam questions as the Team arrives and notices a body laying in the grass. The sun was beginning to rise as Spike runs towards the body and quickly checks for a pulse.

"Yeah, it is," Spike answers.

"Can we be more specific?" Eddie questions.

"It's the guy who interrupted Jackie at the door in the club" Spike admits.

"Got ID? Greg questions and Jules grabs the wallet and tosses it towards him.

"Thomas Arvedson" Greg says as he pulls out a driver's license.

"And who's Thomas Arvedson in all this?" Eddie questions as more units arrive on site.

"Huh... let's ask Danner" Alex notices Mary's car pull up behind the SUVs.

Greg and Alex turn around and begin to walk towards her, and hand her the wallet. "Can you tell us who he is?" Greg asks.

"He's an associate of Carson's," Mary explains as Eddie walks up towards them.

"How is he an associate?" Greg questions.

"We're not really sure" Mary admits and Eddie snickers.

"You're not sure? Like you weren't sure about the reliability of your CI? Like you weren't sure where Carson's base was? You jumped the bust here, officer" Eddie states loudly.

"You were hungry to get Griffin, I get that, but you put my people in the line of fire before you had the whole picture" Alex explains, annoyed.

"You're gonna lose both cases. Griffin and Carson" Eddie says as he begins to walk away.

"We can still get Carson" Mary quickly says and Greg shakes his head.

"He's homicide's case now. Maybe they can make it stick" Greg says before he turns around and follows Eddie.

"The phone that was used to call the guy we grabbed at the diner" Spike's voice echoes, causing Mary to look towards him and smile.

"He's great, isn't he" Alex asks, taking a step towards her so that she is now standing beside her.

"He's definitely a favorite," she admits and Alex snickers.

"Yeah, well. That's all he'll ever be to you" Alex states bluntly, looking towards Mary.

"You never know" Mary smirks as she looks up towards Alex, before turning around and walking back towards her officers.

"Oh, I know," Alex whispers annoyed as she begins to walk back towards her team.

"So what, they come down here to meet the money, Carson thinks Thomas is a snitch and offs him? What?" Eddie questions confused.

"But why didn't Thomas figure Jackie first? He saw her lock the door. We should be standing over her body" Spike explains as Alex stands next to her father and Eddie.

"What if Jackie told Thomas it was Carson, pinned it all on him?" Sam questions.

"I don't think that's our girl" Jules states as she shakes her head.

"What makes you say that?" Greg asks.

"It's just what I got from her friend, Britt. I don't think she would escalate it this way. Not by choice. I mean, she may be reckless, but I think she just wants this whole thing over with" Jules explains confidently.

"And if Thomas accused her?" Sam asks.

"She would deny it. But I think Carson is so in love with her he couldn't even imagine her betraying him" Jules states and Greg nods.

"The guilt would be hitting right about now. She'd see this is her fault" Greg adds.

"Yeah. So if she's coming back to our side, it would be now" Jules admits.


Alex leans against the SUV looking towards Mary sitting in her car. "Uni's found Carson's car -- the same lot had a stolen car report this morning" Spike says, causing her to look towards him as he gets out of the drivers seat of the SUV.

"He'll dump that one pretty quickly too" Wordy states as Mary quickly stands up out of her car and snaps her fingers towards Greg. Him and Alex then walk towards her as she holds her phone up to her ear.

"Does he know about you, Jackie?" Mary questions with concern.

"Friend" Greg says as he points towards himself and Mary nods her head.

"Jackie, I have a friend who wants to talk to you, okay?" Mary says before handing the phone to Greg.

"Jackie, this is Sergeant Parker. You can call me Greg. I was at the club last night. I know things didn't work out the way you wanted" Greg says calmly.

"I just want this over" Jackie's voice states.

"So do we, Jackie," Greg admits.

"But it keeps going on and on. It keeps getting worse" Jackie explains with an upset voice.

"From now on we can make it better. We can do that" Greg says.

"No we can't. You don't get it" Jackie states.

"Yes I do," Greg answers.

"No, you don't get it" Jackie argues.

"Yes. I do. I'm at the Leslie Spit right now" Greg advises and there is a pause on the phone.

"You're with Thomas?" Jackie questions.

"Yes. You don't have to run from this" Greg says and Jackie begins to cry.

"It was an accident. I swear it was an accident!" she quickly says.

"I believe you. We see signs of struggle. And if you want this to be over, Finally free of this, you need to tell us where you are" Greg states, and the line stays quiet again. This time longer.

"Jackie? You there?" Greg questions.

"We're going to the plane, the private plane that Griffin came on" Jackie answers quietly.

"Thank you, Jackie," Greg says.

"If I don't make it, it doesn't matter" Jackie cries.

"Oh yes it does. Yes it does. Are you in danger right now?" Greg asks quickly, but no one answers.

"Jackie?" he questions again, but no answer and then the phone disconnects.

Greg looks up towards Alex, and then Mary and sighs. "Airport" he says and Mary nods.

"I'm right behind you" she says as she turns to walk towards her car.


"The plane is a Falcon fifty, three engine commuter jet. Should be in the a hangar, southeast corner of the airport" Spike advises through the headset as he drives one of the SUV's.

"Okay, listen up, everybody. I know this is a long shift, so this is just to remind everybody, including myself, no matter how this went down tonight, it doesn't matter. However Jackie played this, it doesn't matter. She's still a CI under imminent threat. Spike and Jules, you head to the hangar. Sam and Ed, I want you on the periphery" Greg says and there is a long pause.

"Copy that. We're minutes away" Eddie's voice finally says.

Two of the SUV's quickly stop behind the private jet that was running and ready to go, while Eddie and Sam continue to drive past and towards the runway. "Jules, check the vehicle. Spike, cut the engine. Wordy, hangar roof -- you're Sierra" Greg explains as they all get out of the vehicles.

"I'm Sierra?" Wordy questions confused.

"Go!" Greg yells and Wordy runs off towards the hanger.

Greg and Alex follow behind Spike as they signal to the pilot to shut the engine off, and slowly it begins to get quiet.

"Open the door" Greg yells and the pilot quickly nods his head.

"Alex Carson! This is Sergeant Greg Parker with the Police Strategic Response Unit! You need to exit the plane. Show me your hands! Do it now!" Greg shouts through the megaphone.

"No visual on the subject" Alex states as her and Spike stand facing the door with their guns held up in front of them.

"No visual" Jules states from behind the wing.

"He's coming out" Greg's voice then says as movement is seen inside the plane. Suddenly both pilots appear in the doorway.

"Show me your hands!" Greg shouts as he stands next to the stairs. Both pilots raise their hands as they run down the stairs and towards Alex and Spike.

"Alex Carson! You need to exit the plane, you need to do it now!" Greg shouts as he looks towards Jules.

Jules walks closer as Greg lowers his gun and pulls out his extendable mirror to look inside the plane. Once he does he pulls the mirror back and holds his gun up again looking towards Jules and she nods her head, letting him know she's ready. Greg nods as he steps up onto the stairs and he slowly heads inside the plane.

When Greg enters he notices Jackie sitting on the couch with a smile on her face. "Show me your hands, Jackie" Greg says quietly and she quickly raises them and her smile grows.

"Where is he?" he asks.

"You're Greg. I recognized your voice" Jackie says.

"I've got Jackie. Carson's not on the plane" Greg says through the headset as he lowers his gun.

"Where is he, Jackie?" Greg asks again.

"He's not here" Jackie answers and Greg sighs and sits on the arm of one of the chairs beside him.

"Why'd you do this? Why do you keep helping him like this?" he questions slowly.

"Everything I have, everything I am, is because of him. I should never have sold him out. Thomas is dead because of me. And when I told him...Alex looks at me and...He just forgives me" Jackie explains, keeping a smile on her face.

"Okay, Team One, Carson's on the run. Repeat, Carson is not yet in custody" Greg' voice states through the headset and Alex lowers her gun and looks at Spike who looks annoyed.

"Sierra, I have the subject on foot, northbound, east side" Wordy's voice says through the headset.

Eddie turns a corner quickly in the SUV and spots Carson who stops running before turning around and running in the opposite direction. "I got him" Eddie says quietly as he steps on the gas.

"He's coming back towards the plane" Wordy's voice advises and Alex and Spike quickly run in the direction Wordy said he was.

Eddie follows closely behind Alex Carson as Sam leans out the window holding up his gun. Suddenly, Carson grabs a hold of the metal fence along the perimeter and his legs give out, causing him to grab hold of the fence tightly and fall to his knees. Eddie stops the car and both him and Sam jump out holding their guns as Spike and Alex run towards them doing the same. "Alex?! I need you to put the gun down!" Eddie yells. Carson watches through the fence as he spots Greg climb out of the plane and hold his gun up towards him as well.

"Let's see some hands! Put the gun down! Hands on the fence!" Eddie screams as Carson stands back up and lets go of the fence in front of him.

"Hands on the fence! Put the gun down, Alex!" Eddie continues to scream.

"I have the solution" Wordy's voice says through the headset.

"I have the solution too, boss" Spike advises as him and Alex stand behind a small shipping container for cover.

"Sierra, hold. Spike, hold" Greg calmly says through the headset.

"Put your hands up on the fence" Eddie says again as Carson slowly turns around and glares at them.

"Come on now. Drop the gun" Eddie says more quietly and Carson snickers.

"I guess it's not the broken heart that kills ya, huh?" Carson smirks.

"Alex, you're a smart guy here. So take the long view. It is still life" Eddie explains.

"Not without her," Carson replies.

"Just put the gun down," Eddie demands as Mary pulls up towards the plane in her car with her sirens on, and Carson shakes his head.

"I said put the gun down!" Eddie says louder.

"I have to see her again" Carson states and Eddie nods his head slowly.

"Then drop the gun" he says.

"I have to say goodbye" Carson says as tears begin to fall from his eyes.

"Put the gun down, Alex!" Eddie yells as Carson lifts the gun up to his head and closes his eyes.

"Alex...Alex, you put the gun down and I give you my word you will" Eddie says and Carson opens his eyes back up and looks directly at him.

"She does not wanna see you die, Alex" Eddie breathes and Carson takes a deep breath and looks towards the ground, before slowly lowering his arm and throwing the gun onto the ground.

"Sam...Okay" Eddie nods, causing Sam to begin walking towards Carson.

"Jules?" Eddie then says and Carson turns towards the fence.

"Jackie!" he screams loudly. Jules walks slowly out of the plane with Jackie handcuffed in front of her. Jackie then looks at Greg who slowly nods his head, and she runs towards the fence separating the both of them. She then leans in and places a kiss on his lips with tears in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry" Jackie cries.

"Baby, no" Carson says, shaking his head as tears also fall from his eyes.

"I'm so sorry" Jackie repeats as she leans in and gives Carson another kiss through the fence. Jules then walks up and gently pulls Jackie towards her as Eddie takes his handcuffs and cuffs Carson's hands behind him back.

Alex lets out a deep breath as her and Spike walk out from behind the shipping container and looks towards Sam and Eddie. Alex smiles and nods her head, and they do the same back to her. Alex then looks towards Spike and smiles as he places a hand on her back and they begin to walk back towards the plane.


Back at headquarters, Alex walks into the men's locker room and watches as Eddie goes to open his locker. When he does, the baby clothes that Wordy gave him fall out onto the floor. Alex then walks over and kneels down beside him to help him pick them up. "Eddie, I gotta ask you about what happened at the club" Alex says quietly, causing Eddie to look up at her and sigh before standing up slightly and sitting on the bench.

"You hesitate at the door because you had a bad feeling? Or is this thing at home leaking into work?" Alex questions as she sits on the bench next to Eddie holding a pink onesie in her hand.

"That's why Greg put me on the perimeter?" Eddie asks curiously.

"I'm glad he did" Alex sighs.

"Okay, Alex, look. We did the best we could with the information we had. If I had had a bad feeling, I would've said something" Eddie explains and Alex looks towards the onesie and a small smile appears on her lips.

"Would ya?" Alex questions as she then looks back towards Eddie, who was now looking at the ground.

"I saw Sophie last night and she said that I have to choose" Eddie says quietly as he slowly looks back up at Alex.

"What do you mean?" Alex asks.

"It's her, the kids, or it's the job. It's the job. Now what am I supposed to do with that? What am I supposed to do?" Eddie asks as tears begin to fall from his eyes. Alex quickly leans towards him and wraps her arms around him. She feels Eddie wrap his arms around her back tightly and take a deep breath.

"It will be okay. You guys will figure everything out. I know you will" Alex whispers, as she leans her head on top of his. 

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