
Od ggukiekrush

48.6K 1.6K 488

"If obsession were a person, it'd be you." A street racer by evening, and a high-school student by day, 17 ye... Vรญce

p r o l o g u e
1 | volition
2 | effervescent
3 | reverist
4 | besotten
5 | aberrant
6 | aphonic
7 | ostentatious
8 | floruit
9 | zealotic
10 | druthers
11 | scrofolous
12 | letch
13 | reticent
14 | subtlety
15 | solace
16 | frore
17 | expedient
18 | imprimatur
19 | frolic
21 | belaud
22 | intrepid
23 | satiate
24 | consecrate
25 | impetus
26 | petulant
27 | nimiety
28 | disesteem
29 | relish
30 | contrapposto
31 | inebriate
32 | dithering
33 | palliate

20 | aspartame

1.2K 51 7
Od ggukiekrush


◢◤◢◤◢◤ Circuit 20 ◢◤◢◤◢◤

The referee blows the whistle and the game is already underway. The opposing team attacked early with their star striker launching a long shot at our goal. But Whitehaven's keeper was quick to react, making a diving save. Milestone High countered with a swift attack of their own, passing the ball expertly through our team's defense. With Whitehaven's defense up to the challenge, they successfully cleared the ball away to safety.

It's tied.

Two goals apiece in double time.

The game is intense, with both teams giving it their all. It was clear that as time ticked, both teams had exerted themselves, wanting to finish the night with a win.

"This has to be the longest game I've ever watched," Jade grumbles beside me, sipping lazily on her last coffee of the night. "I need caffeine to get myself through this."

"Shh!" Skye hushes as her fingers casually dig into a large bucket of popcorn sitting on her lap. I glance at her, noticing her fingers are coated with butter (more like oil) but that doesn't stop her from getting ahold of her phone to record the game.

Frankly, it wasn't the game she was recording but the specific boy with the number seven jersey and Medina impressed on the back.

But who am I to blame her? I've only had eyes on a certain team captain all night as if I hadn't just given him a blowjob an hour ago before his game. Though I must say it might've been the reason he's playing so well tonight or maybe Theo Lauder always gives his all in every game and I'm just being delusional (as always).

Heedful, I see the sweat that trails along his temples, the way he huffs out a long breath every few miles and runs with his hands on his hips, and the way his throat bobs as he drowns himself in ice-cold water between breaks with my hawk eyes vision.

No one else seems to notice the way his silver eyes try to search for me in the crowd, and when he doesn't, the skin between his thick brows pulls together.

Nothing is more satisfying than seeing the defeated expression on his face after scoring a goal and turning to face the audience.

The disappointment in his eyes when he looks back and doesn't see the one person he hopes to see. And how, every time he does, I hope the one person is me.

It's ludicrous. The exhaustive scenarios I'm conjuring up in my head are just a reflection of how much I truly crave Theo's attention. The rate at which I want him to think only of me, even if it's all a ruse.

"Skye, we're not watching a movie. You can't just 'shush' me," ripostes Jade.

Skye shakes her head, pressing her lips in a thin line with no noise as she zooms in on her boyfriend. Russell, who has sat silently since his arrival, crosses his arms at his sister's actions.

His only comment to me was 'my day is getting better,' which sounded rich coming from him. Instead, I took it positively, seeing the way he sat next to me instead of walking away.

It was a subtle sign of acknowledgment and appreciation that he was likely too shy to express directly.

His body language suggested he was pleased to have me there, even if he was unable to express it openly. He may not have been able to express it verbally, but his body language spoke volumes, demonstrating his pleasure in my presence.

I take that this is Russell's personality, and I can't do anything to change it, nor would I even try. He's a very laid-back person the more I get to know him, and strangely enough, I enjoy his company even when I do the majority of the talking and he just sits there wordlessly. Anyone would think it's awkward, but sometimes silence is a safe space to be in.

On the other hand, there are times when Russell's silence is frustrating. I want to be able to have a normal conversation with him, and not feel like I'm pulling teeth to get him to say anything. I worry that he's not really interested in what I have to say and that he's just tolerating me because he has to.

It's like trying to read a map in the dark. You know where you want to go, but all of the details are shrouded in darkness and you can't see the bigger picture. You can try to guess the right path, but you never really know until the light comes back on.

In some ways, knowing someone is listening is comforting - not entirely a wall, but white noise in the background.

He's not entirely unresponsive. There were moments when I thought I heard him hum under his breath or nod once or twice when I cracked a few jokes. However, I could be completely wrong and assume he actually cared to listen to what I had to say. You never really know with Russell.

But then again, when I consider falling asleep to the sound of white noise, it's not so terrible. Could get used to it.

"Can't they just end it in a tie? Split the prize or something?" Jade says as we laugh at her ridiculous suggestions. "Our school has been defending for six straight minutes. It's unbelievable. I could have been out partying downtown instead of this high school game."

Her last sentence caused Skye to end her recording. She turns to Jade, frowning. "I thought you said you wanted to come and support Kade and Theo?"

Jade's face contorted. "Skye, you forced me."

"I did not!"

They both began to argue while my eyes stayed on the field.

"Whatever, I'm over it." Jade finally says, accepting that she'd rather lose the argument than hurt sensitive Skye.

"Oh, my God! Did you see that?" Skye's gasp causes us to turn our attention back to the playoffs.

Enter the goalie, Christian, a lean boy around the height of 5'8. He gets into a squat position as Theo races in his direction. He kicks the ball deep on the other side of the field in hopes that one of his teammates will catch up to it and score.

Christian braces himself, and with lightning-fast reflexes, he dives to the side to make a save, keeping the other team from scoring.

"And I told him I didn't care if he had a fucking Lambo," Jade began. Just as I thought her story had come to an end, she continued. "Mind you, this guy was half our age and a shit-faced drunk wanting to dance with me."

Instead of dwelling on it, I let her explanation pass from my left ear out to my right. I felt like a terrible friend, but I could barely focus on anything while having someone talk at the same time.

My eyes dart to one of the players, bolting through two players from Milestone High. My breath quickens when I see four other players catching up with Theo. Adrenaline courses through my veins as I watch Theo race to the goal. He skillfully dodges obstacles while maintaining his speed, and I can almost feel the tension in the air as the other players close in on him.

Fortunately, he's quick enough to pass the ball to Kade, who makes it halfway across the field before anyone notices him.

"When he leans to tell me something, he vom—"

It takes a second for Kade to reacquaint himself with the speed of the ball. He adjusts his reflexes to match, knowing that the slightest misstep could cost him the point. He narrows his focus, calculating the precise timing to hit the ball. And, when he does, he notices Theo making himself free on the side of the field.

Kade rises to the challenge, sending a perfectly-timed strike into Theo's path. He knows this could be the chance to take the lead in the game.


"Score!" yelled the commentator. "Whitehaven takes it all tonight!" The crowd roared in approval as the final buzzer sounded.

In celebration, people jump from their seats and climb on the rails to get to the field. They sprint onto the pitch, cheering and waving flags, a sea of white and red enveloping the players in an unforgettable celebration.

"Hell, yes!"


"Let's go!"

Russell mumbles, "finally."

I'm about to stand from my seat with Russell when Skye beats us to it, meeting Kade over the rail in a heated make-out session.

The frustration of Russell over the slow progress of the evening was palpable, and the make-out session between Skye and Kade seemed to be the final straw that caused him to walk away.

His exhaustion was understandable; after all, how many times had he had to cheer on his two friends?

Although, I can't seem to agree with him now that I have someone to cheer for on the field. I found that this anticipation gave me a newfound sense of joy and purpose, and made my days feel much more meaningful.

It was unlike anything I had ever felt before.

Don't get me wrong, I love the time that I spend on myself, which I mostly dedicate to self-care. It's a feeling that I'm not able to get from being alone, which is why I find it so rewarding.

However, I was also someone who preferred to do as many things as possible for my mind to be able to relax. That was my way of dealing with the loneliness that came with being an only child who also happened to have split parents. A father who never got to see me grow into the person I am today and a mother who has always been close to me but never been there for me.

She was her own person, just as I was mine.

And as I stood waiting for Theo to finish talking to his friends and family in the parking lot, I was left wondering. What the hell am I even doing with my life? Am I his girlfriend or what? Because if my actions weren't clear enough, I don't know what is.

I felt a knot in my stomach as I realized that I was not only questioning my undeniable chemistry with Theo, but my overall purpose in life.

Was this taking it too far?

Following and caring for him wherever he was is one thing. However, I had gone above and beyond the call of friendship, exemplified by my willingness to be there after every game and practice. It was almost as if I was his girlfriend, without actually being one.

All the thoughts that run through my head disappear as soon as Theo's familiar face - all bright and beautiful beneath the moonlight- gets me to my feet.

Lifting my head, I remove myself from the side of his car and wave at him. But it's too late for me to notice the three other figures walking beside him as he approaches better lighting.

A man and a woman, whom I assume could be his parents, and a little girl with pigtails laughing at something Theo is saying. I take in their faces, noting the similar features that must be shared between them as a family. Theo reaches me and I'm swept away by his infectious smile.

However, when he noticed me, his smile instantly disappeared. His sudden shift in expression filled me with a deep sense of unease.

I can't help the prickling of my skin as they near me. I can only imagine what he was thinking, but it was clear that he was wary of me. My unease only intensified as I felt the tension in the air.

"Hello," I'm the first to speak, slightly bowing my head (something I usually never do but I do it anyway). The nervousness rising in the pit of my stomach spreads through me.

Out of all the things I imagined in my head, meeting Theo's parents was not one of them. It was clear from the pained expression on my face. I felt overwhelmed and uncertain as I stood there, facing a situation I could never have prepared for.

"Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Lauder?" I greeted. All I'm afraid of doing is messing up my first impression. "It's nice to meet you," I said with a smile, hoping that I could make up for my nervous introduction.

It came as a shock for me, too, because I usually don't care too much about people's opinions about me - negative or positive. But even so, I couldn't help but feel anxious about the impression I had made on them.

"Hello to you too," the first greeting came from the woman who appeared to be a goddess to me. Her gentle demeanor and kind expression made me feel instantly at ease, as if I had been embraced by a comforting warmth. Her smile was so captivating that it seemed to have the power to dissolve away all of my worries and anxieties.

"O-Ola," Theo clears his threat, clearly not expecting to see me because I don't think he knew I watched his game till the end and waited for him after his celebration with his team.

Jade, Russell, and Skye had all come to congratulate him afterwards. However, I had to step out when I received a call from Mom, asking when I'd be home. I was glad she let me off this time, saying I would have to help with the gardening to make up for my "unacceptable behavior". I was left with no choice but to agree, signing two weeks of my life out in the sun with Cole.

I didn't mind it, though, as long as I got to spend time with Theo.

"Are you a friend of Theo?" Mrs. Lauder asks and I look at Theo before nodding.

He awkwardly avoids my gaze. "Y-yeah, we help each other with studying," he awkwardly avoids my gaze.

Studying. I take note of his words to tease him later. I know Theo secretly loves it when I tease him and say stupid shit, but I like that he doesn't say anything about it.

"Oh really?"

Mrs. Lauder was beautiful. She was petite in comparison, with hair like the shade of the sand found on California shores and eyes that were lit with emerald green, she gave off a warm and inviting aura. She seemed to always have a kind smile on her face, which was a stark contrast to Theo's more stoic expression.

It was evident that Theo had taken after his father in looks, while his mother had passed on her compassionate nature to him.

"You must be pretty close then," Mrs. Lauder smiles as she picks up the little girl in her arms.

I find myself staring. A small yawn leaves the young girl's pouty lips, indicating her exhaustion. "I guess so," I chuckled nervously.

Mrs. Lauder nudges her son on his arm as she says, "Seriously, when are you planning to introduce your friends to us? We've only met Russell and Kade. I didn't know you had other girlfriends besides E—"

"Mom," Theo cuts her off and I have a feeling that it's about that psycho bitch she was about to mention. I wonder if they know what she did to their son. "We don't need to talk about her," Theo said, his voice heavy with implications.

"It's getting late," Mr. Lauder finally announced, taking the little girl in his arms. "We should get going. Thea is sleepy."

"Sure, okay," Mrs. Lauder replied, her words emphasized by a look of worry that crossed her face.

Mrs. Lauder was a complete contrast to the man beside her, who had the darkest hair and silver eyes I have ever seen. He stands tall - over six feet, I assume. His broad shoulders and muscular physique hint at strength and athleticism that are unmistakable. That was one of the few things Theo inherited from his father. I couldn't tell if he was in his early 30s or mid-40s because his build looked like he was an active person or some kind of athlete.

Now, as I look at him, Theo resembles him so much.

I avert my gaze back to the couple in front of me, scratching the back of my head. "Sorry, I didn't mean to bother," I flash them an apologetic smile. "I just wanted to congratulate Theo, that's all. Have a great rest of your night."

I'm about to walk off when suddenly Mrs. Lauder's voice echoes from behind. "Wait," she calls out my name, and I turn around, a little taken aback by the suddenness of her voice. She thanks me for my kind words, and I feel a wave of relief wash over me. I thank her back, and take my leave, feeling a strange sense of satisfaction. "Why don't you invite her over for dinner, Theo?"

My eyes almost pop out of their sockets as I turn to them. Theo looked just as surprised to hear the words coming from his own mother.

Theo almost choked. His expression was one of shock, disbelief and confusion, all rolled into one. "I don't think-"

"Your parents won't mind, right?" Mrs. Lauder let out a small laugh, facing me. Theo's surprise quickly shifted to confusion as Mrs. Lauder's question cut him off mid-sentence.


"Honey, you're making her uncomfortable." Mr. Lauder suggests, his voice soft and gentle as he rubs her shoulders. "We just met the girl. Don't scare her."

"Oh no," I said right away, ensuring that she felt welcome. "It's alright. My parents won't mind."

"Are you sure?" They both look at me to make sure.

I directed my gaze towards Theo who only had a flustered expression on his face. Taking it as a sign that he doesn't mind, I eventually nodded my head in agreement.

"Okay, great!" Mrs. Lauder says excitedly as both couples make their way to their separate cars, opening up the passenger seat in their Cadillac to strap in Thea. I didn't need any more proof to see how well off their family was. Theo had a very low profile when it came to showing off, unlike half of the kids in Whitehaven.

On my first day here, it was easy to feel left out if you didn't have the things they had. However, I was grateful to have found people that didn't care about those things.

"T-thanks for coming out tonight," Theo says, timidly licking his lips. My eyes soften as I break out into a sheepish grin. "I don't think I would have made it if it weren't for you."

"Are you kidding? I didn't do anything, Theo. You did your best out there. That has nothing to do with me."

He fixes the strap of his gym bag over his shoulder before lowering his head. "I wasn't in the right headspace before the game," he admits as he lifts his gaze back to my face. I inhale the fresh air and glance up at the sky.

When I look down from the sky to rest my chin on my shoulder, I am met with a faint smile playing on his lips.


"I'm just glad I was able to turn it around," Theo mutters. I was so engrossed in what he was saying that I forgot he was still holding my hand. He scratches the back of his neck as he quietly mumbles, "You... h-helped me."

I hide the satisfaction on my face, aware of what he means by 'help'.

"You mean the blowjob?"

His expression clearly shows his surprise and embarrassment that I used such an explicit word in front of his parents, and he quickly glances to make sure they didn't overhear our conversation.

I bite my lip, unable to stop the memories from earlier in the locker room from consuming my thoughts.

I know I shouldn't be thinking about his cock in my mouth, but it's difficult when he looks like this - tousled hair falling over his sweaty face, glossy lips that beg for my attention, a long sleeve that sticks to his biceps like second skin, and the pair of grey cotton shorts and slides that give off an I'm not trying but I still look hot vibe. His physique was a tantalizing invitation, begging me to explore every inch of his body and tantalize my senses with the mere thought of being close to him.

I don't care for the sweat that glides over his skin - if I could bathe in it I would.

"You're welcome," I mention slyly. "I'd gladly do it again if that's what you need to win the state championship." I don't fail to catch the change in his behavior. His body relaxing once he realizes that I'm joking.

Just as Theo opens his mouth, Mr. Lauder's voice echoes behind us, "We'll meet you back at the house."

"I'll be right behind you," Theo responds and we watch as their car finally pulls out of the parking lot.

The cold fanned my face as I hugged myself against Theo's car.

"Was that your sister?" I find myself asking.

I hear Theo near the space beside me. "Yes, she's four, but smart as hell." The way he smiles thinking and talking about her makes me feel all warm inside. It gives me a new perspective on Theo outside of school. That he's not just all brains but someone who is thoughtful towards his family.

"Sounds like someone I know," I mumbled.

There were only a few students and staff left — most were there to clean. It's quiet for a moment until Theo clears his throat. The somberness of the atmosphere was palpable, with the only source of light being the Bronco sign, which seemed to be a reminder of the normalcy that had been taken away. The silence was broken by Theo's throat clearing, as if to signify the end of the moment of stillness.

"Are you sure you're okay with joining us for dinner?" He prods. "I know my mom put you on the spot there. I'm sorry about that. She can be a little too friendly sometimes," Theo explains. I can tell it's something he's been holding on to for a while. This took him a lot of courage to ask because the blush that rushed to his cheeks after saying it made me laugh.

He tries to take back his words before I can open my mouth. "Y-you don't have to if you don't want to. I, um, I just wanted to ask in case you want to—" He cuts himself off. "Forget it. Sorry, I brought it up. You probably have places to b—"


Theo stops himself, bemused. "Really?"

"Only if you drive me home after."

After a moment of deliberation, Theo nods, nibbling on his bottom lip.

"And will you let me drive?" I begged with pouty lips and glossed eyes.

Theo steps back to open the door for me and I stare at him, my frown deepening. "You are brutal. Can't you just let me drive around the block?"

He stares at me, blankly.

"Even just for a minute?"

His refusal to move likely shows that he is determined not to give in, even for a short moment of fun.

"Pretty, pleaseee?" I drawl out as Theo guides me to the front by my waist. "I'll suck your c—" He slams the door in my face and I'm left speechless. "Well that was rude of you," I huffed out, turning to him once he settled in the driver's seat.

Theo doesn't fall for my trap as he starts the engine and swiftly reverses out of the student parking lot, all with one dominant hand.

"You're boring," I let out, crossing my arms as I do so.

"And you're very persistent at sucking my cock."

"I wasn't insisting," I correct him. "I was kindly... offering?"

He tongues his cheek. "Offering with aggression."

"Ha. Ha. Very funny," I quip, turning my body to face him. "Since when did you get the courage to start talking back to me?"

Theo immediately quieted down.

"No, keep going. I like it."

I notice the side of his mouth curve as he stops at a red light to peek at me. "I hope you don't act like this around my parents."

I gasp, feigning offense. Theo realizes his words and panic sets in his sharp features. I glance out the window, watching as cars slowly pass us.

"I'm sorry..." His gaze softens on me. "I didn't mean it like that."

I switch my attention back to his side profile with a shrug. "No, I know what you mean. It's okay, don't worry. I won't say anything about our agreement," I tell him honestly. I didn't want to admit it, but I wanted to leave a positive impression on his parents.

"I'm just very dissatisfied with your driving," I feign impatience and lean back against the leather seat, crossing my legs together. "We're not going to make it before 8 with how slow you're going."

I wish I could capture this moment when Theo looks back at me with the funniest glare I've ever seen in my entire life. It was as if he was daring me to challenge him, I thought, as he allowed his lips to curl into a small smile.

His expression was priceless - a mixture of embarrassment, annoyance and just a hint of amusement. It reminds me of a meme where a Chihuahua stares funny at the camera. It's even saved as my lock screen because every time I look at it, it doesn't fail to make me cry out in absolute laughter.

"Hold that face for me," I tell him, giggling as I reach for my back pocket.

Theo pulls his brows together, teeth clenching.

"What are you doing?"

My phone flashes a single photo of Theo's offended expression to remember the night.

"Perfect," I muttered under my breath. "It's gonna make one hell of a meme in the group chat."

"Ola, don't you dare," Theo's free hand tries to reach for my phone as I mock him all the way back to his house. I didn't know it was just a few minutes from my Grandma's.

soo I've been busy with school lately bc yuhh girl thought taking 4 classes this sem wouldn't be THAT hard, my profs are already assigning readings and I'm losing my minddd! I absolutely despise reading for school (if ykyk)

anywayss vote goal is 420 because
I need time to write the next chapter ;(

~ vee

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