Delicate Just Like a Flower J...

Por TochiSenpai

63 0 0

Y/n Clément to be a first year at Hogwarts she is also the only child to the Clément family. She is also one... Más

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Chapter 2

Chapter 1

11 0 0
Por TochiSenpai

After we finished eating after a while I said my good nights to the guys, but I was too tired and it seemed the same for my dorm mates as for when I walked in, they were already in their pajamas and in their bed passed out. All my stuff was at the end of my bed but I notice that pepper wasn't in my room but then I remembered that the owls are sent up into the owlery to sleep with the others as for the cats and toads they sleep in the room with us but I only saw one cat otherwise there wasn't any other pets in the room so I just opened up my trunk and grabbed my pajamas out and went to our shared bathroom so go and get changed.

I then just walked out of our bathroom and slid in my cold bed then knock out.

It was then the next morning we didn't have classes till tomorrow thank merlin even though I woke up early surprisingly I notice that at least one of the other girls was up. I then got out of bed not realizing how cold it was going to be. When I went into my trunk to grab

I then started to warm up. I grabbed my brush, toothbrush/toothpaste and my makeup then I head other to the bathroom where the girl that is up is in the door is closed and I don't want to chance it, so I knock on the door. "Uhm good morning can I come in or are you on the loo." "Oh, you can come on in.," said the girl. "Okay, cool thank you. I open the door to see a beautiful red-headed girl. "Oh, you must me the new roommate that we were going to have since last year we still had an open bed. My name is Lily Evans and good morning sorry I didn't introduce myself last night you know how it is now." "Good morning, Evans, my name is Y/n Clément and don't worry about it I understand. Is it okay if I call you Lily and you can call me Y/n plus I think you are the girl my best friend always talks about you are very pretty." "Yeah, you can call me Lily I'm fine with that. Thank you I appreciate that your best friend doesn't happen to be James Potter if he is he talks about you as well." "Yep, that idiot is very much my best friend and I hope that they are all good things nothing embarrassing otherwise I think I might kill him and tell the guys and you three all the embarrassing things that he has done since we were five and six." "No, need to kill him but I'm interested in hearing the embarrassing things about him he hasn't said anything bad or embarrassing about you at least as far as I know." "I will think about it but anyways let's finish getting ready. Otherwise, I think we will miss breakfast and we still need to wake up them up." "Yeah, lets."

Once I got done with my makeup

and I decided to put my hair into a cute messy bun

then I leave the bathroom to head over to my trunk and look for some clothes. "Hey, Lily does it matter what I wear the day before our day of classes?" "I mean I would think pick an outfit that you want to feel comfortable in." "Okay, thanks." "No problem." I do through my trunk, and I find the perfect outfit.

I then go and head back into the bathroom since Lily had left it and was picking out her outfit which it wouldn't take me long to change.

It took me about five minutes tops to change since I had everything else done. Then I head over to my desk that was in the room cause all of us have our own desk in the room and start my letter to my parents that I said I would write to them.

Dear Mum and Dad,

I made it to Hogwarts safely and I got into GRYFFINDOR!! But mum why didn't you tell me that you played quidditch and was the captain at that. Anyways I already made a bunch of friends the first three are actual James's friends. I met the first one of his friends when trying to get onto the train his name is Remus Lupin, then I met his two other friends named Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew. But the thing was before I met the other two James jumped on me and smashed me, I think I saw my life flash before my eyes that how heavy he was but then again, he is older than me and I wasn't ready for him to jump on top of me. But anyways once we got to the boats, I met a girl named Aahana Harps and she is super nice she got into Hufflepuff just like the rest of her family. Then came one of my roommates her name is Lily Evans she is the girl that James always talks about, and he is right she is pretty but my other two roommates I haven't been able to meet as for that are still sleeping so my roommates are all older than me. I hope this gets to you guys love you both.

With Love your daughter,

Y/n Clément

I then decided to finish to write another letter but just to my mum. But before I did that, I stuck mum and dad letter in an envelope and drew a flower on the corner of it then wrote our address.

Dear Mum,

Like I said before why didn't you tell me how popular you were like even my friend Peter recognized you. The sorting hat was for some reason surprised that you had me I don't know why but mum what else are you not telling me. Don't let dad read this this is a letter just between you and me. The boy named Remus he was cute I kinda accidentally fell asleep on him which I don't know why he didn't just wake me up or push me onto James but then when it got close, I woke up and went to go and change but I couldn't figure out my tie and even though James offered he didn't even have his done yet. So, I said no to him then Remus offered, and he did it, and I don't know how red my face it just was. But also, once Remus was done with my tie we got to the school and there was a really strong stop, so I fell back sitting on Sirius lap I don't know if I just still red from Remus or I got red from Sirius because I mean Sirius is pretty cute plus he bought some of my candy off the trolley. James said that I was special cause Sirius buys no other girl food, but Sirius denied it, so I don't know who to believe. Anyways please I want to know about you when you went here not by other people. I don't want there to be secrets between us. I love you I hope this gets to you.

With Love your daughter,

Y/n Clément

I this in a different envelope with different flower drawn in it and I wrote our address again on. I took both of my letters up to the owlery to go and see pepper and give them to her to send. When I make it up to her, I see Aahana with her pet owl as well giving it a letter to I'm assuming her family too. "Hey, Hana if it's okay to call you that." "Yeah, go ahead. What are you doing up here?" "Oh, I'm sending my parents letters. Can I call you flower? And how about you?" "Same." We both laugh even though it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I then walk over to pepper as Aahana lets her owl go with her letter. "Will see you later then n/n." "Yep, see ya later Hana." I give Pepper my letters and let her fly off my arm to head to my parents with my letters to them. "Ah, finally done." I head down from the owlery to the great hall to eat my breakfast and I surprisingly see all four of the guys and I also see me of two roommates with Lily they are all sitting with each other. I'm not that surprised actually about the James and Lily since James likes to bug Lily and she keeps rejecting him, but I swear that guy is like an idiot. But I head over and sit next to Lily I and sitting across from Remus and I'm pretty sure that I had a small blush as for my other two one of them is across from Sirius while the other is across from Peter. "Morning everyone hope everyone slept well." "Morning Y/n I slept well thank you for asking." Remus responded first. "Thats good." "The same down here." responded Sirius and Peter as well as the girls. James wasn't really paying attention he was drooling over Lily so much. Remus said to James. "James, Y/n is talking to you." "Oh, morning. I slept hey since when you started wearing make-up?" "Whatever, James. I was wearing some yesterday why does it matter when it is wrong for me to wear make-up like any other girl." "No, it's just I've never seen you wear make-up, so I think it looks awkward." I start to get teary eyed. "Some kind of best friend you are." I just get up and fast walk out the great hall. And I start running to the abandon girl's bathroom that I heard about. Why did that hurt so much hes such an idiot it shouldn't bother me this much.

Lily's POV

Y/n had come and sat down next to me across from Remus and I could tell that she had a small blush, but I don't want to say anything. "Morning, everyone hope everyone slept well." Stated Y/n. Remus was the first one to respond. "Morning, Y/n I spelt well thank you for asking." Y/n then respond with "Thats good." Then the rest of us said "Same down here." But James wasn't paying attention at all to what Y/n was saying he was drooling over my so much. Then I hear Remus say to James "James, Y/, is talking to you." He then responded with "Oh, morning. I slept..hey since when you started wearing make-up?" He didn't even finish his answer to her. "Whatever, James. I was wearing some yesterday why does it matter when it is wrong for me to wear make-up like any other girl." Y/n respond to him I could tell she was starting to get upset with James. "No, it's just I've never seen you wear make-up, so I think it looks awkward." That is when it hit her, she started to become teary eyed. She then responds with "Some kind of best friend you are." She got up from the table and stood up from the bench and walked out fast of the great hall. I could tell that she didn't want any of us to see her cry even though I started to see her tear up. "You are an arshole James." I said to James as I stood up from the bench to go after her. "What kind of guy says that to a girl," said Maralene. "That was a dick thing to a girl especially since she is a first year and your best friend." Mary had also responded. All three of us stood up from the bench and left to go after Y/n. "What? What are you talking about? I just asked her when she started wearing make-up and that it was awkward not seeing it on her." "Think about what you just said, and I hope you realize how much you sounded like an ars." I reasoned to James. The three of us made it out of the great hall to try and find her.

But when we went out the door, she was nowhere to be found but then Mary thought of where she might be. "She might be in the abandoned girl's bathroom I mean I know that is where I would go when I would be upset." "Okay, lets head over there."

We start to head over to the abandoned bathroom, and I hear crying and I figured it was Y/n. "Hey, Y/n it's me Lily I have Mary and Maralene with me we came to come and find you." Y/n was in a stale she locked the door so that we couldn't open the door. "Oh, h-hey li-ly how did y-you kn-now where to f-find me?" "Well, it was Mary's idea. She said that you might be in here because this is where she would be if she was upset." "Well, it se-ems y-you fo-und m-me." "Y/n can you open up the door for me please." Maralene had said to Y/n. It took Y/n a couple seconds then she opened the door with her make-up that had ran down her face and her eyes red. "Hey, Y/n it's nice to meet you even though this probably isn't the best of circumstances my name is Maralene, and this is Mary." Y/n laughs a bit at that. "Yeah, probably not the best of circumstance but it's nice to meet you both too. I hope you can forgive me for that whole scene that you ladies had to witness." "Oh, please you don't need to apologize James was being rude and he shouldn't have said that. And now your make up is all messed up let's go back to the room and fix you up." "Thank you, Mary. Thank you all three of you actually for coming after me I've never had a friend do that for me. Wait we are friends, right?" "Yeah, we are friends and it's no problem. So, let's go!" I say and point to the exit, and we all laugh going after her.

James POV

All the girls had left so it was just the four of us guys. "Was she wearing make-up yesterday and did I really say something so wrong?" I asked the guys. "Prongs you are that blind." Padfoot said to me then Remus responded with. "Yes, James she was wearing make-up yesterday I don't know how you missed it you literally jumped on top of her and yes what you said was quite rude." "I guess it's just that I've known her for so long so for her to suddenly put on make-up it is weird for me she is pretty much like a younger sister to me." "But still prongs you can't go and just say that especially since you weren't paying attention to what she was even asking you. All of us had answered but you were too busy drooling over Lily to even pay attention." Said Peter. "Whatever it happened it's in the past I can't change anything." "So, you aren't even going to apologize to her?" Remus asked, "I mean I guess I will, but she will get over it, but I will still."

We then left the great hall after that while conversation and we decided to head back to the common room. "Y/n sure did look cute though not going to lie." "Gross Pads she pretty much my sister." "But she isn't so you can't stop me plus you are in trouble with her and the other girls anyways." "Piss off pads before I kick your ars." But what I didn't realize was that the girls were a couple feet behind us and heard what we just said.


We left the bathroom and made it to the hallway to get to our common room before the stairs. I don't think the boys realized that we were behind them because of what they were saying. But when James said that I was pretty much his sister it hurt but I think I figured that out on how much he talks about Lily. But when Sirius was complimenting me, I liked to hear that I don't get to hear complement from guys. I don't think James every actually complimented me before and if it was it was probably something really dumb. "I don't think that they realized that we are behind them huh." I giggle a little at what Lily said. "Probably, but I'm happy that I got a compliant from a guy I've actually very had one before. I think we might need to have a little girl talk actually once we get into our room even though I've only known you girls a day I think I can trust you on what I want to tell you." "Okay, Y/n we totally will have girl talk Lily never does girl talk with Mary and me she so boring." "Hey, not's completely true I've joined in before." We all laughed.

After a couple more minutes we are right behind the guys at the fat lady portrait. "Hey, guys seem we meet again so soon." Said Maralene. "It seems that way." Sirius said back. I still have the make-up on face dried on my face and my eyes probably red. "Excuse us." I said to the guys as they make a pathway for me and the girls to get into the common room so that we can get up to our room.

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