ℂ𝕒𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕒 | H.S |

By hsdiaries

189K 3.1K 1.1K

I lowered myself to my knees, biting my lip softly as I felt him walk up behind me. He brought his arm around... More

prologue - good girl
one - you're so vain
two - truth or dare
three - bigger plans
four - carolina townes
five - manners
six - please
seven - edward & bella
eight - beautiful butterfly
nine - learning
ten - maple
eleven - sir
twelve - i don't do that
thirteen - happy birthday
fourteen - euphoria
fifteen - she knows
sixteen - i swear
seventeen - moral compass
nineteen - baby
twenty - trying
twenty one - no rules
twenty two - 14 february
twenty three - sabatoge
twenty four - niall horan
twenty five - timing
twenty six - jezebel's
twenty seven - regret
twenty eight - never ever
twenty nine - two of us
thirty - the townes
thirty one - watermelon sugar
thirty two - benny
thirty three - eight letters
thirty four - she feels so good
thirty five - proposal
thirty six - jeff & aileen
thirty seven - i can't do this
thirty eight - disneyland
thirty nine - camille
forty - in the first place
forty one - the love of my life
forty two - chances
forty three - the temp
forty four - golden
forty five - the album
forty six - rsvp
forty seven - the party
forty eight - one condition
forty nine - the end
sneak peek : upcoming book
house of stone : coming soon
Hiiii Carolina Babes,

eighteen - cocaine

3.7K 62 7
By hsdiaries


Townes' POV

The roar of the crowd, was insane. You could feel the rumble of all their voices. It was like they could move the stadium if they were loud enough. I didn't mess up once, though it was my biggest fear, it didn't happen.

We ran off the stage, each entering different cars to drive us out of the stadium safely. As I reached my assigned car, Harry reached for my hand and pulled me towards his.

"Thomas, she's accounted for! She's with me." He called out to the security and we made our way into his car. I slipped in first followed by Harry and soon the cars left the stadium.

Harry rolled up the partition between us and the driver and pulled me towards him, pulling my leg around him so I was straddling him. His lips were on me aggressively, I kissed him back laughing, "What's come over you?"

"A good show, it, it gets things going for me." He laughed and I rolled my eyes, as his lips found my neck.

"Mmm, cause you had a good show. Cause you did so good up there? Is that why?" I teased, and he grabbed my hair, pulling it tightly.

"Are you making fun of me?" He narrowed his eyes at me and I shrugged.

"Maybe, or maybe I mean it. Maybe watching you out there made me so wet for you Harry. You could slip right inside me." I said teasingly, my hips moving against him. He tilted his head at me slightly, licking his lips.


"Harry," I said, pulling myself away from where he was pulling me by the hair, it hurt, but I couldn't help how good it also felt. He loosened his grip on me and I leaned on him, whispering in his ear, "Too bad you won't get to find out tonight." I kissed his cheek softly, moving my body off of his as he let go of my hair.

He was hard against his jeans, and he inhaled sharply as he adjusted himself, "I won't forget this, Townes." And I shrugged playfully.

"I'm sure you won't Harold." I giggled.

When we got home, I went to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of wine, grabbing a glass and serving myself. I planned on taking a bath and wine was the missing piece. Harry came downstairs, he was wearing just his briefs, and he looked like a dream.

"Want some wine?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No, I gotta finish packing." He ran his fingers through his hair, putting it up in a small man bun.

"You haven't finished?" I raised an eyebrow and he shrugged.

"I've been busy?" He chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

"Well there goes my bath, come on, let's go pack." I said, bringing my wine glass with me.

"Townes, you don't have to, really." He said following me.

"If we do it together, maybe you'll finish quicker and come take a bath with me. I see this as a win win." I peeked over at him and he laughed.

"Okay, let's go."

I sat on the floor, in his room, sipping on my wine. It felt strange being in here with the light on, the darkness completely vanished. Even the grey walls didn't seem as dark. Harry would hand me clothes and I would fold them, placing them in the suitcases.

"You know I'm surprised." Harry said.

"About what?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"How neat you are while doing this. I've seen your room, and how you throw your clothes around." He chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm neat when I need to be okay?" I chuckled, "And in my own room, sometimes I'm messy, sometimes I could care less."

"I get it, it's your space. So you do with it what you need." He said tossing me a couple shirts and I nodded.

"Exactly." I smiled, catching the shirts and beginning to fold them.

"So have Mr. and Mrs. Townes called again?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No. Thank God. If it was up to me, I would never speak to them again and be perfectly fine."

"You don't want to ever work on that? I mean, we only get one set of parents, I mean, unless you're me and your parents divorce and remarry." He chuckled.

"I feel like, right now...it's not in the books. Tensions are too high still. They still aren't over me moving away, but maybe one day."

"Did they really cut you off?" He said and I nodded.

"My account is there, but it's frozen. I can't access it. For a while, they had pissed off the bank so badly they accidentally froze my account that I opened on my own. I was literally penniless, and surviving more on tips than usual."

"I'm sorry Townes, that's...that's horrible. I can't imagine doing that to my own child. It's horrible." He lowered himself down on the floor and helped me fold.

"That's why when I have kids, I'm going to be the complete opposite of them. I promised myself that." I said, moving things around in his suitcase to make a bit more room.

"How many kids do you want?" He asked and I smiled a bit. It had become a common question as I neared my thirties, and one I actually thought about quiet often.

"I want a whole soccer team, but two will suffice." I laughed and he did too.

"I feel like two is enough. I never felt like I was missing anything with just Gemma. Always felt perfectly balanced."

"I just don't want them to grow up alone like I did. It wasn't fun and I hated the attention." I rolled my eyes and reached for my wine glass taking a sip.

"You? Hating attention? Hard to believe." He teased and I rolled my eyes.

"Me being...out there and the way I am now is different than being an only child who gets celebrated for everything, even the stupidest things. Especially in my world? Where the parents have so much to prove to each other? Oh my Gracie has a scholarship in horse riding, oh well my Janice had a scholarship and then championships. And as you get older, it just gets upgraded. To cars, colleges, plastic surgery. I hated it, and I hated not having someone to rely on at home. I mean I had Button, but Button was also a small weenier dog who just wanted it's belly rubbed." I finished rambling and Harry laughed.

"Okay, that's understandable. You like the attention you get to create for yourself." He smiled small and I nodded, looking down at my wine glass.

"So you want two as well then?" I said, unable to look at him.

"That or a whole soccer team, haven't decided." He chuckled and I did too, peeking up at him, "Well, we are just about done, so how about that bath?"

"I'll go set that up!" I exclaimed and got up, stretching out my legs. I began to make my way out of the room, and Harry grabbed my hand.

"Come here." He said softly pulling me down, and I bent down, giving him a soft kiss on the lips before leaving to my room.

We sat in the bath tub, my head resting back against his left shoulder. His fingers running softly up and down my stomach.

"So, back home, every morning, Tasha and I play the three Gs." I said softly.

"What's that?" He kissed my head softly.

"It's your goals, for the year, for the month and for the day." I peeked up at him.

"Hmm, what are your three Gs, Townes?"

"Umm, in a year, pay off my grandparents for how much they spent to move me out here, in a month, well, maybe put together a couple more songs, and today, well it was to take a bath." I giggled and he chuckled pulling me close, "And yours?"

"Well, let's see, my goal of the day was to have a good show, and that's been crossed off the list. In a month, I hope to have the overall concept of the next album finished, and in a year....to rest and, heal, finally." He looked down at me and I looked at him.

"I hope you really get that last one, Harry."

"Me too."


Harry's POV

We decided to go out after the Manchester show, we had two days off before moving to Paris for three shows. With people knowing I was in the city we had to drive everywhere and get escorted which was new to Townes. She also wasn't used to the fans yelling, the cameras. I could tell she was overwhelmed and I hated that for those very reasons I couldn't comfort her. It would cause a frenzy.

We made it inside the club and were moved to the second floor, a roped off section waited for us. We piled in and Mitch sat next to me, Townes on my other side. Mitch pulled out a small packet and waved it in my face a bit, "What do you say Hazza? Let's make it one of those nights?"

I could feel Townes eyes on me, and I could feel the shame creeping over me. I shook it away quickly, knowing I didn't want that. I didn't want to feel shame because of her. This was who I was, what I enjoyed doing.

"Let's do it Mitchy boy." I said patting his back, and he began prepping a couple lines of cocaine for us.

"Can I try?" I heard her soft voice, and I turned to her. I raised a small eyebrow.

"Townes, you can't be serious?" I said softly.

"Why not? You do it, can't be too bad. I just want to try it once, and I feel safe with you all." She said looking over from me to Mitch.

Mitch turned to look at me and shrugged, "I mean, we got her. But just one line. I don't need you jumping off the walls, you already have the energy of a monkey."

Townes and I both laughed, and though I felt unsure I nodded, "Okay, but let's hurry before Sarah gets here, she doesn't like this. Watch us okay?"

She nodded, Mitch and I taking turns, doing two lines each, snorting them through a rolled up dollar bill. I wiped my nose and handed it to her, scooting over a bit so she had room, "You just gotta do it quick, okay? It'll burn, you can't avoid that."

She nodded and leaned down, snorting it up quickly. Her hands instantly covered her face, her eyes squeezing shut, "Holy shit." She said, wiping her nose as if it would make it go away.

I couldn't help but laugh a bit, moving her hands from her face, "It'll settle in a bit. You okay?"

She nodded, "Yeah. What....what am I supposed to feel?"

"Trust me, you'll know when it hits. You want a drink?" I asked and she nodded. I stood up and walked to the rope, calling over a bottle girl.

"Hi beautiful, can I get a bottle of patron and some mixers please." I said, smiling slyly at her.

"Anything else sir?" She said, that last word, she was so unaware what it did to me.

"Just keep coming around, I'll think of something." I winked at her, and handed her my card, "Keep it open."

She smiled and nodded, "I'll be back, don't runaway."

"From you, never." I smirked turning back, and walking over to my seat.

"A friend?" Townes said.

"All the bottle girls are Harry's friends." Mitch teased and Harry back handed him on the chest.

"They are simply doing their job, I'm just very thankful for them." I said, and Townes chuckled a bit.

"Right." She said, and I could see the relief on her face when she saw Sarah. She got up quickly and made her way over, Mitch making sure the table was wiped clean.

I watched as the girls hugged, and I couldn't help as the idea of her and Sarah being friends excited me. She was my best friend's girlfriend, and...Townes. She was Townes. I shook my head and brought my attention back to Mitch.

Our drinks eventually came, we all took a shot or two, Mitch and Sarah leaving to go dance on the lower floor. I was sipping on a drink I made and when I turned to Townes, she was sitting with her eyes closed, her fingers running up and down her arm, and I knew the high was starting to kick in. I never felt the sensitivity to touch that some people did, but I could tell it was affecting Townes in this way.

I walked over and sat next to her, resting my arm on the seat behind her, "You okay there?"

She nodded and opened her eyes, peeking at me, her pupils filled the pool of hazel, and I don't know why she looked so appealing to me this way. I moved my finger softly up her bare thigh, feeling as goosebumps developed against her soft skin, "Everything just feels, like, I don't know, honey."

I chuckled at her words and she laughed too, "That happens, sometimes it makes people sensitive to the touch, filled with energy, super attentive." I said, leaning in, moving the tip of my nose softly along her neck. A small breath escaped her as I wrapped my hand on her thigh. My lips moved along her neck kissing it softly, my tongue trailing a path as I did.

"Where's your room when I need it." She said, and instantly laughed, causing me to move off her neck.

"You sure know how to keep the moment going, Townes." I chuckled and she shrugged.

"It's the powder, not me. This, is not me speaking currently." She said, and I shook my head. Her eyes suddenly went big, and she turned to look at me, "Harry, I wanna dance. Please. I just, I need to move."

I laughed and ran my finger softly along her cheek, "One condition."

"What?" She said.

"My room, tonight. Stay with me."

"Only if you let me do one more line before you fuck me." She said, causing my eyes to get big. I was surprised by her words. This wasn't Townes, but I was so enticed by her. By this version of her.

"Let's see how you feel when we get home, come one, let's go." I said, standing up and taking her hand.

Townes' POV

My back was arched against his chest, my hips moving against him, grinding on him. He moved his hands along my body, every touch feeling so sensitive against me. Like silk, on freshly shaven skin. His lips were on my butterfly tattoo, the sucking sensation nearly driving me to an edge I had never been at.

He spun me around and pulled me close to him, his cologne strong to my senses today, I could take a bite out of him and the thought alone caused me to giggle. I reached and covered my face, and I was thankful when he laughed too.

"Someone's high is still going." He said and I nodded, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Mhm, it's still there. I could still dance until the end of the night. I could probably run some laps too." He chuckled, his fingers moving softly along my back, chills coming with it.

"This isn't something I want you doing often, okay Townes?" He said, searching my eyes.

"I know. I just wanted to try, but, I do want you to fuck me on this. Please, sir. It's all I want." I pouted, my voice whiny, I didn't even recognize myself.

"Townes, that mouth of yours right now. I don't know who you are."

"I guess I'm Carolina then." I said, throwing my head back and he chuckled, leaning down and kissing the space between my collar bones softly.

"Mmm, well I'll make sure to have my fun with Carolina later tonight then." He smirked as I brought my head back up and nodded.

"I can't wait."

AN: But you'll have to wait because smut takes a while to write haha.

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