The Other Original

By ysafhilit

58.5K 1.2K 63

What if Klaus had another sister other then Rebekah; She was the youngest of the 2. She idolized Klaus; She w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapyer 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 4

3.8K 78 5
By ysafhilit

Chapter 4

Melanie's POV

I walk into Jeremy's room the next morning while he's still sleeping and jump onto the bed and start saying his name over and over again.

He starts to stir and finally opens his eyes. "Hey sleepy head." I tell him jokingly.

"Hey Mel." He smiles back to me. "Why are you here so early?"

"Jeremy you do know it's 12 right?" I ask while trying to hold a laugh in.

"Of course I knew that." He says trying to sound normal, even though I know it's not true.

I end up not being able to hold my laugh in anymore. I then hear foot steps coming close to Jeremy's room so I vamp speed into Jer's closet.

"Hey Jer you awake yet?" I hear dopplebitch, my new nickname for Elena, say.

"Ya just woke up." He replies sounding annoyed for some reason.

"Do you want breakfast?" She asks.

"Nope." He replies sounding like he's mad at her.

"Ok...I'll be at the boarding house if you need me." She then closes the door and leaves.

When I hear that she's out of the closet and go back to Jeremy's bed. "Her why are you mad at your sister?" I ask in a caring voice not wanting him to get mad at me too.

"Mel, she's the reason your dads dead. Aren't you mad at her?" He ask in a very confused but boarder line mad voice. I'm confused for a second but then realize he's talking about Michael being killed last night by Nik.

I smile gently while saying "Jer, I know she's the reason he's dead, but I didn't like him myself so I'm happy he's dead." I reach out to touch his knee but then realize I can't so I stopped half way.

"You-you didn't like your dad?" He asks as if it's an impossible thing to do.

I then realize his dad died not to long ago so I gently explain what I mean "Jer my dad wasn't like your dad, he,he was mean. He was...abusive."

"He hit you!?!" He all but yells.

"No, no Jer calm down. He didn't hurt me. He hurt Nik. He was horrible to him. When I was younger Nik would always try to hide it from me, he didn't want me to think bad about dad. He wanted me to love my dad like all little girls do. But I, I found Michael hurting Nik one day in the forest when I went searching for them. From then on I hated both my mother and father. My mom would just sit and watch it happen, it was just as bad as actually hurting him herself." I finally tell him.

He takes it in then eventually just goes to hold my hand. Its a really nice action but I never actually got to feel it because it just went right through as if I wasn't there.

"It won't work." I say with a quirky smile.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm dead. But it's ok because it builds up the pressure to when I actually get to hold your hand." I smile and eventually he smiles back.

"My sister daggered your sister." He states after awhile.

My smile drops off my face and I just look at him. "I know she's your sister and I'm probably supposed to like her, but I really hate your sister."

He cracks a smile and says "I don't like her either sometimes. But it's ok because I didn't like your sister either."

I smile. "If we're ever going to be a thing then your going to need the Rebekah seal of approval, well after Nik of course...and Elijah."

He just smiles broadly like he's the happiest person on earth.


"You just said if we're gonna be a thing. Which means you want us to be a thing." He says like a little kid on Christmas, while looking really cute might I add.

I just blush and look down.

"Hey, hey none of that, we're soul mates it's bound to happen and I quiet like that idea." He says very cocky might I add.

I just smile at him, but it's one of those omg my face is killing me why am I smiling so big? He just laughs at me like its the funniest thing in the world.

His phone suddenly rings so he grabs it and groans. I laugh and say "just answer it silly."

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