Nilefa: The Union

By FotumaUmar

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Having lived 20 years of her life in the UK, Yasmeen returns with her family to Nigeria as her father sets ou... More



105 16 1
By FotumaUmar

Was it a nightmare? It must be. He must've fallen into slumber the moment he'd closed his eyes. He started chanting some Dua hoping the demon in his mother's form would disappear. No it wasn't a dream, because the moment he began to recite the Dua, he got a smacking.

" Innalillahi wa Inna ilaihirajiun" Abdulsalam fell back on the pillows. The room was still dimly lit, so he reached for the remote and turned the lights on.

Halima didn't miss the look of exasperation on his face, but didn't matter. As long as she gained control over her son's life as much as Bashir, or even more, she had to make things go her way, starting with this wedding happening.

" I wanted to surprise you. I went to you uncles and pleaded with them to go on your behalf since your father won't." Halima sat on the side of the bed, and began stroking his head.

" My father didn't know? How is that possible-.."

" Shhh... Every one of your uncles is as much a father to you, my son. And each of them has the lawful right to get you married."

" No, but it's not fair Maa. How could you do this without telling me first? You should have at least asked me if I approve of it."

" What do you take me for? A child!? Do I need to seek your permission before chosing what I think is best for you? Uma dey nya yambuko!( I gave birth to you!) When your father fixed your wedding with the Mai Kura girl, did you confront him the way you just did? Uma naa kunon3m.( It's me you have no regards for isn't it?). " Halima was furious. She had stopped stroking his head, putting her hand to better use by keeping it to herself.

" Maa it's not like that." Abdulsalam felt bad himself. He never wanted to make his mother feel the way she did. "  I am sorry I made you feel that way. You know I would never disrespect you. It came as a surprise to me and that's why I reacted that way."

" It wasn't a positive reaction from you. Do you really not want to marry Khadija?" She demanded an answer to that, and  Abdulsalam had to be honest.

" I just broke up with her. I don't think it's ever going to work between us." He explained holding Halima's hand in both of his.

He was puzzled by the way her face softened with a smile. She laughed even, wiping the drop of tear beneath her eye." You are going to be fine. It's just that you are angry that you can't get hold of her emotions. This marriage will fix everything, okay?" She caressed him. Abdulsalam, stunned, didn't know what to say. He just watched her walk off to the door and leave after switching the lights off.

Abdulsalam couldn't sleep after that. He embraced his tasbih and sat on the prayer mat, praying to God to make things easier for him, and to choose for him, what was best.


Eid day

  Abdulsalam sat, legs stretched across the length of the prayer mat, hands still holding the tasbih as he slumbered, leaning against the bed. He absently still said the Dua he'd been on from the time his mother had left his room after delivering the rather horrifying news. As much as he was in a tough situation, his stomach cried for food.He remembered he hadn't eaten much from last night after fasting a whole day. The rumbling in his stomach synced with Kassim's snoring. He stood up and stretched his limbs, yawning through the process. He dropped his aching body on the bed and reached for his phone and dialed Meena's number.

" Assalamualaikum." Her voice was proof that she had woken up this morning, happy and had eagerly answered his call on the first ring.

" Wa alaikum salam. Ya Hajja." 

" It's Meena. Were you going to call someone else?" She asked confusion evident in her voice.

" No. I am just trying out the name I will be calling you after the wedding." He paused." And good thing you are settling for Meena. I guess I will have to choose between the two, Ya Hajja and Meena."

" You can call me either, Yaa Audu." She retorted, and that struck him hard.

" What did you just call me?" Abdulsalam couldn't believe his ears.

" What you just heard." She said holding back a laugh.

" No you can't call me that." Abdulsalam frowned as though she could see him.

"Why not? For all I know it's the name I heard you being called the first time we met. In fact, I have your number saved as..."

" You called me Yaa, people would think I was your brother."

Yasmeen laughed and reminded him of the day they went on that date,where a guy had given him his card to give to her. He didn't laugh. It wasn't funny. Not to him.

" No one would try that again and go unpunched" He meant it.

" Why didn't you punch him then?"

" Then I didn't think we will-...." He got stuck, not knowing how to finish. Realization struck him then, they weren't a normal couple. None of them had confessed their feelings for each other yet. But he knew they had a connection, that even Meena couldn't deny. " I mean it."

Yasmeen's laughter had died out the moment he stopped mid sentence and took a brief pause. He wasn't hiding his feelings anymore and it overwhelmed her.

" What if they're bigger than you?" Yasmeen tried to make it sound funny.

" I will bend them to the law then." He said with determination. After a quiet jiff, Yasmeen broke the silence with a resounding snort, wanting to bring the jestful atmosphere back.

" What if you get hit in the process?" Yasmeen held back a laugh picturing how Abdulsalam would be punched in the face while he was delivering his law babbles to the imaginary guy that had suddenly become a subject of interest.

" That would be taken care of." She heard him smack his lips." You on the other hand will have to face the law too."

" Why? What for?"

" You started the fight. You would probably be asked to compensate me."

" That's not fair! I am sure I'd have nothing to do with it."

" Let's hope it never happens."

They talked about other things then. Yasmeen brought her breakfast to the room while they were talking.

" I'm having breakfast. Join me."

" Thank you." He took a deep breath." I will come over later."

They all got ready in their new clothes and settled in the Jeep. Hauwa asked Sadiq to drive them to the Eid ground, as the drivers had gone to spend the Eid holiday with their families. Sadiq had taken driving lessons during the weekends to keep him busy and out of the trouble he might likely have caused. Hauwa sat in the passenger seat to guide him. Ruwaya suggested that they parked their car in Sayinna's house and marched to the Eid ground as it wasn't very far from there. They did just that and after the prayer, they returned to meet the family. Both Sayinna and Hajju weren't there, but Sayinna's younger wife and Aishe's sisters and brothers were around. The children including Yasmeen went to each of their relatives' homes around there and greeted them. They gathered a lot of money the people gave them as Baraa n3m3ri ye( barka da sallah)

Yasmeen thought it was the best Eid ever. The town was full of color, people walking in groups on the roads holding hands. The tiniest kids who could barely walk wore caps like adults.

" Jazz look!" Ameer pointed to the crowd of people emerging from the distant left, some on horses and some on foot. A boy, Amir's age, likely one of their cousins, screamed that it was the Shehu of Nilefa. The boy jumped in excitement. Other little boys joined him forming a group. Amir equally thrilled, joined them. Yasmeen had seen the Shehu, long before he was coronated. He became Shehu after his father's death. Aunt Ruwaya's ex husband, and the father of her only daughter.

In the afternoon, a photographer came on aunt Hauwa's request and took a family picture as per the tradition. Guests were already arriving, so after the shoot, Yasmeen went to her room , leaving Kolo to tend to the guests. She had missed Noor's call earlier so she called back. Noor had called to tell her that they were to raise money to get their leaving professor a suitable parting gift. She also added her to the WhatsApp group they'd created to discuss the event.

Yasmeen called her father immediately after speaking with Noor. He told her how sad he was that she never called him personally since he'd left. She pouted childishly reminding him how hard it was to get his attention lately. He agreed with her, as he was so engulfed in the party business that he'd almost forgotten that he had kids that needed his attention. She told him about the money she needed. She had to remind him that he'd promised to pay for any gifts.

It didn't take long before she received the money. Yasmeen called him back and thanked him, promising to call him every day until he returned. Her phone lightened up with the arrival of an SMS.

I am on my way.

Yasmeen almost ran to the sitting room where she found her aunt Hauwa busy on the computer. She informed her that Abdulsalam was on his way, and Hauwa asked her to change into one of the dresses he'd brought her.

Yasmeen took a bath and wore a red and gold colored atampa with streaks of black. She looked up different ways to tie the scarf on YouTube, but none of them were as easy as they seemed. She ended up doing a simple one which allowed the hair on her forehead to appear, and hid the rest of her hair. She drew her eyeliner, dabbed a bit of powder and wore a deep red lipstick. The red color enhanced her complexion, making her look like a ripe fruit. She stood in front of the mirror, looking at how she fit perfectly in the dress. It wasn't too loose, neither was it tight.  How did Abdulsalam know her measurements? Perhaps he'd asked Baby for some help. She liked the styles too, and she wondered if it was Abdulsalam that picked the styles for the dresses to be sewn into.

When aunt Ruwaya came in the room she asked her if she overdressed. Aunt Ruwaya said she looked perfect and anything less would ruin her appearance.

Abdulsalam arrived alongside Kassim who equally dressed in native wears. Aunt Ruwaya was happy to receive them as didn't come empty handed. Abdulsalam was still embarrassed from the other day. He couldn't raise his head in her presence. Kassim used the situation for a sport as expy. He coughed and coughed again, making Abdulsalam swear to God Kassim would be hearing from him as soon as they reached home.

Greetings were exchanged quickly and they were guided to the guests lounge, where they were served some edible assortments. Sadiq and Amir joined them shortly after. They shook hands casually like seasoned adults. Sadiq was taller than he remembered. He was almost as tall as he was. Height was the cardinal factor in this family, he thought to himself.

Yasmeen appeared not long after Sadiq had left. She found Amir sitting with them, relating the grand event he'd witnessed earlier on the Eid ground. They listened to him, with what one would recognize as fake interest. Abdulsalam noticed her presence first, making eye contact as soon as he turned in her direction.

"Wuso" she greeted in a calm voice. Avoiding Abdulsalam's gaze as much as she could, she focused on the hem of her veil she was fiddling with. She knelt before the table and asked them about their day Kassim answered he greeting kindly, wishing her happy Eid. Abdulsalam was quite as she moved and sat next to Amir on the couch adjacent to the one he sat on with Kassim.

" The pictures do you no justice. My friend here is indeed lucky." Kassim stated kindly.

Abdulsalam looked down and then back at Yasmeen. He agreed with Kassim; he was lucky. She looked even more beautiful wearing that shy smile.

" This is Kassim. He wouldn't let me rest until I brought him to meet you."

" It's lovely meeting you Kassim."

" Don't rush it there. He's the reason I missed that dinner you invited me to."

Kassim shook his head, maintaining the his gentle smile." He is right. It was my fault, I hope you forgive me "

" Not at all. You didn't have to be in the picture for him to stand me up. It wasn't the first time." She said eyeing Abdulsalam.

Abdulsalam sat there and listened as both of them attacked him from various angles. Amir clueless about what was going on sipped his juice quietly. What more could he do? Abdulsalam assumed he was forced to stay.

" You just won yourself a restraining order." He said to Kassim." On grounds that you are capable of causing problems in my home."

They chatted until Maghrib and left after they had prayed. On their way home, they talked about Polo. Being the only sport they were engaged in, it was a hot topic when there was a competition coming up.

" Why don't we arrange a Polo game for your wedding?" Kassim suggested.

" I don't think it's possible. It's too late, and with the competition being in a week after the wedding, I don't think any player would be interested in  participating." Abdulsalam wasn't the one driving, so he relaxed in his seat and scrolled through his phone.

" Isn't it going to be like a mock game? I'm attaching a huge prize for the winning team. Bride or groom, regardless. I am on team bride."

" What do you mean?" Kassim was terrific at the sport, Abdulsalam wanted him on his side. " You are to stick with me and support me."

" Naa my brother. I can't play against her. She's been nicer to me than you have been my whole life. You know you are a lucky bastard!" Kassim hit his shoulder,eyes off the road." If Baa got me a bride that looked like that..." He said taking his hands off the stiring wheel. " And he had to persuade you for your consent? You fool."

Being typical friends, they argued their way home. Abdulsalam agreed with Kassim about the fool part, but inside. Outside he argued that she was the lucky one having a gentleman like him. An accomplished lawyer who won more cases than most of his seniors. But that didn't matter, Kassim was right about that too.

On reaching home, he found sets of bags in his room, stuffed with fabrics. When he asked what they were for, his mother announced that she had started gathering Khadija's kare nzaye we( bride's presents). He couldn't argue with her on it. When his father returned, he went to him. He was on the phone, so Abdulsalam waited.

" Clumsy criminal. He will spend the rest of his life in jail." Bashir laughed, ending the call. " That was your father-in-law."

Abdulsalam knew which one. He wondered if his father was aware of the deal with Khadija.

" You remember Baana Asheikh?"

Of course he did.

" The governorship candidate for the other party?"

" Yes. He got arrested by the NDLEA earlier today in his hometown. At the same time, the EFCC and DSS have issues with him."

" Interesting." Abdulsalam knew his firm would be up for the case, but that's not what he was concerned about right now.

" Sources were vague on the details but I do not think he'll get out of it easily." Bashir walked to the huge couch, Abdulsalam in tandem with him.

Abdulsalam knew the conversation would go deeper if he didn't stop it right there, so he began. " As much as this is an interesting topic, there's something else I'd like to talk about."

Bashir gently sat down, gesturing Abdulsalam to take the seat next to his.  "What is it you want to talk about?"

" Ummm.... Ah... It's about the.. err.... I don't know if you are aware of the arrangements with Khadija's family." He fumbled with the words.

" What arrangements?" Bashir asked.

" The wedding arrangements my mother put in place with...."

" Oh yes I am aware. What about it?"


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