The Beginning Prophecy: Fires...

By SecondFlickBall

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Four Clans of cats have shared the wilderness for generations, living by a code laid down by those before the... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two

Chapter Eighteen

36 1 0
By SecondFlickBall

"Drive her out!"

"Kill her!"

The angry cats yowled as they stormed nearer to the camp, the scent of aggression heavy. The undergrowth rustled just outside the entrance to ThunderClan's camp as cats came through the gorse, led by Bluestar. Lionheart, Whitestorm, and Spottedleaf accompanied the leader. Speckletail and Willowpelt followed directly behind.

Speckletail immediately raced away from the group and toward the nursery, the fur of her tail bristling in alarm. Tigerclaw and Darkstripe grimly strode into the center of camp, shoulder to shoulder. The others trailed after, with the apprentices at the rear. Spottedleaf watched Firepaw creep silently from the shadows to join his friends.

He ran back to camp ahead of us to warn Yellowfang. Spottedleaf guessed. Noble, but criminal.

The cats who had stayed behind began to stir around the camp. They came running into the clearing with their tails high, having been drawn out by the scent of aggression and the sound of tension in the returning cats' voices.

"What happened?" Called a blue-gray she-cat named Mistyflower, rushing forward to sniff nervously at her mother's pelt.

"Brokenstar demanded hunting rights in the territories of all remaining Clans. RiverClan has already agreed to this." Bluestar replied evenly.

"He spoke despite StarClan sending clouds to cover the moon." Willowpelt added. "And warned us of a ShadowClan cat turned rogue who will harm our young. He must have been referring to Yellowfang!"

Howls of distress and anger rose from the crowd.

"Silence!" Bellowed Lionheart as Bluestar leapt onto Highrock. The cats instinctively settled in front of her.

A loud screech from the fallen tree where the elders slept made every cat turn their head. Tigerclaw and Darkstripe were roughly dragging Yellowfang from her nest. She furiously shrieked as she was hauled into into clearing and dumped in front of Highrock.

"What are you doing?" Bluestar demanded, jumping down from Highrock to glare at her warriors. "I have given no order to attack our prisoner."

The tabby toms let go of Yellowfang instantly. She crouched down in the dust, spitting and hissing threats.

Speckletail appeared from the nursery, pushing her way to the front of the Clan. "We got back before any harm was done." She gasped. "Our young are safe."

"Of course they are!" Bluestar snapped.

Speckletail looked taken aback. "'re going to chase Yellowfang away, yes?" She meowed, amber eyes wide.

Darkstripe unsheathed his claws and spat, "Chase her away? I say we kill her here!"

Bluestar fixed Darkstripe's angry face with a piercing blue look. "What has she done to warrant exile or death?" She questioned with an icy sense of calm.

All of ThunderClan held their breath.

"You heard what Brokenstar said! He claimed she-" began Darkstripe.

"Brokenstar only claimed a rogue from ShadowClan was somewhere. Even he could not confirm that said rogue was still in Clan territory." Bluestar meowed, voice menacingly quiet. "He did not mention the name of this cat. Our kits are safe. For as long as Yellowfang is in ThunderClan, she will not be harmed."

Silence met Bluestar's words.

Yellowfang respectfully looked up at Bluestar and narrowed her eyes. "If you wish, Bluestar, Yellowfang will leave now."

"There's no need." Replied Bluestar. "You have yet to do anything wrong. You will be safe within ThunderClan's camp."

The blue-gray she-cat lifted her eyes to the group of cats that crowded around Yellowfang and meowed, "We must discuss our Clan's real threat: Brokenstar. We have already started preparing for a ShadowClan attack," began Bluestar. "We will continue with the preparations, and warriors will patrol our borders more regularly. WindClan is gone. RiverClan has surrendered. ThunderClan stands against Brokenstar alone."

Defiant murmurs rippled through the felines, and the air prickled with anticipation.

"We're not going to agree with Brokenstar's demands then?" Tigerclaw meowed.

"The Clans have never shared hunting grounds before." Answered Bluestar. "We have always managed to support ourselves within our respective territories. There is no need for this to change now."

Tigerclaw approvingly nodded.

"Can we adequately defend ourselves against ShadowClan should they attack?" Smaller asked in a tremulous voice. "WindClan couldn't! RiverClan won't even attempt!"

Bluestar steadily met his old eyes. "We need to try. We will not give our land up without a fight."

A chant rose up from the cats all around the clearing. "ThunderClan! ThunderClan! ThunderClan!"

The voices died down when Bluestar raised her tail for silence. "Tomorrow, I shall venture to the Moonstone." She announced. "Our warrior ancestors will give me strength, so I may lead ThunderClan through this unpredictable time. All of you must get some rest. We have much to do when daylight comes. Lionheart, I wish to speak with you now." She turned and strode to her den without another word.

Spottedleaf noticed the look of wonder in the emerald eyes of her apprentice at the mention of the Moonstone, padding over to the tom while her clanmates hurried to gather in groups and excitedly meow in hushed voices.

"What is the Moonstone?" Firepaw asked Spottedleaf once she approached.

"It is a grand rock located deep underground that shines upon being struck by the moon's light." Spottedleaf whispered.

Graypaw listened on, eyes sharp with awe.

"All Clan leaders are required to spend one night at the Moonstone when they ascend to the rank. There, the warriors of StarClan share dreams with them."

Firepaw looked disappointed, frowning. "Dreams? That's it?"

Spottedleaf purred with amusement. "It is believed that these dreams are how Clan leaders receive their nine lives and 'star' suffix."

Firepaw's eyes blew wide. "Leaders have nine lives?!"

Spottedleaf nodded.

"That explains Bluestar's comment about her belief that Raggedstar was not on his last life when he died. I was so confused!"

"I am confident you will have a firm understanding of all our traditions by the time you earn your warrior name, Firepaw." Purred Spottedleaf. "If you're ever confused about something, I suggest asking Antlerpaw. He spends most of his free time with the elders, listening to stories and learning everything he can about ThunderClan's history."

"She's right." Graypaw put in. "Antlerpaw talks with Smallear a lot and, if any cat knows that past of our Clan, it's Smallear. He's the oldest of the elders, but his memory is strong. He-"

Spottedleaf touched the tip of her tail to Graypaw's muzzle. "You two can discuss our history in the morning. You need to get some sleep."

As the apprentices nodded and trotted back to the den, Spottedleaf noticed Yellowfang limp back to her nest in the shadows. It seemed like Tigerclaw's rough treatment had irritated her old injury. She glanced around the camp and saw the silhouettes of Lionheart and Bluestar sitting close outside the latter's den, urgently talking.

She then noticed the scrawny shape of Ravenpaw at the entrance of the warriors' den. Tigerclaw stood before him. Spottedleaf could see Ravenpaw's ears flatten as he flinched away from Tigerclaw's harsh words. The dark warrior towered over him, twice his size, fangs and eyes flashing in the moonlight. Spottedleaf took a pawstep forward, just about to move closer and break up the argument when the apprentice backed away, turned, and sprinted across the clearing.

Firepaw greeted Ravenpaw as the black cat reached the apprentices' den, but Ravenpaw hardly noticed him and pushed his way inside the den without a word instead.

Lionheart approached as Firepaw rose to his feet. "Does any cat know where are Leopardpaw, Antlerpaw, Bloompaw, and Birdpaw?" The ThunderClan deputy meowed, padding up to the apprentices.

At the mention of her kits, Spottedleaf strode toward the group. "Are those four in trouble, Lionheart?"

The golden warrior shook his massive head. "No, Spottedleaf. Your kits are very well-behaved. However, it appears that they are about to reach another important stage in their training."

"What's that?" Birdpaw excitedly mewed. She and her littermates slipped out of the den, brought out by the sound of their names and their mother's concern.

"Bluestar wishes for you four to accompany her on the journey to the Moonstone!" Lionheart didn't miss the look of disappointment on the faces of the other apprentices, for he added, "Don't worry, you five; you'll make the trek soon enough. ThunderClan needs your strength and skill at camp for now. I will remain here as well."

Spottedleaf looked away from Lionheart to her leader. Bluestar was moving from one group of warriors to the next, meowing instructions to each.

"Bluestar wants you to rest now." Continued Lionheart. "But go see Mossfall to collect the herbs you will need on this journey first. The Moonstone is far away. These herbs will give you strength and quell your appetite. There will be no time for hunting.

The four apprentices nodded, and Spottedleaf dragged her gaze away from Bluestar.

"Rest well, for you will leave at dawn." Lionheart meowed, flicking his tail and walking toward Bluestar's den.

"Well, then." Sandpaw mewed.

Spottedleaf was surprised by the lack of sourness in Sandpaw's voice. Now was not the time for jealousy, she remembered. All of ThunderClan had set their personal differences aside to unite against the ShadowClan threat.

"You better go see Mossfall." Suggested Graypaw.

"I'll escort you four." Spottedleaf offered. The walk to Mossfall's den was not long or dangerous, by any means. But the thought of her kits being away from her for so long made her paws feel cold.

Leopardpaw puffed out his black fur in defiance, his ice blue eyes narrow but soft. "We are going to be warriors soon, mama. We can get herbs by ourselves."

Spottedleaf's heart ached at her son's words. It seemed like they were tiny scraps of fur nursing at her belly a sunrise ago, and now they were about to take another step toward earning their warrior names.

Birdpaw and Bloompaw bounded forward to press themselves against their mother, deep purrs rumbling deep within their throats. With how close the three were, it was difficult to tell where one tortoiseshell pelt ended and another began.

"Don't listen to Leopardpaw, mama." Mewed Birdpaw. "He's just a mouse-brain."

"We would love for you to escort us." Bloompaw added.

"Let's get going then!" Antlerpaw shot off, his dash dwindling to an eager trot as he waved his tail for his kin to follow.

Spottedleaf and her remaining kits quickly padded toward Mossfall's den. Not even the light of the full moon could penetrate the thick fern covering, leaving the tunnel dark.

Mossfall seemed to be expecting them as they emerged from the darkness into the clearing. "You've come for traveling herbs." She guessed.

"Yes, please." Answered Antlerpaw.

"Your traveling herbs are waiting."

Mossfall indicated a pile of carefully made leaf wraps with her tail. "Enough for the four of you. The dark green herb will stop your hunger pangs on your journey. The other will provide you with strength. Eat both of them before you head to your nests. They are not as good as fresh-kill, but the taste doesn't last long."

"Thank you, Mossfall." Mewed Antlerpaw. He leaned down to pick up one of the parcels.

Leopardpaw, Birdpaw, and Bloompaw picked up their respective bundles and the littermates headed back through the tunnel.

"Wish them good luck and safe travels for me." Mossfall meowed to the tortoiseshell.

"I will." Spottedleaf promised before she followed after her kits.

They arrived at the entrance to the apprentices' den and the young cats dropped the herbs.

"I hope these herbs don't taste too bad." Muttered Leopardpaw.

"It must be a long journey to the Moonstone. We've never received herbs before. I know it's past WindClan territory, but where exactly is it, mama?" Birdpaw asked.

"It's beyond the territory of any Clan, at a place known as HighStones. The Moonstone lies deep within the earth, in a cave called Mothermouth."

"Have you been there before?" Asked Antlerpaw.

"Of course. All apprentices make the journey to the Moonstone before becoming warriors."

The apprentices' eyes gleamed with excitement, and they stood a little taller.

"Don't get your hopes up, little ones. You still have to finish your training." Spottedleaf warned.

The tortoiseshell looked up through the canopy of star-lined leaves at Silverpelt glittering in the black sky overhead. Moonhigh was gone already. "You should get some sleep." She mewed before relaying Mossfall's message, and wishing them a goodnight.

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