The Dragon Bond: Heirs of Lyra

Por wilsonsoftball

77.6K 6.3K 703

Now that King Alan and Queen Ariana's three children are all grown up, it's time for them to make their own a... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Part 2:
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Part 3
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 104
Chapter 105

Chapter 79

117 22 2
Por wilsonsoftball

There was enough pressure on Elysia without her entire family watching. She could feel their eyes, their hopeful expressions burning into her as she spun and twirled and waltzed. Elysia's mother and grandmother sat together, watching eagerly from afar. They appeared almost giddy, whispering to one another as Elysia danced with one masked suitor after another.

Since there were so many suitors, Elysia was forced to divide each song to two or three partners. Otherwise not all would get the opportunity.

When she was tired and retreated to a refreshments table, a handful of masked men met her there, hoping to gain extra time with her. She had never felt more like a prized jewel, something people loved to look at and admire, but never understand.

So far the pickings were disagreeable. She danced with several men older than her father, and too many men that allowed their hands to linger. Few suitors were younger than she, though one was a mere twelve years of age.

The more she danced, the more she lost herself. If this was her future, it would be an abyss of mindless parties, nodding along, and satisfying a man she did not love. She would be society's puppet.

After dancing with a particularly large, greasy man, another stepped in. This man was young, nearing Henry's age. He was tall and confident, his hair shoulder-length. His eyes were blue and cunning, a sly smile on his face. His mask was the color of moss, with silver swirls glistening around the eyes.

"Would the Princess honor me in a dance?" He asked, holding out his hand with a bow.

She accepted his hand and was surprised by how well he danced. He was an excellent lead, guiding her easily through the steps.

"Where are you from?" she asked curiously.

He grinned, showing perfectly white teeth. "Susurros, your Royal Highness." As they continued dancing he added, "I know the masks are designed to keep our identities secret, but I find the concept a little mundane. After all, at some point you will have to know who we are."

She laughed a little. "I agree, it was my grandmother's idea."

"Besides," he twirled her once more, "you certainly have a right to judge the man you wish to marry by his appearances. Wouldn't want to be stuck with a hideous old man now would you?"

"No, I'm not sure of anyone who would."

He smiled again, "Good. Then allow me to assure you, underneath this mask I am quite handsome."

"Is that so?" While he was a bit arrogant, he was much easier to talk to than anyone else thus far. Everything about him screamed pretentious highborn, but she would give him the benefit of the doubt.

"Oh yes. You will have nothing to complain about with me."

"Is there a winning personality to match those good looks?"

"Does there need to be?" he questioned, though his tone suggested he was only teasing.

She chose to ignore the obvious answer. "Tell me, what do you do in your kingdom?"

His teeth flashed once more. "An excellent question, dear Princess; one I hoped you might ask. I am the next in line for the throne, default through my dragon bond."

Immediately her eyes darted to his hand. Sure enough, he bore a dragon's mark. His eyes lit up as he caught her staring. Clearly this was intended to impress her.

Then her eyes shifted to the other side of the room, where most of the rulers sat, watching everyone else dance and enjoy themselves. There, beside her mother and father, sat the King and Queen of Susurros. Their eyes seemed hollow, their expressions dim, despite the merriment happening around them.

She remembered hearing of their struggles with infertility. After all these years they were never able to have anymore children. The thought saddened Elysia. It was evident in their expressions the King and Queen still longed for successors, longed for a family. Instead, this man dancing with her now would be next in line.

She had danced with many men tonight, none carrying a higher status than this one. Marrying a future king would be a grand alliance; one her father would be proud of. And Susurros was a prosperous kingdom. They could aid Lyra greatly in the war.

"What did you say your name was?" she asked.

"I didn't. I'm Finnian, dragon bond of Baymus."

"Have you met my brother, Ralf? He's dragon bonded to Mirum."

He shook his head, the song coming to a close. "Wanting me to meet the family already?" he raised an eyebrow. "Does that mean I have won your favor?"

She rolled her eyes. "I was simply curious if you had made his acquaintance. One dance is hardly enough to sway me in your favor, no matter how charming you find yourself."

He mocked a hurt expression. "For me, one dance was all it took. I hope to be high on your list, Princess Elysia."

Then he left, giving her time to dash away before another suitor asked to dance. She found brief solitude at the refreshments table. She stole a quick bite of food before washing it down with a bubbling glass of champagne. Maria would scold her for it later, but she needed something to settle the nerves in her stomach. And if she was going to drink, she needed a bit more food first.

Once her glass was empty, she searched the ballroom once more for her guardian. Earlier he said he would always be near. But no matter how hard she searched, she couldn't locate him.

As the night bled on, Elysia found more ways to excuse herself from the dance floor. Like most, she was tired, her feet sore. The children were struggling to stay awake, some of them sneaking sips of wine when their parents weren't looking. All of the royalty present remained seated as they observed those who remained dancing.

Thus far the music had been lively and engaging. For the first time, the musicians slowed it down, as if feeding off the energy of the room. The next song took on a haunting start, the stringed instruments drawing out their notes. The melody was calming, almost entrancing Elysia, and she found herself walking toward the sweet notes.

At last she realized it was a Silent Waltz. Such a tune was usually played near the end of the night, allowing for some silence and a more intimate mood. It was a time when many of the children were finally ushered away by their governesses, leaving the adults to either stay, or politely withdrawal to their own rooms.

As she stared at the musicians, entranced by the delicate notes, she hardly noticed most of the guests taking their leave. Few remained, and those who did were too tired to rise from their chairs.

A thin, beautiful woman stepped forward from within the musicians and began singing, her celestial voice angelic and pure.

She was unaware of the presence of a man, watching her discreetly to the left. Eventually, she turned, taking notice of him. He wore a simple black tailcoat with gold buttons. His hair was dark and simple, a few strands falling just past his browline. His mask was completely black with a glimmer of gold tracing.

He did not ask for her hand to dance. In fact, he did not speak at all. Instead, he seemed content to stand near her. When she took a step toward him, he tilted his head. At last, he held out a hand, allowing her to decide whether or not to take it. She accepted his offer, if only to discover his name. Out of all the men she had been introduced to, he was new.

She found it odd he would choose to wait so long to approach her. After all, he wore a mask, which could only mean he was a suitor. She wondered why this man had not asked for her hand earlier. Was it simply because she was one of the few left to dance with? Had he been waiting for time alone with her, a time when most of the other suitors had finally turned in for the night? His timing confused her.

Unable to resist, she started to ask, "What's your na--" but was cut off by the man placing a finger to his lips, signaling for her to be quiet.

At first the notion irritated her. Then she realized, this was the Silent Waltz. It was taboo to speak. This was a moment to appreciate the musicians, and to allow the singer to shine through without being covered by the dull roaring of idle chatter. Anyone who chose to leave at this time would no longer be considered rude.

Elysia held her tongue, allowing him to take over as they began their waltz. He was an experienced dancer, no doubt, though not as impressive as Finnian. They moved together swiftly, taking advantage of the near empty dance floor.

As they danced, she found it impossible to shake his gaze. There was something about his eyes that captivated her. Normally she found it incredibly awkward to stare into the eyes of her dance partner for so long. Her eyes would normally flick to the side, or pretend to watch her feet as if she worried about mistepping.

With him, she could not look away. Her partner picked up his pace with the music, guiding her through spins and twirls and utilizing most of the ballroom as they moved together as one synchronous unit.

While she always enjoyed waltzing, she had never felt more graceful than this. Something about him was familiar. Like coming home after a long journey. More than likely she had seen this man before. After all, she had been attending these balls since she was a child. At some point they must have crossed paths.

As she searched his eyes, hoping to discover how she knew this man, he began to smile. It was sheepish at first, as if he was resisting the urge, but eventually he gave up. His smile was warm and inviting, making his eyes soften and shine.

Without knowing it, she was smiling too. For the first time that night she was truly enjoying herself. As the song intensified, so did their movement. His grip on her hand tightened slightly, his fingers moving over hers in a way that gave her goosebumps. She was suddenly aware of his other hand, resting lightly above her hip, warming her waist.

Discreetly, she found herself pulling closer. The space between them closed further, nudging past what was deemed appropriate.

Once more, she found herself breaking the rules of the Silent Waltz. "How do I know you?"

His cheeks reddened, an amused smile playing on his lips. He shook his head, as if laughing to himself, and then abruptly spun her around as a distraction. When she faced him once more, her eyes narrowed. It was on the tip of her tongue.

After the singer held out the final note and the strings let the song drift to a close, Elysia's partner finally ceased his dancing. Reluctantly, she stopped as well, facing him as she stood still.

Her feet were glued to the floor. Their eyes never once parted. If the song was over did that mean she could finally ask the abundance of questions racing in her mind?

Just as she opened her mouth, he bowed, forcing her to curtsy out of politeness. With her hand still in his, he placed a soft kiss on her skin. Then, to her objection, his hand slipped from hers.

All at once she realized his identity. The bewilderment was evident on her face. "Shade?"

The corner of his mouth twitched upward, before he turned away. The ability to move her feet was gone. It was as if her body was suddenly paralyzed. What was this feeling?

Finally coming to her senses, she realized he was leaving, slipping past a few diplomats. No time to lose, she picked up her skirts and rushed after him, with as much grace and dignity as a Princess could. She needed to reach him before he disappeared into the shadows. Before he could make an escape and pretend he was never there.

That would be something he would do, after all. Make her feel crazy, insist it hadn't been him. There was no way she was going to let him accomplish it.

This man, the man she had danced with, the man she felt so drawn to, was her guardian. There was no doubt in her mind. However, she knew if she allowed him to slip from her reach, he would convince her otherwise. He would refute any evidence she thought she had.

Elysia ignored the stares she received from the guests she past in the hallways as she scurried after an almost invisible target. He was quick and agile, keeping close to the darkness and staying out of the light as he moved.

Eventually he disappeared into the stairwell, descending the stairs before Elysia could catch sight of him. She remained on his trail, regardless of no longer having a visual.

The doors opened out to the gardens and she stepped outside. The cold air did not deter her from her quest. Nor did the matter of being alone. She feared nothing in this moment. Her only concern was finding Shade and proving it was him.

Suddenly she came to a halt. Before her was the maze of shrubs and flowers. Naturally he would find solace there. Did he know how terrible she had been as a child at traveling through this very maze?

Fortunately, plenty of candles lit the paths, providing some light in the darkness.

Determined, she picked a path and moved through it, her head turning right and left in search. She called his name, frantic to find him.

The racing of her heart and the chill of the night on her bare arms made her teeth chatter. Picking the next left, she moved swiftly. "Shade?" she called once more.

The night was silent. Looking around, she sighed, and turned the other way, choosing a different path. There was no logic in her search. No reason for going one way as opposed to another. Her feet were guided by the desperate whims of her heart.

A hand gently caught hold of her forearm, and she jumped back. She turned and found the man she had been dancing with, the man she was sure to be Shade.

She grabbed his hand, as if to keep him there. She didn't want him scurrying off again. The gold of his mask flickered with the light of the candles.

Suddenly, her certainty dimmed. What if this wasn't Shade? What if this mysterious man was truly a stranger? And her actions were completely inappropriate, verging on madness? How could she know for sure?

His eyes were watching her closely, as if dissecting her rapid thoughts.

"I know it's you." The whisper of her voice lacked confidence. Her eyes lowered from his, unable to maintain the intensity of his gaze.

He said nothing, a mischievous look on his face. He was toying with her. No matter what, he was not going to admit to anything.

Doing the only thing she could think to do, she stepped forward, closer to him. With her other hand she reached up to touch the edges of his mask. Behind this mask was the true identity of what she knew to be her guardian. Though she knew not his face, she knew his eyes, knew his character. The way he stood was even familiar to her.

Her fingers lingered a moment longer. If he allowed her to remove the mask, if he allowed her to see his face, that would meant he finally trusted her. Shade never allowed anyone to know his true identity. To do so was a vulnerability. That was something guardians were not known for having. Their entire life was committed to being invisible, blending in and protecting others. For once, it seemed he might allow himself to live selfishly.

Elysia was sure the rapid beating of her heart could be heard meters away. Had she known any better she thought it might beat right out of her own chest.

Finally, she gave in. She pulled the mask away from his face, removing it completely. In better lighting she might have said he looked almost vulnerable, defenseless. His shields were gone and he was at the mercy of her gaze.

He was just as she pictured and yet completely the opposite. His eyes she knew well. The other missing pieces, now whole in her gaze, fascinated her. She smiled as she took in her guardian for the first time.

Heat rose to her cheeks as she realized he was rather dashing. He was handsomely dressed, the dark color of his tailcoat bringing out the hues of his hair. He had a cute nose and a strong jaw.

Even though he would not admit it, Elysia knew this was Shade. The way his eyes kept shifting under the scrutiny of her gaze. This man was clearly not used to being seen.

Drawn to him, she moved even closer, allowing her hand to slide around the back of his neck. She toyed with the hairs on the nape of his neck absently, smiling as she absorbed this moment.

"I see you, Shade." her voice was soft.

For a moment he looked almost pained, as if he were still adjusting. After all, he had spent his entire life hiding behind the cover of his cloak, his hood always pulled up, the cowl of his cloak usually covering the lower half of his face. To be seen, after all these years. She imagined he must feel practically naked.

His hands moved up until they gently cupped her face. When he finally spoke, his voice was hoarse with emotion, "Elysia--"

Her heart skipped at the sound of her name finally on his lips. All this time, he had always called her Princess. Never once uttering her true name. It almost made her feel as vulnerable as she knew Shade to be in this moment.

Without a thought, she stepped closer and kissed him. He flinched at first, taken aback by her boldness. Part of her feared he might pull away. He was always so serious, so professional. Then she felt him relax as he melted into the kiss, their bodies shifting even closer.

Their passion eventually thawed into gentle kisses, never once pulling away. In those moments she felt the void of her soul fill with something warm and good. This was right, this was perfect. Gone were the worries of the night, replaced with only blissful longing and indulgence in desire.

When he pulled back, her heart tightened. At first she thought his face might show regret. But he only smiled, the first complete smile she had ever seen from him. It made his eyes dance and his face appear younger.

It had been a while since she had been so unbelievably happy as this. When Shade smiled once more, she found her heart tugging toward him. He looked almost boyish, as if he were finally free, released from the seriousness of his work. Where had the wise, heartless killer gone to? 

The power to pull this out of him was exhilarating. He was hers, and she was his.

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