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Von achinghireath

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Enya is happier than ever. Having her friends around her, the Ravenclaw is enjoying her time studying at the... Mehr



13 4 1
Von achinghireath

It was late at night when Dongju and Enya were still playing chess in the Great Hall with the other two following their every action. Soon, Enya had become too tired to properly think about her next move, so Dongju won the last round. Now he would never shut up about this, ever. The four had decided to head back to their dorms.

Enya and Geonhak's hands were intertwined as they got up. Walking down the hallways together, Geonhak suddenly wanted to take another turn and loosened his grip on the female's hand.

"Aren't you going to bed?"

"No, I don't think I can sleep already." The other two also stopped some metres away from the couple, "I think I'm going to walk around just for a little more.

"Are you okay?" She instantly asked with worry in her voice, "I can accompany you if you want."

"No, it's fine. Go to sleep, it's late already." The female quickly understood that he wanted to be on his own. What bothered her was that she didn't know what his mind was so occupied with recently. She wanted to help him, console him, but she couldn't.

"Okay," she mumbled, "see you tomorrow morning in Potions class then. Good night!"

Geonhak pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead, "Good night."

Geonhak turned around, and so did the girl to join her friends again and they walked off in different directions. The two boys had heard the conversation and didn't question anything. As they said good night to each other as their ways had to part because of their different houses, Enya waited until the Slytherin and the Hufflepuff had turned around the corner to distance herself from her dorm again.

Where had Geonhak wandered off to?

With quick steps, she went back to the hallway they had parted ways some minutes earlier. If he went in that direction, he would be heading to the astronomy tower. A good place to clear one's mind, Enya had to admit. Watching the stars contained so much calmness and peace.

However, that day there were no stars in the sky, it was all black. As the female entered the tower, she had voices. Was Geonhak talking to himself? At the same moment, another familiar voice spoke up and then several more that Enya didn't seem to recognise. Something felt off.

Instead of walking up the gritty stairs, the student hid right under the platform in between some boxes packed with astronomy class materials. Her eyes had quickly adapted to the darkness, so she tried to watch what was happening through the small grits of the platform while eavesdropping.

However, Enya barely recognised the people above her. Noticing Geonhak by his blond hair and... Dumbledore? What was the headmaster doing there? The other people were the ones talking now, there were three of them. One of them was female, she was sure of that. The small witch had black curly hair which was wildly all over her head.

"Where is it?" the dark witch hissed.

"I do not know what you are talking about, Bellatrix."

"The Elder Wand! Are you that old that you've forgotten about it already?"

The Elder Wand? The conversation was heated, yet the headmaster kept replying in the same calm tone which angered the witch. It made her furious. Should the Ravenclaw step in? Enya's eyes wandered back to Geonhak. Only then she saw that he was holding his wand in Dumbledore's direction. Enya's blood froze.

"He is no use to us" the black-haired witch scoffed "the Dark Lord doesn't need him alive as well. Geonhak, end him. If you don't do it, I will."

Only then Enya realised what was going on above her. It was death eaters, Voldemort's followers. Witches and wizards who made use of dark, forbidden magic in order to achieve their selfish goals, to serve their Lord. Taking a closer look, Enya thought to spot knives in the wild, wavy hair of the witch. They were used like hair clips. That very witch was Bellatrix Lestrange, one of the most dangerous witches to ever walk this earth right after Voldemort himself. How had she been able to escape Azkaban? It was the most highly guarded prison in the world.

Her mind shifted.

Geonhak. He was a traitor. It couldn't be. That was why he had been so distant. That was why he had reacted so overly bizarrely as Dumbledore announced the return of the Dark Lord. That was why he had decided to spend time with his friends, knowing it would be the last time. That was why he had confessed to Enya right then. He had been plotting with the death eaters. He was one of them. Just as she had put the pieces together, Geonhak exclaimed,

"Avada Kedavra!"

Green sparks escaped his wand, lighting up the night for just a split second as it hit the powerless headmaster. This dark spell was one of the unforgivable curses, causing instant death. Just like that, one of the most powerful wizards had been killed by one of his students. He hadn't even made a sound. His lifeless body was falling backwards off the tower.

Bellatrix was hysterically laughing as the girl stared in shock. Geonhak stared into the empty space where Dumbledore once stood. Enya wanted to scream. She held her hand in front of her mouth and silently sobbed. If they spotted her, she would meet the same fate as the professor. Would the traitor be the one to kill her as well?

The four death eaters swiftly made their way down the tower using the stairs without noticing the female folding in the corner of some boxes. With shaky legs, Enya got up.

Bellatrix's laugh was echoing through the entire school. With one whip of her wand, she made all windows of the Great Hall shatter at once. All of the candles flying in the hall were blown out, fallen to the ground. She destroyed things everywhere she could while having the time of her life. With quick steps, Geonhak kept up with them as they left the castle and destroyed everything even on the meadows. Suddenly, a wooden hut was on fire and with that the pumpkin farm next to it.

Enya became furious. Stomping outside, ready to meet her death, the cold air hit her face.

"Kim Geonhak!" She screamed her lungs out, "You filthy traitor!"

The said wizard turned around. Everything she could see in his eyes was emptiness. There was nothing left of the warmth they had given Enya just days before. They were black, with no expression in them. On the other side, the fire behind him was reflecting in Enya's eyes.

"Who is that rat?" Bellatrix asked from afar, judging her clothes "Didn't know Ravenclaws had a mouth."

"I'll handle her, she's not worth your magic," Geonhak said to the dark witch.

The student shakily held out her wand. However, she couldn't cast a spell; it was as if her mouth had been stitched up, preventing her to cast a spell in fury.

"How could you!?" escaped her lips instead, "How could you betray Hogwarts? Your friends? Me?" He just blankly stared at her "You coward! Speak to me!"

"Stupify!" Geonhak called out, stunning the girl in an instant.

As she helplessly sunk to the ground, a tear escaped her eye. The last thing she saw before passing out was Geonhak returning to his fellow death eaters. Bellatrix's laugh was resounding in her ears.

Meanwhile, plenty of students and teachers had gathered in the court of the castle in which Dumbledore's lifeless body was resting. McGonagall raised are wand into the sky. Its tip was slightly glowing, a weak lumos spell had escaped her mouth. Both students and teachers followed her as there was an ocean of glowing wand tips pointing into the night sky to mourn their fallen headmaster.

Keonhee and Dongju were among those students. They had found each other in the crowd but weren't able to spot their other two friends. Were they in danger?


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