PUSSY | ๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ฐ๐—ผ๐—บ๐—ฝ๐—น๐—ฒ๐˜๐—ฒ.

By l4vlix

4.4K 294 173

๊’ฐ minsung ๊’ฑ - ๐˜ธ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ ๐˜ซ๐˜ช๐˜ด๐˜ถ๐˜ฏ๐˜จ ๐˜ณ๐˜ถ๐˜ฏ๐˜ด ๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฎ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฐ'๐˜ด ๐˜ค๐˜ข๐˜ต ๐˜ฐ๐˜ท๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ. ๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ค๐˜ช๐˜ฅ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ๐˜ต๏ฟฝ... More



338 26 44
By l4vlix

this one's bad 😗 not proofread (its 5am)

10:57 pm

theonewhohitmycat: hey
theonewhohitmycat: sorry to bother you so late but i had a quick question

minho: what is it now?

theonewhohitmycat: um
theonewhohitmycat: this is awkward//
theonewhohitmycat: are you busy?

minho: that depends.

theonewhohitmycat: typing...
theonewhohitmycat: would you be up for meeting? to study?
theonewhohitmycat: i can't sleep and there's a few things i'm stuck on

minho: you want me (minho)
minho: to meet you (jisung)
minho: at almost eleven at night to study?

theonewhohitmycat: yeah.?

minho: hard pass buddy
minho: good night

theonewhohitmycat:pls? 🙏
theonewhohitmycat: i'll buy you food or something
theonewhohitmycat: just—you explained those things really well and i was able to understand without wanting to smash my head into my desk 😅

minho: how poetic
minho: typing...
minho: typing...
minho: typing...
minho: any type of food?

theonewhohitmycat: whatever you want :)
theonewhohitmycat: i just rlly need the help

minho: typing...
minho: fine

theonewhohitmycat: i'll send you an address
theonewhohitmycat: we'll take a bus to this place ik

minho: bus?

theonewhohitmycat: don't tell me you're too good for a bus?
theonewhohitmycat: i wld drive but felix and i sorta—ran into a ditch and i totaled my car
theonewhohitmycat: hence the bike

minho: i'm fine with the bus.
minho: i'd feel safer with sm1 else driving anyway.
minho: you don't seem to have good luck with moving transportation

theonewhohitmycat: fair .
theonewhohitmycat: bring your notes
theonewhohitmycat: please , bring your notes

minho: yeah yeah
minho: i'm not staying longer than an hour. i have work to be at.

theonewhohitmycat: that's fine
theonewhohitmycat: thank you for agreeing


12:34 am

"i think i'm done.." doing a quick once over of his work jisung nodded to himself with a pleased expression. it had taken a while longer than what he estimated but he finally finished and that's what mattered.

"are you ready to go?" jisung asked as he shoved his notebook back into his backpack. minho had done what was asked and had given jisung his notes as well as roughly explaining everything before complaining about how he was hungry. and only when jisung ordered his food did he quiet his bitter grumbling down enough for jisung to try and work on everything alone.


"that's a rather lackluster answer." jisung murmured zipping his bag up, his attention gravitating toward the male who sat across from him.

"minho?" squinting jisung assessed the man's still figure.

".." clearing his throat loudly jisung awkwardly shifted in his chair. he hadn't thought too much about the fact that it had been a bit too quiet for a while now—no food bags rustling or low cursing because soup was spilled again. nothing but pure silence.

"hey," reaching his hand out jisung stopped quickly, his body locking up with nervousness. he didn't want minho to suddenly spring up and punch his teeth out. i need my teeth—they're my staple..

"um, minho..? it's a bit late now.." standing to his feet jisung slung his bag over his shoulder.

"jisung, you leaving already?" approaching the table with a smile a kind looking older gentleman looked between the two.

"oh—yeah. he has to get home soon." nodding jisung rubbed his hands together, the mans eyes drifting back to minho.

"is he that boy felix was talking about? your boyfriend?"

"no! no—he's the one who's cat i hit." shaking his hands frantically before something got interpreted wrong jisung felt his face flush "he's also my partner in class—he's not. no."

"i would never date him."

lifting a brow jisung looked at minho, said man now sitting up with his hands covering his face.

"i wouldn't date you either." jisung said with an eye roll. he couldn't get two seconds in with minho before the man was dragging him.

"hm i see," trying his best not to smile or show any signs of amusement the man nodded, his hands finding themselves inside his apron pockets "i came by to bring you both a little candy. just made this batch."

"oh thank you." holding his hand out jisung took the bag that was full of strawberry shaped candies gratefully.

"mhm. both of you be safe. it's supposed to rain real bad sometime." patting jisung on his shoulder the man didn't linger too much longer.

"m'what time is it?" dropping his hands minho tried his best to blink away the heaviness that weighed his eye lids down, his lips drawn into a thin line as he glanced towards the window.

"like twelve something.? i'm not too sure-"

"twelve? are you kidding me?" snatching his phone up minho's sleepy eyes widened in disbelief. the multitude of missed calls and texts from his friends the least of his worries. i left her alone for too damn long..

"i'm sorry—i got distracted by my work and i didn't realize."

".." shaking his head minho stood up (slowly). it was his own fault he fell asleep—one minute he was eating and the next he was getting sleepy. the warm food was enough to relax him for sure.

"is there a bus we can catch still? i need to get back. preferably before one." picking his scattered notes up and folding them haphazardly minho looked at jisung, the chubby faced boy nodding his head quickly.

"yeah but it's not like the one from earlier. since its so late and all it's probably-"

"i don't care as long as i can get home in time." minho interrupted not wanting to hear the rest of jisungs mumbling. god you do something nice for people one time and you get the short end of the stick.

"o-ok. well it should be running in the next ten minutes—we should probably go no." jisung uttered before he hurried away from the table and minho. following after the boy once he triple checked to make sure he had his belongings minho puffed his cheeks outward. he shouldn't have agreed to come out so late—he shouldn't have agreed to even help jisung. i'm too nice.

but something about remembering how the idiot had looked explaining how he didn't understand a single thing made minho think twice. something about jisung asking for his help so desperately had him changing his mind just enough.

"aish." shaking his head in a silly attempt to clear his mind minho stepped out the restaurant, tired eyes spotting jisung immediately.

"i'm fine. no, i don't need you to come and get me..no. seriously? fine fine."

shoving his hands into his jean pockets minho watched jisung as he bickered with whoever was on the other side of the call, the boys brows bunched together as he took in whatever information he was being fed.

"seungmin tell changbin to shut up. he's giving me a migraine."

"i'll let you both know—you four know when i'm home but i have to make sure minho gets home safe." jisung promised gently pushing at his bottom lip with his pointer finger. it his fault minho was out so making sure he got back safe was the bare minimum of what he could do.

"minho?" pulling his phone back jisung squeezed his eyes shut momentarily, seungmins loud voice bouncing around in his ears.


"didn't you like—run his cat over? like really bad too?"

sucking in a sharp breath jisung coughed a little "..something like that.."

"damn—are you tryna hit or something?"

"what? no!" shaking his head at seungmins off the wall accusation jisung glanced at minho who was too busy tucking his shirt into his pants. the compression shirt giving jisung a nice outline of the mans muscular torso "h-he's my partner!"

"so you're fucking already..?"

"my partner for a project! jesus fuck seungmin stop jumping to conclusions."

"well—it's my job to jump to conclusions. and i take it seriously."

"whatever i have to go. go to bed or something like a normal person." jisung uttered before hanging up without a second thought.

"are you done?" crossing his arms over his chest (he needed to stop picking at the cat hair that was annoyingly stuck to his shirt) minho cocked his head.


"can you say anything else but sorry? i feel like you apologize every second." minho stressed shaking his head. it was getting more annoying to hear those words leaving jisungs mouth.

"sor—yeah. my bad."

rolling his eyes minho sighed softly "you lead the way."

"it's just this way." motioning to the right jisung squinted before pointing to the faint light that came from inside the bus stop.

"i can see that." minho obviously had seen the bus stop—they quite literally had to get off at it.

closing his mouth jisung fixed his loose hold on the straps of his backpack, an awkward sort of tension falling between them both as they walked towards the stop without so much as a word.

making a noise of relief once they were close enough to see the stop was empty jisung hurried to take a seat, minho doing the same although he chose to further away from the latter.

"...." stretching his legs out minho let himself lean back against the plastic wall for support, his eyes watching the empty road. waiting.

thankfully it doesn't take too much longer for the bus to arrive, bright lights almost blinding jisung as it pulled to a screechy stop at the curb. a familiar burly man waving his hand and beckoning both boys, doors opening with a slight jolt.

"great." getting up with a sigh minho followed after jisung who was already halfway up the bus steps, his nose scrunching as a small droplet of water hit his bare arm. jeez.

"oh.." pausing jisungs wide eyes assessed the bus, a feeling of nervousness washing over him at the many eyes that were suddenly on him. oh god.

"what're you doing?"


looking past jisung minhos brows lifted, his hand pushing jisung forward lightly "go. straight to the back."

nodding wordlessly jisung tried his best to ignore the gazes. places with people who stared as if they were picking you apart weren't for him and although he was getting better at trying to be more comfortable in large settings that didn't mean he didn't get a little bothered sometimes. especially late at night. it was just uncomfortable in general.

"there." pointing to an empty row minho hummed. he, unlike jisung didn't particularly feel any sort of way about people who couldn't mind their business.

taking a seat quickly and scooting towards the window jisung shifted his bag around so it rested in his lap, minho plopping down right beside him with a huff.

moving around in his spot jisung flinched when his elbow met minhos arm, his body freezing as he waited to get yelled at or maybe punched. and only when nothing happened did he relax, his confused gaze on minho.

"what?" spreading his legs apart a little more minho snorted, confused expression painting his tired face.

"nothing." giving the man a small smile jisung moved his attention to the window, his foot sliding a little against the metal flooring.

"hm.." moving his bag out of his way jisung retracted his leg as he leaned over a little, his hand reaching for whatever he had accidentally stepped on.

picking the item up absentmindedly the boy couldn't help the noise of surprise that left him, face warming fast.

"put it down." staring at the item with a dry look minho scoffed.

"it has a number on it-"

"don't be an idiot jisung. you don't call random numbers written on condom packets. that's common sense."

quickly dropping the unopened packet jisung nodded stiffly.

"and wash your hands before you touch anyone." minho muttered. gosh does this kid have a single brain cell?

wiping his hands on his pants jisung avoided minhos look of disappointment "i was curious."

"right. only some airhead would actually call a random number." a completely brainless idiot.

"yeah.." forcing himself to get comfortable jisung couldn't help his wandering eyes as they subtly trailed back to minho.

"if you weren't such a jerk you'd be attractive." jisung blurted mindlessly. minho looking at his nails rather than at jisung "if you weren't such a dumbass you'd be slightly attractive. guess we all have our flaws hm?"

"..." pursing his lips jisung turned his eyes and his body from the man, the corners of minhos mouth lifting ever so.

"you're welcome by the way. for saving your ass again."

grunting under his breath jisung watched out the window as the rain started falling more "...thanks."

"but the next time you need help—you're going to need to do a little more than bribe me with food." minho replied. jisung humming softly "like what?"

"hm," tapping his chin slowly as if he had to really think about his reply minho snapped his fingers once he got his answer "next time, i want you to beg."

aye. *dies*

🚎 iykyk :).

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