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After walking for some more minutes in order to find a sheltered place in the new forest, they decided to put up their camp next to a rock wall. Enya pulled out the bewitched tent which swiftly grew back to its original size as she threw it into the air. With no work done, it built itself up and found steady ground on the forest floor.

Dongju was looking for wood to burn on a campfire for some warmth while Enya and Keonhee were getting their beds ready. As Keonhee was igniting the fire, the girl pulled out her bandaids and ointments to prevent the cuts of the thorns to get infected. She also helped out her friends with the pharmacies. Then, Enya brought out some of the food and quickly passed it out. They were starving.

Sitting together by the campfire, they were cheerfully chatting while eating as Keonhee spoke up,

"Where are we heading now? Are we waiting for a wonder to happen? Are we waiting for Voldemort to come to us by himself?"

"Honestly speaking," Dongju replied to Keonhee's last question "that could happen if we stay here for too long."

"He probably doesn't even know we have the Elder Wand." Enya reminded him.

"See?" Keonhee raised his eyebrows at the youngest.

"Not yet."

"Stop it, Dongju!" The tall male hit his shoulder, and Enya chuckled.

The campfire she had been staring at made her fall into thoughts while the two boys were busy bickering. Unknowing of her smile slowly fading, her thoughts drifted off to Geonhak again.

Suddenly, she saw the inside of a manor. Everything was so distorted, it made her dizzy. Hectically looking around, she recognised the place. It was so familiar, yet she couldn't specify it. What was happening to her? The girl couldn't move her limbs. All she could do was take in her surroundings; there es nothing that indicated where exactly she was.

Then, however, she spotted a painting on the wall - a family portrait. Taking a closer look, she recognised the blond head of Geonhak. Behind him stood his parents. The picture looked stiff, uneasy. She was in Kim's manor. Then, Enya looked down on herself and found not hers, but a male's body. Looking at his hand, she caught sight of the exact same ring she owned. Enya was looking through Geonhak's eyes. He was trying to communicate with her.



Suddenly, a door flew open and their eyes flew to it. Bellatrix stomped inside, yelling, "The Dark Lord will be visiting us soon. We need the wand at once! The Horcrux alone will not satisfy him."

"Enya?" Dongju's voice brought her back to reality just as Geonhak was about to speak up, "are you okay?"

"It's Geonhak. He's trying to communicate with me, with us." Enya pulled the necklace with the ring out of her clothes.

"Geonhak?" Keonhee's eyes grew wide.

"I know where he is. And Bellatrix." She paused "They are looking for my wand and they have the Horcrux. Do you know what a Horcrux is?"

"A what?"

"I've read about it in the book Dumbledore gave you." Keonhee started "It's an object with a part of a wizard's soul in it, so he is basically immortal. In this case, before Tom Riddle became the Dark Lord, he probably put a part of his soul into an object. It's once again a form of dark magic. If his body dies, he will be able to come back to life thanks to that object. If it is destroyed, only his life needs to be taken for it to be truly over. This means, they probably have the Horcrux to hide it. To protect him."

"And you decide to tell us only now?" Dongju exclaimed and Enya looked equally astonished.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know it was connected to Voldemort."

"You've told us now, it's okay. And now we have a destination to seek; Geonhak's home."

Thinking about invading their former friend's home, a lump formed in her throat. They didn't know who or what was expecting them there. They didn't know how many death eaters were in there. And most importantly, they didn't know how Geonhak would react. Did he want them dead? Was he after the same thing as Voldemort? Why would he send a vision to the girl if he did?

"We need to hurry." Enya finally declared "The more time they have, the more likely it is that we will run into the Dark Lord himself at the manor."

"Let's head to bed right away. We need sleep to be master of our senses once we face them."

Dongju and Enya both approved. They extinguished the fire and quickly tidied up before going to bed. Even with their heads full of thoughts and worries, they were too exhausted to be prevented from sleeping with that. It would have been too obvious to use their brooms from the Hogwarts grounds, but since they were far enough away, the next morning they would take off using their brooms.

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