Into the World of Manwha (Ele...

By PraytoNamJesus

134K 9.2K 1.5K

Male OC X All of Eleceed (basically) A/n: ❗️This is a Eleceed Fanfiction! Eleceed is a webtoon written by Jeh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Bonus Chapter #1: The Portrait of Hyung
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Bonus chapter #2: The Decision to Befriend Kain
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Bonus Chapter #3: In Kains Apartment
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Bonus chapter #4: Huas Masked Chairman
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59

Chapter 2

3.5K 183 33
By PraytoNamJesus

"...idiot!" My eyes hurt. But I could hear someone faintly speaking. "...wasn't my fault..." This voice obviously belonged to the harasser who punched me as soon as I woke up. "What would the chairwoman think!?" Someone sounded upset. Chairwomen, why does that remind me of...

"Ugh-" I finally opened my eyes, despite not wanting to, I couldn't just lay there and listen to a couple of people arguing while I felt like shit and my whole body ached. "You're up!" Someone popped up beside me, a man with slicked back hair and a creepy looking smile. I leaned away, slightly weirded out by them when someone else joined my view. "Weak ass" I looked to see Jisuk. So, it wasn't a dream nor hallucinations. It really is Jisuk. "Apologize" the man I didn't know glared at Jisuk. If eyes could kill, I can tell Jisuk wouldn't be standing there with a smug look on his face at the moment. "Or should I tell the chairwomen you hit a fellow classmate of yours?" Hearing chairwomen, Jisuk scoffed but bowed, uncrossing his arms and genuinely bowing 90 degrees. "I'm sorry for punching you too hard!" He shouted when the man whacked his head. "There's patients here! Shh!!" He scolded as Jisuk argued back with "you just told me to apologize!?". I sat there, feeling deja vu. I swear, I had seen this before somewhere.

But, where? Suddenly, my thoughts turned to a specific comic I read before. "...Inhyuk...?" I started. The two paused, turning my way. "You know me?" "You know him?" They simultaneously asked. To be honest, the answer would be yes and no. I know Inhyuk through the Manwha but I don't know him personally. So, how should I answer? Now that I've seen two similar looking people from the Manwha, I can guess the impossible happened. "No..." I turned away from them, dazed out when I looked down at my wrist, noticing something familiar. The bracelet hyung gave me. Hyung...that flooded back into me. The shock of being beat up before reduced to smithereens compared to the amount of emotions rushing in after my memories returned. "H-hyung- I have to go find hyung!!!" I tried to get out of bed when an IV stopped me. Like an idiot, I tore the IV out of my arm and started to make my way to the door.

"Whoa hey!?" Inhyuk grabbed me, forcing me back as I looked at him, terror on my face. "LET GO" I yanked my arm away, splattering some blood on the ground and on Jisuk on accident. "Gross!?" He gagged, wiping the blood off his face. Watching him do so, over lapped a memory of Hyung wiping blood off his face after fighting the intruder before mom was kept hostage. "Let me go-" I started to have a panic attack. Moms dead. Hyungs dead. I'm dead. Am I? I can't tell anymore- "what's your problem!?" Jisuk grabbed my wrists, trying to get me back to the bed when I yanked away again. Running to the open bathroom. I turned around and locked it, hyperventilating as I sat down in the corner. Tears rushed out in every breath I tried to take. "Open the door!!!" Jisuks angry voice shouted alongside bangs against the wood. I covered my ears, shaking my head.

Hyung. Hyung. Hyung!

I repeatedly called for him. I got no answer. I didn't feel him. He's gone. "Kain-" I paused, hearing Inhyuks voice. He sounded a lot more soothing than expected but still, it wasn't the voice I wanted to hear. He's not hyung. "Go away..." I mumbled, hugging my knees to my chest. After what I went through, there's no way I can see awakeners as good people despite knowing the story of Jiwoo Seo. I closed my eyes, biting my lip in order to hold in my cries. I just barely calmed my hyperventilation, so I can think straight again. Although, still doubtful. "Jisuk isn't here anymore. Why don't you come out?" I stayed. Not moving a single muscle in response to Inhyuks kind voice. "Do you want a nurse instead?" He asked, still in front of the door. I closed my eyes again, feeling tired.

"I'll come back later with some food for you to eat. You were passed out for three days, so, I hope you can get a check up. I'm leaving now" Inhyuk stood up and his footsteps slowly faded before a click sounded. Now it remained silent. I knew he was gone and probably told the nurses to leave me be for a while but, I couldn't care less. I just wanted to be alone right now. Soon enough, I fell right back asleep in the corner of this hospital bathroom.

I awoke. Still in my sitting position and corner I refused to leave. "Ugh-" I stood up, feeling stiff from staying in a curled up position for too long. I looked around the bathroom, noticing a toilet, a walk in shower, a single mirror and sink. I sighed, walking to the sink and turning on the water. Cupping some of it into my hands, I splashed it all over my face. Feeling the coolness of the liquid calmed my flushed face. I took a deep breath, reaching out for the paper towels and tore some off, wiping my face dry as I looked up into the mirror.

The first thing I see isn't me. But red hair. A really handsome guy with slightly long red hair. "Who-" I wanted to ask who he was when my words came out of this person's mouth as well. "No way?!" I stumbled back, fell down when I tripped over my own feet, hitting my elbow against the tiled floor and flinching at the burning sensation suddenly flowing through my arm. I landed on my funny bone, unfortunately. But it also told me that I could feel the same things this body did. Slowly, I stood back up, peeking at the mirror, expecting the person staring back at me to lunge or speak. But, they did exactly what I did.

I looked down at my pale hands. Before, I was tan. Not pale. I'm just now realizing this. I pulled at the long red hair, looking at it and feeling it. It is soft. Really soft and silky. Something my horse-like hair never felt like before. I then stared at the eyes, unlike my brown eyes, these eyes had a reddish glow to it. His eyes matched his hair. "Who is this-?" I wondered, patting his face or rather my face? Feeling it and noticing how handsome this person is. "Kain? They kept calling me Kain? Is that this guys name?" I had many questions. But the only thing I could think of is transmigration. The act of someone's soul crossing over a dimension and into the already existing body of another person. It's the only thing that made sense. Even then, it sounded insane.

"But how else am I supposed to explain I'm in the body of someone I don't know" I sighed, looking down at my wrist and seeing the same gold bracelet hyung had given me. Protection, he called it. When he said that, did he mean I'd transmigrated into someone else's body? But, it made no sense still. "I should keep it anyways" I said to myself, turning to the bathroom door. Hesitantly I unlocked it, peeked around the room, finding no one there, I walked out and onto the bed. Seeing the sheets changed out and my arm still slightly bloody from pulling out my IV recklessly. "Jeez '' I grabbed a tissue, went back to the bathroom and washed off my arm. Avoiding the mirror as it still freaked me out.

Then, a bag caught my eye. It was a bag with a sticky note on it. "I'm sorry for the scare. Jisuk will be properly punished so don't worry. I left my number, give me a call if you need anything" I read aloud, seeing Inhyuks signature and his phone number written at the bottom. Never. I shouldn't get involved with them anymore. Especially Shinwha. So, I crumbled the note and threw it away, happily taking the chicken as compensation. Eating and stuffing my face, I examined the familiar hospital room. "Ah- Kains bag" I got up, walking over to the couch where Kains backpack rested. I unzipped it, my eyes widening upon seeing the contents inside. Slowly, I pulled out a journal I was given. "Hyungs" I covered my mouth, opening the journal and reading the first sentence.

I'm an awakened.

It truly is hyungs journal. The journals he gifted me before everything was destroyed. Just how did the bracelet he gave me and the journals he told me to read end up here? It made no sense but it made me feel relieved. I have something of hyungs and something to remind me of mom. A way to prove I truly did live that life. A life full of love and happiness until now. I continued to read the journal.



The park I usually frequent was terrorized by someone. It remained destroyed, completely wiped out. I was on my way to school when it happened. Two people, very strong people, fought in that park. Somehow, they didn't realize I stood there, watching them use what I assume to be, powers. Even weirder though, I saw no other person besides myself and these two other...I'm not sure if I can call them people, in the park. At first the duo didn't mind me as I stayed hidden behind a building. At least, until one of them was thrown into the building, destroying the very wall I was behind. "What are you doing here!?" The man stood up from the rubble, dust and pieces of concrete falling off their hair and shoulder. He looked a lot like me.

I couldn't answer.

He threw me somewhere and put me in a clear barrier, making sure I couldn't escape but also protected. Not even the building debris could penetrate this barrier. I stayed in it for what felt like hours, hungry and tired from hearing the things around me become destroyed. Then, it all went silent. The barrier vanished.

A man emerged from the destroyed buildings. The same man who threw me into that barrier. "Who are you" I asked, keeping my calm. Waiting for the right moment to run. The woman didn't answer, rather, he stayed atop the rubble and stared down at me. The man who looked like me.

"Well...I had hoped it wouldn't be true" he started to speak. Wondering what he meant, I clenched a piece of rock I picked up, taking that chance and threw it as hard as I could at him. I've always been a little stronger, faster, and unique compared to people my age. I once threw a rock at someone who bullied a person I'm acquainted with and broke their arm with that single small rock. I expected the same thing to happen with this man. Even if I saw an unbelievable fight happen before my eyes.

The man caught that rock with his hand. Crushing it into dust. I gulped, knowing I wouldn't escape this man even if I risked my life for it. He appeared right in front of me, with speed so fast my eyes couldn't keep up with him. His hand reached out, patting my head. "You're an awakened" were his first words to me.

"I'm your father, Eunwoo" he introduced himself. "I'm also and awakened..." I knew from that moment on, a bigger responsibility would be put on my shoulders. A responsibility far beyond simple final exams but life and death. Especially since it's a man who claimed to be my father...meaning he's also Sehyuns father...


I closed the journal, thinking I shouldn't read any more at the moment. Eunwoo hyung had met our father in the same way I found out about hyungs powers. He witnessed father fight. I witnessed hyung fight. Only difference is hyung and father survived that fight.

"You're up" I looked to see Jisuk standing at the entrance to the hospital room. His arms crossed as he watched me sit there, eyes red from crying and nose red from the aggressive wiping. I glared at him. "I want to be alone, '' I said, standing up as I stuffed the journal back into the bag. "You have no right to speak to me like that, Kain" I sighed at the name. Kain, the name of the body I currently possess. "I can't believe you cried just because I punched you" he scoffed at me, taking a seat on the bed. I kept quiet, not wanting to speak as Jisuk stared at me. Uncomfortable couldn't begin to describe the feeling I felt in that moment.

"Inhyuk asked me to come by and give you compensation. Don't forget to finish our school project today" he threw an envelope my way, I caught up, only to feel something bulky inside. I opened it. Seeing a lot of money inside. Compensation huh?

"Keep your damn money-" I threw it back at him. Jisuk whacked it away in midair, an annoyed smirk on his face. "What now?" He asked, standing up and toon a few strides my way til he towered over me. "I said keep your damn money" I scowled. Emphasizing the word keep. "You're seriously pissing me off" he grabbed my shirt collar, threateningly pressing me deeper into the couch. "If you're going to kiss me, hurry it up" I joked, absolutely losing my mind. "Who'd kiss a filthy thing like you? Even if you were a girl, I'd rather cut off my lips than kiss you to save my life" he clenched his jaw, clearly holding back the urge to punch me again. My mood was already bad but Jisuk acting like an ass only soured it more. "Says the one who keeps getting closer" I retorted, pressing my hands against his chest since he really was getting uncomfortably close.

"Weren't you the one who wanted me to kiss you?" Now I am confused. Didn't he just say he'd rather cut off his lips than kiss me? I only said it to annoy him, not provoke him into doing so. "W-wait" I panicked, feeling my body slip off to the side as he climbed on top of me. My eyes widened, my hospital gown creeping up my leg. Holy- this Kain guy really had some masculine yet feminine to him. Even his legs were smoother than a baby's bottom. "Jisuk! I don't know you! I can't remember anything after you punched me! I only remembered your name so are we in that kind of relationship!? What is this!?!?" I blurted out anything to get this guy to stop pursuing his kiss. When I said I don't remember, he stopped, moving away from me. He chuckled seeing me red and flushed by his actions.

"I guess you really did lose your memories" he said, sitting on a different chair and letting me lay on the couch. "After all. If it was any other day, you would've socked me in the Jaw as soon as you saw me. Let alone joke about kissing" he leaned forward, tilting his head as he watched me sit up and adjust my gown again. "I'll get scolded really badly if they find out I punched you so hard you lost your memory" he thought for a moment. I stayed wary of him, after all I woke up in this world getting beat the crap out of me by Jisuk. "I'll check up on you every now and then. Only until you can get by again without needing me to remind you of things" Jisuk said, nodding his head, agreeing with his own statement as I shook mine. "I'll figure it out" I stood up, grabbing my bag and rummaging through the closet for my clothes. Luckily I found them, seeing the same school uniform that Jisuk wore before.

I sighed, but I had no other choice. I needed to figure Kains situation before I can go on with living in this world and if I can handle going to school. Although I wasn't phenomenally smart like hyung, I can get by pretty well on my own. "Hey! I'm talking to you!" Jisuk followed me, watching as I walked into the bathroom and slammed the door on his face. "KAIN!" He hit the door, wanting me to open it. "Do you want to see me change!? Jesus work on your damn temper first fucking-" I started mumbling to myself, calling Jisuk many names as I tugged on my pants and put on my shirt. Leaving the uniform jacket in the bag. Once I opened the door, Jisuk shoved me into the bathroom again, locking the door behind him. His arm pressed against my throat and against the wall. "I'm close to losing it with you again- your such an annoying basterd" he started. I don't know Kain, his personality nor anything besides he's good looking and a guy. That's it. Which is why I needed to learn more about him to adapt into this world.

"Buzz off beasty" I pushed his arm off myself, ducking under his other arm and unlocking the bathroom door. "What did you call me!?" He bursted through the door, eyes widening seeing me push open the hospital room door. "I'm not going to thank you for taking me to the hospital since you're the reason I ended up here in the first place. But let me tell you this. Leave me alone from now on. If you do, I'll leave you alone as well. Goodbye Jisuk" I slammed the door behind me, not giving that beasty a chance to respond before dashing to the hospital stairs and running down. Besides my hyungs journal, I found Kains ID card and a notebook containing some information on his address and such.

My first destination, Kain's home.


Enryu throughout this whole chapter:

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