Soft Touch

By UnfavorableWriter

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You are the knife I turn inside myself, penetrating me deep beneath my skin, but in the best way possible. ~~... More

Soft Touch
As Good As Mine
Anything For A Taste of Your Heart
A Job Well Done
(Christmas Special)
Once An Enemy Always A Friend
Steady Steps To You
A Trip In The Woods
A Color Tainted Soul
Stuck With You

No Art Is As Beautiful As You

969 43 7
By UnfavorableWriter

"O.M.G. Wednesday!"

Before she is able to reply, a colorful piece of paper is slammed down onto her desk beside her typewriter. Wednesday scowls, her typing faltering before stopping altogether. "What is this." Her voice is cold, but it does not bother Enid in the slightest.

"I drew it! For you! Do you like it?"

Wednesday's gaze shifts from her dormant hands on her typewriter's keyboard to the drawing. It was horrible.

Lines were everywhere, colors even more so, though the faint outline of what seemed to be a unicorn, or something of the sort, was colored in with red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. The colors of a rainbow. Wednesday makes a mental note to never touch the front side of it.

"I.. Suppose."

Enid nods and leaves the paper, skipping back over to her line of the duct tape without another word. She jumps back onto her bed, a few of her used crayons scattering and rolling across the floor. She doesn't bother to pick them up.

Wednesday is acutely aware of the scratching of pencil against paper as Enid sketches something else, and she glances at the previously drawn art beside her. Subtly, she grabs her briefcase and sets the drawing inside, quietly latching it closed and setting it back down in its original spot. Thing did not notice. She continues typing.

No one is sure how long it is until Enid comes bounding back over to Wednesday, another drawing clutched tight in the palm of her hand. "Wednesdayy~!" She singsongs, a bright smile splitting her face in half. "I have another one for you!" Her voice (if possible) sounds happier than her face looks.

A quiet, almost silent sound resembling something in between a sigh and a groan escapes Wednesday's parted lips, and she turns in her chair to face Enid, her typing stopping immediately. "Let me see it."

Enid more than happily hands it over, bouncing on her toes expectantly. She was waiting for feedback. Or.. something of the sort.

Wednesday inspects it closely, dragging her fingers over the mostly colorless page. It was much less colorful, therefore, less painful.

This time, rather than a horse with a horn atop its oddly shaped and colorful head, it was a bird. Not a pheonix, as Wednesday would have originally assumed Enid would draw, since she seemed to love mythical creatures, but rather what seemed to be a raven, or a crow. (Enid's artistic skills were not the very best).

"Do you like it!?" Enid clasps her hands behind her back, her fangs flashing through her smile.

Wednesday scowls as she feels the words brewing in her throat.

"It is.." She trails off, scowl deepening. "Enjoyable." She spats out, her face contorting with what seemed to be distaste. For herself? Maybe.  Probably.

Enid's eyebrows raise. "I think that might have been one of the nicest things you've ever said to me," she says, her smile growing both impossibly larger and brighter. Wednesday hated it.

"I could make it the last thing I ever say to you, if that is what you would prefer," the goth replies, her distasteful gaze suddenly turning into a cold glare, instead. Even she knew, deep down, the silence would not last.

"But that would hurt my feelings, and we both know you don't really want to hurt my feelings." Enid smiles. She knew she had won, and most likely had since the very beginning.

"Bold of you to assume I don't." Wednesday replies quickly, narrowing her eyes. And for a moment, she's almost convincing. Enid knows better, of course, and simply shrugs, bouncing off back to her own side of the dorm once more.

She picks up her crayons and pencil to continue drawing and sketching, this time making a mental note to only return to Wednesday if she had multiple ready for her.

Enid loves drawing.


By the time Enid had finally decided she was done, Wednesday had ended up with at least a few piles of hideously drawn pieces of art. She silently cherished all of them, though, and the moment Enid left to spend some time with Yoko (and most likely Divina, as well), she pulled all of the ones she had hidden out of her briefcase to inspect them closely, without the prying eyes of the artist and the disembodied hand she knew would tease her relentlessly. They would both be losing something, if the situation occured.

To anyone else, Wednesday doubted the drawings would mean so much, but to her, they did, and it pained her tremendously to admit it, even if it weren't out loud.

She hears a door click, and rushes to put the drawings away, shoving the briefcase underneath her bed.

The quiet scurry of fingertips tells Wednesday it was only Thing. Even if she had known, her reaction would have been the exact same.

The disembodied hand climbs up the leg of Wednesday's desk with little to no difficulty, having done it enough times before his nails had created almost perfect holds to assist him in reaching the destination he visited so very often. Confused by Wednesday's normally unsurprising rigidness, he taps something out on the wood.

'What are you trying to hide?'

And if he had a body, Wednesday didn't doubt he would be crossing his arms.

"Nothing," she replies shortly, straightening her back to add to her height advantage. She would not give in to his useless questioning.

'Is this about the drawings Enid gave you earlier?'

Wednesday scowls immediately. Thing knew her too well.

"No. What makes you believe it is?" Her eyebrow twitches as if she had tried to lift it, watching in utter horror as Thing slowly turns to face her neatly made bed. He points at the corner of the briefcase Wednesday hadn't been able to kick under before turning back.

Wednesday feels the sudden urge to toss him off the side of the balcony. Fortunately for him, she doesn't act on it.

'That does. There's no point in hiding it. You and I already know, and I'm sure she does, too.'

Embarrassment worms its way through Wednesday's belly. Her face does not warm to show it, but her stomach churns unpleasantly instead. "Only because you have told her," she replies hotly, glaring at the unfazed (and incredibly brave) appendage.

'I haven't told her anything. She's observant. She reads you well, Wednesday.'

She's immediately unsure of how to reply. Thing continues.

'She knows you better than most-'

He pauses, pushing down the urge to add a quick 'not better than me.'

'But you still try to fight it and push her away. Why?'

At first, Wednesday can't find an answer. She thinks, and thinks, her expression changing from one of anger to one of confusion, instead. Her mind races with zero intention of getting anywhere.

"I..." She stammers for a response. And slowly, she is able to piece together an answer.

"I don't want her to get hurt again."

'We both already know you would never let that happen.' Thing's reply is almost immediate, his fingers moving so quick Wednesday almost couldn't catch the first and last few words of what he had said.

Wednesday falls silent, unsure of how to reply. Thing was right, she wouldn't ever let that happen. She would protect Enid with her life, if that is what it took to ensure her safety. She would vow to never leave her side, always follow Enid's demands (unless it had something to do with touching color, or treating everyone kindly. Those orders she absolutely would not obey). Wednesday would rush head first into battle with nothing but her bare hands to protect Enid. (Battle against the scary monsters in Enid's nightmares, maybe). She was an Addams. Addamses devote their lives to protect the ones they trusted, the ones they called family.

Enid was family.

'Let her in, Wednesday. Stop trying to push her away. She will wait for you for as long as you need. She won't leave you.'

He pauses, working himself up for a very horrible joke to "lighten the mood" (as if such a thing were possible with Wednesday). 'And trust me when I say she isn't a big scary monster called a Hyde out for innocent people's blood and random body parts. I don't even think she could be if she wanted to.'

The corner of Wednesday's lips curl up into the only smile she knew how to muster. And if he could, Thing would do the exact same along with her.

"Thank you, Thing."

The appendage briefly lowers himself as if nodding before hurrying to sit on the opposite side of Wednesday's typewriter, bouncing up and down on the tips of his fingers with what seemed to be excitement. Doing so, he oddly resembled Enid. Wednesday dismisses the thought almost immediately.

"Would you like to watch me write?" Wednesday questions curiously, briefly lifting an eyebrow. It had happened before, Thing 'volunteering' himself. A few times, to be exact, but he never failed to take her by surprise in asking to do so. Usually, he simply tolerated the loud, obnoxious clacking of the keys as the goth typed (as most did, including Enid), and read while she was doing so, mostly as a distraction, and also to keep himself entertained (he got bored easily), but very rarely was he actually volunteering himself to sit so close while she was writing, having to endure the sound (how was he even able to hear it? Or anything, for that matter?) while it was even closer, therefore louder.

Thing 'nods' again.

Wednesday glances at him almost suspisciously, but looks away and straightens her posture, extending her arms to grab ahold of the previous pages in her novel to refresh her memory.

She knew what she had already written, of course, but she would be upset with herself if she managed to rewrite the same thing twice.

She much preferred remaining on the safe side.

Thing almost seems unable to contain his excitement, pacing back and forth across Wednesday's desk to keep himself preoccupied while she reads.

Wednesday sighs halfway through, choosing to instead skim over the words. Thing was enough of a distraction, anyway, there was really no point in taking her time any longer.

"Calm yourself or I will lock you in the drawer until you do."

The appendage quits moving so much immediately, though Wednesday could practically feel and see him shaking with uncontainable excitement, even after trying to keep completely still.

Wednesday (finally) finishes reading the last written page of her novel, and gingerly places the paper back down, posing her hands over the cool exterior of her typewriter, and presses a key down to begin the first sentence of the first paragraph. Thing jumps up to watch.

The sound of the goth's typewriter fills the room immediately with noisy clacks, gradually increasing in speed as her fingers get used to the repetitive movements. She doesn't stop or slow, despite Thing's distracting buzzing beside her.

So caught up in the moment, Wednesday had forgotten to stay aware of her surroundings. Her typing stops the moment the door opens.

"Hi, Wednesday!" Enid says, skipping over to her bed.

Odd. She seemed more cheerful now than she had when she left. Wednesday normal scowl changes to a frown. "Hello, Enid. Might I ask what kept you so long?"

"I was with Yoko! I thought I told you this earlier.." She trails off, her eyebrows furrowed. Her confusion doesn't last long. She perks up again, eyes brighter than ever. "We took a few walks around the Quad with Divina and Kent! Oh, and Bianca-!" Wednesday's scowl returns at the mention of her, briefly zoning out. "-We were just talking. They asked a few questions about when I'm in my werewolf form?" It sounds more like a question than a statement. Enid shrugs.

"Thing! Do you want to repaint your nails!?" Enid asks excitedly, flopping herself down on her bed. She bounces a few times, with the help of the old springs. They creak loudly, and Wednesday sees the werewolf flinch at the sound.

Thing signs a quick apology before jumping off the side of the desk, taking a moment to let the ache in his bones subside before scurrying over to Enid, almost faster than Wednesday had ever seen him move before. She lets out a quick breath through her nose.

"Very well. Enjoy yourselves. I suppose I will go busy myself in the library." Wednesday stands, her typewriter completely forgotten, and leaves the room, the door quietly closing behind her.

Enid watches her go, almost longingly, her eyebrows furrowed. A quiet whine draws out deep from within in her throat. Her cheeks warm as embarrassment hurries to flood her body with heat. She had really just done that.

Thing taps her leg, and Enid thinks he's trying to remind her of what she'd asked him to do, but as he hurries off, Enid comes to realize he was not.

"Thing?" She whispers, confused by the own quietness of her voice. Wednesday was, with no doubt, already at least halfway down the hallway, completely out of earshot of them both. Enid crawls off the bed to follow Thing.

"Thing, what are you doing?" She asks, her voice a bit louder this time.

The appendage doesn't stop, sliding underneath Wednesday's bed at close to full speed. A small thump is heard as he bumps into something, and a moment later, a finger pokes out from beneath the bedframe, his whole figure coming into view a moment later, something large and heavy (to him, at least) attached to his pinky finger as he walks forward.

'Give me a second.'

He turns again, fiddling with the lock for a few minutes, before it pops open. The appendage struggles to remove it for a few moments longer, but eventually manages to succeed. He flicks it off and hops back.

'Open it. Hurry, before Wednesday gets back and realizes I helped you.'

Enid quirks a brow, hesitantly reaching forward to push the lid of the briefcase open. Slowly, the pages inside reveal themselves in all of their (li sparkling, multicolored glory. Enid beams.

"She kept my drawings? I thought she would throw them away!" She says incredulously, her eyes wide.

She lifts a corner of each page, counting and briefly glancing at all drawings inside. "All of them. She kept every single one of the drawings I made for her." Her lips part in surprise, eyebrows raising.

'Now what does this mean you can do?'

Enid recovers quickly, her expression quickly changing. She smiles smugly, the corners of her lips curling in a way that could only mean one thing.

'Yes, yes, okay. Now please latch the case and put it back under the bed before she truly does take all of my fingers.'

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