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Enya's eyes hectically opened as she sat up. Finally, she could feel and move her limbs again. She looked to her right on which Keonhee and Dongju had been waiting for her to wake up. They were in the hospital wing.

"Where-" she stammered "Geonhak, he-"

"Shh, we know," Keonhee said and gently grabbed her by the shoulders, so she wouldn't unnecessarily move around as her body was still weak "Please, don't panic, Enya. We can talk about all of this once you feel better."

How much time had passed? Keonhee forced a smile. His eyes were red and puffy but the comforting warmth was still in them. Next to him sat Dongju. The usual so mischievous male looked worn out, tired and sad. They both looked heartbroken. How much did they know?

"How do you know? I-"

She sunk back into the white bedsheets. Her head hurt trying to process what had happened. Then McGonagall, the new headmistress of Hogwarts, entered the hospital wing and went straight to the three students. The two boys stepped back to let her speak to Enya.

"Hello, Miss Wise, I see we were able to finally wake up after two days. I'm glad you are fine, physically." The witch empathically smiled with her hands folded in front of her stomach "Concerning the recent incidents, we will have to speak about what happened, and how much you remember as you are the only direct witness. I am sure you understand. Every possible piece of information is very valuable to us. I hope to see you in my office once you feel better."

Before she left, the old witch put some chocolate on the bedside table as a present with one last smile. The two boys sat down next to her again.

"How much do you know? And how?" Her voice was finally somewhat stable.

"Snape entered your memories with the Legilimency Spell."

"While I was stunned and unconscious?!" Enya exclaimed.

"Yes, he was the first to find you out there and also bring you back. However, all he was able to find out was that you've witnessed Geonhak killing Dumbledore. Your emotions blocked the remaining parts of your memory."

"Do you remember now?" Domgju hesitantly asked. Enya nodded.

"Are you guys okay?" She then asked, the males quickly exchanged gazes.

"We will be if you are," Keonhee replied.

"I don't even want to think about Geonhak right now," Dongju muttered.

"I understand. I will spare you the story for now then... Will you two accompany me to McGonagall's office once I'm capable of paying her a visit again?"

"Of course! We gotta stick together better than ever now." They all forced a smile.

Yet, Keonhee's words were true. Now that Dumbledore was dead, their friend had betrayed them and the Dark Lord would rise even quicker, they only had each other.

─ ❨ ✧ ❩ ─

Some more days had passed and the Ravenclaw was finally allowed to leave the hospital wing again. The first thing she did was visit McGonagall's office with the support of her two friends. She persisted that they were allowed to accompany her in order to hear the full story.

Enya was the first to enter the huge office which once belonged to Dumbledore and all of the headmasters before him. The high windows allowed a lot of warm sunlight to enter the big room. On the walls, several moving portraits of the former headmasters were hanging. She spotted Dumbledore's, it had been freshly hung up. He was peacefully sleeping.

"Miss Wise, thank you for coming." McGonagall's voice rang out from behind.

The old witch was sitting in a huge armchair behind an ancient desk. Her big black hat was resting on the said table as she folded her hands on the table. Three chairs were ready for the three friends.

"Good morning, headmistress McGonagall." They replied in a choir.

"Please, take a seat you three."

Their eyes weren't able to stop inspecting the office. None of them had ever been there. They were fascinated by all of the relics on the shelves, the old books and other magical objects. Dongju spotted the Sorting Hat, which had sorted them into their houses in first grade, laying on a red pillow on a shelf. It seemed to be dozing.

"Now, I know it must still be hard for you, yet I hope you can tell us what happened that night." The witch said looking at the female Ravenclaw who took a deep breath trying to recall everything.

"Geonhak wanted to take a walk before heading back to the dorms after we four had been playing chess in the Great Hall. I decided to follow him because I was worried about him and I figured he had gone in the Astronomy tower's direction. When I entered it, I overheard him talking to Dumbledore and the three other voices mixed in."

"Who were those three other voices?" McGonagall interrupted her.

"One of them was Bellatrix Lestrange. I did not recognise the other ones."

"Okay, go on."

"I hid under the platform, in between some boxes. They asked Dumbledore about the Elder Wand. Then, when he said he didn't have it..." she gulped "Geonhak cast the unforgivable death curse and murdered the professor. Afterwards, Bellatrix destroyed the Great Hall and inflamed the hut and pumpkin field outside the castle. I remember that I yelled at Geinhak, but he didn't respond. Instead, he stunned me and I passed out."

"Thank you, dear. This will assist us a lot."

Both Keonhee and Dongju's eyes were burning on her in shock. Then they quickly exchanged a look, unknowingly how to act. Enya just looked down at her hands she had been fiddling with the entire time.

"I have one question, Miss." the girl finally spoke up "What is the Elder Wand and who owns it? Who are they after and why?" Enya raised a question.

"Miss Wise, the wand you have been wielding since your early school days is not just any wand. Do you know what its core is made of?" The tall witch asked.

"The tail hair of a Thestral, I believe."

"That is very true. Now, do you know any other wand with that core? No?" She sighed "Enya, you are the owner of the Elder Wand. It is the most powerful wand in our history. Not everyone can easily wield it. Dumbledore gave it to you when you were little, he thought it would be safe with you as the Dark Lord would never expect it in the hands of a simple student. There was no way you could remember that, so I was forced to tell you after Dumbledore's death. He asked me to do so."

"He knew he was going to die?" Enya exclaimed.

"Yes... indeed, he did."

Dumbledore had set them up. Dumbledore had known that he would die that day. He had known that the death eaters will think he had the Horcrux and Elder Wand. He had known it but hadn't done anything to prevent it. He had let Geonhak become the monster he was now. She despised both of them.

"He wanted you to have this," McGonagall added and gave Enya an old book with a black cover.


"Dumbledore asked me to hand this to the witness of his death. So indeed, you, Miss Wise."

Enya took the ancient book and opened it. It was full of almost unreadable handwritten texts. Later, Enya agreed with Keonhee to give it to him. He was the only one who could decipher the handwriting.

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