"Maze In The Mirror" āœ§A Kookm...

By kimyeontansmom30

61.4K 5.9K 3.8K

šŸā„ļøON HOLDā„ļøšŸ "I love you, Jimin hyung" Jungkook confessed nervously stretching his hand that was holding a... More

āœ§1. An Angel!āœ§
āœ§2. Why did I dream of him?āœ§
āœ§3. Rice Cakesāœ§
āœ§4. Turn of Eventsāœ§
āœ§5. Get Out!āœ§
āœ§6. Detentionāœ§
āœ§7. Buddies Talkāœ§
āœ§8. The Scriptsāœ§
āœ§9. The Sakura Kissāœ§
āœ§10. A Weird Man? āœ§
āœ§11. Found Him? āœ§
āœ§13.Planning a Trap?āœ§
āœ§15. The Start Of Eveāœ§
āœ§16. Finally!āœ§
āœ§17. The Proposal Dayāœ§
āœ§18. True Colours?āœ§
āœ§19. His Angerāœ§
āœ§20. What's Happening?āœ§
āœ§21. Pranks?āœ§
āœ§22. Friends Chatāœ§
āœ§23. Sister?āœ§
āœ§24. Make-out?āœ§
āœ§25. Not Normal?āœ§
āœ§26. True Faceāœ§
āœ§27. Make Me Your Wife!āœ§
āœ§28. Sibling's Babblingsāœ§
āœ§29.Unknown Person?āœ§
āœ§30. Fight!āœ§
āœ§31. Red-haired Man?āœ§
āœ§32. Jeonolous?āœ§
āœ§33. My Angelāœ§
āœ§34. He Knows?āœ§
āœ§35. The Soul Reaperāœ§
āœ§36. Visionsāœ§
āœ§37. It's Hot...?āœ§

āœ§14. Dangerous Salvationāœ§

1.3K 131 44
By kimyeontansmom30

"The students..." Jin mutters, fidgeting his fingers.

"What?" Namjoon frowns.

"The students are talking badly about it and they spread it on social media," Jin shows the comments on his phone.

Namjoon adjusts his glasses and takes a look,

"Kim Seokjin is having an affair with the hot English professor," One wrote.

"So Jin is gay? Disgusting! I am not a fan of him anymore."

"Hey, above just get the fuck out of the conversation if you are homophobic!"

"Is that true? Is the information from the right source?"

"Yes, the students in Seoul University caught Jin going to the English professor's personal office and staying there for hours even after the Uni ended."

"Woah, what they are doing inside the room for hours? My imagination is getting wild🌚."

"Ikr, and the English professor is super hot. He is a perfect match for Jin. I am sailing this ship!"

"Show us his pic, we need to see who captured our worldwide handsome's heart."

"Oh, my lord! He is total daddy material!"

"And here are the pics of them together 😏"

"I ship it! I fucking ship it!"

"Send us the information daily, we need to see how the relationship is progressing."

"On it! A student said that the relationship started so dramatically."

"How? We are curious."

"You guys know right our Jin is attending the university to gain experience for his coming drama?"

"Yes, we do."

"But Jin got bored in the English class and slept when professor Namjoon is teaching and even he didn't keep his phone silent."

"Omo, so interesting, what happened next?"

"The phone's ringtone blasted and the English professor got angry. He threw his phone away when he saw Jin speaking on the phone in the middle of the class."

"Daebak! Jin sure has some guts!"

"Ikr! And they got angry at each other, went to the principal to complain and we don't the exact details but Jin got detention."

"Woooh! Then I think they started doing something unholy during detention😏🌚!"

"Maybe and from the next day, Jin is going to professor Namjoon's office daily after classes."

"Jin got addicted to the pleasure professor gave him, so he is going to his office to get his ass screwed🍑🍆!"

"Who knows what are they doing inside the closed room, but every time Jin comes out of the room he is super exhausted."

"Think the professor has great stamina to go on for hours💦!"

"I know it! Jin is a slut in the industry just like other actors."

"Yah, don't talk rubbish about our Jin!"

"Then what? He slept with all the actors he did drama with. And now that there is no one to fuck his loose ass, he seduced even the professor!"

"You are right, I am a friend of his ex-staff. He said that Jin seduces every man and sleeps with them. He is a big whore!"

"Everyone in the industry is! There is no one innocent."

Namjoon closes his eyes to calm his anger after seeing all the comments about him and Jin and he is mostly got effected by the nasty ones about Jin.

He gives the phone back after opening his eyes and looks at Jin who is looking anxious.

"I am sorry, professor. Because of me, you are dragged into this mess," Jin apologizes.

Namjoon gets shocked hearing it,

>>>Why is he apologizing to me when those awful comments are about him?

"I didn't take your popularity into consideration and insisted to tutor you in my office, I am sorry for that," Namjoon looks serious.

"Um... it's okay," Jin looks flustered as he didn't expect that the glasses monster would say sorry to him.

"It's not okay. Did you see those unpleasant comments about you? Why isn't your company doing anything about it?" Namjoon looks furious.

"PR team of our company already took care of many such sites talking about us. But these are small tabloids and they keep on coming up even if they blocked them.  Min-Ho Hyung said he will sue them all for defamation, so don't worry professor," Jin assures.

"Aren't you affected by those comments?" Namjoon looks amazed.

"I can't say no but not yes too 'cause I am not affected that much as I am used to it. It's normal for netizens to troll celebrities on daily basis. They don't care if it's the truth or not, they just need an interesting topic to gossip about," Jin voices out.

"I have no idea about such things. Do people have no work? Are they that idle?" Namjoon gets mad.

Jin chuckles, "They are idle. But I don't mind cause what they talk about is not even the truth and if you are a celebrity you should make up your heart and mind strong about such things. But I am happy seeing you getting angry for me, professor. I thought you are just a cold-hearted person."

"Ahem," Namjoon clears his throat and asks, "Are the students bugging you?"

"Kind of...they were taking pics and videos of me getting inside your office," Jin bites his lips.

"Such an insolence! I am gonna teach them a lesson-" Namjoon gets up to go outside and scold them but Jin grabs his hand and stops him.

"Stop, if you do that they will start hating me more," Jin then immediately releases his hold getting flustered, "I am sorry."

Namjoon sighs, "Alright, I won't. From tomorrow don't come to my office anymore. And they'll forget about us as time passes by."

"Really, then no tutoring," Jin's eyes lit up.

"Nope. I will still tutor you. Don't you want to pass the exam and continue the rest of the six months? With your knowledge, I bet you will never pass even if you retake the exam a hundred times," Namjoon comments.

"Professor!" Jin stomps his leg on the floor.

"It's the truth. So I will be tutoring you in my home," Namjoon declares.

"In your home?" Jin looks shooked.

"Yes, cause as you are a celebrity we can't sit in public places like a cafe or a library. And your home is off limits cause paparazzi will be roaming there for news. And my mansion is full of security, so no media can get there, it's the best option," Namjoon suggests.

Jin hesitates and looks nervous, "Is there no other way?"

"I told you it's the best possible option. If you don't want it then I will stop tutoring and you can just go home, and forget about attending the university," Namjoon affirms.

Jin thinks looking here and there looking anxious and then answers, "O-Ok, I will go to your home."

Namjoon smirks upon hearing it.


At Jungkook's Mansion...

Jungkook hung out with Hoseok until evening and they had a blast of time together. He forgot to inform about it to Eunwoo and when he noticed the missed calls, he predicted that he would meet a sulking Eunwoo at home.

Jungkook sees Eunwoo sitting on the couch watching some drama while eating popcorn.

"Eunu," Jungkook calls.

But Eunwoo ignores it and continues to watch the drama.

Jungkook smiles,

>>>He is grumpy.

He plops beside his friend and snatches the popcorn bowl from his hand and starts eating.

"Yah, it's not for you. I made it for myself," Eunwoo tries to take his bowl.

"But I am hungry," Jungkook keeps the bowl high.

"Didn't your new friend even feed you?" Eunwoo mocks.

"He did, he brought the food from Blueside and they were pretty delicious than your sloppy cooking," Jungkook teases.

Eunwoo pouts and turns away hearing it, "Then go eat there every day, don't come to me asking for food."

"Fine, Hoseok Hyung loves to feed me anyway," Jungkook is enjoying teasing his friend.

He stands up to go inside his room to freshen up but he feels a little tug on his shirt.

He turns to see Eunwoo in tears grabbing his shirt. Jungkook gets shocked seeing him like that, "Hey, Eunu, why are you crying? What happened?"

"Do you really don't want *hic* to eat what I cook anymore?" Eunwoo asks, crying.

Jungkook chuckles and cups his face, "You are crying because of that? Eunu, you pabo, I was just teasing you."

"I don't know Kook *hic* I am getting pretty useless lately. I am your manager *hic* but I got to know every news from you. And you have many friends. Maybe Min-Ho Hyung is right *hic* I am just a burden for you," Eunwoo sobs.

"Aish, you idiot. I never think of you as a burden. And you are my only manager and best friend. That place cannot be taken by anyone no matter how many friends I make. Don't think like that again," Jungkook hugs his friends and pats his back.

"Lately, I am not of much help to you, and *hic* if I can't even cook you delicious meals then what's the use of me? I fear that one day you will get tired of me *hic* and throw me away if I get any more worthless," Eunwoo wails.

"Eunu, look at me! Do I look like someone who will throw you away just because you will become useless to me? And what's all this useless and worthless talk? You mean so much to me, you are my best friend and it is worth more than anything. So stop thinking like that, ok?" Jungkook assures looking directly into his friend's eyes.

Eunwoo nods still tearing up while smiling.

"Aigoo! My friend is such a crybaby. Now go and cook dinner for us, I told Hoseok Hyung that you would be waiting for me without eating," Jungkook smiles pinching his friend's cheeks.

"That means you didn't eat dinner with Hoseok-shi?" Eunwoo asks looking surprised.

"Nope, 'cause I know you will starve yourself and sleep without eating dinner if I don't eat with you," Jungkook gives him a flick on his forehead.

"Ouch! Then go wash yourself, I will cook dinner for us both, I am so hungry," Eunwoo gets up, excited.

Jungkook shakes his head and nods. They eat dinner while chatting and go to sleep in their rooms.

"Just one more day and you will be in my hands, Jimin," Jungkook smirks and drifts off to sleep.

Jungkook's P.O.V:-


Seoul University,

After the little fight and clearing the misunderstandings, Jimin Hyung is being all clingy to me and I love it so much.

It didn't take much effort for me to woo him. I feared that if I propose to him, he will reject me and I will not get to talk with him again.

But not anymore. To think Jimin Hyung got so jealous that I hugged Eunwoo that day and was sulking, why is he so adorable?

I don't think I can wait anymore. I need to make him mine as soon as possible. But that bodyguards of him always interfere in the middle and take him away as soon as the classes are finished.

I can only talk with him when he has no classes or if he is in the library. Eunu always informs me where Jimin Hyung is, and I am grateful that I have a friend like him.

Now, I am waiting for Jimin Hyung in the library pretending to read some book that is upside down, looking at the door every second.

And there comes my Jimin Hyung, he is so pretty today too. He looks like an angel if he wears white clothes, particularly.

I love it when he wears white and it is also bad for my heart cause it starts beating so fast that I fear it will pop out of my chest if I don't calm down.

"Hey, Kookie, what are you reading?" Jimin Hyung asks, sitting beside me.

"Nothing, Hyung. I was just waiting for you," I say closing the book, if not he starts questioning me about what's the book about and all to which I have no answers.

"Oh, for me? What is it about?" He asks looking so cute.

Ugh! I can't take it anymore. I have already made up my mind that I will ask his permission to kiss him today, and I can't back off now.

Those plump lips of his, every time I see them after the accidental kiss of ours, I couldn't endure it anymore.

"Come with me, Hyung," I grab his hand and take him to a section in the library where no one comes.

"What's here?" Jimin Hyung looks around in confusion.

"Nothing, Hyung I want to try something, will you let me do it?" I ask caging him between my arms and looking at his lips.

"K-Kookie..." Jimin Hyung stutters cutely looking a little scared.

"Please, Hyung?" I beg him, showing my doe eyes which is my specialty to convince anyone using them.

Jimin Hyung gulps and nods looking down shyly. I smile seeing him like that, he is looking so lovely.

I grab his chin and make him look up leaning forward, he tried to move closer, but I stopped, "Don't move."

He looks like he is startled by my sudden commanding voice and stays frozen. I rub his lips with my thumb, "Don't close your eyes," I command him again, and he nods a little.

I grab his waist and lean in capturing his lower lips slowly. I can feel his warm breath hitching, his heart raising as he tries to keep his eyes open.

I look into his eyes directly while sucking his lips, and he pushes me away, blushing pink.

"What happened Hyung, don't you like it?" I ask him but I already know the answer he is just embarrassed to look into my eyes while we are kissing.

"N-No, can't I close my eyes? It's hard..." He bites his lower lips.

I smirk and bang him to the wall, grabbing his waist with one hand and his neck with the other hand, "You can," I say and capture his lips again. He clutches my shirt tightly with his tiny palms.

This time I put my tongue inside his mouth and tasted the sweetness of his cavern. Maybe because he just ate a dessert or something, his saliva tastes like vanilla.

I hungrily taste him more pulling him closer than before, our tongues tangle as we exchange our salivas. I open my eyes seeing him struggle to keep up with my pace. I just smirk and kiss him deeper.

I love to tease him like this. I might get addicted to this. His sweet scent, our mixed breathe, and our hearts that are beating in rhythm, his tiny waist that just fitted right in my hand, his taste,

Everything about him is driving me crazy. He is dangerous for my heart, I know it but still, I can't avoid or get away from him.

I get attracted to him, he pulls me towards him like a magnet. I want to drown myself in him. He is my life, my love, and my dangerous salvation.

I kissed him until he started struggling to breathe and gasp for air. I separated my lips from his and looked at him.

The corner of his eyes had become a little glossy and took long breaths, holding me tightly fearing that he might fall.

I noticed that his legs became jelly, so I lifted him in my arms as he wrapped his legs around my waist and looked flustered, "I am still hungry, Hyung," I say and captured his lips again.

✼  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉  ҉ ✼


I am kissing him more and more but suddenly-


Did I fall?

I open my eyes and look around. It's my room, not the library and it's the pillow in my arms, not Jimin.

I facepalm. I dreamt of him again but why the kissing scene among all the past I had with him?

Why don't I dream how he rejected me so that I can at least be angry and continue my revenge plot?

Aish! I rub my butt and try to get up when Eunwoo barges into my room, "Kookie!!!"

"Why, what happened? Why are you yelling early in the morning?" I ask getting up from the floor.

"Why are you on the floor?" He asks me, frowning.

"Forget it and tell me why are you shouting first thing in the morning," I ask.

"Hoseok-shi sent the invitation cards. He also sent one for me. How is this possible, I never met him," He looks quite surprised.

I smile, "Cause I told him that I have a specimen of a friend, he got curious to see you that's why he invited you too."

"Aish, you! But I am happy, I am coming to a party with you, yay!" He chirps loud making me go deaf.

"Alright, stop shouting, dammit!" I warn him.

"Kookie, get ready, we need to go shopping!" Eunwoo declares in excitement.

"Shopping?" I am terrified cause I know how it will end up.

"Yes, we need to buy clothes for tomorrow's party," He jumps up and down.

God, save me from him.

✩。:*•.─────  ❁ ❁  ─────.•*:。✩

(A/N:- I hope you all enjoyed the double update. Next chap is New Year's Eve,

So, Stay Tuned😉!

Bye Lovelies😘See you soon💜

P.S. You might get a triple update if it reaches 20K reads🤭)

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