Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Ten...

By thedoctorgonepale

5.1K 278 297

In a crazy bizarre world where some people possess the ability to call upon spiritual beings with great power... More

No Cutting Class!!
Rocking Rockets
Jojo Vs Authority
Mirror, Mirror
Smell The LEMONS!
Taste The LEMONS
Under The Trees Branches
Kid Gloves
School House Rocking
Livin' La Vida
Jojo Where Are You?
Jojo Where Are You?: Act 2
Pick A Fight With Destiny
Pick A Fight With Destiny: Act 2
Pick A Fight With Destiny: Act 3
Pick A Fight With Destiny: Act 4

(Prologue): Bizzare Awakening

1.2K 39 79
By thedoctorgonepale

"Yes High, is a school filled to the brim with unique students from all across the world."

"Where does it reside? Unimportant!"

"Did you know, Yes High has a broad range of facilities allowing students to study and mingle in a vast spectrum of different subjects"

"The school has dorms for every student, an Olympic-level pool, and an outdoor and indoor sports arena that house almost every sport, and the cafeteria is-"

???: UGHHH!

A young man groaned loudly with annoyance and pain as he suddenly arose as if from a nightmare.


His body was feverishly hot, but it slowly cooled down in the cool dorm room he sat in.

The room was basic but charitably large, having a corner with basic kitchen necessities, opposite of it was the soft bed the young man awoke in with a desk beside it and a window between the corners.

Besides the closet and the door to the bathroom, there wasn't much else in the dorm.

The young man looked around. His memories had failed him, for he had no idea where he was.

Standing up he approached the window, loudly opening it.


He poked out of it to look around. All he saw was the school.


???: Hm?

Looking down to the pavement below, the young man saw a girl covering her eyes, whilst others looked at him with either blushes or laughter.

He looked down to see he was naked and not hiding anything from anyone.

Shutting the window, the young man finds a pair of clothing in tbe closet, along with a dog-tag-like necklace with "Jojo" engraved on it.

Jojo: Jojo... Hmph!

(Tenacious Rebel: Jojo)

The name resonated with him, so he kept it as he barged out of his dorm, rushing straight to a random class.

Taking a random seat, Jojo observed the class as more and more students filled the room. A bell rang, and they performed rollcall, only to sit in their seats and continue chatting up a storm with no teacher in sight of arriving.

Jojo:(mind) Something is off... It's making my stomach turn...

This bizarre class chatted as a normal class would, but to a normal observer, one would think these teens were magic as they were capable of some odd things.

Jojo observed carefully and found his classmates hiding their power. Only a small few were being creative to use more of their ability.

Jojo: Psssst!

He beckoned the attention of the class representative.

(Class Rep: Makoto)

Makoto: Hm? What is it?

Jojo: Where's the teacher?

Makoto:... I... I don't know. Just sit quietly.

Jojo: No.

Jojo: Where's the principal's office? What country is this school in? Who's in charge?

Makoto: I-I... Tch! Shut it! Will you?! Be quiet and don't cause trouble or the student council will-

Jojo: Whoa-whoa. Cool it, quick rage, I just wanted to know some things.

Makoto:(glares) What did you call me?

Jojo: Don't worry about it.

Getting out of his chair, Jojo walks to the exit. But the doors don't open.

Student: You new here? You can't leave when the class is in session.

Jojo: Class? What class? What lesson are we supposed to be learning?

Student 2: When the teacher comes, we'll find out.

Jojo: When the teacher comes....?

Jojo: What's our teacher's name?

Student: Uhmmmm...

Jojo: Are they a dude or a babe?

Student 2: Hmm...?

Jojo: Pretty? Ugly?


Jojo:(mind) Seriously? This isn't right.

Jojo: A hundred buckeroos to whoever tells me what country we are in right now.


Jojo: Two hundred to anyone who can say the year!




Students: Whooooooo...

Student 1: Wow, the new kid really got the rep's nerves.

Student 2: It's probably THAT time, sooo... He better listen~


Jojo:(mind) They went straight back to bantering as if I just didn't show they are missing some important info...

(Ring, ring, ring)

The doors finally opened after the bell rang. Every student marched out of the class for recess.

Jojo's nerves were being put to the test. The way everyone was ignorant of the strange school and how he was missing memories, Jojo was close to exploding.

Jojo:(mind) I better look for this student council... They seem to be the only authority figures around...

During recess, Jojo searched the school for the student council office, he had little luck in finding it.

Jojo: Hey, where's the student council office?

Student: Dude, drop it if you know what's good for you.


Jojo: Student council, where are they?

Student 2: You crazy? Why would you want to search for them? Forget about it, bro.


In his search for answers, Jojo came up empty, however, he did notice something or a lack of something.

With his mind on high alert, Jojo found it odd that he was lax about a certain area in his view.

He specifically tried to look out for every student around to find someone who might know something, but there was always a spot he didn't bother looking.

Jojo:(suspicious gaze)...

Approaching this spot, he got as close as he could, before thrusting his arms out and touching some invisible being.

A girl then appeared from thin air from his point of view.

(Nervous Nancy: Nany)


Jojo: You can turn invisible?

Jojo:(mind) Why isn't that so surprising?

Jojo: You've been following me, haven't you?!

Nany:(looks around nervously) Uhm... I-I...

Jojo: You know something, don't you?!

Nany: P-please let go...!

Jojo: Sure, right after you move your index finger in to point me towards the council's office.

This situation had every student's attention on the two.

Jojo: Tch, what's got your tounge? All you have to do is point and this can all be over.

Nany:(looks down)... I-I... Saw it...

Jojo: The council?! Where! Tell me!

Makoto: Oi! What are you doing?!

The class rep arrived to try and stop this situation.

Jojo: Holding this girl up until her jello legs fade away. Don't mind us!

Nany:(blushes) I-I mean... "it"...(keeps head down)

Makoto: Hmph!

She stomps towards Jojo.

Makoto: Enough! Stop before you screw us all over!

Jojo turned and grabbed Makoto by the face to hold her at arm's length as his other hand continued to pin Nany to the wall.

Jojo: Cool your jets, I just want to talk!

Jojo:(looks to Nany) Quick! What do you mean by "It"?

Nany:(keeps head down with a blush)...

Jojo:(follows her gaze)

Jojo:(looks at crotch)...

Jojo:(looks back at her)

He then realized that Nany was the girl who screamed when he first looked out the window in the morning.

Jojo: EWWWW!!

Quickly spinning behind Makoto he held her like a shield against Nany.

Jojo: Pervert! Ugh!

He wipes his hands on Makoto's clothes. She immediately swings her head back, smacking Jojo's nose.

Jojo: Jesus Christ!

Makoto: What's your problem?!

Jojo: My problem? This school is my problem!

???: You may direct your issues toward me.


Everyone beside Jojo had a panicked look on their faces at a certain lady.

(Student council member: Coco)

Coco: Hi. I'm Coco, a member of the student council.

Jojo: Perfect. I'd like to-

Coco: Nany, sweety, are you okay?

Jojo: She needs a therapist-

Coco: I haven't seen or heard from you all day, is something wrong?

Jojo: Kay... what are you doin'-

Coco: I've been so worried... Come here.

She taps her thighs as if she's calling a dog to her.


Makoto:(whispers) Psst...


Makoto:(whispers) I think she's using her stand to hide you from her. You're lucky... Now run!

Jojo: Stand...

Jojo:(mind) That word...

His breath became shallow as the feeling of rage grew within Jojo.

Jojo:(mind) Why do I know that word!?

Coco: Don't make me ask again.

Nany:... O-okay...

She began approaching the student council member, Coco, also known as her Girlfriend.



Everyone: ?!?

Having drop-kicked Nany through a door, Jojo became visible to Coco.


She rips her school jacket open, revealing a golden arrow-tip necklace.

Jojo: I did it to get your attention... Take me to the student council office!

Coco: Ohhh... I'll bring you... In a body bag!!

Jojo:(cracks neck) Bring it, bitch.

Coco: Behold, my stand! "Bad Romance"!!!

A snake whip appears in her hand.

(Bad Romance)


Coco: RA-RA-RA-RA!!

She wildly swings her stand. Everyone runs for cover in a panic as Jojo gets struck multiple times by her stand.

Jojo: GHAAA!!

He is sent sliding back into a wall.

Jojo: UGH!

Checking his arms which he raised to block the attack, he found his wounds were already infected in a stage that would normally take days.

Jojo: The hell?!

Bad Romance wraps around Jojo whilst he was distracted by his wounds.


Swinging Jojo around, she smashes him from wall to wall.


Coco: RA-RA-RA-RA-RA-RA!!!


Jojo:(mind) I need to escape... Think...think...

But only one word riddled his mind.


Jojo: UGH!

Smashing him into the ground, Jojo is dragged in front of Coco who stomps on his face.

Coco: Getting a close look at you... You're Jojo, the new kid, right?

Jojo:(muffled) Who's the say?

Coco: We were told that you flashed some students... We were willing to let that go... But I think I'll use it as an excuse to kill you!

Jojo:(muffled) Nany would be sad...


She takes her foot off his face.

Coco: What did you say?!

Jojo: Nany saw it you know... My "thing"... That's why she was ignoring you... She was chasing my D-

Jojo:(mind) D... Why did that ring a bell... D what?!

Coco lifts Jojo to her face.

Coco: I'm going to castrate you-


Headbutting her, Jojo stuns Coco, causing Bad Romance to loosen and relieve him. Slipping out of her grasp, Jojo kicks Coco as he creates some space.

Jojo: I want answers! Why don't I remember anything?! How did I get here?! Where are the teachers!?

Coco:(rubs head)...

Coco: Hmph... New kid... You need to understand one thing.

Coco: This is paradise! And its run by the Student council!

Coco: We are the gods of this world!

She holds her arrow necklace.

Coco: These things are proof of it!

Jojo: Gods....?

Coco: You seem to be a tenacious one... I'll use that against you! I'll leave you nothing but an emotional mess which I'll clean up!

Coco: "Bad Romance"!!

The snake whip stretched out and bit Jojo who was stuck in thought.

Coco:(mind) A bite from Bad Romance will cause all the pushdown emotions in a person to surface.

Coco:(mind) I've watched the toughest of punks become a weeping mess with this power.



He began walking toward Coco who was confused.

Jojo: I don't know if I have a family... A mother... A father... Siblings... Friends...

Jojo: Do I hate or love them...

Jojo: The fact I don't know, pisses me off!

Jojo: But that bite just now... It made something clear...

Jojo: An authority figure that considers themselves a "God"...





Coco awakened in Jojo something that she should have kept locked.

Jojo's rebellious rage.

Wildy, like a feral beast. Jojo rushed towards Coco. She swung her stand but was now unable to strike him. The closer he got the more difficult it became as her panic sunk in.

Jojo:(mind) I now remember it... My stand! The manifestation of my rebel spirit!

Sliding to slow his momentum, Jojo reached out to grab Coco. She juts back, leaving Jojo to only catch the arrow necklace.

Jojo: Let's see what kind of god you are... IN HELL!!

Jojo: "Tenacious D"!!!

(Tenacious D)

Tenacious D: SKADOOOSH!!


(Jojo's theme)


With one punch to the gut, Tenacious D shattered the ceiling with Coco's body. Jojo's wrath had, however, to Coco's dismay, just begun.

Tenacious D: SKA-SKA-SKA-SKA-SKA!!

A flurry of bone-cracking punches was Coco's punishment for her god complex.

Jojo: NO MERCY!!

Ending the juggling with punches, Tenacious D grabbed Coco by the leg and swung her repeatedly into the ground, paying her back for her assault, tenfold.


Dropping her to the ground where she vibrated wildly, Jojo screamed in beastly triumph, still being under the effects of Bad Romance.


Clenching his hands hard, Jojo accidentally stabbed himself with the arrowhead he snatched from Coco.


Jojo:(mind) This... What is this power surging within me?!

The power compelled him to call out...

Jojo: Tenacious D: MASTER EXPLODER!!!

He held the final note of his melodic shout, which caused the spots Tenacious D attacked to glow, then blast a jet engine-like thrust of fire out from her body.

Coco went flying in a ragdoll style across the school.


A guitar began playing on the speakers. It was the end of the school day bell.

When the song kicked in, everything went black for everyone.


Jojo awoke in his bed. His wounds were all gone, his clothes in the same place as they were last morning.

The arrowhead was, however, still in his possession.

Jojo:(looks around)...

Jojo: I'm going to burn this place to the ground...


(Ending Theme)


Stand: "Bad Romance"


Destructive Power: B

Speed: B

Range: C-

Stamina: A

Precision: A

Potential: B


Being a snake whip, allows the user to move it mid-swing and in any way they desire.

Strikes of the stand are immediately in the worst state of being infected.

The main ability of stand is "Your Ugly" which brings out the intense emotions under the victim's persona which they hide and hold back.

It differs depending on the victim. A bully might find themselves weeping from their sorrow, a calm person might find the rage they hold back to be uncontrollable.

The power last until the user stops it or is knocked out.

Stand: "Tenacious D"


Destructive Power: A

Speed: A

Range: D

Stamina: B

Precision: C

Potential: A


Each attack leaves the target vibrating. The vibrations grow over time until eventually causing the target to shatter.

The number of attacks and their strength of them alter how long it takes the target to shatter.

Stand: "Tenacious D: Master Exploder"


Destructive Power: A

Speed: A

Range: D

Stamina: B+

Precision: C+

Potential: B


Through the intense desire to put Coco and her god complex in her place, the arrowhead Jojo cut himself with, granted him a new power.

"Master Exploder"

The vibrations from his shout will cause the areas Tenacious D has struck to become spots where a fiery stream of propulsion will send the target flying wildly.

This replaces the base ability of the vibrations once activated. And like the base power, the "Master Exploder"'s power is determined by how powerful the strikes are.

There is however a chance that "Master Exploder" instead of the thrust it gives, will flat-out just cause the target to explode.

The ability is not tactically trustworthy.

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