
By 12thXteven

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15 2 4
By 12thXteven

                   The three days off Victor had from work were rather pleasant. He had not expected those days off from work to be so refreshing. He had honestly forgotten that he could take days off. But for once in his eight years of working with the news and fliers departments. His boss finally came to realize. That his hardest-working employee never took any days off for himself.

                   Instead, Victor was a workaholic and piled more and more on his shoulders. Until someone else noticed before he did, that he truly needed a break.

                   Sadly he wished the days off had not gone so fast because, In the early morning hours of five O'clock, Victor was up. Getting ready to get back to work.

                   Though he was glad in a way. He still hated his job and regretted not diving into his dream. Of cleaning for a living instead. But yet he was able to enjoy cleaning no matter the circumstances and was happy with that for now. It was a passion of his as much as it was a hobby or even a coping mechanism.

                    Victor shrugged on a white dress shirt that he had just a day ago ironed and hung up in his closet. In the line of work clothes, he organized them together in a neat fashion.

                    While he buttoned the shirt he stood before the end of his bed. His eyes drifted from the buttons and found the bookshelf that was to his right. Standing next to part of his closet in the corner was a small walk-in. While the other half to its left was full of shelves with other clothes of sorts, not meant for work. Though most of his normal clothes were like his work ones still. Simple and regal.

                     Staring at the bookshelf he studied the middle top shelf. A small smile wavered at his lips but was quick to disappear.

                     Looking away Victor heard a meow sound from the threshold of his room and turned his gaze to the door at his far left. Sitting in the door frame of the bedroom was Alea. She was his five-year-old, short hair, Siamese cat. Her striking ice crystal-like eyes stared up at him with an intensity that he knew all too well.

                      "Yeah, yeah. I'll fill your bowls." He said. He returned his eyes to his shirt. Done buttoning up the dress shirt he patted the front. Straightened it. "A few more minutes to finish up and I'll get your food." He told her as he closed the closet door.

                      He then twisted and reached behind him at the bed's end edge. Grabbed the pair of dress pants he had set out. Stepped into them and pulled them on while hearing another urgent meow.

                       "I'm coming, Princess impatient." He called to her. She had left the threshold of the room and went down the hall meowing with serious intent on what she wanted.

                       Once in the hallway and soon entering the kitchen he found Alea pawing at her bowls. She was pushing the bowls together so they would scratch along the tiled floor. Then clink them together each time she swatted hard enough.

                       From the hallway from his bedroom and into the living space in Victor's apartment. The kitchen was on the right, and on the same side, that his bedroom lay in the decent-sized living space. While the living room was on the left. Along with the bathroom and spare bedroom.

                       In the kitchen, Victor fetched Alea's food from the small cabinet above the counters. He made sure she could not one day open the doors of it and jump from the counter inside. She sure was a little food demon and if he did not put special locks on those cabinet doors. She was determined enough to open them.

                       Crouching down into a squat Victor took the small scoop from inside the bag and poured it into the empty food bowl. Alea got two good-sized scoops twice a day. Though she did not eat it all in one day sometimes. That's when she would occasionally try to get more in the bowl the next day. By not eating a lot and waiting till the next day to have twice as much as the original two scoops.

                        Victor always made sure that did not happen. Because he did not need her being overweight and grouchy. Well, more grouchy than she can be already.

                        She hissed as he tried to pet her while she went at her food all hostile.

                       "Okay, okay. Have it your way, snobby miss snob."

                       There was a deep 'mreowww'  thrown at him in response to his comment.

                       Victor chuckled and then refilled the empty water dish that was next to the food bowl on the right. Alea's dishes lay against the wall next to the small closet. Where Victor stores his vacuum and ironing board.

                     After attending to her needs such as giving her food and water. He then scooped the litter clean and then tended to his own needs before leaving the apartment around 6:30 am. To be as usual, early and on time.

                     As he dressed in his outdoor boots and warm jacket for yet another slightly windy fall morning. He turned to say goodbye to Alea. "Should be back home early tonight, okay Princess?" He called out into the apartment. Which received a loud announced meow from his room.

                   He chuckled again at her and locked the door after exiting. When he turned to walk down the hall to the stairwell. He met face-to-face with one of his few neighbours on the fourth floor. Mrs. Coalenny. An older lady, a widower lioness, and an animal lover who works at a pet store. Only a few blocks from the apartment building complex.

                    "Oh! Good morning, young fellow! Up early are we Mr. Vallienté?"

                    Victor smiled, "And a good morning to you too Mrs. C." He paused a moment to talk with her. He had not seen her for quite some time and missed their small little meet-ups in the hallway on a whim. "Hmm~ Yes," He hummed in delight. "It's quite nice really, everything is quiet and calm at this hour for work."

                     She stopped as well to talk with him and chuckled, amused at his response. "Ah yes, those mornings can be quite rewarding when waking bright and early." She said with a lovely tooth smile, her prominent feline canines, were a big part of it.

                    Her blonde fur was more of a grey around her muzzle. Her hair was a short-cut wild mess of curly greys and bright white streams. Like the beautiful moon when it becomes shaded by a few clouds. A pleasant sight and strong personality.

                     "Indeed, it's the best time to power through the heaviest of workload before the afternoon rush." He said with a smile that reached his eyes.

                     "Now don't go too hard yourself My Dear, make sure to stay with what you know you're worth. If not, you can always find something better. There always is, Love." She told him with a gentle pat on the shoulder as she continued on her way. Returning to her apartment and entering with a small wave back to him before closing her door in a soft manner.

                     Victor enjoyed the small moments they shared. It always led the day with a better sense of determination to get stuff done. As well as taking those desperately needed breaks at work.

                      Though he had walked away with a smile once he reached his car and sat in the driver seat his heart seemed to sink. He could feel the vibration of the ringtone that he had given Ty, go off in his jacket's zipped-up pocket.

                       Ignoring it though he moved on with the day and kept the words of Mrs. C in his mind to push him through the start.


                        It was now 12:37 pm and Victor was late for his lunch. Well to be more precise. He was late to having lunch with the boss of the entire company Mr. Colten because Johnny what's his face. The head manager of the department in fliers. Decided that Victor was to finish a whole damn 10 separate stacks of exactly 1,284 pages. E A C H. Before 12:00. That did not end up happening. Clearly.

                        Victor was fed up, tired and hangry. The next person to talk to him was in for an unfortunate course of events. If they asked him for some stupid favour they did not want to do themself.

                        Lots of people tended to come to Victor since he was the Main Editor. Aka the last person things went through before whoever needed to see it saw. And it did not help that he was also the assistant to the head manager. Which came with being asked many very pointless questions and tasks to be done.

                          A whole buttload of shit had happened throughout the day till now. Which was unfortunately the usual routine Victor worked through. With pure willpower to keep going when it came to the roughest shit possible.


                          "Hey! Vic—"



                          "WHAT!?" He finally answered.

                          "H-Hey- Hi sorry... Uh...–" The hesitancy in the voice seemed to be Alex Newtaw, the newbie that had joined recently.

                          "Finally!" That voice was Lara. The fiery obnoxious woman in the whole department.

                          "What do you want Lara," Victor said in a plain voice. His face deadpanned as he turned in his chair inside his small office and looked at the door.

                           Alex was standing outside the threshold of the office. Respecting the fact that the door was in fact closed beforehand. 

                           She was a young and short-statured tomboy-ish girl. With large round glasses and a freckled face. Black dyed hair that came down past her shoulders but usually rested on her left shoulder. Victor was never sure what species she was but had not cared to ask for it was not his business.

                           Then there was Lara. She did not understand or seem to be aware that there are such things as reading the room. And respecting a closed door. She could have knocked for example. She was not a newbie but she was also not the most bright of workers here either. With a lovely appearance of long deep red fiery hair and a beautiful dark complexion. Victor always found it sad that her personality was not as... Nice. Or enjoyable. It was more often than not that Victor was smacked in the face. When the messy bun that she usually had in fell from its once nice state came and attack him.

                           Victor cleared his throat and asked again. "What do you want Lara." Still with no expression of any sort.

                           As he now looked up at her while she stood with her hands on his desk peeking at his progress. He scoffed and closed the tabs he had open. "Rude much." He glared.

                         She simply flashed a smile and walked over to the door frame to pull Alex into his office. Only now to stand before his desk with the young person.

                          "Yes...?" He said slowly. Unsure of what was going on.

                          "Okay. So, we wanted to ask if you wanted to come to dinner with us tonight!"

                          Alex shook her head while Lara had a big smile on with her eyes closed. Alex then spoke up slightly, "It... Uh, It was her idea trust me."

                          Victor nodded to Alex partly feeling bad that Lara had moved on to latch onto the newbie instead of him now. He was thankful for the part of not having Lara yelling her gossip at him. And bursting his eardrums every time but now he worried for the newcomer.

                          "Now, before I say anything. What time?" He asked while leaning back, doing his best to stay composed and not snap as he very much needed some food.

                          An offer like this while he was already hungry only weakened his awareness. In the moment of the fact that it would most definitely be a big event dinner. Though what he was aware of was the fact that he'd be trapped there until the host decided. There was a nice time to end the event and dismiss everyone to enjoy the rest of their night. Whether that be there still or heading home finally.

                         There was for sure some unsteady water to travel through tonight.

                         "9'a clock sharp!" Lara told him cheerfully.

                         Victor had not bothered asking more questions. for he needed to be focused on this massive stack of papers. Still so much to do and he only had half of it done.

                         Lara stood bouncing on her feet as she usually did when excited about anything. Or antsy to spill some gossip.

                         "Okay, okay. I got it. I'll be there. Now get out. Please. I need this shit done before then."

                         The high-pitched squeal that the woman let out next to the poor newcomer made Victor groan. Then wince seeing the pain inside Alex's eyes as Lara pulled them along leaving his office. And of course, forgetting that he would have liked his door closed after the two left. If Victor had to count how many times he had told Lara. How important it is to respect someone's privacy in the office building. It'd be the end of the world by then.

                            By around 5:23 pm having put in some overtime Victor was finally finished. The Ridiculous 10 piles of 1,284 pages each. Exhausted and starving by now. He had had a small snack of an egg salad sandwich which had helped subside his hunger. Until the point when everyone else left work and he was still stuck there working on the shit. Johnny what's his face, assigned him to have done for tomorrow fucking morning. That piece of shit.

                              With all the pages neatly corrected and changed and organized into way too many folders. Victor put them away inside his desk and stood from it since the last time he had was three hours ago. Now done though he was able to pack up his belongings from the small side table. On the left side of his desk and then exited from behind it on the right. Letting his chair stay the night not pushed in because fuck it he had no care for that right now, plus it was his office.

                             As he walked to the stairs which lead to the main floor of the two-story building. He stretched his arms above his head and groaned. Now it was time to ready himself well. Before choosing what to wear as more professional fancy to the dinner tonight at 9 O'clock.

                            He only hoped that there would be some good food and not the stupid small meals of crackers. The shit was something like at a Christmas party for the whole office. Though he enjoyed Christmas he was not a fan of office parties of any sort. The dinners so were somewhat manageable at least.

                            When Victor was back home and in some comfortable clothing for the time being. Before the dinner with apparently Lara, Alex and whoever else showed. He had the T.V. on for some background noise while he scrolled through his phone. Remembering now that Ty had texted him on his day off yesterday before he had to return to work today. 

                           "Let's see... What did he say." He whispered to himself. Though when he did Alea appeared from around the corner.

                           He assumed having come from his room again or the litter box. Which was in the bathroom in its own little spot behind the bathroom door.

                            Alea joined him on the couch jumping up onto the back of the couch and resting up there behind his head. Peering over his shoulder as she seemed to enjoy doing lots.

                            Opening the messaging app to his and Ty's he read the text that Ty had sent.

—Tue, 6:42 AM—Ty: Hey, uh was just curious about why you left me alone Sunday night.

                            Victor scoffed. The grip he had holding the phone tightened. "Really? Huh? Me, leave YOU alone? Yeah, right you dick." Speaking out loud to himself and not responding back yet. Since there had been more sent after that first message.

—Wed, 10:24 AM—Ty: Vic? You there? Why haven't you responded yet...? Hey I know you might be mad but I had a good reason okay?

—Wed, 12:01 PM—Ty: Okay... Just gonna assume you're ignoring me.

                            Then after those two, there was no more. He was only seeing them now since he felt like looking. Although he was in fact giving him the silent treatment. Because for crying out loud, how can he not realize the shit he's done by now?

                            Victor sent a message back saying,

—5:58 PM—'Why're you saying I left you alone? Are you not the one who declined my call when I was trying to look for you? After you disappeared once entering the damn bar. You can not put that on me because for one. You were giving off a completely different vibe throughout the entire drive there. And two you ditched me and did not bother calling me back or even looking for me. And three you fucking continued the entire night without a single message to me? Not even to say something like you were sorry for how you were during the ride or for not even calling me to try to find me. Not a thing. NOT ANYTHING AT ALL??? I can't with you. Honestly.'

                             He then held the button on the side of his phone and shut it down. He was done. Just done. He needed no more of that douchebag. Two fucking years with that asshole. How in the world? Victor could not believe himself for not realizing it sooner. Or believing it sooner that that man was definitely not his 'Zing'.

                             Standing from the couch and Alea must have known what just happened. Because she followed after Victor as he made his way to his bedroom. He wanted to get ready for dinner tonight a little bit early because why not right? It was most likely gonna be a nice formal dinner so he needed to dress extra nice. Better than what he wore to work every day.

                             Browsing through the collection of his more fancy attire. He had for more professional and fancy nights out. Victor chose one of his deep red with black patterning three-piece suits. Which had a matching black little bow tie and black dress shoes. The suit itself had a nice charcoal black vest and matching jacket and pants. Which were deep red with black patterning. It was well fitted to his body and he paid a hefty amount for it to be made. Truthfully it is the only very expensive suit he owns.

                             Looking in the mirror Victor studied himself. His weight was more so planted through his right leg as he stood with a relaxed posture. Gazing up and down the suit. He had not worn this one in ages. Victor's eyes then came to stop at the bow tie he wore. A memory of being with his Mother and Great Auntie, Veronica, came to him and the corner of his mouth twitched. Irritated at the memory and happy about it.

                            A good three hours later Victor was on his way to the place where his coworkers, Lara and Alex had said it would be. Not having mentioned anything else but the address of the place. There was no other context given. Besides the fact that it was clearly a dinner, with coworkers and their boss most likely.

                           The drive there was around 35 minutes so he left a few minutes early to be before 9:00.

                           Alea had seemed suspiciously calm when Victor left, it was unusual of her. Especially since she was always so dramatic about him leaving every day for work. With the loud obnoxious meow, she always let out. When he called out to her saying goodbye and that he would return soon.

                          What was going on today...? Things were happening in a strange fashion. But even so, Victor was all more surprised when he saw the place the dinner was happening at.

                          A mansion. Not some mansion. No, this place looked like some sort of palace straight out of an old movie. Classic architecture. With pillars and columns based on original designs and large entrance doors. That matched the height of the building itself. With large beautiful windows. As well as more unique type windows of a smaller size between them and along the top. It had to be at least four stories excluding the fact it probably had a basement or two full of expensive cars. Heck, they had their own parking lot out front.

                         Once parked in the area he noticed it had a sign labelled 'Private Personal Only'. Victor was taken aback because he had been waved into this side of the parking area. In front of the mansion rather than out along the street.

                        Still stunned and purely amazed, Victor found himself awestruck by the structure. He'd only ever dreamed of seeing a building such as the one before him. It seemed to be kept as close as it could be to the original build from years before it. Victor absolutely adored many architectures. From Medival, Romanesque, Renaissance but most of all Gothic.

                        This mansion was a near-spit image of what Gothic architecture was. Massive, both in length and height as well as its beauty. And the atmosphere it gave off as you walked closer and entered. It was incredible. Though, he had to laugh when he got inside finally because it was noticeable. That whoever lived there had a taste for a more modern feel for the things on the inside than the outside.

                         Pausing at the entrance Victor studied his surroundings. There was a decorative fence set up to direct people coming in, to a small table. With what looked to be a butler and maid behind it. When Victor approached they each gave him a bright smile and nod of the head. While the butler then handed him a clipboard with a sheet on it. After a quick skim through he understood it was a simple attendance record of who and when they had arrived. From the list, there must be for who is all to show up.

                         As he handed the clipboard back after sighing his name letter by letter. Followed by the date and time as well as his signature, the maid signalled him over.

                        "Who will you be with this evening, Sir?" She asked. Her thin bangs shifted as she raised her well-kept eyebrows. And showed again her purely white teeth.

                        Of which seemed to be vampire fangs the same as his. Though she was a New Generational Vampire and he was an Old Generational Vampire. The difference was more than just the noticeable complexion. Old being your usual pale vampires and New with a deeper dark tone of grey.

                          "Fairlight Fliers. Mr. Colten should be in attendance I'd assume." He said while gently patting the front of his suit, fixing the wrinkles from the drive over.

                          "Hm." She took a moment to look down at a different clipboard. The one of which he guessed to be the list of people that should show tonight.

                          He stood waiting as she turned to her coworker a demon per-say. Speaking by the way his horns curled at the end and he had a tail with that partially recognizable shape on the end.

                          "Sorry there, just had to make sure Mr. Colten had in fact arrived." The maid smiled. Shifting through a few papers and then found what she needed and handed him one of those sticker name tags.

                           'How childish' He thought to himself, but took it nonetheless. Then wrote his name on it with the given sharpies on the end the maid stood. There seemed to be a line forming as he gave a glance behind him quickly. Odd... Since he thought it was going to be a smaller event. Though he could have guessed by this mansion that only such a large event of some sort would in fact be hosted here.

                             "Oh! Sir, One more thing!" She called after Victor before he got too far from the table.

                             He turned and raised a brow. "Yes?"

                            "Your table is number 43. In the far left corner at the back of Main Hall A."

                            "Ah, Thank you very much." He gave her a nod and a quick smile.

                            She returned the smile and nod then went on with her job for the night.

                           When Victor went looking for anything that could say 'Main Hall A'. He was dumbfounded for a few moments and became distracted. By the small bits of outside architecture that were kept on the inside. Further in. Passed the grand entrance and large open middle area at the entrance. He walked more curious about the rest of the place. The walls were of a nice floral-like wallpaper but then after a few feet or so. The columns would jet out slightly on either side and sliver down the hallway then open up once more and repeat.

                             At the end of the hallway. Still far ahead of Victor there held high above. Was a beautifully framed window in the shape of a four-leafed clover. It seemed luck was on his side to notice that detail. Here of all places. A dinner which more and more seemed to be a party. Rather than your normal outing with coworkers and boss.


((Helloo once again! It is Xteven here! Thank you for reading! I do hope you enjoyed it and look forward to more that will follow! 

Also, I'd like to note that I do have somewhat of a schedule for updating, but instead of telling you I'd like you to guess! Because why not guessing games are fun hehe~ Do share some other guesses of what might happen in the chapters to come! 

Have a great Day/Afternoon/Evening/Night! Love you all! And again thank you I hope everyone is enjoying it as much as meeee<3

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